Toshokan Sensou

9 October, 2021

How ironic life turned out to be. It wasn’t too long ago when big tech companies were once fighting against government censorship. But in recent times, those very same companies now are supporting and going all out to censor the very people whom they fought for. Yeah. Anyway, this reminded me of an old anime series (not too old, just aired back in 2008), Toshokan Sensou. It’s an anime from the last decade so internet censorship wasn’t around yet. Or at least not as bad as it is today. So what was it that was censored then according to this anime? Books. Yes. BOOKS! Ah damn. Such a rare word to hear these days. Such a rare sight to catch somebody reading in public! And that is why, it is hard to imagine in current times that a special military force was established to help protect libraries and books from those who want to burn them! Damn those f*cking communists!

Episode 1
It is narrated about the Media Cleansing Act. Basically a law of censorship carried out by the Media Enhancement Communist Committee (MEC) arresting anybody they think have committed a crime. When a favourite final volume came out 10 years ago, Iku Kasahara was eager to get it. But there those communists buggers trying to confiscate it?! She is even willing to claim she is shoplifting it so as to have the book stay with her. When they’re about to get violent, some dude defended her and just like that, those communists backed down. Damn, light shining in the background, can’t see his face. Now, Kasahara is a trainee at Kanto Library Base but her instructor, Atsushi Doujou is making her life hard. She complains to her friend, Asako Shibasaki the shorty demon instructor she is but he heard it and looks like next training will be tougher. More narration about the act used as an excuse to protect the people from the media’s bad influence and hence the crackdown of freedom of expression. Hence the Library Freedom Act was passed to counter Media Cleansing Act. Libraries under this area are used as grounds to oppose the central government as the Library Defence Force (LDF) was formed. And a bloody war ensued for 30 years! Shibasaki asks Kasahara about her next choice. Despite in the LDF, the Task Force has super elite members. Kasahara doesn’t give an answer and goes to sleep. Further flashback 10 years ago when that towering dude praised her guts to protect the book. Hence he became the reason she joined in and follow the footsteps of this person she admires.

One day, Kasahara sees a suspicious guy and tails him. Turns out he is trying to vandalize a book. She tries to stop him but he panics and attack her. Fatty otaku can do nothing on her. But since she let her guard down, Doujou is forced to protect her and apprehend the suspect. Then he slaps her for not finishing it and if she thinks this is all fun and games, better quit now. Kasahara sulks but Shibasaki says Doujou credited her with the suspect’s arrest. She confronts him about this but he doesn’t say why. But she says she won’t be quitting the force. Hard to say anything further when she has tears welling up in her eyes like that. Next day, Ryuusuke Genda talks to Kasahara about Doujou and despite being harsh on her, he too feels bummed out about it since he is her instructor and that he has a responsibility over her. Then they spot a vehicle from MEC. Genda thinks it is too obvious if they’re going to attack a library from here and it must be a sneak attack. Impatient Kasahara refuses to listen to him and rushes to the bookstore. Oh damn, those communist buggers bullying a little girl by taking away the book she wants. Kasahara steps in and shows her authority why they can’t do so. However they laugh at her seeing she is not that kind of officer and thus no such authority. Embarrassing. Luckily Doujou is here (even if Genda called him, how the f*ck did he make it here so fast?) to show is authority so the communists go away. Doujou chews out Kasahara for not paying attention in class for this mistake. They get into an argument over Kasahara’s prince so Mikihisa Komaki has to step in and stop them. Though, he too is having it hard to contain his laughter. Back at the base, Kasahara is in shock after receiving a letter to join the Task Force.

Episode 2
Hikaru Tezuka is the other newbie joining the Task Force. Kasahara’s enlistment is thanks to the recommendation of Doujou, Komaki and Genda as they feel they really need to train her further. During the training, Tezuka aces while Kasahara is just mediocre. During an abseiling practice, Kasahara notices Tezuka being slow. Could he be afraid of heights? Then there is this solo camping and Kasahara gets shocked when she heard about bears roaming the area! That night as she sleeps, a bear approaches her camp! Damn, Kasahara punches it in the face!!! Knockout!!! Shibasaki laughs her ass off hearing this. Although it was just a prank as a senior was wearing a bear suit. Hence Kasahara has earned some bear killer name. Because Kasahara continues to slack in some library book filing thingy, Tezuka blows his top that she doesn’t deserve to be here since she doesn’t know the basics. Although Doujou and Komaki are more sympathetic, this really hits her hard. Hence she stays back late to improve herself and requesting Shibasaki’s help, she makes some strides in remembering those categories. Tezuka is still not impressed although Doujou tells him to give credit where it is due.

Shibasaki is investigating a strange case whereby 15 books just went missing. She learns they have been taken to the curator’s office as there will be people from the MEC attending a meeting to discuss about those questionable books. Then the red alert sounds. Oh damn, the entire library enters lockdown and evacuation mode?! Those Media Improvement dudes in full SWAT gear storming in from the front! OMFG! They’re taking the stairs?! Shibasaki notices this and this could mean they are after those questionable books. She makes an announcement throughout the building. Kasahara heard it and defies orders to head to the curator’s office, dragging Tezuka along. Although they were late, they tail those bastards up to the roof. Tezuka manage to apprehend him but he has thrown those books off the building. Calling for reinforcements means they won’t make it in time as his comrades are metres away. Tezuka wants to abseil but Kasahara will do it in his place. Before he can protest, she tells him to STFU because he can’t always be #1. Trust me in this, okay? So as Kasahara abseils, Tezuka provides fire support. She manages to get the books. What now? Media Improvement guys surround her! Don’t worry, her Task Force reinforcements are here. Doujou scolds her for being reckless but also praises her for making the right decision to protect those books. Yeah, Kasahara must be confused if he is mad or commending her. Later, Kasahara can’t fathom why Tezuka is still being serious with her. And then he tells her the truth: He likes her and wants to go out with her. Didn’t see that coming, did she?!

Episode 3
The usual answer. Give me some time! Perhaps Kasahara is a little lost so she seeks Shibasaki’s answer on what to do. She thinks she should date this guy because he has all the good qualities that many women are looking for. Go ahead, it’ll be interesting to watch them as a couple! So that’s her intentions… We hear some guys talking about the Nightmare of Hino that happened 20 years ago. About a dozen people died when those communists attacked the place. Kazuichi Inamine who is the current commander of LDF was a survivor of that incident. Though, he lost his wife and his right leg. That incident led to the creation of the Library Freedom Act. Genda briefs the Task Force over their next mission. Because some dude who owns the Odawara Museum has just died, they are to transfer some documents out ASAP. You bet those MEC buggers will come and take some of his works. Their job is to protect it while they transfer his collection out in 2 trips. But Kasahara is given a special mission: As that dude’s funeral service will be held at the same time, she is to accompany Inamine there. Later Kasahara confronts Doujou about leaving her out. He says it is for her experience. Liar. Tell me the truth! Okay, you want the truth? Because you can’t provide enough military firepower! There’s your truth. Can she handle it? Nope. Cried. It proves Doujou doesn’t trust her. Kasahara being so depressed is so obvious and of course Shibasaki gives her account why Doujou left her out. Initially Genda wanted to include her but Doujou opposed. As Kasahara has not even let her parents know she is in this LDF, he was probably looking out for her. As usual, Kasahara seeks her help to teach her. Helping to cover this event is reporter, Maki Orikuchi who is Genda’s friend. Oops, better not send that picture of Kasahara getting into a blooper. Now we head to D-Day as LDF and MEC shoot at each other as the helicopter makes its trips to take away 2 loads of containers. Yeah, I don’t even know why it had to resort to gunfights over books. Anyway, once the final container is flown away, Genda makes his announcement to MEC. LDF is to withdraw by a certain time. It seems there is a third container left behind for MEC. It contains books that they already have copies of. Can’t leave them empty handed? WTF this justice? Genda then receives news that suspicious people have infiltrated the funeral service. Don’t look now, but Kasahara and Inamine are being surrounded by those suspicious people!

Episode 4
These people are from Bakushuukai, a supporting group of MEC and if Inamine doesn’t go with them, they will set off bombs all over the place. Kasahara offers to accompany Inamine due to his condition since it is her duty to take care of him. They allow her. Genda and Hiraga from the police department cooperate to solve this case as they realize the bomb threat at the funeral service was fake. They wait till Bakushuukai make their ransom call. When they do, Genda wants to confirm if the hostages are okay. They let Kasahara speak and the first thing she does is for someone to ask Shibasaki to cancel their reservation at a restaurant tonight! Not going to pay for the cancellation fee! You bet everyone is in shock and some trying to hold back their laughter. Time to get down to real business. Apparently there is a list of books that they did not obtain and want them released to them to be destroyed. They have 2 hours to fulfil this request or else. Since the phone call cannot be traced, Genda calls Shibasaki about this. She knows Kasahara gave them a hint because that restaurant is where they are located right now. But 2 hours is a short time as they won’t be able to duplicate those copies in time. You mean they did not have copies in the first place?!

Inamine feels uncomfortable and has Kasahara take off his prosthetic leg. Unknown to those baddies, doing so means sending a signal to base. Now that they have determined their exact location, Genda has LDF move in. However this has him but heads with Hiraga since now it is police jurisdiction. Not if Genda has his men buy the plot of that building and make LDF the owner! It’s now under our jurisdiction! Damn, they have lot of money? Or is it creative accounting? With LDF nicely waiting outside, how the f*ck did Doujou know where Kasahara is? And how the heck does he know he saw his mini hand signal at the edge of the window?! Oh well, time for plot convenience. Because at the count of 3, Kasahara covers Inamine while LDF barge in to apprehend the Bakushuukai. Those losers can’t even fight back. As Inamine has put a good word of Kasahara to Doujou, Doujou apologizes to her and takes back what he said. She feels happy but odd to be praised by him. Then it descends into a petty argument. Things are back to normal. Later, Kasahara rejects Tezuka’s confession. She doesn’t even like him. Seeing he has no reaction, it is prove he doesn’t like her. So what confess in the first place? Well, Doujou said she was an interesting women and could learn a thing or two from her. So that was what going out with her meant? Kasahara is so embarrassed she was worried for nothing. See how interesting she is? Later Kasahara tries to write a letter to her parents. But a little too late as Shibasaki shows her a letter from her parents. They’re coming to visit her at her work place. Oh no.

Episode 5
The parents are here! Can Kasahara stop screaming and face reality? Her comrades even helped shift her to library duties today. Obviously, she is nervously talking to them. She wants to bring them around the library but they’ve already toured themselves while waiting for her. They want to see the base. Hence Kasahara seeks Doujou’s help. You’re on your own. Shibasaki? Not going to babysit you. Too bad Doujou has Shibasaki help her out. So as they go about the base, it’s like Shibasaki has lots of sarcasm in her words that reflect what Kasahara really is. Genda almost tells the truth since he is unaware of what’s going on. The parents stay over. While dad stays with Doujou, mom stays with Kasahara. Hide all those military books! How about this military uniform? Shibasaki claims it is hers but isn’t it too big? Her boyfriend’s. Phew. Next day at the library, mom is in danger of reading the article on Odawara. It has Kasahara’s face in the picture. She tries to distract her with other books to read. She then seeks Doujou’s help to hide the book but he can’t because they can’t deprive customers the freedom to read. When dad wants to read about current affairs, Kasahara can’t find it so Doujou helps. Dad then confronts her about being a good librarian. Because compared to others, she is sloppy. How can she still be a librarian? Good timing because a thief just stole a book. Kasahara runs up to him and tackles him! Now you see what’s going on? As Kasahara rues her parents’ questioning tomorrow, dad talks to Doujou about his daughter. What does he think of her as a librarian and a subordinate? Well, lots of room for improvement and a precious junior. He is glad she met him. Next day, mom is worried about her and wants her to quit. This riles Kasahara but surprisingly dad says they should respect her decision. Kasahara then tells the truth of why she wants to become one. Embarrassing but mom finds it charming. As the parents leave, dad hopes Doujou will take care of her. Doujou realizes he has been had as dad has already read about the Odawara incident and knew it all along.

Episode 6
Kasahara and Komaki obtained a very rare book from a bookshop dealer. He knew it cannot be displayed here anymore so he handed it over to them for safekeeping as he wanted more people to read it. It’s like reality playing out itself as the book’s story is about bad people wanting to burn books. So the book is hinted to be George Orwell’s 1984? Or is it the script of this series! Of course soon, they are tailed and trapped by those communists. While other comrades become decoy for the duo to run, suddenly one of them shoots Komaki in the leg. Though, it’s just an abrasion. This has Kasahara mad because they violated some rule about no shooting in the neighbourhood as she calls out that bugger and wants to punch him! No time for that as Komaki takes her to run. They manage to lose them as they hide in the train docks. Kasahara rues this and wants to protest this but Komaki believes MEC will find a way to get out of this. After all, they used a silencer and who in the neighbourhood could’ve heard the shot? Yeah, those bastards don’t play by the rules. After Kasahara calls and reports to Genda what happened, Komaki relates how similar she is to Doujou. He relates how he and Doujou were in the second year in LDF. A mission to guard a children’s library, they held out until morning. Right before it is about to open, some kids want to enter. But a MEC guy told him he can’t. That boy snuck in. Guess what? MEC f*cker shot him! Actually, it was a warning shot so it missed. That was when Doujou got mad and jumped out from behind the barrier to call out to the f*cker who fired that shot and wanted to punch him.

Story interrupted as MEC is now getting closer. The duo surrender themselves but the book isn’t with them. MEC continues to search for the book while the duo sit with their captured friends. Komaki continues the story. Doujou went on to punch those MEC dudes. The rest soon follow and it became a huge brawl. The normal people must be so damn confused… In the aftermath, Doujou was made to write an apology letter but Genda also made him the group leader so as to let him take some responsibility. As MEC continues their search, LDF ambushes them. Then the first train of the day moves. MEC knows it is on this train and wants to search. However they decide to back down and end their operations because a call from the Judiciary Department ordered them to. They received report of gunshot in the neighbourhood. WTF, they decide to oblige that like a good boy?! I thought they don’t play by the rules?! Doujou comes by and after seeing Komaki’s injury, wants to know who shot him. You? Before you think he might punch him again, this time he warns the bugger to prepare for hell because they’re going to protest like hell. Komaki tells Kasahara that despite Doujou being reckless, he can learn. She should learn from him too. As they head home, they wonder why the Judiciary Department acted so early in the morning. Did they really receive a complaint? Doujou thinks Tezuka made that complain call last night. Sneaky?

Episode 7
A man named Hikaru Asahina asks Shibasaki if there are any books about burning. Perplexed, she shows him the section and later they end up going out drinking (Kasahara and Tezuka spying of course). Regarding that book burning topic, he is doing research on local administration and asks her opinion about the library’s view on such. Elsewhere, Kasahara isn’t too pleased with some book review by a fellow colleague, Sunagawa who is from the Affairs Department. Lots of harsh criticism especially on one of her favourite books. She gives her piece of mind to him. But Sunagawa is interested in Tezuka. He knows his brother is Satoshi and has joined his Library Future Planning Committee that he leads. It is a committee that evaluates the oppression and society’s problem and he believes that guy can really change things. However Tezuka isn’t happy and warns him not to say anything else. Since Tezuka gets a message to meet up with Satoshi, a short flashback that it was him whom Tezuka made the call to and that’s how he got the Judiciary Department to act so quickly. Satoshi wants Tezuka to also join his committee but the latter disagrees with his views. Especially blaming him for breaking up his family and causing mom to fall ill. Satoshi will back down for now but won’t give up in persuading him.

Shibasaki is invited out by Asahina to a fancy restaurant for dinner. He asks if she heard about the Musashino Library covering up unjust burning of books. Of course she has not. Asahina has a reporter friend who wants to report it but it seems he has been told that this can still be covered up. He can only hold out till tomorrow. Shibasaki can’t answer now and will definitely answer him tomorrow. Last minute decision, eh? When she comes home, Kasahara can tell something is so wrong with that dejected book. Shibasaki asks her opinion about crimes that can be covered up. Kasahara’s opinion is that she will ask the person to surrender because if it was cover up means not admitting to your mistakes. If it was exposed, it means harsh punishment. Shibasaki is glad she has a friend like her. Next day, she calls Asahina and says she’ll pretend not to hear about last night’s conversation. If there is unjust burning of the books, there is no need to hide. Asahina then calls Satoshi about it so the latter replies just to wait for tomorrow’s headlines. Next day, the curator admits to librarians unjustly burning books. Although the case isn’t fully revealed yet, somehow it involves Sunagawa. Genda talks to Doujou privately from the rest but they can hear Doujou blowing his top. It seems that Kasahara has been summoned by the inquiry commission as Sunagawa named her his accomplice. Kasahara isn’t mad or surprised because Doujou did so on her behalf. Until she learns how damn harsh the inquiry will be. Time to know the true meaning of fear.

Episode 8
Kasahara is being told by her comrades that currently the LDF is split into 2 factions: Fundamentalists under Inamine who value independence and freedom of libraries. Then there’s this Governmentalists who believe the government should control everything. They give her a book to read and memorize on what the inquiry might ask her. So far so good until she gets a bit off track about Sunagawa seeking her help in burning the books (she did help him cart books away but was unaware of its contents nor his intentions then). Just when it is going to get tougher and she can’t hold out any longer, here comes Doujou to take her back. Time’s up you inquiry losers, she has to get back to work! Can he do that?! Apparently they put a recorder in Kasahara’s pocket so they could hear what they asked. Too bad Kasahara forgot to stop it after that and so everybody heard her frailness with Doujou after that. Embarrassing. Shibasaki confronts Asahina about it as it is very different from what he said but looks like he too is unaware of this. When other people start to whisper behind Kasahara’s back, Shibasaki confronts Tezuka about it and wonders if his brother has anything to do with it. If so, she can’t ignore this any longer. He tells the truth to her and the other guys as well. Tezuka believes Satoshi is targeting him and wants him to join his team but their beliefs differ. Soon, Kasahara gets a call from Satoshi. Shibasaki soon gets all the guys together and wants them to do something about this because Kasahara has left a letter saying she has gone to meet Satoshi. Tezuka wants to go but Doujou tells him to stay put since they might be walking into Satoshi’s trap. They can only wait for Kasahara to return because if he is just out to recruit her, there is nothing they could do.

Kasahara is treated to a nice dinner by Satoshi as he asks her opinion about censorship. His team can do away with that just like before all this sh*t today. He finds that the current system is not enough to do away with that. He also finds it funny LDF and MEC fighting each other. However this might take a long time to come into effect. Say, 10 or 20 years. Hence Kasahara turns him down. She can’t wait that long for things she want to do now. I mean, it’s unfair to tell people to give up their current freedom for a better possible one that may or may not happen. With her honest opinion, Satoshi too gets brutally honest. He doesn’t care about her and is just using her as bait to lure Tezuka. Everything was a setup by him. Thus he wants her to relay a message to Tezuka. If he joins him, he will drop all accusations on Kasahara and set her free. But Kasahara will not relay such evil message to Tezuka either. Cue for Doujou to come in and take Kasahara back. He’ll pay for the dinner. Bye. Can he do that?! So apparently he is here because as her superior, he is worried and knows she is going through a rough patch. That sure made her emotional. Soon, Kasahara is proclaimed innocent with charges dropped and everyone treats her normally thanks to Shibasaki’s PR. Shibasaki meets Asahina and claims this is the last time they’ll meet. She knows he is from Satoshi’s team and is doing this under his orders. Asahina was against it too but well, trying to claim he fell in love with her as an excuse? She’s not buying it. Now scram. Shibasaki then talks to Tezuka to thank him for telling about Asahina. She thinks she is suited for intel kind of jobs. Tezuka also confessed he has inferior complex to Satoshi. Doujou resembles him, a time when Tezuka admired him. Since he can’t throw away the watch he gave, he gives it to Shibasaki. She’ll pawn it instead. Kasahara gets an apology note from Satoshi who has learnt his lesson not to mess with girls who has prince charming coming to her rescue since her high school days. Are you thinking who that prince charming is?!

Episode 9
Yup. Kasahara can’t stop thinking about Doujou as her prince. Thus she is acting weird before her colleagues. They think she is nervous for the upcoming exam to become the head librarian chief. There’s a written and practical exam and its passing rate is only 50%. Too little or too much? Depends on your point of view. Tezuka too has problems in the practical department so he seeks Shibasaki’s help. She is glad to help but of course for a huge meal compensation. As Kasahara still panics around Doujou, Satoshi’s letter drop out. She tries to hide it and claims she was just going to return the money from Satoshi to him. Why did she say that? Because now Doujou thinks Satoshi’s letter is the one that made her act all weird. He wants to see the letter. No way! They struggle and it ends up Kasahara beating him up unconscious! Wow. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Kasahara talks to Komaki about this prince thingy but he understands her because he too once had those same feelings. When Doujou is okay, Kasahara continues to avoid him. We take a detour seeing Tezuka and Shibasaki practising with the kids. The kids climbing all over Tezuka while Shibasaki is a natural in making them listen to her story time. Komaki finds it cute that Doujou has made notes for Kasahara. But he is having doubts of giving it to her, thinking she hates him. Likewise, the same for her. As she can’t take it anymore, she thinks of quitting and returning home! Damn, Shibasaki not trying to stop her? Okay girl, you do what you want. She’s really leaving! But she bumps into Doujou who then decides to hand her the notes. They clear up their misunderstandings. So I take it she’s not quitting. As expected. We see the exams take place. In the end, Kasahara, Shibasaki and Tezuka pass with flying colours. Kasahara may have barely passed the written one but she was top in the practical. She goes to thank Doujou by giving him a chamomile scented bottle. She also confesses that she is graduating from her prince and will work towards him acknowledging her. As he gives his praises, she gets embarrassed thinking he is asking her out. Back to embarrassing land again. What she’s saying about her heart will burst?! Oh you bet. The way she’s handling everything.

Episode 10
The Task Force will be protecting a prefecture exhibit at Ibaragi. Kasahara is in shock. Why? Her home is nearby… Upon arrival, it seems there are normal citizens doing some protest against the violence between LDF and MEC. They want them to hand over their weapons. Genda isn’t going to do so because he believes MEC won’t be doing the same. Talking with Yokota, it seems his hands are tied and can’t do much because Sugawara who is the library’s curator is siding with those people and it would be absurd if she really disarms them when the exhibition starts. As Kasahara is the only female from Task Force, she will be alone. However she is subjected to bullies and pranks by the admin b*tches. There are a few meek LDF girls here but they don’t want Kasahara to make a scene. They claim they are used to it and will put up with all the abuse. You see, this place is where the admin has power over LDF and with the females so lacking in numbers, it’s not hard to see why they have no fighting chance over the overwhelming admin side. And so we see Kasahara patiently putting up to the abuse. After all, there’s no proof that those b*tches did it, right? Even Doujou offers her to cry in her arms. Just this once.

But things soon get worse as Kasahara’s mom is here! She slaps her for not telling her that she is in this job and wants to take her home. But Kasahara will not have this and slaps her back! She threatens to disown her if she insists on having her ideal daughter. As the tension escalates, Doujou takes them to a private place. He wants Kasahara to call her father to pick up mom and believes he can do it. Eventually she has to face this so she talks to her parents. As mom sobs, dad says their daughter has got the achievement of being the first female in Task Force. Let’s be proud of that. Mom is still not convinced and thinks she will be killed again. Long ago, when dad played rock climbing with her behind their house, she fell and hit her head. Just needed a minor stitch. Kasahara is relieved that mom doesn’t hate her. Just a bit overprotective. Later Kasahara learns from the LDF girls that those admin b*tches forced them to reveal about her weakness. Because Kasahara did tell them her circumstances, she doesn’t blame them for ratting her out. Hence when she meets them the next time, she is willing to overlook this bullying but warns them that their performance review goes straight to Kanto Library Base. You know what this means, right? Just like that, those b*tches got scared and stop the bullying. You mean they did not think ahead?! Oh well, seeing the kind they are, why would they? As they try to also apologize, this time the LDF girls give them a piece of their mind. They can’t accept their apology now as the exhibition is close. All they want is to live with equal status.

Episode 11
A press conference is held. Although the curator and governor side with LDF, the media is siding with MEC. Tezuka gets a call from Satoshi. He gives a vital info that MEC will only attempt to take down the exhibit once, on the first day before the opening to the public. As there are sides opposing to this, even MEC’s pride is on the line and they don’t want to further prolong the trouble. Shibasaki reports her findings to Inamine about the nonviolence club has close financial ties to MEC and LDF at Mito Station was made powerless by MEC. He wants her not to tell their pals yet so as not to lower their morale. Thanks to Satoshi’s info, Genda can make early preparations as he plans on how to tackle MEC on that day. The night before the battle, Kasahara spends time with Doujou. Komaki is out buying stuffs when he stumbles into an MECC dude (the one who shot him during that chase at the train docks). Damn, they’re talking like friends? Well, he isn’t enthusiast about his own MEC comrades because they are all idiots unlike those in LDF. They all have no ambition although they have immense pride of the organization. Komaki invites him to join them but he can’t. He got in because of personal connections.

D-Day is here as LDF waits for MEC to show up. They don’t disappoint as they ram through the barriers and all the men jump out from their vans and start firing. When several MEC snipers make it difficult for them, thanks to Kasahara’s observation, she relays the message they are hiding in trees. Tezuka manages to take them out. When time is running out, MEC gets desperate. Those guys now run towards and try to get in like zombies while LDF hold them back. Doujou is providing cover but Kasahara sees he is in danger of being shot and fires back. Her first multiple kill? She then becomes shell shocked and can’t reload her gun properly. But saved by the bell. It signals the end of the time limit. And just like that, those MEC buggers go away dejectedly while picking up their fallen comrades. Doujou consoles Kasahara’s nervousness and tells her to become stronger if she wants to stay calm in all situations. Doujou then sees Sugawara acting suspiciously and follows her. Meanwhile an MEC guy can’t accept this loss and tries to destroy the exhibit himself. Genda stands in his way and dares him. He fires! OMG! Genda dead?! Doujou catches Sugawara trying to burn down the library documents! Her logic is that because of that exhibit, the library will be destroyed. Isn’t she doing it herself?! Well, she doesn’t want to take the blame. Won’t she now?! She shoots Doujou (but not fatal) and sets it alight. Although Kasahara manages to stop her, however she is more concerned as the burning piles fall over Doujou.

Episode 12
Well, Good news. Genda and Doujou are still alive. Although Genda is in coma but as for Doujou, the doctor diagnoses him with agnosia. Basically he can’t remember, or recognize anything or do anything by himself despite his body is still functioning normally. A living vegetable? Worse, the biased media makes it sound like LDF were at fault for breaking the rules in the first place. While waiting for Doujou to recover, Kasahara trains herself. More good news as Genda wakes up in hospital to a very relieved Orikuchi. He got shot 32 times all over and the operation lasted 13 hours! Damn, this is a miracle! And for that, he receives a 2 grade promotion! Wait, does this mean he is taking Inamine’s place? Yes, he is resigning not because of pressure from the media. As there were casualties from MEC, the media is starting to point fingers. His resignation is not from this but the oversight from Mito Station that caused tremendous damage to LDF. We see Inamine giving his final speech and of course for his men to continue fighting for freedom. The media continue to hound LDF and pressure them to resign and follow the censorship law! As Kasahara visits Doujou every day, eventually the media comes to bug her. Because they are too pushy, they accidentally step on a book she dropped. She is about to blow her top but remembers Doujou’s words to be calm. In what could be said her mature moment, she talks about the different media that enrich everyone’s lives. She believes it is wrong for that freedom to be taken away. Even if it is the law, not being able to question them isn’t called living. Then she talks about the chamomile, the symbol of LDF. They are weathering through tough times but they’ll never give in. When she returns to base, everyone is proud of her words even if it sounds one sided. Thanks to that speech, Kasahara has received tons of fan mails! Bags and bags of them! Proof that there are people who are still siding with them. Not only letters, but some sent pots of chamomiles too. She brings some to Doujou as she talks about the time she realized he was her prince. But now he is the man whom she is in love with. Suddenly Doujou pats her head and wonders why she is crying. Oh, nothing. Tears of sorrow become tears of joy. Welcome back, my love. In the aftermath, Genda and Doujou recovered fully. The public outcry simmer down thanks to publications from Orikuchi. Satoshi worked with the Judiciary Department to stop the bias TV programmes. Kasahara continues her training to keep up the people’s hopes in her.

A pervert is caught red handed when he tries to film upksirt of Kasahara. Seems it is a trap set by the Task Force to get him. As they interrogate him, they know he targeted Kasahara because she was wearing a fake hearing aid. Yes, the creepo has a fetish for hearing impaired girls. Everyone is shocked when Komaki tells the f*cker to just die. Scary. Turns out Komaki has a friend, Marie Nakazawa who is also hearing impaired. We hear her narrate being childhood friends with him. But as she grows up, she started having hearing difficulties and this made her depressed. Thanks to Komaki, it made life bearable. He is the reason why she is able to go outside like normal now. Though, she still blames herself for him breaking up with his girlfriend. Though, Komaki claims it was she had to transfer away for another job. One day, those communists barge into the library and demand Komaki being handed over for inquiry. They have received reports that he violated a minor name Marie. Although Genda refused to do so as he wants to do investigation on his side, MEC threatens to file a case against the entire library. This causes the curator to panic and will hand him over right away. Not wanting trouble, Komaki goes with them but tells Doujou to not tell his family. Later, Shibasaki tells her team this was what happened. Komaki recommended a book in which the heroine is hearing impaired. Her classmates thought it was insensitive and it spread like wildfire. MEC caught wind of it and took the chance to swoop in. WTF?! WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE?! Doujou is against Kasahara and Shibasaki’s idea of getting Marie involved as the girls argue she might want to save the man she loves. He claims he has promised Komaki to stay silent and warns them not to get involved. But the girls are unimpressed and mock his stubborn male pride. Hence they fake getting sick just to take a day off to find Marie.

Tezuka does his part by calling the head of the MEC to get info on where Komaki is being held. Satoshi’s name sure comes in handy. But really? WTF?! He gives this info to Doujou and wants him to trust it without questioning it. When Doujou returns to tell Genda, he is shocked to see Marie here. Before he blows his top about his promise to Komaki, Shibasaki says that was only between the guys. No such agreement made with the ladies, right? And as Marie types, she too wants to save Komaki. We see those communist bastards torturing him to confess. Yeah, looks more like torture. Of course he will only confess if they have a valid argument and will not cave in. He has been holding out thanks to his thoughts on Marie. And what do you know? Marie and the Task Force are here. What’s the meaning of this? Genda has Komaki tell him what he has been charged with. It was highly insensitive of him to recommend a story of a hearing impaired girl to a deaf mute. That is when Marie speaks up and shocks those communists. She lashes out that they cannot even tell the difference between deaf and hearing impaired, how can they tell she was discriminated against? Also, she loves the book as the heroine is the same as her. Is this discrimination? Or do they just want to discriminate? It’s fine if they want to but please leave them out! Uhm, I don’t think discrimination is okay anywhere, anyhow. Marie hugs Komaki as he notes she has grown stronger. It is her who saved him this time. He also remembers the other reason his ex-girlfriend left him was because she knew he would fall for Marie instead. He might look at her as a kid but in a few more years, he’ll stop doing so. Komaki is freed and life returns to normal for everyone.

Cancel Culture! Censor Sensei, Censure Ensure
Well, looks like freedom from censorship is still a long way to go. But I may be missing something because there was a sequel movie that was released 4 years after the TV series ended. Yup, still feels like a long time despite the movie was released back in 2012. And you know me, I have something against sitting down and watch a movie that is almost 2 hours long in one sitting but I have no qualms in watching 5 hours of 30 minute anime series straight in 1 sitting. Yup. Some dumb otaku logic of mine there. Oh damn, it had a live action movie the following year too? And a sequel a couple of years later? Wow. So much books to protect. So I’m not sure if the movie somewhat concludes the series but I read a few comments here and there on the internet that it somewhat did. Of course, other than the ‘movie’ label and the length of the film’s duration, the other factor that led me decide to not go ahead and watch Kakumei No Tsubasa is…

The underlying theme of this series is of course freedom of expression vs censorship. All I know is that there are parties and people from both side of the divide and thus the silliness for both sides to arm themselves to have some kind of military warfare over books and works of arts. That is of course the very basic gist about it. Now, if I were to go into the convoluted details of how the law works and why this is so and so, I’d be at a loss. You see, right till the very end, this whole law thingy just confused the hell out of me. Who is right? Who is wrong? I still don’t really know nor do I get a clear picture in the end. It’s like some people want to play Big Brother so they say some books you can’t read. So hand them over now! And then you’ve the defiant side who says no way, Jose. And then they have some military style conflict before they end it when the time is up and go home. Like, WTF?! Are they even serious in upholding what they believe in?! Especially the MEC side who are so bent on censoring stuffs they deem dangerous to the young minds, I thought they would go all the way out just to achieve their goals. Then you tell me they have their pride or something. I thought all is far in war? Maybe not an all-out war like World War II or its equivalent but it is still war, right? What was the name of this series again? Because of that, it sounds to me that they don’t want to look like dicks and that they turned out to be half-baked dictators instead. Yeah, I’m so confused. Maybe the movie addressed this but at this point I just didn’t want to further risk hurting my confused brains anymore…

It just blows my mind to see that the ‘war’ between LDF and MEC look like one big timed cat and mouse game. It feels like a farce. Take for instance the final stretch of the arc when LDF was defending against the onslaught of the crazy MEC vanguards. So all MEC has got to do is to break through and destroy the art within a certain time frame and they win. And if LDF defends it when the time is up, they win. Do you see what I am trying to say here? The problem is that both sides are trying to abide and stay true to the laws that their organizations believe in. Because if anyone just acts out of line, you bet they will make their organization look bad and like a dick. It just doesn’t match up. On one hand they want ‘dangerous’ books to be banned but on the other hand, they try to play nice without going overboard. I mean, shooting each other is okay. As long as nobody dies, right? Yeah. Weird. And that time where those communists were chasing Kasahara and Komaki over that seemingly 1984 book, when big boss calls them and says to give it up, the cronies being good soldiers, just give up? Are they really serious in enforcing their brand of censorship laws! Not to mention after a successful defending by the LDF, they leave a portion of books for MEC to burn since they already at least have a copy of it. WTF?! Trying to console the loser with some sort of participation trophy, are they???!!! Like I said, it is all for show and it doesn’t matter to the public because at this point I see many are brainwashed.

Breaking the camel’s back is when those communists abduct Komaki with intentions of making him confess to what might be seen as so f*cking trivial in today’s era. They’re so dumb. Don’t they have other ways to frame him? Well, can’t blame them. Even if this series came out back in 2008, the internet technology is still at an infant stage even for a hi-tech country like Japan. Yeah, noticed how they’re using flip phones?! Damn, feeling so old and dated now. But hey, at least I didn’t see them use any floppy disks! HAHAHA!!! Anyway, I thought that OVA story was really cheesy and just trying to make those communists look like stupid retards. Paint them like the dumb bad guys they are because the Task Force members are always righteous and good, right? Yup. They’re the main characters for a reason.

Even more confusing is Satoshi’s team that is supposed to be something that transcends both LDF and MEC and something that would give freedom back to the people. However, unfortunately it is not fleshed out very well here and it leaves a lot more to be desired. I suppose if he doesn’t have the right people in his team, he cannot have his plans take flight. So it feels like a pipe dream for now and the only reason why I can think off they introduce him and this is just to help in the character development of our main characters. Or else, very redundant and it makes Satoshi’s character very grey. Because you wonder if he is friend or foe. But because he loves his brother so much and wants him on his team, you see him bend his back a little when Tezuka makes the secret call. Then voila. He weaves his magic sleight of hand. Wow. This guy must be real powerful to get things done at a very quick notice. Too bad it just feels so irrelevant here unless plot convenience calls for it. Just like the Governmentalists and Fundamentalists too. Like, you mean LDF isn’t even a united front?! Why not the f*ck those pseudo LDF government boot lickers just join the MEC to begin with? And there are many other smaller organizations who support MEC, why not just join their group to begin with? Am I missing something here? Oh right. When Bakushuukai failed, at least MEC as a whole was spared from their stupid incompetence. And that’s the last you’ll hear from this tiny group. Don’t tell me they disbanded after that.

Making it all weirder are the military gunfights in between. I suppose they have to add in action when you ‘war’ in your title, huh? One of the biggest joke is probably when I start to wonder is everybody is just firing at everybody so much and nobody dies (or at least casualties are kept to the minimum), did they just take pot shots at each other? What a waste of ammo even if I remember hearing them say at one point that these aren’t real bullets but something hard and would just hurt a lot. Not kill, just hurt. And I also clearly remember hearing Doujou said that they have to keep firing so as not to show the enemy the weakness. Well, logic dictates that if a side doesn’t fire back shows that it is not well defended, right? So yeah, I’m laughing at the fact that everybody is just shooting at everything just to show their might and force so as not to show signs that they might be losing! Yeah, might as well have blanks for bullets. I bet it saves a lot of costs. I think. Does it? So like I’ve said a few times already, it’s just like one big game. Hence the action sequences might be satisfactory but the logic behind this skirmish, not really. Oh heck, just forget all the details and just enjoy the gunfights and shooting and your occasional close quarter combat.

Many say they like this series because of the character development. Well, okay. If it was in the 2000’s decade, maybe it felt so. Now that we’re in the 2020’s decade, it just feels so dated and retro. In short, I don’t really feel anything much. The big focus is of course on Kasahara and Doujou as they are the big main characters. But for the rest of the team, they’re just, uhm, barely there? They’re there enough to play the role that they are given to and nothing much more. Like Shibasaki. Good friend of Kasahara but also sneaky at times. Got to love her snarky sarcasm and sense of humour. An intellect, very suited for a spy or intel department. Tezuka an ace student. Good backup. Genda big good commander of the Task Force who looks after his men. Komaki, nice guy is Doujou’s best friend and just like Shibasaki, enjoy watching the comical banter between Doujou and Kasahara. Laughter is the best medicine, right? So if you’re hoping that you’d get more from these characters, well, be disappointed because with only a dozen episodes, that’s not enough to do justice. Just live with it. The Task Force has dependable colleagues-cum-friends. Enough said.

As for Doujou and Kasahara, you know what they say, the couple that fights and argues a lot together, stays together. Okay, I may have twisted that saying myself but you get the idea. It’s like they’re the worst pair made to pair up with each other but at the same time they are compatible with each other. Confusing? Well, that’s why the click so well. Sort of. Obviously Kasahara being the new kid in town is a lot more brash, rash, crude and reckless. Because of that, this has Doujou step in many times to calm the situation and save her skin, preventing the situation from becoming worse than it is. Doujou himself too is pretty hot headed and temperamental like Kasahara. Only difference is that as her superior, he knows when to show it and maintain his professionalism. Not to say that Kasahara’s outburst is wrong but in this world we live in, TPO counts a lot. Well, this show isn’t supposed to be mainly comedy but I can bet that many of them comes from Kasahara herself because when she gets surprised and put on that flabbergasted look, you can see her animation going into comical version.

Despite the constant fighting and arguing among each other, they also support each other as much. In a way, this symbiotic relationship help make each other grow as they cover each other’s weaknesses as well as giving the other the much needed support when they are at a lost. Eventually, proof of Kasahara moving on is that she realized the prince charming whom she once admired is the same shorty who was her devil instructor now superior. I guess, he looked a lot taller then when she was SMALLER! Funnily too, I thought Doujou’s first rescuing of Kasahara, his pose somewhat reminded me of that Ace Attorney guy. Yeah… Now that their love has blossomed, can they maintain their professionalism? I also read that the movie actually does flesh out a lot of their intimacy and many were satisfied with the romance that developed between them. Can’t say for Komaki x Marie and Shibasaki x Tezuka. Just hinting but nothing concrete.

Art and animation reeks 2000’s style anime. Very obvious it was anime made during that time. Is it me or do I find some of the characters to be a little bit chubby? Like Kasahara. Maybe it’s just her. Because other characters like Tezuka and Komaki, they look really slim. Is it me or does Tezuka and Asahina look a like? Maybe it is on purpose since they also share the same first name. There’s a bit of cell shading in this anime and it’s not that bad actually. One thing I want to point out is that the uniform of those MEC communist dudes, why do they remind me of Street Fighter II’s M. Bison? Yeah, they make those communists look a hell a lot evil. Makes me wonder if they’ll do a Psycho Crusher any time soon! This anime is done by Production I.G who did Kuroko No Basket, Haikyuu, Psycho-Pass, Kimi Ni Todoke, Blood+ and Ballroom E Youkoso.

As usual, the fun part for me watching a retro series is being delighted identifying seiyuus that I recognized. Many of whom who are probably semi-retired by now and not taking up any active or main roles. Like Marina Inoue as Kasahara, Miyuki Sawashiro as Shibasaki, Akira Ishida as Komaki, Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Tezuka, Daisuke Ono as Asahina, Rie Tanaka as Orikuchi and Kana Ueda as Marie. Sorry for those I didn’t recognize like Tomoaki Maeno as Doujou and Kanji Suzumori as Genda.The oddest one I find is Hiroyuki Yoshino as Satoshi. Like many other seiyuus that I have pigeonholed and stereotyped their voice to the kinds of roles they play, this guy often voices lively and idiotic characters like Mic from Boku No Hero Academia, Bossun in Sket Dance, Favaro in Shingeki No Bahamut and Saruyama in To Love-Ru. As Satoshi, he sounds very mellowed and serious. Really weird for me to hear his character in such voice. It’s like hearing Nobuhiko Okamoto not in a very angry hot tempered anime character! Really! The rock opening theme is Atashi No Machi, Asu No Machi by Hitomi Takahashi. Pretty okay and not something I’d go crazy over to hear again. The same for the ending theme, Changes by Base Ball Bear.

Overall, this show is pretty okay to me. It had a good underlying theme about freedom and censorship but I was just confused about the more detailed parts so that hindered me from enjoying and understanding the rest. I bet if they did explain in more detail, I would still be lost because my puny simpleton brain won’t just get it. Sighs. It might not be one of those hidden gems of the season but it is still worth a watch. I can go on debating and doing memes and quotes about freedom and censorship of the media but I’ll let the masterful internet do that. Yeah, they already did. The worse thing that these overlords could do is not to ban us from such media but brainwash us into blind loyal sheep. Yeah, it feels a lot like that today. Let’s just hope that the future of freedom of expression will not get so bad that when they find this little series, they start to get offended and take it down on flimsy grounds that it is a danger to our fragile minds. Yikes. How funny fiction playing itself out then. Script for script. Then we otakus and weeabos have to take up arms and fight for our entitled anime rights! I can foresee memes for this one already… If I’m not shadow banned yet!