Hareluya II Boy

26 May, 2024

God had a son and sent him down to Earth. But instead of absolving sins of the sinners, he becomes a delinquent and picks on others for a fight! Sorry people, this is not the story of Jesus Christ but Hareluya II Boy. Oh wow. To think that the son of God was such a delinquent in heaven that the Almighty Himself had to send him down to Earth to teach him. From the way I look at it, looks like nothing is going to change. Son of God still beating up punks and wants to conquer the world! OMFG! Why not conquer heaven then?! Oh people, it doesn’t matter if your prayers are heard or even pray at all. Jesus isn’t coming and we’re going to be screwed by the fist (or frying pan) of the son of God! Revelation is here!

Episode 1
Kiyoshirou Okamoto despite a high schooler at Rakuen, is working secretly at a construction site at night to earn extra money for his dream. He is slow in carrying over some items as the foreman scolds him. However passing by Hareluya Hibino throws it to him if he wants it fast. Later after Kiyoshirou gets his pay and goes home, he is surrounded by a few delinquents led by Shozou Momiyama who want to steal his money. Kiyoshirou fights back and will not allow them. Just when you thought he had lost, here comes Hareluya to beat these chickens up and even breaking Momiyama’s hand bones with his… Frying pan?! The baddies run as Kiyoshirou passes out from exhaustion. He wakes up in a chapel and sees Hareluya fighting, uhm, is that God?! Noticing the same uniform, Kiyoshirou realizes he is from the same school as his and remembers this delinquent getting suspended on the first day of school for beating up other delinquents. Today marks his return to school and he sleeps through class! Later on Hareluya learns Kiyoshirou’s dream of becoming a painter. He is saving up to go to France to learn arts and is doing in on his own without anyone’s help. Hareluya likes that idea. When he leaves, Momiyama and his goons aren’t going to let Hareluya go. Momiyama claims to fight one on one at a designated place and mocks him by tearing up Kiyoshirou’s sketch. Hareluya goes to that designated place only to find dozens of delinquents are waiting to beat him up. Yeah, nothing like his special net to beat them all up. Meanwhile Kiyoshirou hears Momiyama badmouthing Hareluya and his painter dream. This makes Kiyoshirou mad as he tries to fight Momiyama and co even if it’s a losing battle. They are going to break his hand to end his painter dream when Hareluya turns up. Why looking so shocked? Yeah well, he is here for the one on one fight as promised. He beats up and breaks Momiyama’s other hand and tells his dream of world domination! This is just the first step. Momiyama begs to be spared but nothing will get in the way of Hareluya’s goal. Hareluya decides to treat Kiyoshirou to a meal to celebrate their dreams.

Episode 2
Kiyoshirou has some extra cash to splash so he is interested to get some silver stuffs from a street vendor. Surprisingly Michiru Yamana is from their school and selling silver trinkets for her dream. But there is one buckle that isn’t for sale. Uhm, then why put it up? Soon, a group of hockey delinquents cause public nuisance. Hareluya and Kiyoshirou manage to stop them but with the police coming, they flee. WTF they took the buckle along and beat up Yamana when she tries to stop them? Sad Yamana walks back home and passes by the church. God sees her and decides to take her in and hear her troubles. Apparently the buckle belongs to her late brother who thought her how to make silver stuffs. He went to America for a while and then returned to Japan but was killed last year in an accident. Thus the buckle is his keepsake and her dream is to become a jewellery designer. But with it stolen, she thinks it is a sign from him to give up. Obviously Kiyoshirou and Hareluya heard it and the former vows to get it back. First he asks Momiyama about the local gangs. Then he tells Yamana not to give up on her dreams. Hareluya is looking for Kiyoshirou as Momiyama brags about telling the kid about Killers who inspire themselves after American street gangs. Their specialty is bringing victims to dark places and then lynch them. Of course Hareluya is not happy Momiyama sent Kiyoshirou to his death although Momiyama claims he was just warning the kid. Killers plan their next target when Kiyoshirou shows up to take back the buckle. They mess around with him and mock him until of course Hareluya shows up to take over. Killers lead him to the dark underground where they slash him from behind. But turns out they were just slashing his shirt as Hareluya has also poured fuel on the floor. He lights it up and beats the sh*t out of them. No threat of dropping the buckle in the sewer is going to save them. Yeah, guy so scared he wets his pants and gives it back. Momiyama is sent to return the buckle but upon seeing the cutie Yamana is, he buys everything! Yamana gets back her buckle and knows Kiyoshirou and Hareluya are behind this and is grateful for their help.

Episode 3
Hareluya is happily sleeping in class when noisy bikes startle him. It seems this gang is warning Makoto Ichijou about holding his concert. Hareluya is not impressed with his disturbed sleep and beats them up. Then there is a confrontation between Hareluya and Ichijou about being the strongest in school. Ichijou fires his pick that pierces through metal as warning and then lives. Yamana explains to the guys that Ichijou was once part of a rock group called Mad Satan. But they also double as gang and extort money from weak audience members. Their concerts often get ugly. Ichijou then left to pursue his true music and obviously Mad Satan wouldn’t allow that and said they will make him pay. We see Ichijou practising with his new band before leaving for some errands. Right after that, Mad Satan guys come in to beat up his manager to ruin his concert. What are the chances Kiyoshirou and co are passing by and see the beaten up manager? When Ichijou returns and sees the manager’s state, what a timely phone call from Mad Satan to tell him to come to a certain place at a certain time if he wants to save his band mates. Ichijou will go settle this now. The manager reminds him not to return to that past but Ichijou promises he will be back for the concert. After he leaves, Hareluya forces Momiyama to be his driver and tail him. Ichijou arrives to free his band mates and beat up Mad Satan even though outnumbered. By the time Hareluya arrives, all are taken down. Ichijou is making his way back but his injuries has him collapsed. Thank goodness he passed out outside God’s church. Just when everyone thinks the concert is a no-show, they hear where Ichijou is and rushes over. OMFG, they’re holding a rock concert at the church! Rock on! A few Mad Satan wants to disrupt but Hareluya won’t let them desecrate his home and gives them an electrifying beat down.

Episode 4
God taunts his son in giving a lunch allowance. He throws the money away and it lands into the hands of some wandering reggae painter, Bob (is he related to Marley?!). Meanwhile Yamana is Kiyoshiro’s model as he shows her an unfinished painting by Shuntaro Kithara that he likes. It is believed the original artwork went missing with the painter. When Hareluya finds Bob, the latter is grateful for his lunch money and will paint his portrait for free. Meanwhile Hitler (temporary name since that moustache?!) knows who Bob’s identity is and that painting he has that could sell for billions. He sends his men to get it and of course those punks disrupt Bob’s art and tear our great Hareluya’s portrait just to send the message. So a big brawl with Kiyoshirou and Yamana getting involved. The baddies escape as Bob treats them to oden while telling his own sob story after learning Kiyoshirou wants to become a painter too. Bob believes he killed his own wife, Marianne. Alone in France, he met her and they fall in love. His paintings didn’t bring much so Marianne had to work to support him. So when his art finally took off and brought in the money, he neglected her and started travelling. Until he realized she was dying of a disease. He blamed her for not telling him but she told him she didn’t want to get in the way of his art. It was then he decided to discard money and drew only for her. However she died and his painting became incomplete. So yes, this is the original unfinished painting. So the hooligans are back to make trouble. Our delinquents put on a brave fight but they should be worried about Yamana who left earlier. Because a punk thinks she has the original painting and beats her up. Momiyama tries to look cool in fighting him and save her but it is Kiyoshirou taking the limelight and that distraction causes that loser to lose. During that commotion, Hitler steals the painting and leaves. You sure he doesn’t want to finish them off? Big mistakes baddies always make.

Episode 5
Seeking refuge at the church, Bob reveals it all including he is that Kithara guy. He thought he was through with art when Marianne died. At her funeral, the mourners were more interested to buy his painting than mourn her death! Bob couldn’t accept it and kicked everyone out. He buried the painting with her but some grave digger dug it up and sold it. When Bob found out, he had to get rough and steal it from the art dealer. He left France and wandered into Japan. The rest is history. Hearing this story, you bet the guys are going to help Bob and get back his painting. After all, they can’t see another person’s dream being crushed. Thanks to one of the captured punks, he leads them to Hitler’s base. Obviously Hitler can’t stay since he needs to fly to London to make some big auction money. He’ll let the punks handle them. Kiyoshirou and Hareluya go after him while letting Ichijou and Momiyama handle the small fries. A crazy car stunt that has Hitler crashing his car. I don’t even… Anyway, Kiyoshirou steals the painting with Hitler hot on his heels. He runs into his school as Hitler takes hostage of Kiyoshirou’s sketch of Yamana. Exchange the painting or would he rather see it burn? Kiyoshirou steels his resolve. He won’t give it and would rather let him burn the painting. That’s when the rest is here as Hitler gets apprehended and Bob coming to his senses. Because of this silly artwork, it gave nothing but troubles. As long his love for Marianne is strong, he can paint as many times he wants. He burns his painting. Hitler is in despair that everything is worthless and leaves. Then it is revealed Kiyoshirou switched a copy with the original. He views this painting completed as Bob realizes Marianne has always helped him with his art even in death.

Episode 6
Momiyama is in love with Yamana but you know, believing Kiyoshirou is in the way, you bet he is going to do something about it. He goes to talk to that kid about being in love with Yamana and needs his help to ask her on his behalf since nobody likes him. Of course the nice kid accepts. And then later with Bob, reggae dude entrusts his painting to him. You see, Bob thinks of returning the painting to Marianne’s grave but knowing Kiyoshirou will go to France one day, he wants him to achieve his dream and by doing so, Bob’s dream will also be completed. This worries Yamana because she can’t phantom the thought of Kiyoshirou leaving. That’s why she needs to ask him tomorrow. However he asks her about Momiyama’s favour and don’t worry, he’ll come along. She accepts only to appease him and looks like the invitation to the art museum will have to wait. Bob heard this and tells Hareluya and Ichijou so you bet they are going to keep an eye on this. Momiyama arrives in his car and thinks he is helluva grand. Yeah, Yamana’s unimpressed looks tells it all. He drives around and tries to get lucky with her but luckily Hareluya’s group in their weird getup keep thwarting Momiyama’s perverted schemes. With Yamana and Kiyoshirou having better company, Momiyama tells them off a legend. Those who get a flower on top of a cliff, will have their love come true forever. So he gets Kiyoshirou to get it while they wait in the café. So this kid actually climbs the cliff? As we see, it is Momiyama’s waiting and putting up a fake flower. Of course Hareluya beats them up. Then they go to shove Momiyama’s car off a cliff so that bugger is kept busy doing his balancing act. Nobody will get in the way of true love! Kiyoshirou returns with the flower. Well, both have been feeling off the whole day. Rather than following the café’s legend about lover’s drinking a particular drink as they change their plans and head off to the art museum together.

Episode 7
Ichijou is surprised to see a friend, Megumi Aihara running away from delinquent girls from Majo. When he catches up with them, they are beating her up for money. Ichijou intervenes and the boss lady, Reiko Ibu will not let this go his way. Ichijou trying to be a gentleman and not hit her? Well, Ibu’s poison pin numbs him out and they are brought to a bar that they are hanging out as their base. Because Ichijou didn’t turn up, the rest wonder if he has bailed on them. Thank goodness Momiyama was passing by so he tells them what he saw. Time to stick their necks into this. Ichijou soon learns Aihara’s problems. It seems there is a blackmailer who has been taking compromising photos of her. If she doesn’t want them spread, she have to cough up the money. It all began when she was down. Then the Majo invited to hang out with them and they drugged her drink. It won’t be long before Hareluya busts in to take on Ibu. Stupid Momiyama gets knocked out just because she showed him a bit of her flesh. Ibu starts throwing her poison darts at Hareluya so either he is the best dodger or she is the lousiest aimer. Kiyoshirou and Yamana sneak in to free Ichijou and Aihara. After that, Ichijou takes over Hareluya to settle his score with Ibu. This time he changes his tactics and punches her. Although the photos are burnt, the blackmailer still has the negatives. Aihara dares him to spread them as she intends to go to the police. Ibu then tells them where he hid his negatives. Blackmailer thinks she betrayed him but she corrects him all they wanted was a place to hang out. Majo girls leave and leave Hareluya to give this blackmailer his due penance. Aihara burns all the negatives.

Episode 8
At a flea market, a feeling girl, Yuka Mochizuki leaves a puzzle in Kiyoshirou’s hands before being chased by ruffians. Although Hareluya helps Kiyoshirou in taking them down, Yuka is still scared of them. Talking to God, she mentions her fear of men because her dad was an abuser although he died many years ago. It seems the puzzle could be a map of a treasure and is only half of it. In fact, yesterday her mom died and left her with the puzzles and along the way home, she bumped into delinquents. Their leader took a liking of it and took it back. Now he must have realized it is a map and wants the other half. As you’ve guessed it, our boys will take it back on her behalf and even Momiyama has some info about them. He warns them about Jin Kurosaki who is the evil mastermind behind this group and their base is at some newly built school. Apparently Momiyama is going to rat out his pals too and tells Kurosaki about them. As our boys arrive at the school with Yuka, Hareluya takes Yuka’s hand and barges through. Don’t worry, he will keep them safe from all the punks. Ichijou and Kiyoshirou stumble into Kurosaki who is pretending to be a victim. But when they turn their backs, he hits them hard. He uses all sorts of dirty tricks to beat them up. Yuka has gotten close to Hareluya that she won’t let him leave her. Together they knock out the vile Kurosaki. Putting the puzzle together, they realize it is not a map. A heart picture. The puzzle breaks to reveal an engagement ring from mom and a family picture during happier times. Yuka realizes mom still loved dad and was what supported her through it all. Yuka assures she is alright now and shakes Hareluya’s hand.

Episode 9
Looks like Rakuen’s baseball team is going to make it to the championships. However Yamana explains last year when they made it to the quarterfinals, the opponent’s player got wounded. Only a baseball bat belonging to Rakuen was found at the scene and the culprit never caught. Because of that, the principal banned Rakuen for competing further and their main star, Yuichi Honjou left although it felt more like he got kicked out. When a couple of guys attack Hareluya and will only let him pass if he pitches perfectly, Hareluya does so and this guy realizes he is the one. Turns out he is Honjou and… Momiyama? They are pleading for him to play baseball but soon hear screams of a Rakuen baseball player being taken out. Since Honjou arrives at the scene first, his fellow team members think he did it and go after him. Kiyoshirou and co hide him and soon when a shady group passes by, Hareluya pitches and breaks his guitar case, revealing a baseball bat. They want to fight but the jerks realize this won’t benefit them and tell Honjou to give his answer. Back at the church, Momiyama explains on Honjou’s behalf since he played baseball together. One of the jerks is Junichi Hido who is a fast pitcher. During one of the finals when their teams met, Honjou prevailed over Hido. Shock from the defeat, he disappeared. Until Honjou joined Rakuen and that incident happened. It is believed Hido is looking to get his revenge on Honjou. Now that this year Rakuen is allowed to play, Hido blackmail to pay a hefty sum or he’ll crush all their baseball members. While Honjou has given up his own dreams, he won’t allow the dreams of the rest to be crushed. Rui Nohara who is the club’s current captain is appalled Honjou never said anything about this. Honjou has accepted his fate and believes this is the best outcome. But soon, Nohara gets kidnapped. If they want to save her, they have to face Hido’s killer pitches. Hareluya dares take the challenge. Despite bearing the brunt of his pitches with his body, he shows that his strength is not to be messed as his baseball bat almost hits Hido. Before the guys get into a fist fight, Hido stops them because this might disqualify the team. So they’ll have to crush them via baseball. So with all our characters here, they are short of 1 guy to be the catcher. Who? Hareluya throws something at the altar and immediately God catches it! There’s your man. The game is on.

Episode 10
So yeah, Honjou’s team are a bunch of seemingly amateur losers. Can they win? We all know better. So as we see them play ball, Hido’s side is of course playing dirty and even getting physical. But no matter how dirty they play, Honjou doesn’t want his to sink to their level because they will play baseball the fair way and beat them at their game. Nohara has told Rakuen’s baseball team the truth so they feel they have wrongly accused Honjou and are now here to cheer on him. Even when the going gets tough, the thought of swapping players, Honjou won’t allow his comrades to do so. Because they have a clean slate and wants them to enter the tournament without dirtying their hands. So just keep watching and praying, huh? More dirty tricks from Hido like using a sniper to shoot paintballs to blind Hareluya. Like that will stop him. So in the final desperate moments as Hido’s side gets physical (Hareluya also getting physical to beat them up) and Hido taking out a knife, Honjou’s punch to his gut stops all the madness. Safe to say, Honjou wins and Hido better stick to his promise in leaving Rakuen alone. Honjou’s baseball members apologize for the accusation and invite him back to play with them. Uhm, if he rejoins, doesn’t it mean they’re going to play with tainted hands?

Episode 11
Rumours swirling about some awesome biker making fools out of Hell’s Babies (?!). Sayaka Kano is the new transfer student in class and when Hareluya accidentally trips her, she manages to regain her footing. Hareluya steals borrows God’s bike so that with Ichijou, can go smoke out that biker. They catch the biker in action making those Hell’s Babies look like real babies. But when they got the biker down and cornered, the duo move in to save the biker and run. As they hide, Hareluya accidentally touches her boobs and they realize she is a girl. She slaps him and runs off with Hareluya’s bike. Next day in the streets, Kiyoshirou and Yamana see Hareluya’s bike nearby. They see Hell’s Babies trying to beat up a pantomime who turns out to be Kano. OMFG can all 3 of them sit on the bike? With Kano’s skills, definitely. She rides into the church and tells her story that she is seeking revenge. She and her father once travelled the country to do street performance. Until they bumped into Hell’s Babies in which they crushed papa’s legs. Although hospitalized, that ended his dream and he soon died. She has been looking for Nightmare, leader of Hell’s Babies to get her vengeance. Oh wow, Nightmare has been listening and throws her a challenge letter. It’s a game of chicken. She accepts the duel and you think Nightmare is kind enough to lend a bike. Obviously it is rigged so Hareluya lends his. As they ride on an unfinished elevated highway, Nightmare playing dirty like trying to hit her off. Eventually her skills are better so he takes a tumble and clinging on the edge. He is begging for his life. She really wants to let him fall but realizes it is not worth dirtying her hands. After his men pull him up, Nightmare wants to kill her. Of course Hareluya intervenes and dumps all of them to the bottom of the highway. Soon, Kano transfers out. She writes them a letter that she is now performing freely in New York.

Episode 12
Kiyoshirou and co are at the amusement park in which the draw is some sentai show. But soon a girl named Layla crashes on Hareluya and she believes he is her saviour. She tells of her story in which she was kidnapped from her planet by a cruel circus ringmaster, Guerghil. She was forced to do shape shifting circus performances from planet to planet. While passing Earth, the ship got caught in an energy storm and crash landed in Japan. While Guerghil was out, she stole the ignition key and ran. She wants Hareluya to help defeat Guerghil so she can take his ship and fly back home. Uhm, why not steal the ship when he is out looking for her???!!! Anyway, Hareluya is impressed and will help her while the others think she is so in her sentai role that she is delusional. Nobody believes this alien thingy! So the trio leave Hareluya to his devices as they visit other attraction. That is when Guerghil shows up and mistakes Yamana to be Layla because the ignition key looks similar to her pendant. They think this guy is nuts but better believe it, this guy breathes fire! He beats the guys up and kidnaps Yamana. So when the guys tell Hareluya about this and blame the staffs are too passionate in this sentai thingy, Layla rushes off herself. Now Guerghil threatens to drop her because the ignition key is fake. Of course Layla pops up to hand it over in exchange for Yamana’s life. But she gets abused for defying him. Time for Hareluya to show who is boss. I hope he won’t set sights on universe domination after this. In the end, Hareluya pulls out a disintegration gun that shoots water and kills Guerghil? Well, anyone who watches movies should know those who use fire are weak against water! Layla conveys her thanks as she leaves in the ship. Now you believe with your own eyes a UFO leaving the atmosphere?! Well, they’re arguing the great special effects…

Episode 13
Miko Jinno is being publically harassed by punks from Kurohebi shrine. She is putting up with it until Ichijou tells them to stop. When they are about to retaliate and Ichijou going to fight back, Miko comes in between. She doesn’t want any fighting. Later Ichijou tells his pals about the strange girl Miko is. Her dream is to create a world without conflicts. I don’t know how but yeah, apparently nobody fighting means world peace. Of course the rest find it unbelievable especially Hareluya. Even more so Hareluya thinks Ichijou is in love with Miko. As the guys are about to fight, Miko stops them. Oh, she’s working here at this ramen store too? Hareluya doesn’t give a damn about her peace dream because nobody gets in the way of his world domination! Kurohebi guys are back and this time they brought their boss, Aya. Like usual, they threaten the store owner to pay up or would he rather have his store experience misfortunes? Hareluya is not happy his ramen meal is destroyed so he fights the goons. When Ichijou wants to join in, Miko stops him. No fighting! She believes that peace can be achieved since humans can talk to each other. Since she is hell bent on this policy, Hareluya tells her off maybe that she is okay putting up with everything for peace. But not him. Ichijou seems serious when he tells Hareluya to knock off the harassment. That’s it. Hareluya leaves. Do whatever you want. Later the rest see Miko praying at her shrine. Her mom tells them that this policy was from her late dad. She’s trying hard to make his dream come true. Aya and her goons are back. This time they have bought over Hareluya by feeding him ramen. When the goons attack Miko, Ichijou protects her and get injured. Kiyoshirou fights back too and once again, Miko telling the usual. Until Aya tells her off that sometimes you must fight. You can’t always sit and pray if you want to protect the things you love. I guess Hareluya’s loyalty goes as far as how many ramen bowls they can feed him. Now he is back to kicking the goons’ ass. Aya returns with a mean excavator! Damn, how many arms does it have?! Yamana’s words open Miko’s eyes. This time she fights back. By throwing stones at the excavator?! Damn, this girl needs more real life experience! Luckily Hareluya saves the day. Before he deals the serious penance blow to Aya, Miko stops him. Why? Because Miko slaps her. Aya so scared that she’s cowering behind Hareluya for protection! Let’s hope those extortionists learn their lesson.

Episode 14
Hareluya and Ichijou see a group of girls being harassed. Oh, it’s that damn Momiyama. After they beat him up, the girls give them tickets to their school’s festival as reward. But it seems Momiyama is not done and wants the tickets handed back. You see, one of the girls is Shizuka and is Momiyama’s sister! He has picture proof so don’t dispute him. The story goes that there is some turf war between some delinquent gangs. Apparently the rival has warned Momiyama to back out from their turf or they’ll go after Shizuka. Momiyama received word that they have sent someone known as Dissector (who ‘rearranges’ people’s face) to sneak into the festival and get Shizuka. Momiyama wanted to tickets so he can protect her. But why wouldn’t she give it to him? The real reason is that she hates his sideburns and unless he shaved it off, she won’t allow him! Ichijou feels disappointed. His sister’s life is in danger and he cares more about his sideburns? Don’t worry, they’ll protect her in his stead. So they get into the school that has very tight security measures. Damn, they have a metal detector! I don’t know why but Ichijou puts up a last minute concert so that he could have a meeting with Shizuka later. Shizuka reveals about the sideburns thing but she doesn’t exactly hate it. When she was younger, he used to rub his face on hers and those sideburns stung her. Although she grew out of it, seeing them again brings back the trauma. Soon she is being called to office but along the way, Dissector kidnaps her. WTF her screams can be heard by our main characters but nobody else?! By the time they get there, she’s gone but her dropped handkerchief has this musk smell. Yeah, hope nobody else is wearing this. Uh huh, Momiyama saw a guy in dark cape taking her away so now he harasses anyone with it and smells for the musk! Eventually he realizes Dissector must’ve taken her to a room because well, he wants to dissect her. Not sure how he got the right room but Dissector ambushes him. His tools are made out of ceramic so it doesn’t set off the metal detectors. Momiyama goes to great lengths to protect Shizuka and gets beaten up. Luckily, Hareluya has follow the scent and beats the hell out of him. Shizuka is safe and somehow doesn’t fear sideburns anymore. Because of Dissector’s humiliation (being hung out naked in public?!), the turf war ended as the rival gangs don’t want this embarrassment to spread, Momiyama is a happy man because he gets to keep his sideburns and is invited to next year’s festival.

Episode 15
Kiyoshirou suddenly gets ambushed by Ibu that he has to be hospitalized! Does she still have a grudge with Ichijou and trying to ruin his upcoming live concert? Then steel beams drop over Hareluya although he pushes Yamana away. Damn, this guy needs to be hospitalized too? This time a note from Ibu for Ichijou for him to remember something 2 years ago. Remember? Yes he does now. He knows the culprit isn’t Ibu but Ryouji Mikage, the one pulling the strings. He leaves for some school and promises to be back for tonight’s concert. He confronts Mikage in a room but Ibu ambushes and poisons him. Mikage and Ibu are a couple and the latter hates Ichijou for hurting Mikage with a knife. Ichijou calls out to that BS and since he is weakened, Mikage beats him up. Mikage then trolls us by wanting to make out with Ibu but he handcuffs her to Ichijou. He lies about ever being in love with her and this is all for revenge. He is going to play a game. They can run as far as they want and he’ll hunt them down with his crossbow. Flashback shows when Ibu saw Mikage’s forehead scar, Mikage told her his resentment of it. As the duo run, I wonder how the f*ck Ichijou took off his shirt to cover Ibu. They’re handcuffed together! Anyway, the hunt begins and Ibu gets shot in the leg. Blood trail. Ichijou tells the real story that it was Mikage and his pals with weapons who ambushed him here. Cornered, when they attacked, they accidentally hit a mirror and the splinters cut Mikage’s forehead. When Mikage thinks they are cornered at the top, he is so dumb because they ambush him from behind. After Ibu bandages his hand, Ichijou leaves for his concert. Ibu then realizes Mikage still wants payback so she fights him. Why didn’t they tie him up? Mikage thinks she has fallen for Ichijou but she claims at least Ichijou forgave her in spite of everything she did unlike a spineless coward like him. Before she gets owned, Hareluya is here to give some payback. Here are steel beams to trap him and Ibu delivering the knockout. Hareluya hints of Ichijou’s concert so she makes her way there. You mean he waited for her to arrive so as to start the concert? Why isn’t the crowd mad? Oh yeah, shirtless Ichijou jamming away so cool!!!

Episode 16
Thanks to God’s grace, our gang gets a sponsored trip to the hotsprings in the mountains. As they take a train ride there, they see a girl, Kaya Mizuno praying at a grave. However Yamana sees a boy standing behind her. Strange, the other guys didn’t see anything. Then they heard about the local legend about a samurai dude named Yoroi that haunts the place till this day. Yeah, spooky. At the inn, they see Kaya as a staff. When Yamana asks her about that boy, she claims she doesn’t know and rushes off. She becomes clumsy and as Ichijou tries to help her, she refuses and goes away. During the boat ride, Ichijou suddenly sees Yoroi and gets dragged down by him. Although Hareluya pulls him up, he didn’t see any samurai and thinks it’s all just Ichijou’s imagination. That night, Yamana thought she saw a ghost but it’s just Momiyama. Yes, he got invited too. But when Momiyama learns about Yoroi and tries to ask more about it from Kaya, Yoroi attacks him! Kiyoshirou accidentally stumbles into Kaya while she is in the hotspring and soon he too falls victim to Yoroi. Later Kaya is seen talking to a picture of her dead boyfriend, Naoki. She wants him to stop since the victims did nothing to her. Hareluya knows Yoroi is Naoki because the charm she dropped earlier contained a picture of him inside. He wants to face off with Yoroi and here comes that samurai. Oh man, can he fight a ghost?! Oh well, he is the son of God! WTF Hareluya tossing Momiyama at Yoroi before finishing off?! The armour breaks to reveal Naoki. Naoki keeps reiterating he will protect her but Kaya slaps him. Uhm, can she slap a ghost?! She claims he has ruined her life by doing so and GTFO. Sad Naoki crosses over. Obviously it was all an act from Kaya to force Naoki to move on or else the hauntings will continue. With Kaya making her peace, Hareluya and co leave the next day refreshed.

Episode 17
Have we seen this scene of Momiyama mugging Kiyoshirou before? Well, it’s because the whole gang is acting! Akiko Jissoji is Yamana’s friend and it is her dream to become a filmmaker. Yeah, she believes Hareluya has acting potential and sees him as an angel! You don’t say! So they’re filming a love story about a badass angel with a high school girl?! Even if Hareluya flubs his lines, Jissoji is kind enough to allow him to adlib! OMG, she’s giving him a lot of free reign to do as he pleases?! She is making this movie for a competition that will be her next step to achieve her dream. Of course her rival, George Matsuda (WTF Freddy x Jason combo getup?!) gets jealous hearing this and sends a warning note. If that’s not enough, he and his zombie goons go to threaten her. She wants this fight to be fair and via their movies so he accepts the challenge. Filming and editing continues. Jissoji is having problems with the final scene and asks Hareluya for advice. How should the final turn out? The angel descends and takes over the world! Yeah, sounds so much like him! Later, the zombie goons surround her and steal her footage. Wow. So lame but it happened. She tells the rest about this. No time to reshoot since the competition is in 3 days. Well then, Hareluya has an idea for the final scene. He’s going over there to whoop some ass and has Ichijou as his cameraman. But when they arrive, they only face off with the zombie grunts. Big boss not around. He got word that Hareluya is coming so he fled to Jissoji and then rips her footage before her. He has his crew film this final scene for his film and starts to torment the rest. Soon, our bad boys return and this will be greatest action finale. Matsuda’s chainsaw vs Hareluya’s hacksaw! Who wins?! Obviously. Matsuda turns into a coward when his mask breaks. Run away you ugly bastard. Jissoji’s footage is ruined. Can she edit it? Yes she can. Just in time for the competition as we see the gang eagerly watch its debut screening.

Episode 18
Reiji Marukido becomes the new transfer student. With all his flashy jewellery and bling, all those gold digger b*tches try to get on his good side but he tells them off first that he is not interested in all of them and that he is not the same low level as them for he is the heir to Marukido Group. You think Hareluya treats him nice at his seat but it is a prank since the table is broken as Marukido falls on his face. Because other guys mock him, Marukido thinks they did this. So later he calls them out and has his bodyguard, Goda beat the sh*t out of them! They reveal it is Hareluya who set that prank so Marukido is now looking for him. Momiyama and Ichijou now figure out who Marukido is as they drag Hareluya away from his ramen lunch. They explain how he defeated the entire gang named Jamila. But the worst part is that he is a gigolo. Whenever he sets sights on a woman no matter who she belongs to, he will make her his. That’s why when he moved on Jamila’s boss’ woman, they attacked him only to meet their doom. Speaking of which, Yamana accidentally spills her ramen on Marukido so she wipes it up. Marukido now takes an interest in her. Ichijou continues explaining because of Marukido’s power and wealth, they use it to cover up incidents. Like those boys being ambulanced away, you bet this case will be covered up. Hence, don’t get in his bad books. So did Hareluya get all that? Perfectly. He is someone in the way of his world domination! Later Marukido tries to force Yamana to be his girl. She refuses. Can Kiyoshirou protect her? Well, Hareluya, Ichijou and Momiyama claim they also want Yamana? They’re going to fight over a girl? Marukido summons Goda as he grabs Ichijou and he could do nothing about it! Marukido explains Goda is some underground blood sport champion who has killed many. But Goda meets his match as he takes on Hareluya. Since the teacher is here and is shocked at this incident, Goda wants Marukido to call it off for another day. As they leave, Goda still feels the pain from Hareluya’s kick. Haven’t felt such power in years. Could be the real deal. Marukido calls the Jamila buggers and hires them for a job. It is to kidnap Yamana at her home.

Episode 19
Marukido has also paid the Jamila money to take out the guys. Yeah, they’re ganging up on Hareluya, Ichijou and Momiyama but they’ll be fine. Can Kiyoshirou handle his on his own? Well, his construction worker colleagues gave them a good drill! Ichijou picks up Kiyoshirou and tells him about Yamana’s abduction. As Marukido goes off with an unconscious Yamana, Goda tells him to stop this. Marukido isn’t fazed. He’ll get transferred again like always, so what’s the big deal? But there is more pressing matters. Jamila has also hired other gang members to take Marukido out but of course even with everyone ganging up on Goda, they still lose like hell. By the time Hareluya arrives, they see a pile of delinquent corpses. Okay, they’re not dead. But you bet our guys are going to the ends of the Earth to save Yamana no matter how tough it is. WTF can a motorbike sit 3 people?! No wonder the police on their tail! WTF instead of using Momiyama’s car, they force him to obstruct justice?! Marukido tries to rape Yamana but is warned by Goda. Yamana wakes up and threatens to jump out and kill herself. Marukido thinks she is bluffing but Goda believes she is serious. Goda continues to advise not to cause a person’s death, it is irreversible. He is forced to understand his place because many years ago in a match when Goda was about to lose his championship and life, it was Marukido pleading to his father to buy him. That saved his life. So you think money cannot buy anything? Yamana calls out to Marukido that he may have money and power but he doesn’t have dreams. Pissed, he dares to jump out. Yeah, her friends are coming to save her! So Marukido drags her back to his villa and tries to rape her. Meanwhile our boys barge in but face a pack of mean doberman guard dogs. WTF Hareluya uses his pan to destroy the statue, the flying debris causing those dogs to scamper away?! Now they face off with Goda.

Episode 20
Seeing Yamana being held hostage, Kiyoshirou rushes in but gets owned by Goda. Seeing Kiyoshirou is hell bent in risking his life since he can’t always depend on them for help, Hareluya throws him over Goda and into Marukido’s room. That is his fight. This means Ichijou is left to fight the other guards while Hareluya takes on Goda. However Marukido ambushes Kiyoshirou and it’s lights out for him. So much for their fight. Because now they watch how the others are doing. It might seem Hareluya is losing and then he gets knocked out. Over? Not quite. Because he gets back up each time he gets knocked down. This makes Goda panic until he beats him to a pulp. Marukido explains before Goda went underground, he was a pro boxer. He was fighting an opponent like Hareluya, one who never gave up and stood back up. This went on until he was killed and that ended his career. But it was when Goda realized his thrill in life or death battles. So such tenacity only makes Goda turn into a vicious killer. But of course Hareluya rises up as always and knocks Goda out. Kiyoshirou is back up and continues to fight Marukido even if he is losing. Yamana fights back but obviously can’t do manage. When he is about to wound her, Kiyoshirou uses his hands to protect her. This would destroy his painter dream but that doesn’t matter now. All he wants is to protect the girl he loves. Is that official?! This has Goda explaining he too had a dream. After killing that boxer, it was to die via fight. When he was to succumb to that fate in that underground match, he believed Marukido’s money did not save him but stole that dream. Now he views Hareluya as one who would fulfil that dream. Hareluya and Kiyoshirou defeat their respective opponents. It’s time to go home. Loser Marukido is not done and takes out a gun. However he can’t shoot! Scared with Hareluya’s smug? Goda tells him even with a gun, he won’t stand a chance. The irony that kids taught them that dreams aren’t there to help them die but to help them live strongly. So, better to live in shame now?

Episode 21
Beach episode! Yamana sees an old friend there, Natsumi Nagisano. Well, first thing she got slapped and called a traitor. Not going much into details because today is the day of the big wave where all the surfers are trying to ride it. However there is another pressing issue: Jaws. No, not the shark but a group of human ruffians who harass beachgoers and surfers as they want to be the first to ride the big wave. Then they harass Natsumi and she tolerates it all. Until they somehow mess up Hareluya’s shaved ice so he beats them up. However Natsumi is not pleased. Because of that, they’ll target her. Yamana tells their story. It seems both girls made a promise to ride the big wave. Yes, Yamana was a surfer girl. One day, Yamana had to move to Tokyo and Natsumi was away. Hence she went away without saying goodbye. Then with her brother’s death, Yamana gave up her surfing dream to carry on her brother’s legacy. Over the years, it made it awkward to contact her. That is why she doesn’t blame Natsumi for hating her. Kiyoshirou then goes to tell Natsumi about this and she is surprised since she didn’t know Yamana’s brother has passed on. Suddenly Jaws is here to take down Natsumi. WTF they drag her out to sea? Kiyoshirou returns to the rest so WTF they steal a speedboat to catch up? Hareluya’s turn to beat them up while he stays dry. Until he loses his balance and falls in. After rescuing Natsumi, Jaws did the unthinkable by breaking her surfboard. Hareluya returns by pulling out an orca to own them! Back at shore, big wave is seen coming. Yamana gives her surfboard that Natsumi has been hanging in her place at replacement. Now it’s time for Natsumi to live out her dream. Go ride the wave, girl!

Episode 22
The gang sees Taro Momiyama being harassed by a punk. But he manages to break free and then taunt him to chase him to a place in which Ibu dressed as some sexy wrestler beats him up. Wow. All the audiences are young kids and they’re throwing their money for this awesome show?! So as the rest try to look for Taro, that kids pop up again and this time pranks Hareluya. Same cycle happens but when Ibu sees them, she wants to pass this one and not fight. Ichijou recognizes her and wants to know the deal. So, these kids are so stressed out in life that they’re resorting to this?! WTF?! Video games not enough?! Taro hired Ibu for the job and she gets paid for all the guys he brings in for her to fight. Ibu quits all this seeing she is in love with Ichijou and wouldn’t want to go against him. Taro is not happy with this ‘betrayal’. Later that punk and his gang find Taro and want to beat him up but it seems this kid has a proposal. They don’t want to listen but Baraki seems interested. Soon Ibu gets call of help from Taro. She goes to save him and beats up all of them. But soon she realizes this is a trap when Taro reveals his true colours as he is now Baraki’s business partner. She makes her fight Baraki and loses. Damn, Taro knows all her moves and relays them to Baraki. He can react that fast? Baraki is going to crush her but Taro proposes Ibu joins them again. Since she refuses, it is game over. Meanwhile, some kids earlier saw Taro being taken away so they plead to Hareluya and co for help. They rush over and beat up the punks torturing Ibu. She tells Ichijou that Taro is in danger. The kid thinks he has Baraki under his control but that dude is no pushover. Speaking of Taro, he is pondering of Ibu’s replacement and Baraki knows a girl.

Episode 23
Baraki takes Taro to observe Naomi. Yeah, just like a delinquent beating up anybody she doesn’t like. Kiyoshirou and Yamana talk to Taro’s friends. He isn’t always at home. His father is a lawyer making tons of money and obviously has no time for his son. Taro was good at video games but that soon didn’t bring him any more excitement. He stopped going to the arcade and skipped school. Kiyoshirou and Yamana hope they will contact them if they have more info on Taro. But soon Taro threatens them to stay out if they’re not interested in playing his game. Naomi wows the crowd as she kicks ass of all unsuspecting punks lured into the ring. Ibu tells the rest how she met Taro. She saw him besting a rival at an arcade. Later a group of punks beat him up to steal his money. Taro stood back up to call them cowards. They were going to slug him but that was when Ibu intervened to shut them up. Subsequently an impressed Taro had a proposition for Ibu. She excepted because she was bored. And Ichijou was also rejecting her advances. And here we are today. Not sure how Hareluya knows Momiyama is one of the audiences so he forces him to spill the beans. Ichijou in disguised becomes the bait so that he is lured into the ring. But it will be Ibu vs Naomi as Ibu will show him what a true fight is. Naomi loses and Taro blames her for not following his instructions. When Naomi’s fingernail is broken, she gets mad and picks up a weapon. This goes against Taro’s fun and principle but Naomi won’t listen and continues to attack.

Episode 24
It might look like Naomi is winning but it is actually Ibu leading her on until she finds an opening and take her down. Taro is still not convinced seeing Naomi disregarded his instructions. Otherwise she would have won. Next up is Baraki but with Ibu sustaining injuries, Ichijou will fight next. If love says so. As they fight, Taro gives instructions to Baraki but Ichijou manages to counter them. Baraki then destroys his earpiece seeing his instructions only will be a hindrance. Both return to slugging each other as Taro realizes he has been used. Thank goodness there is Ibu for him to cry his heart out. She then tells him why his instructions won’t work because of time lag. Taro tries to guess their next moves but they are not what he expected. In the end, Ichijou defeats Baraki with a move nobody expects. Baraki is suddenly beaten up by Shinji and doesn’t want to see this loser’s face again. So he is the final boss? See how strong he is as he wrecks the entire place! Yeah, it’s no longer child’s play. He beats up Ichijou and Ibu. Even when Taro tries to fight back, nothing happens. I suppose this is to have Hareluya’s turn in the fight. Uh huh. Not much fight either as Hareluya easily beats him up. In the aftermath, Taro is ready to challenge Ichijou and Hareluya. Almost got us there because he wants to play this new fighting video game with that. Bring it on. Back to basics is always the best, right?

Episode 25
Yeah, these punks have no shame as they beat up a nun in the street! They’re gonna face the wrath of God because literally here he comes smashing down like a comet! He saves her, marry her and they bore a son. OMG. This was God’s life on Earth? When God wants to tell his son the truth, as usual he ignores him. But God realizes there could be some bad omen as the statue of this fake Jesus thingy is crying blood! Hareluya meets a punk on his way home who wants to fight him. OMFG, Hareluya sent flying! Is this real?! Get this. God using tarot cards to realize his fate! WTF???!!! He panics when he sees Hareluya returned all messed up although that tough guy thinks it is no biggie. After Hareluya describes the guy he fought, God panics. Because that guy is the devil, Kanzaki! So the devil has a name? Anyway, God tells his son not to fight him. You think he will listen? Worse, the church rocks and Kanzaki telling them their lives will end in 24 hours. God tells him to leave his son out but nobody listens to an old man, right? God tries to tie Hareluya to his bed while he goes settle this himself. Not sure how Hareluya got out but he traps his father in his church! Hareluya makes his way and meets a few familiar characters as he remembers when Kanzaki delivered him the defeating blow and was given a rematch chance in 24 hours. Meanwhile Kanzaki is just being freaking creepy. Eating lizards, flower petals and candle wax?! OMFG WHAT?! Time for Hareluya x Kanzaki face off as they pull out all the stops. So epic their fight they become giant themselves as the entire world watch in shock. Yeah, cue for past characters to make their stinking 1 second cameo. If Earth is too big for the both of them, the fight goes into space! Even more giant size! Puts Galactus to shame! It gets weirder and weirder and eventually Hareluya throwing the sun to defeat Kanzaki! OMFG! WHAT THE F*CK BS IS THIS???!!! With Earth so small, he grabs it and realizes his dream of world domination. Uhm, that’s it?! Of course it all turns out to be one dream and his friends have a good idea what he is dreaming about.

From Hallelujah Bøys To A(Mɇn)
Oh man. The final episode felt like one big trippy LSD trip. I suppose they want to shake things up because it is the final episode already so how else to make it epic when you have the son of God vs the devil. And the biggest mindf*ck is that it is all just a big f*cking dream! Yeah, I should have seen this coming but I was in so much of a shock at all that ridiculous and bizarre things in the finale, my brain stopped working. Serious. True story. So, to say that Hareluya has finally achieved his dream of world domination, isn’t that all just a dream? Well, technically it is but yeah, does it really count? Oh well, if Hareluya says so, so be it. Don’t want to argue and get a black eye just because we go against him and he punches us out of pettiness. Yeah, if there’s one thing I learnt from this series, don’t you ever try to pick a fight with these morons!!!

I was wondering what kind of story this retro anime would have but as it turns out, looks like almost every episode is a standalone filler and have no relation with each other save for a few. Yes, there is no coherent plot and every episode somewhat follows this similar pattern. The character of the day in trouble, our gang happen to be around and hear the ‘tragedy’ or misfortune, the only way to help out is the beat up the obnoxious baddies of the episode and with that, everybody is happy and continues with their happy lives. Wow. So simple that it just feels so generic and boring. I am unsure if this was how the manga ran but as far as the anime is concerned, if you’re looking for some sort of solid storyline to follow, you’re going to be very disappointed. It doesn’t really go anywhere nor does it answer a lot of questions. You just see Hareluya and his pals picking on fights to save the day. That is all. Oh well, perhaps it’s like trying to fight fire with fire? Because if everybody was agreeable in sitting down and having conversations, Hareluya would have been out of business a long time ago.

This means my initial confusion of Hareluya being son of God may be incorrect throughout this blog of mine. You see, I got curious to find out why this series was named so and if it was the second part, where was the first part? As I found out, the author did create a previous Hareluya series that was very short-lived and this second one was somewhat a reboot. The first series was the one that said Hareluya was the son of God and he was sent down to Earth to better his attitude. None of that was said in this second version although they pointed out there were connections and homage to it. So yeah, this second version’s synopsis didn’t say Hareluya was the son of God and in fact, his father isn’t actually God himself! Harebare was his name. I thought it was a strange name for a God but heck, he wasn’t really that Almighty himself. Hence the premise about Hareluya being a high school delinquent and his friends with their own dreams to achieve while taking on other delinquents and corrupt adults, sound more down to earth.

As we have seen, many of the episodes are standalones and do not relate to each other. The fact that every episode is named after a character in focus proves it. Are we afraid of forgetting that character or be bugged in the case that character’s name is never mentioned anywhere in that episode? Hey, at least it isn’t Hareluya’s name in every damn episode!  Such a self-centred jerk. But! Ironically in the next episode preview, Hareluya narrates the title in a different manner that gives a better picture of what that episode is going to be about. For example, the episode featuring Miko, Hareluya’s narration would state as “Hareluya on the shrine”. Or that episode featuring Jissouji, the trailer would say “Hareluya on the movie”. Yeah, in the end it has always got to be him, right?

Honestly, it seems I find those episodes with longer arcs to be more interesting than those that only last a single episode. I don’t know, maybe have more time to digest what is going on? I have this weird conspiracy theory that arcs that lasts for 3 episodes will have the character name repeated in its episodes and only Marukido and Taro have the honour to be named in multiple episodes. Get what I mean? Otherwise those arcs that last for only 2 episodes are named with different characters. Like that baseball one. Because I don’t even see how Nohara was the main character of the episode when it was still Honjou that took the lead. Yeah, so must be some 3 episode rule thingy, huh? By the way, most of these characters appear only in that episode and you’ll never ever see them again. Ever again. Whether they are the good people or the scumbags. Like as though they ceased to exist after that. Don’t count that last episode that has blatant cameos. So if you want your animes with deep character development, you’re not going to find it in this one too. So much so you can watch a majority of episodes in any order and you will not lose anything.

So talking about the main characters, Hareluya being the titular character definitely has a lot of issues. Dumb delinquent issues. Oh well, can’t blame it entirely on this series since the anime aired way back in 1997. You feeling old? I know I am. Many of you punks not even born yet! Anyway, the theme of the series is delinquents and obviously Hareluya being the disobedient son who does everything at his own pace with no fear of consequences because simply nobody can best him in a fist fight. He may look like he doesn’t care and is selfish but because he is main character, when it comes down to it, he’ll care. In his own way. And obviously it involves beating the crap out of the baddies of the day. That’s some tough love for you and learning lessons the hard way if you don’t want to play nice! He is also arrogant, cocky, childish, a huge bully and all those similar bad boy traits but it’s better to put up with it because that is Hareluya for you. Better to be on his side than against him. So yeah, not even the son of God is perfect. Heck, sometimes I think Hareluya is more of the son of the devil! Damn, I would’ve loved to see this twist in the story of being switched at birth! Unfortunately that did not happen.

The running joke about him is that he can seemingly pull out something from thin air from his back. His favourite choice seems to be the frying pan. I don’t know how this would make the sinner feel penance on his back but yeah, anybody seeing somebody pulling out something like that would definitely be in shock as they also will state the obvious of how he pulled that damn item from out of nowhere. It gives a bit of variety and dumbness to the fight because we’re going to get bored if Hareluya just uses his punches and kicks, right? After all, he follows no rules so might as well make the sinner atone with his frying pan or steel beams or even a killer whale! Oh man. I’m surprised he hasn’t pulled out the moon from his back yet! Another pet peeve about Hareluya is that he loves the limelight and gets very jealous if somebody else (friend or foe) tries to stand out more than him. Sometimes it feels like a petty excuse so he could get violent. I mean, do you dare go up against our Hareluya-sama?!

The other pet peeve I have about Hareluya is his world dominance dream. I mean, I am going to ask if he is serious in achieving his dream or not? He keeps saying world conquest but I don’t see him doing anything about it except beating up a few local punks. I think that is doing more local justice than anything to do with international world control. The way I look at it, at this rate he is not going to achieve his dream because he is being content sleeping through class and hanging with his pals, aside beating up those who get in his way. So yeah, where is the world dominance ambition in that? Is that just a fancy term to say he does what he wants? Because yeah, world dominance sounds badass enough and for others to think twice about messing with him. Even at this rate, Kiyoshirou, Ichijou and Yamana have a better chance in making their dreams come true than his. Heck, I even see more probability of Ibu becoming Ichijou’s wife than Hareluya taking on the world! And no, happening in his dreams does not count!

The rest of Hareluya’s groupies, what else can I say about them? Kiyoshirou looks like the weakest of the group and it feels like his stamina and strength doesn’t match his sense of justice. He often jumps head into a fight first without thinking about his own safety. I’m not saying that Kiyoshirou itches for a fight but each time he can’t stand some atrocity, he jumps in to stop the attacker even if it means he gets beaten up like hell. Some say he is stupid but I guess he got more balls than most of us and even those delinquents who think they can push weaklings around just because they act like a tough guy! If there were more people like him in the world, it would’ve been a better place but unfortunately it’s filled with sleazy lowlife punks and it makes a wimpy ordinary guy like him a standout hero. The irony. The other tough guy in the group is Ichijou. He is a better gentleman than Hareluya and he too has to put up with this guy’s shenanigans as Hareluya keeps calling him a closet pervert. Then there is Yamana who doesn’t provide much except for some eye candy and of course Kiyoshirou’s love interest. But if you need a tough chick who can kick ass, Ibu is your girl although she joined the gang late and also to serve as Ichijou’s love interest although this guy is trying hard to resist her feminine charms.

The odd one out is Momiyama. This guy solely exists as a comical character and a punching bag of the group. After all, he isn’t even officially part of the group and serves more like some sort of scapegoat or whatever reasons they can come up to find fault in this guy. Basically, Momiyama is another one of those characters who act tough but is a coward. A big chicken. When he hears some tougher groups or individuals nearby, his first thought is to get away and not mess with them. Of course this means he knows his place but it makes him useless. Sure, there are times where he mans up but that is so far and few and negligible. Otherwise, he will be used as some sleazy plot device so our main characters do not have to dirty their hands like getting info out of other gangsters and their whereabouts. Then he pays whatever price he has to pay just for comical purposes before taking a bow. You’re not needed anymore so out you go. Poor guy. Sometimes he is like the unappreciated ally for Hareluya’s gang and then unceremoniously tossed away when he is no longer wanted. What a cruel fate. Karma maybe? Don’t blame God… Speaking of him, he’s always having a hard time controlling his son who is always at his own pace. Looks like a nagging father but each time Hareluya gives him the slip. When God has trouble reining his only son, we’re definitely screwed. Hence God here looks more like your bald pious uncle… Sheesh. He could also double as Santa when needed. Yikes!

Having a delinquent themed anime means you’re going to see some bad boys slugging it out. I suppose I can classify this as action? However sad to say, the fights here are paltry and most of the time they look comical and unbelievable. Don’t go hoping this will have high quality shonen-esque fights like in Naruto, Bleach, One Piece or Dragonball. Mostly they are mediocre that it makes you want to laugh or raise an eyebrow at how cringe it is. Sure, a bit of blood and some bruises but considering that animation quality at that time, it just sucks.

Of course this brings me to the animation quality and if I have to put it in a word, it is bad. Yes, yes, this anime aired all the way back in 1997 and it does reek that era’s anime style. However it is bad enough that many of the scenes are just appalling and laughable. As mentioned why some of the fight scenes suck is because the lack of animation and the characters just look freaking stiff when they swing their punches or do their flying kicks. Even more so, everything here looks bland including the colouring and hues. Yes, yes, blame technological limitations at that time but in that same season this anime was released, we also had Slayers Try, Shin Tenchi Muyou, Chuuka Ichiban, Clamp Campus Detectives and Kindaichi Shounen No Jikenbo making their debut. I have to admit I have not seen some of these series entirely but I can tell you this one would easily rank the lowest in terms of the animation quality among this aforementioned pack. It’s like nobody QC this thing or they just did a quick job, rushing for the airing deadline.

Perhaps this anime wasn’t meant to be 100% serious badass because there are loads of elements of comedy. This is especially when Hareluya starts to brag, boast of has his head bloated up so big. Then his animation and facial designs will all get cartoony and I thought he was the grownup version of Crayon Shin-chan! No kidding. With Hareluya and Ichijou always getting into their usual spat, their animation features also turn chibi and comical. Like, really? So badass boys also have their comical and chibi side to them? This anime was done by Triangle Stuff who did Macross Plus, Serial Experiments Lain and NieA_7. Obviously they are defunct today.

Voice acting, surprised to hear Shinichirou Miki as Hareluya. Though, he doesn’t sound as badass as Takehito Koyasu in his Jojo role. Though, I can envision the latter in Hareluya’s shoes and could’ve made him sound even more badass. Sorry but not sorry, Shinichirou Miki sometimes makes Hareluya sound a bit sissy! Surprisingly, there are a few seiyuus I recognized although they only make cameo appearances like Akio Ohtsuka as Nightmare, Fumihiko Tachiki as Bob and Baraki, Ikue Ootani as Yuka (yes, this is Pikachu and Chopper here!), Jouji Nakata as Ichijou’s manager, Kazuki Yao as Marukido, Unshou Ishizuka as Goda and Nobuyuki Hiyama as Hido and Shinji. The rest are Yuuji Ueda as Kiyoshirou, Katsuaki Arima as Ichijou, Urara Miura as Yamana, Hiromi Tsuru as Ibu, Kiyoyuki Yanada as Momiyama and Ginzou Matsuo as God. Yeah, the cast list is a long one seeing the vast number of characters here and there are multiple seiyuus voicing multiple minor background characters.

All the songs here are sung by the Japanese rock group, Spyke. However, sadly as I read, they broke up shortly after the anime and their complete album was never released. Only those featured in the anime (albeit not all of them) were released. Anyway, their rock songs have this one kind trademark and I don’t really find it amusing. Whether it is the opening theme, Tight-Break or Words Of Free (first ending theme – too noisy) or Closet Freak (second ending theme – for some reason, why does this song reminds me of an old Christmas song, Jolly Old St Nicholas?!). There’s a whole lot of other insert songs Spyke also sings during some of the episodes but they aren’t to my liking either. As for the BGMs, they have a wide range of them. Ranging from fast paced action to slow pieces to comical ones and jazzy ones. Reggae and military style also have. Some tracks even sounding like they came out from a video game soundtrack. Yeah, but the one I think I like best is the rock spoof version of Hallelujah! Oh sorry, I meant the chorus from Handel’s Messiah. Handel gonna raise his eyebrows… Next to my liking is the badass rock version of Bach’s Toccata & Fugue! Oh yeah! Bach gonna roll in his grave when he hears these sick electric guitar riffs!

Overall, this anime series is actually just mediocre. Uh huh. There were a lot of dumb moments that don’t make sense (for stupid comical purposes obviously) and literally if you just want to watch a delinquent anime with no actual story and don’t want to invest in any sort of character development, this is your answer. In a way, I can see why this doesn’t ring much bell as a retro classic to veteran anime viewers. I won’t go so far as to say this anime sucks (even though the animation quality could have been better) since I too had my fair share of fun moments laughing at all the unbelievable silliness. Oh yeah, to think the real Jesus Christ died on for our sins and I hope it covers the sins of such guilty pleasures! Unfortunately, I still won’t be repenting and soon will be returning to my usual sin of watching more crappy fanservice-laden anime titles. That’s part of my lifelong dream to watch as much animes as I can. So what are you going to do about it, bub! It’s going to take more than a frying pan for me to find my penance!