Zombie Land Saga Revenge

27 August, 2021

Oh yeah. Those zombie idols are back! Not sure if they listened to my request (and perhaps from others) or it was already planning in the works back then. But whatever. Because after 3 years since the first season was aired, now we get to see more idol zombie antics in Zombie Land Saga Revenge! Oh, revenge? Did something die or get killed? Oh heck, aren’t these zombie girls dead in the first place? Or are they going to take the music and idol world by storm and hence this is their ‘revenge’? You know what they say, revenge is a dish best served cold. And a zombie’s skin is dead cold, right? Okay. Sorry with the bad pun… Oh right. Almost forgot these undead girls are supposed to save Saga or something.

Episode 1
We see the Franchouchou girls doing their respective part time jobs to get out of debt. WHAT DEBT?! Remember their last concert that was a big hit? Yup, they became celebrities and the likes. Everything was going well for them. Until Koutarou booked the ultimate stadium for them to perform at: Ekimae Fudosan Stadium (EFS). Too bad turnout was only 1% and their performance was shaky. So while the girls work hard trying to clear this debt, Koutarou fell into depression. Yup, drinking his woes out. He doesn’t care anymore. Sakura tries to go talk to him but gets mocked instead. Franchouchou felt Koutarou putting together EFS was rushed so they sneak into his room to find clues. Nothing. I guess they’ll just have to work hard for their next concert and hope he comes back. When Yugiri catches Koutarou deep in regret and blaming himself he was wrong all along, Sakura tries to talk to him a second time and make him remember those ‘motivational’ words he said. Too bad he still doesn’t care. That’s it for Sakura. Goodbye you jerk! Franchouchou performs at the mini rock house. Those hard rocker punks don’t appreciated sing a bunch of girl idols on stage. Meanwhile Koutarou continues to be really depressing. Until the bartender tells him to just tell the girls straight that everything is over and not leave them hanging halfway like that. It is then Koutarou suddenly picks himself up and rushes over. As Franchouchou finishes their song, the crowd is not please. GTFO! Koutarou barges in and tells them to do an encore. Despite being punched, he still tells them to sing. A couple of those death metal hardcore fans try to support Franchouchou. Other punkers don’t like it so it becomes a free for all! Amidst the brawl, Franchouchou sings their next song. I guess it is captivating enough that everyone stops midway and gets stunned by their performance. Pretty plain if you ask me. Haha! You know Koutarou is back when he summons Franchouchou for their usual morning meeting. Gooooooooood morning my idol zombies! Welcome back!

Episode 2
The usual Koutarou’s zombie abuse and harassment. This time his plan for Franchouchou’s return is via TV. They’re going to do some TV host thingy with White Ryu, a famous rocker in the 90s who also hosts a radio show of his own till today. Saki is of course a big fan of that guy. Can’t miss this flamboyant dude with a pompadour and he rides on the car’s bonnet! Everything he says is so freaking cool to Saki. But others, cringe? The show goes well and before Ryu leaves, Saki goes to say her thanks and everything. However it seems he hints that he is going to give up his radio show and this has Saki spacing out ever since. The girls ponder if she is in love with him but for now, they let her be. That night, Sakura talks to Saki about it and learns that Saki when she was alive, the delinquent she is, fought everybody and anybody that went against her. It was then Ryu’s radio show helped her find her way. It was also how she met Reiko. Since she can’t accept this, Saki drags Sakura as she peddles her way to the radio station. Ryu invites them to talk on his live show as surprise guests. Saki wastes no time in telling him not to quit because Saga needs him and that he is the guiding light to many in Saga. What will they do if they find they no longer have a place to return? However he points out that what those need is a place to return and not him. Hence he wants them to take over his radio show since they have the passion. Proof is that they are right here before him. They’ve got that spark that lights a fire in others. Heck, he notes Saki isn’t going to be the leader of just Franchouchou but all of Saga! Saki gladly accepts this role. Ryu rides off in his car. Whatever answers can be found, it can be found in Saga. He hints to come hit on him when she’s grown a bit mature. Can zombies grow up? With Ryu’s departure, Saki is overwhelmed with emotion and cries. Can zombies cry?! So infectious that Sakura also starts crying! Don’t cry too much or you’ll dry up and be a mummy! Franchouchou is back as there is a sizeable audience in the hall to usher them singing their next song. It’s going to be busy for them as they also continue to host the radio show. Don’t forget, the answer you’re looking for can always be found in Saga!

Episode 3
With Franchouchou getting their popularity back on track, Ai warns of complacency because remember EFS? Yeah… Don’t let that happen again! They continue their usual training until the usual zombie meeting. WTF Koutarou acting like an army officer with lots of censored profanity?! Sir, yes sir! Anyway, he has set up for them to be the opening act for Iron Frill who will be doing a concert here in Saga. Oh sh*t. Another trauma? However Ai won’t be cowed and would gladly take on this challenge. Too bad for her, Koutarou will have a different solo assignment for her. The rest disagree because they’re a group and they’ve been performing without anybody recognizing them. Koutarou: STFU and do as you’re told! That is all. This means Junko will have to take over Ai’s duties in training the rest. As Ai’s solo job is doing well, Koutarou turns down invitations for her from other prefectures! Why? He believes Franchouchou is created only for Saga to save Saga. Any other prefectures using them is just a trap to capitalize Saga’s glory! Yeah, how are they going to pay back their debt then, dummy?! We also see Junko having her own securities as she isn’t confident she can pull it off. Even when other Franchouchou members show off their improvised tribal music using everyday tools (?!) just so as to stand out other than dancing and singing, she still has her doubts. Thus Junko needs more time to herself as she ponders and reminiscences about her previous idol life. Yeah, she got famous by her trademark singing on a rooftop. Of course Sakura talks to her to dispel her anxiety. Since she’s still feeling so-so, she suggests talking to Ai about it. But then they see Ai talking with Shiori (current lead singer of Iron Frill). She has been keeping her eye on Franchouchou for a while now. Noting that Ai’s talents is just like the Ai of Iron Frill, she wants her to join Iron Frill as she believes Franchouchou isn’t the right place for her. She can tell from experience how much she wanted to shine better than Iron Frill’s previous leader. If she stays in Franchouchou, she’ll never achieve the glory she’s after. Shiori doesn’t need an answer now. Wait till she watches Iron Frill’s performance and she’ll show her why Franchouchou can never reach those kind of heights. Ai maintains her cool composure but Junko starting to get more traumatized?

Episode 4
Obviously Junko is still depressed and it really shows during their practice. Maybe a little walk will help. So as we see Junko torn between where Ai should belong, the real Ai returns. What’s wrong? Junko can’t face her and runs away. How low can a zombie go into depression? Meanwhile, an Iron Frill member is worried about Shiori since she is obsessed about Ai. Though she claims recruiting a new member might make the group stronger, she is reminded that Ai is in the past. We have to move forward. A depressed Junko waltzes into Koutarou’s room. Instead of answering about the stuffs she has prepared, she reveals about her insecurities of Iron Frill trying to recruit Ai because Franchouchou isn’t good enough for her. Koutarou tells her to STFU. Stop making this sound like this is all about Ai. What about her? It sounds like she is using this as an excuse to give up because if she really didn’t want Ai to leave, why did she not go all out to stop her? So go out there and smash it! All the limitations you’ve set yourself! Wow. Words from a guy was just recently depressed. Is this what you call experience? NAH! And we all know Junko is back because she has a clear idea of what to do. Before the concert begins, Shiori is shocked to learn Ai won’t be performing with Franchouchou. She claims the group is nothing without her. Ai tells her not to judge. Franchouchou has worked very hard so let’s just watch. Franchouchou begins with an awesome drum solo from Tae followed by an awesome electric guitar jamming by Junko. The rest then follow up on this death metal hip hop. At the end of the song, Junko smashes the guitar! OMFG! She really took Koutarou’s words literally! Oh Koutarou! You looking shocked! Yeah, it’s a pretty expensive guitar… Junko signals Ai to jump on stage. After that, Franchouchou touch some live wire to have electric effects all over them. Is this what they call an electrifying performance, huh? Yeah, not sure how the f*ck they control the electric effects around them. But they wow the crowd with their techno hit song, Mezame Returner. Once done, Shiori will show it to them how Iron Frill is much better. But with Franchouchou standing by Ai’s side, looks like this is their way of rejecting Shiori’s offer. We don’t get to see Iron Frill perform but it sounds like it was way better. But during the post interview, Shiori notes how Franchouchou is their greatest rival. Did the b*tch rivalry just get started?

Episode 5
Lily just usurps Koutarou as the chief for Franchouchou’s next awesome performance. You looking pretty shocked there, Koutarou. STFU and take a seat! Lily’s plan is to get Franchouchou on national TV and to do that, they’re going to enter a local preliminary contest called Japanese Got Parformance (not typo!). Got talent but just bad spellers. Haha! However Lily will be the only one performing on stage while the rest will be supporting her in the audience. Also in this competition is a prodigy child star, Light Oozora. Seems a nice and proper kid until in the shadows, Sakura and Tae see this spoilt brat abusing his manager. Even revealing his intentions that he chose to enter this preliminary because Saga has got no real talents so it’ll be easy for him to bulldoze the competition. Franchouchou? Not even in his radar! The preliminaries start. Koutarou is also a contestant?! Mudskipper mating ritual? What… The… F*ck? Dafaq?! WTF???!!! Definitely didn’t pass. Next is Lily and she does some awesome rakugo show with comedy and drama. Finally it is Light as he awes the crowd with his amazing juggling skills. In the finals, Lily will face off with Light. Lily hears him practising his singing and goes to wish him the best. However Light shows his true colours by claiming he will not stay a child actor and his aim is the Broadway. So be prepared to be blown away. This doesn’t flinch Lily a bit. She’ll just do what she has to do. As Light go first, it seems he sings the same exact song that Lily planned to sing. Oh dear. How? Lily makes some improvising. So when it’s her turn, she sings the same song but with different arrangement and beat! Damn, she’s scatting and lively jiving all the way! Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo… Oops, I mean, Shubidoobi-doobi-doo-wah! In the end, Light is chosen as the winner since he showed he surpassed his talents as a kid. Light looking very shocked over his win. Yeah, he thought he actually lost. Later as he is hiding in the toilet feeling dejected, Lily talks to him that his win was only because he was better. Since he is aiming for Broadway, he cannot let this get him down. Light feels better and hopes in the future, they can do some collaboration together. In the aftermath, Lily’s version becomes viral all over the internet as kids try to imitate her cute and energetic dance. Go Lily, go!

Episode 6
Remember that journalist who is investigating Franchouchou? Yeah, Arata Ookoba still can’t wrap his head around them. His assistant even makes jokes how the internet is making memes of them being a collection of lookalikes and that they might be zombies! Meanwhile Koutarou is back to his usual zombie abusing ways. He reminds them they can’t do greater stuffs since they are still in debt. That radio show and opening act don’t pay much and they’re still deep in the red. Later, Tae is sent out to do errands with Romero. Ookoba spots her and decides to tail and spy on her. He sees her meeting various people who know her. She’s eating everything they give her? Put the whole thing in her mouth? Tae then stumbles into Maria who brings her to a local dance competition that she and her friends are in. The defending champion is some dude in a chicken outfit? Did he copy Michael Jackson’s moves?! Tae joins in last minute and wins because I mean, who can outlast a zombie who can forever spin on her head?! Seems Tae wants the onions prize and not the money. Maria won’t take it because it is not right. Seeing this argument, that policeman decides to tell them how to spend it. By taking them to a boat race! Place your bets!!! Yeah, Tae just observes and can mimic in how to make her bet. Also at this boat race is the Korosuke biker group. It seems Misa is now into boat racing since her loss to Saki but the thing is, she has never won a race! Everyone is mocking her now. Misa sees Maria in the stands and you bet that is her motivation to turn things around as she uses some legendary move to win the race! What a great race. Oh… Tae hit the jackpot!!! Tae returns to Franchouchou as Maria tells what happened. Damn, the girls are in shock with the 20 million Tae won!!! Enough for Sakura to knock off Tae’s head! Oops! So I guess this clears their debt, huh? Hooray! Tae the saviour! Better than some useless manager… They got a point there… Meanwhile Ookoba who has been tailing Tae all day but found nothing (thanks to convenient distractions), before he left Franchouchou’s place and head home, he saw Tae’s head roll. Now he has some material to write on… Oh boy, does this prove they’re zombies?

Episode 7
Maimai Yuzuriha is a clumsy girl. However she always maintains her cheery disposition and doesn’t lose heart. One day, she enters the wrong bath section and slips on Koutarou’s soap (butter fingers!). Next thing you know, Koutarou brings her corpse back! OMFG!!! So he is guiltily trying to introduce their newest member and at the same time trying to say he didn’t kill her! Suddenly Maimai gets up! Holy sh*t! Zombies scared of moving corpses?! Corpses don’t move?! THEN WHAT ARE ZOMBIES?! Turns out Maimai isn’t dead. Didn’t you make sure, Koutarou? She actually knows Franchouchou as she has been to their concerts. Although she realizes they are zombies, it doesn’t get to her. They hope she can keep this a secret but she has a better idea: Let me join your group! Koutarou agrees! I guess he stopped thinking… We see Maimai train with the rest but she is all over the place with her clumsiness. Maimai and Sakura talk about things especially how the former was inspired to become like them. She finds them amazing despite being zombies. Because they’re the same like as though they are living. When the school has trouble coming up for ideas for their cultural festival, Maimai has an idea: Let Franchouchou perform! While Franchouchou loves this idea as it will help increase their popularity, Koutarou adds that Maimai will be the star of this performance. But Maimai is still clumsy. Can she do it? She’d better. Because Franchouchou will be reborn as a new idol group. Maimai remains positive as she trains more. The day before their performance, another talk with Sakura as she reveals how she died and the irony of becoming an idol in zombie form. Maimai is also surprised Franchouchou plans to perform again at EFS despite failing once because that’s how Franchouchou is. That is when Maimai suddenly understands. Franchouchou takes the stage and all is shocked to see Maimai as the centre. Once done and Franchouchou introducing her as their new eighth member, suddenly Maimai makes an announcement that shocks all: She’ll be graduating from Franchouchou. She sings her final song as goodbye. Later at the back stage, she reveals why she decided so. Realizing their lives were cut short and how they went on to achieve greater heights as zombies, Maimai realizes she needs to fully live her life first. And with that, Maimai departs but promises to keep their zombie identity a secret. Meanwhile Ookoba discovers the one thing in common about Franchouchou except Yugiri: They’re all dead.

Episode 8
Finally. It’s about time we delve into Yugiri’s past. A famous courtesan at Edo during the Meiji era, she is sent to saga to live with an official after his wife passed away. She gets used to her new idyllic life in the prefecture while teaching her trade to young new girls. While we see reincarnation cameos of other Franchouchou members, Kiichi Momozaki is definitely Koutarou, right? Seems he is handing out flyers trying to restore Saga to what it was. Of course, nobody pays attention to him. He gets into trouble with the local police but luckily his friend, Shoujirou Itou is there to save him. A brief history shows that Saga was a thorn in the government’s side and ever since they lost to some civil war, Saga has been broken up and its parts absorbed into other prefectures. Kiichi and Yugiri meet. Love at first sight for the boy? He tries to save her from a speeding carriage but she could avoid it herself and he ends up in the pond. Hope he doesn’t catch the cold. Kiichi talks to Itou about Yugiri and of course he knows how legendary she is. So much so her beauty caused the Meiji court to almost fall apart as they fought over her! He cautions Kiichi that she isn’t the kind of woman he can handle because they’re from different worlds. Soon, Yugiri pays a visit at Kiichi’s house to bring him some medicine for the cold. Kiichi soon opens up and reveals his father died in a battle in Saga 8 years ago. Kiichi was only saved by his grandpa who is now senile, talking about the powers he would have like raising the dead. Father’s last wish was for him to save Saga. He didn’t understand what it meant but soon realizes that bits of the original Saga is slowly vanishing from everyday life. Hence he tried to do something about it and thinks it must be fate ever since grandpa saved him. What Kiichi wants is to create a new Saga where everyone is free and happy to do what they want. Itou then joins Kiichi and Yugiri for dinner just to see her for himself. He doesn’t think Kiichi is cut out to help others and thinks he should start a family. After all, isn’t meeting Yugiri some kind of sign to do so? Kiichi overthinks and passes out from drinking too much to hide his embarrassment. Itou then privately talks to Yugiri how he met Kiichi 2 years ago because he was amused by his goal. Of course he sees him get more desperate by the day. He thinks the country will further change and clinging onto the old Saga will not do any good. Yugiri corrects him that Kiichi wants to create a new Saga. Itou remains sceptical because a naïve guy like Kiichi will soon get his heart broken in this barbaric country. With Yugiri polishing up the grammar on the flyers, a few potentials step up to seek more details from Kiichi. Meanwhile Itou seems to be making a shady move…

Episode 9
Kiichi has gathered a few samurai comrades to help. However it seems they become bolder as time passes. To the point where they have been gathering weapons and even arming up to start a war! This wasn’t Kiichi’s intention but they tell him to STFU because what do kids like him know about the humiliation they suffered during the war? Of course Kiichi is still adamant to try to bring back the Saga he envisions. Although Itou himself doesn’t think that is possible since this country is still barbaric. Itou then tells Yugiri to run because a war will soon come and everything will be destroyed like before. But she tells him of because Kiichi’s dreams aren’t that shallow. That night when the samurais get ready to rebel, they were all killed off by Itou. Kiichi is shocked to learn Itou’s job is to keep an eye on lurking rebels and snuff them out. It would’ve been okay had Kiichi remained his ideals as a child’s dream. But look where it has gotten to now. Before he could kill Kiichi, Yugiri intervenes. Oh damn, she’s a legendary samurai too?! However they have to run when police are coming. Kiichi is in despair, blaming himself for the deaths and all that has happened. He doesn’t care anymore but Yugiri slaps him and basically tells him to take responsibility and see this through the end. Finish what you started. She hopes to see the new Saga he envisioned. She gives him a letter to where her comrades are. So they’re not going together? Because Yugiri settles the score with Itou. In the end, she emerges victorious and kills him. Not sure if Itou held back and let him kill her. Next morning, Kiichi’s grandpa reads a letter left behind by Yugiri. By the time he reads this, she will be dead. She assures him of Kiichi’s whereabouts and is safe in the hands of her friends. It seems Yugiri will be bearing the brunt and responsibility of the rebellion and will be beheaded by the police. Then this incident will be brushed off like nothing happened. If Kiichi asks about her, just say she left Saga safely. She hopes he can help guide Kiichi to create a new Saga Kiichi wants. Short notes in the end indicate that via appeal from supporters, Saga became a new prefecture and independence from Nagasaki and soon, unilateral military style executions outlawed. Back in present time, looks like the bartender is Kiichi’s grandpa. Yugiri notes Kiichi’s actions have borne fruit and this time it is her turn to act. Luckily she has comrades who share the same goal.

Episode 10
We go back in time about a year ago to see the rise and fall of Franchouchou. After their success at Arpino, the zombie girls were really getting success to their head so Koutarou told them about the EFS concert that they’ll be doing. Of course this was where Ai died and although the girls have their doubts and felt it was impossible to do given the time, capacity and all, Koutarou argues that they are all better now. Or are they not? With Koutarou’s smooth talking optimism, I guess they have to do it. I mean, what choice do they have? So as they continue to practice, those doubts still linger on but they keep up the positivism that they’ll do their best. Of course as we have known, come the day of the show, it was an epic disaster. I don’t think Franchouchou perform badly but why isn’t the miniscule crowd cheering? They’re like gloom and doom all the way during their performance! We also know in the aftermath how Koutarou became drunk and told them the debt they raked up. He went missing and this sent Franchouchou into despair and on the verge of giving up. Not until they see Tae taking stuffs from Koutarou’s room on her own. This has them realize they were wrong. They gave up without even trying. They always relied on Koutarou and took his words for granted. They assumed he had a plan to turn things over for EFS as long as they did their best. Hence they decide to do something for themselves. They start by doing part time jobs to pay back the debt.

Back in present time, Koutarou admits his failure on his part for EFS. That is why he has prepared a revenge concert for them exactly a year later to perform. Because Franchouchou has been doing fantastic jobs over the year, they have improved a lot. They will turn this failure into a success story! Another round of smooth talking, but can we trust him again? What choice do they have? Hey, at least he sounds convincing this time. Ookoba confronts Koutarou and he shows him his investigation proof and photos that Franchouchou members (except Yugiri) that they are dead idols. He plans to release an article on this to stop Koutarou from profiteering from these dead girls. However Koutarou is not cowed. He tells him about Franchouchou’s revenge concert and doesn’t care what he writes because there is no stopping Franchouchou. Ookoba is of course not amused because he thinks Koutarou is trying to re-enact this tragedy for entertainment purposes. He will not let this revenge show happen. We see Koutarou talking to the bartender as he vows not to make the same mistake and make EFS a huge success. It is hinted the bartender is an immortal and is fighting a curse plaguing the land for thousands of years. What’s this he can resurrect the dead too? Koutarou plans to stop his prophecy, something about Saga will start to vanish from people’s memories. That is why he is creating something that people will never forget here in Saga. Disaster strikes now as not only there is a heavy storm but all the electricity in the vicinity is cut off. Yeah, and Ookoba was just about to release his hot article…

Episode 11
Sakura feels weird when she wakes up. Oh damn! The entire house is washed away! Apparently several parts are seeing severe flooding. They are washed up ashore but not very far from their original place. Luckily they get out in time before the whole house crumbles. Oh damn, everything inside gone. Even if they were inside, I bet the collapse wouldn’t kill them. Machiko, an old lady whom Ai worked with during the part time job recognizes her. She brings them to the shopping mall where all evacuees are sheltered. To avoid their zombie identity leaked, they have to keep a leash on Tae as well as help around. This includes putting up their makeshift idol performance. Ookoba goes to visit the site and is surprised to see Franchouchou there. He goes to spy on them. Meanwhile Koutarou and the bartender are stuck in that bar that is flooded. If not for that passing policeman, they would’ve drowned. As the injured bartender is wheeled into the ambulance, Koutarou rushes home but his house is no longer there. How convenient for the TV news to show clips of the disaster and this dude recognizes the debris of his house washed ashore?! Time to head there. Meanwhile disaster strikes Franchouchou as their makeup wears out. Ordinary ones won’t do so they make a mask. At this point Ookoba has seen their true faces but decides to keep quiet and spy more. When Franchouchou takes to the stage, their masks disintegrate! Oh sh*t! What now?! When Saki admits they are zombies, the kids don’t believe! They know they are Franchouchou! Ai then changes the story that they were just putting up zombie makeup before continuing their performance much to the kids’ delight. Ookoba realizes these girls are risking everything and are trying their best to convey their feelings. He is shocked when Koutarou is here too seek his help. Koutarou reunites with Franchouchou and applies his special makeup on them. One last rally to tell them the revenge concert is still on and he believes they can do it and bring smiles to the people. Although they won’t be having any time to practice and will have to perform right as they go on, Franchouchou is confident they can. Later, Sakura personally thanks Koutarou for making her an idol. Her smile brings back memories of something tormenting from his youthful days. Of course he covers it all up by being the brash pushy producer he is. He is going to be the man who has it all. He also tells her that her dream won’t end with EFS and that Franchouchou will become eternal idols loved around the world. Until that happens, he is going to have it, eternally.

Episode 12
Koutarou barges into the governor’s meeting to beg for power to be supplied for the EFS concert because Franchouchou is going to perform to save Saga. Because what Saga needs now is reassurance for the heart of every single resident. We see Franchouchou awaiting that date as they realize they have been so focused on it, they don’t know what day it is! Sakura thinks it is Friday and this has Saki realize they missed their radio show. But they rush down there and are told it is Sunday. Oops… Luckily the programme now is free so the radio can put up with them as surprise guests. Saki starts her talk which basically is about giving hope to all of Saga and what it means to be performing as Franchouchou. What a coincidence all our familiar characters are tuning into the radio right now. On the day of the revenge concert, Franchouchou make their way to the stadium. Empty as f*ck. Did they get the date wrong? Don’t lose hope. Because everybody starts streaming in! Oh yeah. All your familiar characters. Do you still remember them? Uhm, the staffs are still preparing and fixing the stadium, can they be allowed in to fill the stadium? I guess it is to show that this EFS, the capacity is fully booked! Heck, not even just the Saga people but all over Japan and international countries are helping out! Damn, the power of social media! I think Ookoba had some credit in making this happen. This is what you call an epic saga? We see Koutarou thank the governor but he is just doing what is most efficient. And so it begins. Over 10 minutes of Franchouchou performing for us! Then some weird shouting led by Tae before their next song. During the break, before Koutarou could yell at them for getting complacent, the girls believe this is just a small step as they believe they can reach greater heights. Suddenly Koutarou starts grovelling and crying?! OMFG. WTF?! He admits he is crying! So do we like this Koutarou better or the bully one? When Franchouchou returns to stage to perform, this is all just an act as Koutarou covers up the blood he coughed out. And so it was the greatest Franchouchou concert ever as Saga undergoes restoration. But what’s this curious final scene? A huge UFO hovers through and shoots down a devastating beam???!!! WTF???!! DID A WRONG FOOTAGE GOT EDITED HERE???!!!

The Return Of The Living Dead Idols
Revenge has been served. At least unlike the last season, there were no untoward incidents to interrupt their performance. Yeah, remember lightning struck in the midst of their performance the last time? So thankfully, this time around, it is all plain and smooth sailing from start to finish. Though, still wondering how Franchouchou is going to save Saga by just performing. Maybe it’s just that. Did you not notice the happy and satisfied people watching their concert? Maybe that is all it takes. When the people’s hearts are happy, this becomes a natural barrier to ward off future disasters. Speaking of which, looks like it got even more complicated when they tease us with that UFO footage! OMFG. Hey UFO, I think you got the wrong location. Shouldn’t you target America like always in Hollywood movies? HAHAHA!!! Oh… Not funny now that I’m having sleepless nights thinking WTF this UFO might be a foreshadowing of something even more ominous. Imagine now Franchouchou have to perform to aliens! FREAKING ALIENS!!! So this gonna be sci-fi and turn into something like AKB0048???!!!

This season doesn’t feel like it broke any new grounds. Most probably it is trying to give Franchouchou some focus and see them make a comeback. After all from what we have seen, the only way for such idols to rise back up stronger is not to rest on their laurels but to drop back down into the dark abyss and then spring back up stronger and better than before. Hence you might see why the earlier episodes felt a bit like standalone fillers as they focus an episode on a Franchouchou member. But it’s all to show us the great power of Franchouchou’s bond, right? Physically dead but very much alive in their hearts and spirits, no?! Once again, the irony that these undead girls are bringing and giving life back to the living. Don’t we all just feel so much alive seeing these zombie chicks perform? Yeah, better than staring at your Smartphone and PC all day!!!

As we have covered the backgrounds of many of the Franchouchou members, this season sees Yugiri’s past. It was tragic but satisfying to see her origins and possibly her connections with Koutarou. This means that the only one left is Tae. I thought they would also cover her this season. Unfortunately, she remains a big mystery  and hence my conspiracy theories about her being the secret weapon of the idol group remains. This season she feels a lot side-lined. Like as though they don’t want you to think too much about her before dropping the bombshell and surprise the hell out of us. Didn’t happen. Because aside Yugiri’s flashback, the other Franchouchou members also have their episode in focus like Saki’s radio station to Ai battling her former idol group and Lily not facing off with a child prodigy but also succeeded in turning him over a new leaf. So with almost everyone covered, Tae when? Unless you tell me that she is just that dumb zombie who survives by her guts and instincts. Nothing more. And every conspiracy theory and speculation I had about her was just trolling and overthinking. Yeah. Maybe that.

Having seen Yugiri’s flashback, this makes me wonder if Koutarou and Kiichi are the same person. At this point, I won’t be surprised if they are. Considering the bartender is somewhat immortal, could it be that Koutarou himself too is one? I mean, there are gaps in between after Yugiri’s arc ended, right? All Kiichi did was just change with the times and it might be easy to just brush off all of Koutarou’s crazy zeal and fervour to save Saga as coincidence. Reincarnation? Maybe. But my guts tell me they are the same person. All that flamboyant outbursts are just to hide his true character. Am I right? Because nobody else is this crazy and passionate to want to save Saga. Just Saga. Not the whole of Japan even. Strange. A disaster that only befalls on Saga and not the rest of Japan? And undead idols are the only hope to save it? You mean live human idols who are breathing aren’t going to cut it? Unless this is supernatural (zombies) vs the supernatural (disaster) kind of level… I know, stupid pun…

Another character to ponder is Romero. Sure this series’ pet mascot hasn’t been doing much this season but in Yugiri’s flashback, you see this doggie already in zombie mode. This shows that Romero has been dead for a much longer time. Damn, Yugiri’s flashback really revealed a lot of things, including a lot of speculation from my end. So Romero could be the deity watching over Saga or Kiichi’s family especially his grandpa has been dabbling in some secret experiment on immortality. It would be interesting to know all these burning questions and put all the pieces of the puzzle together so that I could stop thinking and put a rest to these conspiracy theories! SOMEBODY GIVE ME SOME ANSWERS ALREADY!!!

I thought this season forgot about that journalist. Yeah, he only started to make his move about halfway! And so I thought he would be the antagonist for the next half this season, somebody who had something tragic in his life and he is just covering this scandal as some sort of revenge or redemption. Well, turns out it was me again who is overthinking. Sheesh. I gotta stop really jumping to conclusions for this series. While his article might at first look like a threat to Franchouchou’s real identity, eventually that became nothing burger because after seeing Franchouchou’s earnest feelings in their performances, the idols are doing something to help the people, right? I mean, it is at nobody’s expense, right? Even if he does release that article, I believe many will not believe him. Because these fervent fans of Franchouchou definitely stand behind their favourite idol groups. Heck, many don’t even recognize these dead idols in the first place and would perhaps brush them off as coincidence. Franchouchou having all dead idols in their team? Yup. Coincidence. Sounds legit. Yeah, those death metal hardcore fans still coming to Franchouchou in their death metal makeup. Totally out of place but whatever. Their love from Franchouchou is still real!

I didn’t think it would happen but I at one point I really believed that Maimai would become the newest member of Franchouchou. I thought this was the much needed twist and a new girl breathing fresh life into the group. Oh, the irony! But of course, they can’t commit Kana Hanazawa to such a group so I guess Maimai’s short stint with Franchouchou ends there. And that policeman dude, still remember him? Yeah, still having some unfortunate meetings with zombie girls. I’m surprised he hasn’t died from all the nightly creepy rendezvous with the undead. Damn, this guy must have a very strong heart! Such dedicated police officer too. Just to reiterate the last time I said in my blog, if I was in his shoes, I would have quit the first time I encountered a ghastly zombie!!! No siree, this midnight patrol job is not for me!

Don’t forget the shameless advertising and promotion of Saga as the mid-intermission eye-catches continues from last season’s tradition as we see Franchouchou engaging in what I believe to be Saga sightseeing locations as well as local activities and food. Unlike the first season where Franchouchou were literally unknowns, this time they have taken on jobs at higher levels. So you don’t see them do weird commercials anymore. Yeah, I wonder how that Drive-in Tori chicken shop is doing, huh?

As said, Kana Hanazawa helmed the voice of Maimai in this season. I also noticed Yui Horie and Yukari Tamura making cameos as her classmate friends. Wow. Imagine if those really famous seiyuus actually teamed up and formed another idol group here, it would have been so epic. I think Saga and the whole of Japan would be saved. Somehow. Some of the other casts making their cameo this season include Hakuryuu as Ryu (Tonegawa in Kaiji), Sora Tokui as Shiori (Nero in Tantei Opera Milky Holmes), Minami Takayama as Light (titular character in Detective Conan) and Kouki Uchiyama as Itou (Ichika in Infinite Stratos). This season’s opening, Taiga Yo Tomo Ni Naite Kure by Franchouchou (but of course) may not sound as epic as last season but it still maintains all that dramatic and frenzy pace. Still, it feels like a song for a heroic show. Yume Wo Te Ni Modoreru Basho Mo Nai Hibi Wo might not be a slow lovely ballad like last season and resembles more of a slow rock. But my favourite song this season goes to Lily’s scatting song, Little Bodda Bope. It was really creative, refreshing and cute. I’d hear that again anytime!

Overall, this season is still as good as the first one since it is a direct continuation. If you love the first season, you’ll love the second. Although personally, I wasn’t as excited and hyped when I watched the first one. Most probably because for the first season, I looked down on this series but then it blew my mind away and I was taken by surprise. Ever since I have come to love this zombie flick, perhaps the excitement isn’t as much as I had then since I already have favourable views on this series. The other negative point is the myriad of dumb conspiracy theories I cooked up and got no concrete answers. It somewhat hindered me enjoying the series as I started thinking too much about nothing! Yeah. Me trying to thinking! But that’s just the fault on my part and nothing to do with the show. As much as I love this series, it is still far from being a great anime (SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN!!! ROOOOOAR!!!). Hey, this series was not meant to save anime in the first place. Just Saga and only Saga. And Saga’s saga is not yet over by a long shot. Will we get another season? Stay tuned as the saga continues… And perhaps with aliens next time! Of f*ck! Aliens vs zombies?! The musical?! Bring it on!

Zombie Land Saga

3 February, 2019

At first I was going to give Zombie Land Saga the skip. Yeah, it was that time of the new anime season when I had to choose which animes I want to watch and had to be selective thanks to the dozens of animes I WANT to watch. Yeah, I’m such a busy (anime watching) guy. So when I heard about this show was going to have zombies, I said, “Skip!”. Not really into zombies. Not liking the horror genre. And then my guts told me to properly read the synopsis. What’s this? Not a horror genre? But a comedy? Okay… But then zombie idols? No thanks. Had my fair share of idol themed animes. So I said again, “Skip!”. And then my guts were like screaming to me this time, “You sure you read the damn synopsis properly?!”. What’s the big deal? Idols in the form of zombies taking storm in the idol industry, blah, blah, blah. So what?! And then my guts just told me to shut up and watch the first episode. I will not regret it. Sighs. Can’t argue with that, voices in my head. “In your head, in your head… Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie…”.

Episode 1
Sakura Minamoto is excited to go for an idol audition. Life is going to be beautiful. When suddenly she gets hit by a truck! OMFG! Death metal music cue! Next thing she knows, she is a strange house. Exploring about, she is ‘attacked’ by a zombie girl! Run! Worse, she corners herself in a room full of other zombie girls! Luck is on her side as she manages to escape out. She tries to seek help from this policeman but he gets scared and shoots her! Sakura sees in the mirror… She is a zombie herself! Before the policeman could do anything further, he is taken out by Koutarou Tatsumi. Sakura wakes up back in the house as Koutarou explains she has died 10 years ago. Now revived as a zombie, she will become an idol to help save the Saga prefecture. So how did he revive her as a zombie? If you watched enough zombie movies, that’s your answer! Too bad Sakura is the only zombie with consciousness as the others are still mindless zombies. Don’t forget to feed them dried cuttlefish or they’ll bite you. Koutarou explains his Zombie Land Saga Project and they will revive the regional idol craze that has been dying in recent years as part of his plan to save Saga. That’s why he has put together these legendary girls to form an idol group. Sakura, meet legendary biker boss Saki Nikaidou, legendary 80’s idol Junko Konno, legendary Meiji courtesan Yugiri, legendary child prodigy actress Lily Hoshikawa, legendary 2000’s idol Ai Mizuno and just legendary Tae Yamada. So tonight they’re going to have their first performance? At this death metal live concert?! Thanks to Koutarou’s makeup skills, the girls do look pretty dolled up. With the zombie girls suddenly doing head banging, Sakura gets worried unlike Koutarou. He tells them nobody expects anything from them. Not even himself. So go out there and blow everybody’s expectations away! On stage, as expected, the death metal crowd is hostile towards cute idols, Death Musume (temporary group name). More trouble as Tae jumps into the crowd and starts biting. Sakura is already confused and starting to panic when Koutarou gives the cue to start the death metal music. So how do zombies sing? THEY SCREAM!!! Holy sh*t! The crowd loves it! And with their head banging style, they’re really going to rock everybody tonight! If you can’t beat them, join them! Scream your heart out, Sakura!!! OH YEAH!!!! Next morning back home, I guess Sakura must be pretty confused. But not as confused as the other zombie girls (except Tae) start to regain consciousness and are pretty horrified over their zombie condition. Good morning everybody.

Episode 2
Our zombie girls gather as Koutarou once more explain his Zombie Land Saga Project and he is their mysterious producer. No kidding. Not that the rest are impressed anyway. He reminds them to keep their zombie identity a secret because you know what humans will do to zombies? Here’s a few clips from American movies. ZOMBIES HAVING THEIR BRAINS BLOW OFF!!! Since they’ll have another performance at some old folks home, it’s time for idol training. Only Sakura goes along while the rest ignores him. Because of that Saki has bad blood with Sakura for being a pussy to that zombie producer. Ai tries to get away but looks like Koutarou’s zombie pet dog, Romero is guarding the door. Don’t let your imagination fool you… Aww… So cute… Ai still tries to get away but bumps into Junko doing the same. Yeah, zombies freaking out each other. Sakura tries to stop them but don’t pull too hard or their hands and even eyeballs will come off! Sakura explains she is going along with Koutarou because during their previous performance, she felt that excitement in her heart. Wait a minute. Zombies have feelings? Anyway she wants to feel that again. In town, the trio stumble into rapper boys who try to hit them with their cheesy hip hop rap lines. They are ‘saved’ when the policeman is here but with better lighting and seeing their zombie face, let the scream fest begin! They almost get shot by the policeman! Run! It’s time for the performance as the zombie girls are now known as Green Face. Don’t ask. With the normal idol music starting, the usual chaos. Tae still a zombie and the rest just standing there and only Sakura doing some dancing. Until Tae decides to bite the dried cuttlefish from some old guy and when Sakura tries to get her back, her head pops off! OMG! Nice magic trick, right? With Saki fooling around not wanting to put Tae’s head back, suddenly Sakura snaps. She reprimands Saki for not even trying to hide their zombie identity! Oops? Then it descends into a hip hop rap battle among them and others slowly adding some beatboxing and sound effects. But it is Sakura who takes the cake as she starts showing her rap prowess to diss everyone including the audience. In the end, everybody loves it!!! Best performance they’ve ever seen! Even death metal fans can convert to this music style! Later Sakura apologizes to Saki for it all but looks like Saki admires her guts and now becomes her friend.

Episode 3
No rest for our zombie girls. Heh. Do zombies need rest? This time, Koutarou will have them do a guerrilla concert in the streets of Saga. That’s tomorrow and need to practice everything tonight. Hey, it’s not like zombies need to sleep, right? But first, Lily suggests having a group leader. Saki appoints herself since no one dares take it up. Then they brainstorm (oh, the irony) for a group name and many of them stinks. Ironically, zombies don’t smell so they don’t stink, right? Haha! Anyway, it is only when Tae somewhat sneezes, they hit upon an idea. Her sneeze sounded like Franchouchou and so this is going to be their group name. But as soon as they begin practising, those with no idol background soon find it heart. Wow. Zombies losing heart? But after some thinking, they believe putting hard work will make them pull through. Even as they return to practice, some mistakes are made and this causes Ai and Junko to leave. Not interested. Koutarou has some ‘advice’ for them as they think this idol thingy will fail. Why did they become idols? The rest are trying to live despite being zombies but they are just rotting away. A zombie who doesn’t dance is just a regular zombie. OMG… Next day as they begin their guerrilla concert, only Ai and Junko remain in the car and won’t join the rest. Hmm… Mediocre techno track but horrible CGI animation!!! They attract a decent crowd but when Lily makes a mistake and trips, Sakura tries to help her out. This breaks the momentum as the crowd disperses. They try to get back into the groove but nobody is seriously watching and just sniggering what a bunch of weirdoes. Just when Sakura thought it is all over for them, Ai and Junko jump in to perform. Even though their performance is slightly better this time, they at least attract the attention of a young girl who is excited enough to try and imitate their moves. In the end, they thank her but promise to do better next time. But Franchouchou have to leave as the policeman is here threatening to arrest them for performing without a permit. Luckily, no gunshots were fired this time. Back home, Sakura expresses her gratitude to Ai and Junko and hopes they can work together. The duo feel awkward but at least now they want to try and make this work.

Episode 4
Not sure if Koutarou is praising them or belittling his zombie girls. I think it’s more of the latter. Because now here’s the problem: They ran out of money! Gas don’t come free from chauffeuring the girls everywhere. But don’t despair. He has hooked them up with some pharmaceutical company and they’ll do some performance at a hotspring. If everything goes right, they’ll have a contract. Sounds fun and all until Franchouchou is ordered to do all the practice in their room and can’t go out and do anything fun. Don’t want their zombie identity to be busted, right? However Franchouchou isn’t happy with this double standard since Koutarou himself tells them straight he is going sightseeing while they practice. So why work so hard? Yeah, they go sightseeing too. Meanwhile Koutarou actually sees the boss of the pharmaceutical company and looks like his suaveness could actually seal the deal. On the other hand, the girls get to do some reflection and thinking about their future. Eventually they get motivated to see this through. Going back to their room, they try to learn more about the pharmaceutical product. Even though they are zombies, man those patches make them feel good! Is it because they are dead their skin absorbs better? Dead skin absorbs?! They incorporate this during their performance and the crowd loves them. Double the pleasure, double the happiness. Dead in the night, Saki and Junko try to coax Sakura to sneak into the hotspring while the rest is asleep. You better make sure nobody finds out. So as they enjoy and relax, the pharmaceutical boss comes in. Hide! An accident happens as Sakura head pops off! The boss sees it and runs for her life! The scream wakes up the others and now the boss has to confront creepy zombies in the creepy hallways! RUN!!! Next day as they leave, Koutarou is shocked to learn the boss was so scared that she forgot the deals they had made. Now the hotspring is listed as a haunted place as Koutarou gives Sakura a stern warning. I wonder what could be more than rolling heads. But thanks to the patches, Franchouchou are motivated to make up and earn money next time.

Episode 5
I suppose Koutarou isn’t going to let that hotspring fail go easily. Franchouchou’s next job is to do commercial for a locally famous Drive-in Tori chicken shop. Nobody is excited or knows about this except for Saki. Apparently during her heydays, she often stopped here with her gang to eat. The president treats them to their signature grilled chicken. Tastes good. Then they put on chicken outfits to film the commercial. Too bad they need several takes since Tae is giving out those zombie sounds. With some improvising, the shoot was a success. However Koutarou isn’t satisfied. He tells his girls if they really chicken up. WTF?! So when Tae starts trying to eat the real mascot chicken, Koutarou wants the crew to film and incorporate this! Yeah, funny commercial… In the end, the girls thought they could have more grilled chicken as gifts. Too bad, just some t-shirts. Can’t have them eating everything, right? But no rest for Franchouchou as the next job to boost their profile is Gatalympics. A local sports event. Let’s say it’s muddy and messy. Again, Saki is the only one super excited for this. Heck, Koutarou has them wear lame Franchouchou design t-shirts for this event. For the first event, participants have to cycle across a thin slippery board. Fall off and you’re muddied and out. All our girls fail. When they wash off the mud, they realize they are in zombie mode! Heck, dive back into the mud! Then they see Koutarou participating and hope to laugh when he falls. However… He crosses the finish line! And a wheelie to go with that! WTF?! Next is some Tarzan swing. Judges judge you by how far you swing as well as your showmanship. As expected, our zombie girls either flor or put on a good show but fail to get some distance. Until it is Tae’s turn. She swings the furthest but then she breaks apart in mid-air!!! Thanks to the sun in everyone’s eyes, nobody could clearly see what happened! So the rest have to scramble and quickly put her back together again! Tae wins the event but too bad her zombie groaning means she can’t speak or advertise for Franchouchou. Sakura remembers she wore another shirt beneath and tells her to show it off. Uhm… It’s that Drive-in Tori chicken t-shirt… Nice bird… Meanwhile a journalist remembers why Junko looks familiar. He is going to investigate this.

Episode 6
In order to find out today’s trend, thank goodness for internet! For some reason doing so is forbidden by Koutarou and they’re doing this secretly. Ai talks about the many idol groups that form and break up as well as their staying power over the years. Ai and Junko have different ideas on what makes an idol. Ai believes fans want to see their idols improve over time because if you’re trying to be perfect from the start, there won’t be anything to manage. They stumble upon Saga Rock Festival. Possibly the biggest music fest in the prefecture. Iron Frill, Ai’s previous idol group is going to perform there. Koutarou announces a big job for Franchouchou. They’re going to have a special event from fans thanks to their successful advertising. Yes, Franchouchou has fans now. First they do a concert and these fans really love them. Next is the photo session. However Junko has cold feet and opts out. She doesn’t believe this is how an idol should be. Worst, she said it in public. So back home, I guess Koutarou is very disappointed and lectures them. Not much. But soon Ai and Junko become loggerheads again at their different approach for being an idol. Remember, they are from different eras. This causes tension among them and it affects the whole group. Sakura talks to Junko and learns her ideal of what being an idol is. Because she is mostly an idol on TV, she believes in giving fans her dreams and not showing any imperfections. She worked hard for it but unfortunately she died in a plane crash when she was about to head to Saga for her first tour. Junko feels she can’t be part of Franchouchou any longer. Meanwhile Saki finds Ai cowering from the lightning flashes and thunder. Their talk reveals Ai is afraid of them because that was how she died! Apparently her group was performing during the thunderstorm of the outdoor concert at Saga when lightning struck! OMG. She has got to be so bad luck to die like that. Died standing. The kind of legend she doesn’t want to be remembered by. And then Koutarou relays the good news. He has got Franchouchou to perform as the newcomer line-up for this year’s Saga Rock! Oh dear. Ai and Junko remembering their tragedies… And nobody’s excited…

Episode 7
The rest are wondering if they should go ahead because it has been 2 weeks since Junko barricaded herself in her room. Sakura thought they should ask Koutarou for help but got scolded to figure it out themselves! Should have known this better herself. No choice, Ai suggests they practice without Junko. I guess the time is right for Koutarou to barge in and give Junko an earful. Yeah, aren’t zombies the ones supposed to be on the other side of the barricade? First he tells her about the age of the internet and how everything is so online and hence he understands why she is so afraid. Things have changed, people have changed. Franchouchou are zombies, not robots. So it’s safe to say that everyone still has their own personality? Franchouchou exists to support each other’s dreams. As one isn’t enough to achieve herself, that’s why they have each other. He also tells her about how Ai died and her fears. Because it is predicted that a storm will hit this year’s Saga Rock. On the day of the festival, the rest prepare to head out but no Junko in sight. I don’t know why she need to wait till last minute to decide to follow them. Is it for drama effect? Because Koutarou rams his van into her! Is there some sort of lesson her? With Junko steeling her resolve, Franchouchou is back in business. Before the festival, Koutarou sprays them to make them waterproof. Shoe spray? Then they watch Iron Frill perform. By the time it is Franchouchou’s turn to go on stage, the rain is already heavily pouring. Many take cover since they think they won’t lose much missing this never-heard-of group. As they begin, it is obvious that Ai is shaky and breaking up from the lightning flashes. Before she breaks down, Junko covers for her and they proceed to sing the rest of the song perfectly. At the end of it, lightning strikes! Holy sh*t! Again?! Thank goodness that’s the benefit of being a zombie, eh? Koutarou won’t let it stop here and continues the music. So now Franchouchou have other ‘special effects’. They are glowing and their voices are like synthesizers. They can also shoot light beams from their fingers? No wonder the fans are so thrilled in seeing their performance. It’s like angels have descended onto Saga Rock!

Episode 8
Franchouchou are considered famous with articles about them and even the internet is talking about them. With a few more events, there is another photo shoot. This time they noticed this huge guy. They think he is a loan shark looking for Koutarou. But wait. He is waiting in Lily’s line. Is he here to kidnap her? When it’s his turn, he puts his hands on her shoulders, prompting Saki to kick him away! Interrogating him, he apologizes and thought Lily looked like that child star he knew. Back home, Lily reveals the truth. That guy is her father! OMG! Wait. If he was so big standing in that line, wouldn’t have Lily saw him? Unless too focused in front. Anyway, Lily is indeed his child as she takes after her mom. Mom died a long time ago but Lily never felt alone because papa was always with her. Because he loved TV so much, she decided to go into TV and with him being her manager, they can always be together. But one day, something happened. Lily refused to appear on an important TV show. And there’s something about she will never grow up too. When Lily saw in the mirror a small hair on her chin, she died of shock!!!! So Lily is actually a guy and her former name is Masao Gou?! Why didn’t the other girls notice this despite being so close together? My theory is that his junk dropped off… Haha! Sorry… More flashbacks from the father’s side. He was so engrossed in this TV thingy, he never realized the important things until Lily died. That is when he hated TV and never watched one ever since. But papa comes to terms this Lily couldn’t be his child so the next photo session, he goes to apologize for scaring her while also blaming himself for being a bad parent. This breaks Lily’s heart (and ours) so after Lily cried enough tears, Franchouchou organizes a special mini concert just for him. They’ve done all they can but he didn’t show up. You know how the heroes always show up at the last moment. You can’t miss him. That big guy at the back. It is the cue for Franchouchou to sing their new song with Lily in the lead. A lovely and beautiful ballad dedicated to papa. Damn it, somebody bring me a box of tissues! In the aftermath, papa doesn’t hate TV so much and returns watching them.

Episode 9
So now Franchouchou have to dance with the old folks? Weird, but this is part of Koutarou’s plan to appeal to the demographic since Saga has a lot of old people. During the break, Sakura is confronted with this delinquent girl and her mini group, Maria. She doesn’t like such dancing on her turf? Until Saki shows up, she leaves. But it brings back some memories because Maria is now the leader of the biker group she was once in, Dorami. Later as Maria pouts about it, they are confronted with their eternal biker group rival, Korosuke led by Misa. Saki on her way back butts in. This could have blown out of proportion had the policeman threaten to call reinforcement. Misa will settle this another way soon. Maria is not pleased with Saki’s interference but when Saki asks about her mom, Reiko, Maria ignores her. Maria returns home and mom is worried. She hates mom who was once the leader of Dorami and is now pathetic and apologizing for nothing. Reiko is worried because there is a challenge letter in the mail and wants Maria to stop this. Like daughter will listen. Meanwhile Koutarou warns Saki about getting into a fight because if idols get into violence, it will be the end of them. It will be the end of Franchouchou. Saki ‘gets it’. However she sees Misa’s entourage passing by and has a bad feeling. Reiko realizes Maria has snuck out. She sees the challenge letter at a certain place. It brought back bad memories because that was where Saki was killed in a twisted chicken race. And now, Maria might share the same fate as she prepares to do it with Misa. Dust off those dirt on your old bike and get ready to save your daughter. This chicken game has both girls riding towards the cliff. The first one brakes, loses. Reiko reaches in time to try and stop them but Maria again is unimpressed. Now here comes Saki. She appoints herself as Dorami’s captain for the day and will take the challenge. She reminds Maria that if she knows Dorami’s history, somebody died. Is she prepared to put her life on the line? Reiko thought she is Saki but she plays dumb. The race begins and Misa is shocked that Saki accelerates. Saki goes off the cliff! Déjà vu? The perks of being a zombie, she can get back up. Reiko then punches Saki for doing something this stupid. In turn, Saki tells Maria that her mom has got guts. If she intends to continue with Dorami, she must prove to mom that she doesn’t have to worry about her. Saki then tells everybody this is no longer the trend to become legendary. This is: Everyone is invited to Franchouchou’s concert as Saki takes the lead in singing a badass delinquent rock piece. Ride on!

Episode 10
Sakura is glad Franchouchou members are feeling a lot better (despite being zombies) but Sakura still has no memories of life before being a zombie. Koutarou announces Franchouchou will perform in a big concert hall, Arpino. Sakura is so excited that she messes up her practice. And then suddenly Koutarou has them go camping in the snowy mountains as part of the practice. You mean right now? Not sure if they reached the spot thanks to the poorly drawn map. But upon reaching, all of them decide to do the basics of survival like starting a fire, collecting shrubs, fishing and hunting for food. Do the dead need all that? Except for Sakura who remains adamant they need to practice. Unfortunately she is only doing it alone. And then when they decide to set a trap to catch a boar (because do zombies really crave for meat?), Sakura accidentally falls into a trap and here comes papa boar! Can someone who is already dead play dead? The boar eats her instead! Now it’s Tae versus the boar! Although the boar is chased away, now here comes Koutarou being preachy. Only Sakura is not amused. She blows her top (ironically her head was torn off) and decides to go home. What you gonna do Koutarou? Pull back! During practice, Sakura remains sloppy but she blames everyone that they were fooling around instead of practising like her. Later Yugiri confronts Koutarou and knows this mountain trip was a bid to help Sakura. Though Koutarou dismisses and that his plan is to save Saga’s depopulation. Then Yugiri slaps him! Have more faith in her! Eh? Isn’t that what Koutarou said? Confused. Sakura finds herself awkward after all that. However she sees her comrades planning their performance in sync. That is when she realizes that the mountain camp was all about teamwork and she selfishly sit out of it. She apologizes and rejoins her team. With everything back to normal, Sakura is back to her happy self. Next morning she decides to go jogging, that damn déjà vu again as a truck slams into her! OMG! The truck guy would have wanted to do something had he not feared Romero. Sakura regains consciousness. Yeah, she’s dead, remember? However she doesn’t have memories of her idol stint. Now she passes out. Or is she dead?!

Episode 11
Déjà vu again for Sakura. Waking up in a strange dark house. Tae attack! Run for your life! Entering the room with other zombie girls, she gets scared while the others are confused. Then, Tae attack! Later Sakura comes to again and she is happy to see Ai of Iron Frills. However Ai tells her the brutal truth and Sakura is unable to accept it. It is confirmed she has lost her memories when she is a zombie but in turn now has her life memories. With Sakura refusing everything, this puts their Arpino event in danger. She remains adamant that nothing good will come out of anything she tries. So all the girls try to take turn to talk to her but the pessimism force is strong in her. When it is Yugiri’s turn to talk to her, I guess she wasted dolling herself up as a geisha as Sakura has ran away. We see her reminisce about her past. All nothing but bad memories. Like when she was chosen to play Snow White, she worked so hard but on the play day she got a cold and had to miss it. During her middle school years, she trained hard to be on the relay team but every time she pulled a muscle on the opening ceremony. Then she studied hard to enter the high school she wanted and stopped hanging out with friends and do all the fun stuffs. Nothing but study. She scored great during the mock exams but during the actual day, she had to help grannies in trouble. Barely reaching the hall in time, she panicked and it ended with failure. Depressed, she saw Ai’s interview of not giving up and working hard and that reignited her passion again but we all knew what happened. Reminiscence interrupted when policeman speaks to her. Yeah, déjà vu again. Zombie! Luckily Koutarou is here to save the day. They talk and as usual, Sakura is being pessimistic because with everything bad always happening to her, she thinks it is best she doesn’t become an idol. She doesn’t care about his plans to save Saga and they can go ahead without her. Well, if that is how you feel, so be it. Be stuck in feeling like sh*t for the rest of your life. Although technically she’s already dead. Sad Sakura resigns to her fate but Koutarou returns! He hasn’t given up on her yet! With more big intimidating words, he says he will never abandon her.

Episode 12
Sakura reluctantly returns to the group but sits out during practice and remains depressed. During handing out of flyers, she is surprised there are fans who come to greet and praise her. Still, all meaningless to her. More depression. Sighs. Do zombies really feel depressed? I guess Tae can’t take this anymore and attacks her! She brings her back to the rest as they try to motivate her. However she doesn’t appreciate it because she can’t remember a thing with them. Time for Yugiri’s slap and lecture. She reminds her that it was her who motivated them to get this far. If Sakura says she doesn’t want to be with them on stage so they can succeed, they rather be on stage with her and fail! Sakura returns to practice and amazingly her body remembers the moves as she was the one who practised a lot. When the mirror cracks, Sakura almost returns to her pessimistic ways but the rest punch it broken. She isn’t the only one with bad luck. They’re all dead. So let’s see what a bunch of bad luck zombies can do! Meanwhile it is hinted that Koutarou was Sakura’s classmate and not sure if it was her who introduced her to the world of idol because he was enthralled by her smile. Franchouchou go up on stage at Arpino. The hall is full and Franchouchou dances to the crowd’s delight. And then signs of bad omen. Uhm, the tree just crashed into the window. Isn’t it a sign to leave? No matter. Continue performing. Then the roof starts collapsing! Don’t mind. Continue. And then the entire stage collapses!!! Damn! Does God really want them off stage?! With everyone in shock, but slowly Franchouchou gets back up (because Koutarou’s slow clap?) and get back to singing! And then there is enough power for music and lights to make them continue their outstanding performance! Hah! Take that, God! You can’t bring down our zombie girls!!! Back stage, the girls are happy that Sakura has her memories back. She apologizes and hopes they can be together. Koutarou spoils their party and tells them to get their asses back on stage to give the crowd an encore! Franchouchou forever! Final cliff-hanger: The journalist finally has put the picture together about the members of Franchouchou. He smells something stinky going on…

Saga Living Dead Idol
OMG! My guts! My dear guts! You were so right! I love this series! This series was amazing! Although it is not a masterpiece but I enjoyed a lot of it. So you see, sometimes all you need to do is give that first chance and everything else will fall in its place. Man, I don’t know what I would have been missing had I really skipped out on this one. By the end of the first episode, I was already hooked and loving the zombie girls as I really wanted to see how far they can go and achieve in their new zombie life. I mean, hey, it’s not like you get to see and hear zombie idols every day, right? We have idols who are from outer space, idols from the spiritual world and all other walks of life. But have you ever heard of a zombie idol? Yeah…

Sure, this series has its ups and downs. It is not perfect after all. I realized that I have built up some sort of expectations for this series as I go along. Probably that is why I felt a bit ‘disappointed’ when the series ended. Before I knew it, the series has already reached its end with its dozen of episodes. Eh, you mean this isn’t going to go on for another cour? Oh well, maybe they need time to cook up some more plots and storylines as this series is an original anime series and not based on any manga or game.

So perhaps my initial disappointment of certain parts left unexplained is unfounded. For example, we have some of the episodes that flesh out the girls’ past and their trauma. Not really in depth and detail but it is sufficient enough to give you an idea of their past. Therefore I was somewhat disappointed when it ended because I realized doesn’t Yugiri have a past of her own? Was she left out? After all, all of Franchouchou members died in an untimely manner so it would have been interesting to see how Yugiri as the ‘oldest’ member died. Poisoned by a fellow jealous courtesan? Can’t say she died of old age because she is such a beautiful and young woman in her zombie form so she must have died during her youthful days.

But the biggest dissatisfaction in terms of the character comes from Tae. I thought this zombie girls was some sort of secret weapon or trump card to Franchouchou. And that they will leave it to the final arc of the series to finally transform her and give her a conscience like the rest. Maybe she has some secret laser cannon in her belly to shoot aliens out of the sky? Haha! Freaky. Unfortunately, she remains a retard for the rest of the series. It is not a bad thing but it is hard to say if Tae being a retard is cute or annoying. Maybe a bit of both. You see, Tae isn’t completely mindless zombie like how they are in the beginning. As the series progresses, you will find that Tae is capable of listening to orders and even doing the simplest of tasks. It is just that her intelligence is not as ‘high’ as what we would considered as ‘civilized’. Hence Tae feels more like an animal moved by instincts rather than complicated goals and ambitions like the rest. Even at this point I myself begin to wonder if Tae actually becomes conscious, would she still be the Tae we all have gotten to know and love. Tae will always be Tae so a change in character would only be for a shock twist.

I also had this thought that Franchouchou will face an enemy. No, not another rival idol group but I had that idea too. The fact that there was a journalist that seemed to be curious about them, that died out after Franchouchou’s status elevated to become angels. Therefore the danger of Franchouchou’s real identity being found out puts a risk on them as the pesky journalist intends to get to the bottom of it all no matter what. This is hinted in the final scene cliff-hanger so if this series gets another season, my bet is that this trouble might soon follow for our zombie girls. After all, we have seen them defy acts of God trying to kill them! And yet they stand back up. Ah, the perks of being a zombie. Did God forget zombies can’t technically die just like Him? Hence I think even in the worst case scenario the journalist did expose them, the most he could do is kill their idol career. But I guess that would be like being dead because Franchouchou is only alive being idols. Let’s hope that never happens.

My next trivial nit-picking is regards to whether or not zombies feel anything. Whether it is physical pain or emotions. Well, from what we have seen here, the zombie girls do experience different types of emotions from happiness to depression. I don’t know, I’m not well versed in zombies so I have always thought they would be dead on the inside and have no feelings. Even if the lore here allows for the zombie girls to have feelings, it feels rather inconsistent. For example if their heads or body parts drop off, do they not feel any pain? It’s like they don’t feel anything in this department but at the same time they can feel happy or depressed? Ironically, if zombies don’t need to eat or sleep, we see Franchouchou doing so, would it be like redundant? I mean, do zombies get tired? I thought in this state your natural limiters are off? I don’t know. So in regards to this topic, it feels somewhat inconsistent to me. But one thing is for sure, Franchouchou is more alive as zombies than they were as humans! Oh, the irony. It must be those magic patches. I gotta get me some of those patches too!

One of the most interesting characters that you would love to hate but also love to love is Koutarou. This guy is like everything. I don’t know if I described him properly but he feels like larger than life. You got to love his loud and flamboyant ways. He is always at my pace and you don’t really know what is going on in his mind. From certain angles, he sounds like a big bully and drill sergeant because of his constant yelling at Franchouchou for whatever reasons. I’m not sure being loud = motivation. It’s not like the zombie girls are death, right? RIGHT?! He also uses big words but it feels it lacks any sort of meaning. It’s just like for show. It’s not what it means, it’s how he says it. That’s why when he starts ranting out loud, the girls don’t really understand all that he mean but it certainly makes you feel that there is something big going on. Although he looks like he doesn’t give a damn at what you say, many times he does care for his girls. It’s not the usual cutie tender loving love that you would expect. More shouting and nonsensical ranting. And then when he surprisingly goes into his soft speaking mode with advice that really hit you, before his words can sink in, it’s back to that loudmouth comeback or whatever. Gotta love this guy or what? Yeah, better get used to it. GOT IT???!!!

Koutarou is also one of the mysterious characters because although he says his goal is to save Saga from depopulation, it feels like there is an ulterior and hidden agenda beneath it all. If he wants to revive Saga and bring youths to the prefecture, are zombie idols the way to go? Could it be this zombie idol thingy is just a cover to fight the zombie apocalypse! Gasp! Plot twist! Maybe that’s what the opening credits are hinting… Yeah. Now you wonder why Tae is just legendary Tae… After all, it is not really explained why he chose these particular zombie girls and even more curious and baffling is how he brought them back to life. How did they all (except for Tae) regain their consciousness about the same time? How long and where were the dead girls preserved? How did Koutarou get their hands on them (because if you consider Yugiri as the ‘oldest’, her body must have been preserved somewhere, right?). So all these questions make Koutarou sound even more suspicious and shady than he looks even if he already told us to use our imaginations and stereotypes to come to our conclusions. Uh huh. Maybe he doesn’t even know. But because of his flamboyant, my pace and ‘charismatic’ (*puking*) ways, we let it slide and go with his flow. Can’t argue with him, no? No. Don’t argue with him if you know what’s good for you! This guy is damn good in persuasion and if he does sales, I’m sure he’ll make a killing.

For the Franchouchou girls as I have mentioned some of them in my previous paragraphs, the different backgrounds of the girls are amusing and interesting. We see a glimpse of some of their past but it is sad that we didn’t get to see Yugiri and Tae due to Sakura ‘hogging’ the final arc for some ultimate drama and plot device to further enhance the bonding of the Franchouchou members. My favourite and most touching story goes to Lily. That was almost a tear jerker and sad story of her father and her son, uhm, daughter? That one really pulled my heart strings. It was sad, it was inspiring, it was bittersweet, it was overall heart-warming and lovely.

Oddly, I know that some of the Franchouchou girls are not that famous (Yugiri’s dead for a long time so obviously nobody knows her, Junko’s fans may have forgotten and moved on) but if you consider Ai and Lily who are considered popular enough especially the former, it is mind boggling to think that nobody actually thought that Ai looks like the dead member of Iron Frills. Looks like her, sounds like her, but she’s dead, so nah, can’t be her. Since the Franchouchou members’ stage name are numbers (like Sakura is Number One, Saki is Number Two, Tae is Number Zero, etc), so it helps in masking their identity. But don’t tell me fans aren’t dying to know their real names? They have a webpage, you know? Or do they think that being mysterious idols and not knowing everything about them (otherwise it makes you look like some creepy perverted stalker knowing every inch of their detail) has some sort of charm to it?

As for the other side characters, Romero seems a bit wasted as the series’ mascot. I am not sure if everyone sees this little zombie puppy differently. Because they see it as a vicious dog. Otherwise from our viewers’ perspective, it is just a cute harmless puppy whose bark is properly cuter than its bite. There is also a running joke of that lone policeman dude. He has the bad luck of stumbling into our zombie girls and gets freaked out and whipping out his gun. Heh. Has he ever seen zombie movies? But one would wonder if he ever learns from this because this scene happens and repeats almost always the same. I assume this guy is single so he makes cheesy pick up ‘arrest’ lines and when he realizes the zombie face of the girls, he goes berserk. You would think that he has seen this so many times, he would have at least taken some precautions or stop doing his night patrol. Maybe it is all a dream. Yeah, must be bad luck to have the same kind of recurring dream all the time! It is also amazing he doesn’t experience any sort of trauma after a few encounters. From the way he freaks out every time, I think if I was him, once is enough for me to get out of the police force! There is also a couple of death metal hardcores who have become fans of Franchouchou and it is just odd to see them still in their death metal makeup and all. Shouldn’t they be dressing closely to match their favourite idols? Nah. Maybe they still want to keep their death metal identity.

Being a show that is about saving Saga, of course there are going to be some promotions of what the prefecture would offer. The most blatant one would be that Drive-in Tori chicken shop. I am not sure how famous this restaurant is in the prefecture but I can bet that its popularity or at least the number of people knowing about it after watching this anime has skyrocketed. Guess what? I saw a simple Q&A on Google that asks if there are zombies in the area! WTF?! Of course, the answer as expected: No, there aren’t. Aside from this hogging and taking a big chunk of the promotion of Saga, there are also others like foodstuffs and local arts and crafts. But these are mainly featured during the mid-intermission eye-catches.

Being an idol themed series, one of the biggest highlights of it all is of course the songs (mostly sung by Franchouchou). While not every song is my favourite but some of them are quite memorable. For instance, the opening theme Adabana Necromancy. The song might feel a bit out of place because it sounds like a song very much suited for a sentai series! Even more so, the animation has the girls in clichéd coloured tokusatsu style fighting zombies! Yeah, it’s that awesome. After all, Franchouchou not only sings songs that are so pop idol generic. They branch out into many other genres and hence these types of songs are my favourite. For example the dissing rap pieces of Dead Or Rap and Saga Arcade Rap, the lovely tribute ballad of To My Dearest, the badass delinquent-like Tokkou Dance and even that head banging death metal Youkoso Saga E! Actually, not to say that I love that death metal song, but it is so funny and with the girls doing their head banging, it’s just hilarious to watch and listen. Other pop idol songs aren’t too shabby too like the techno synthesizer filled Mezame Returner and the rock revival piece of Yomigaere but not really as amusing and entertaining to hear compared to the rest. Oh, I almost forgot another song I prefer, the ending theme of Hikari E is another slow lovely ballad. But sometimes it sounds a lot like a graduation song.

The best voice acting goes to Mamoru Miyano as Koutarou. This guy really rocks in his role. Like as though he was born to voice this character. He played it so well to perfection that I can see no other seiyuus replacing him for this character. If you think Show By Rock’s Shuuzou, Soul Eater’s Death The Kid and Tada-kun Wa Koi Wo Shinai’s Kaoru defines his lively joker voice, wait till you hear this one. Kudos and hats off to Mamoru Miyano! I suppose Kotono Mitsuishi has the ‘easiest’ job as Tae (Boa Hancock in One Piece). Just moan and sound like a retard all the way! Oh well, once you think about it, it’s not easy to do that for the rest of the series and still maintain your sanity.

Oddly even Romero has someone behind its voice. So is this technically the easiest voice acting role? Anyway, sometimes Romero’s bark doesn’t sound like an authentic dog and more like some gay dude climaxing (serious! That’s what I thought sometimes!) as zombie pup is voiced by Yasuhiro Takato (Gluttony in Fullmetal Alchemist). Other casts are Kaede Hondo as Sakura (Kon in Urara Meirocho), Asami Tano as Saki (Sarah in Love Live! Sunshine), Risa Taneda as Ai (Yukina in Strike The Blood), Maki Kawase as Junko (Ingrid in Hyakuren No Haou To Seiyaku No Valkyria), Minami Tanaka as Lily (Mary in Kakegurui), Rika Kinugawa as Yugiri (Takako in Orange) and Hiroyuki Yoshino as the policeman (Saruyama in To Love-Ru).

Art and animation are pretty standard. Everything is bright colourful while our Franchouchou girls look cute even in their zombie forms. Even supposed ‘horror’ moments like when the scene goes exaggerated in showing them as horrible zombies, they still look cute instead of frightening. But there is one aspect of this that is ‘frightening’. Yeah, the use of horrendous CGI! Not sure if I got used to it because I don’t seem to mind it (thanks to me having fun watching the series) but I’m wondering if this is the current standard of the industry as many idol dances are now using this CGI output. This anime is animated by Mappa who did Shingeki No Bahamut series, Teekyuu, Punch Line, Banana Fish, Zankyou No Terror and Kakegurui.

Overall, never judge a zombie flick by its cover. A lesson learnt. For now. This is easily one of the best series of the season. It is funny and it is heart-warming all together in one package. The irony of zombies bringing life to this anime is very much underrated and underappreciated. I hope this series gets another season to flesh out the characters and plot properly. And then we can see Franchouchou not only taking over Saga, but the rest of Japan and hopefully conquer the entire world! After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And Franchouchou can only grow from strength to strength without having to worry about dying all over again. Now, if only they can do a cover of The Cranberries’ Zombie, that would be so perfect and legendary…