Just like any normal people whose lives mainly revolve around working to make a living, it is also given that they are also given proper periods of rest so they can recuperate and continue to rinse and repeat that boring-cum-mundane lifestyle. Yeah well, if you think that only normal people can have their day off, take note that even evil organizations too give their staffs some leave days! OMFG. To think that even evil entities value their employees and have proper HR practices put many companies (black or not) to shame! So yeah, even bad guys need to rest and recuperate because all work and no play makes Jack (or insert whoever bad guy’s name here) a dull boy. And so Kyuujitsu No Warumono-san sees our titular character having his day off. And yes, he takes his day off seriously. So seriously that nothing from work will get in the way of enjoying his precious leave. No one shall desecrate and disrespect his valuable day off! So if you’re wondering what bad guys do on their day off…

Episode 1
* Baddie is a high ranking officer of Evil League that is hell bent in destroying humanity. But today is his off day and he will have nothing to do with his job. That’s right. Baddie is visiting the zoo and loves to watch the pandas. He narrates the perfect plan if he bumps into a colleague, he will zip right back via shooting star and if they claim they saw him on Earth, he will feign ignorance. However he still has to watch out for Rangers, a group of foolish humans who fight Evil League. Yeah, he meets one right now, Red! Red knows he is a villain seeing he can sense his evil aura. But! Baddie says to call a truce. Because fighting here would scare the pandas! Yeah well, Red likes them too! Noticing he has tickets to the aquarium, it seems Red is hopeless in his directions. Baddie helps guide him to the train station before returning to admire his favourite pandas!
* At the store, Baddie is going to buy his favourite red bean ice cream. Only, it is no longer there! WTF this strawberry mochi ice cream?! Angry. Then sad. But he accepts the challenge to try it out. Yamano the staff tries to cheer him up by suggesting how to eat the ice cream. Well, Baddie not much of a talker… Baddie goes home and tries her suggestion of eating it in a warm room (he always ate in a cold room for fear it would melt). He finds it nice. Next time when he wipes out this planet, he will try to spare this store as the last one.
* Baddie narrates how there are so many animals on Earth not found on his own world. He is baffled with most of them. Then he got this mission to investigate this creature nicknamed black and white furball. That’s a panda if you didn’t get it. He visits the zoo and finds it perplexing there are many such animals in this enclosure. He can’t understand what humanity is thinking and thought this is some experimental facility. Unforgivable. They’ll get what’s coming. But for now, he goes to get all those lovely panda merchandises! You bet he’ll come back for another visit.
* Heading into the market to get his usual food ingredients, once again he bumps into Red. He wonders if the truce is still on. Obviously. It’s his day off! Baddie narrates the goal of a day off is to get far away from work and that he values his time off. But now he gets mad that he worked all week and now he doesn’t have curry for tonight! GRRR!!! How to vent out his anger? Well, watch this cute panda special programme. Works like a charm.
* When Baddie visits the mall, a pair of lost twins, Mugi and Sora mistake him for their dad. Baddie is kind enough to buy them ice cream while bringing them to the lost child centre. Yeah, all the while the twins keep calling him a stranger who is not their dad! Definitely the people have wrong vibes about this! As they part ways, Baddie notes to remember their little warm hands because by the time they grow up, humanity will be destroyed. After he leaves, it is revealed the twins are part of Rangers. They were just observing him and note he wasn’t as bad as they think. But they won’t let their guard down yet. Then they meet up with Red. Obviously late from his bad sense of directions.

Episode 2
* A new lackey who has joined Evil League admires Baddie whom he addresses as General. One day, Baddie catches him working overtime and lackey feels scared, thinking he is slowing things down. However as Baddie takes a look at his unfinished work, he realizes none are to be finished today. So what’s the rush? Earth won’t be destroyed in a single day. It is important to rest and take care of your health! He even gives him a day off tomorrow! Lackey goes to the zoo and gets some panda snacks he loves. Baddie praises him and lackey melts into admiration. That’s the motivation he needs to continue working hard. Back home as Baddie is about to eat the snack, he can’t because it is so cute! Damn you humans!
* A very tired Baddie returns home and starts thinking when humans are all annihilated, pandas will be free. They will no longer be pets but… Friends?! Oh yeah. Dreaming of all the things he can do with them! Pandas will be such great friends!
* In a dilemma to find out whether a panda’s tail is black or white, today is the day he will find out. But the panda in the exhibit just sat there eating for a few hours without moving! Or at least did not turn its back! So much so, Baddie who has been snapping away, his phone battery died! And after 3 hours, finally the panda moves! The answer is finally found: It is white! He notices another kid, Hiroki has been watching the panda at the same time with him. He too is delighted with the panda’s tail colour. And just like that, the duo somewhat bond and do a fist bump!
* Baddie visits the petting zoo and is now surrounded by cute rabbits! Man, is he going to convert? He thinks this is some damn humans’ ploy to make him unmovable since he can’t step on these cuties! Luckily Hiroki is here as he talks how to pet a rabbit. Baddie wonders if he is a zoologist. He denies but mentions he wants to be an animal doctor when he grows up. When they part ways, Baddie wonders of sparing him when the time comes even though humanity still has to go. Back at base, lackey wonders if General is thinking about his next nefarious Earth invasion plot. However he is thinking how to bring some rabbits here!
* On a rainy day, Baddie stumbles into Red. No pandas, no humans. Just them. Let’s fight! But wait! The truce is still on? What excuse now? Baddie has got some rare hotspring eggs. He is still trying to practice with them. Can’t break them now. Uhm. Okay. So Red lets him pass. He wonders if he will come back with reinforcements. Baddie did return. But with an extra umbrella for him to keep and some snacks. Oh man. Really? He also knows Red is lost and gives direction to the next station. Wow. He really doesn’t want to fight? Definitely. It’s his day off!

Episode 3
* Such a cold day and Baddie doesn’t want to get out from his comfort zone. But doing so means wasting his day off! So how? Watch some cute panda videos. However he is soon interrupted by a call from his colleague, Rooney. GRRR!!! The worst! He ends the call but he keeps calling! Finally he answers. It seems Rooney is in trouble. Some sort of winter monster he is researching on that traps humans from the waist below has now gotten to him! Baddie fears the base is under attack and will rush back. Damn those humans! Oh, please bring some mikan too. When he returns, the ‘monster’ is a kotatsu. Rooney is so comfy in it he can’t get out! Baddie beats him up and forces him to peel the mikan for him as he enjoys the kotatsu.
* Baddie overhears a couple buying a limited edition panda meat bun. Yeah, have to tear it apart to eat the meat, huh? Well, he wants to try some too but can’t stand the tearing part. So at the convenience store as Yamano recommends it, Baddie is hesitant. He claims he will return another day. A few days later, he returns but buys a different bun. The next day, another type of bun. This goes on for a while until he is ready to purchase that panda meat bun. Too bad it is no longer in sale. Just when his heart is ready… Later he is shocked to see the supermarket also sells them but in packs of 4. He buys then and wraps it with a plastic wrap to microwave it. Too bad it becomes flat! But soon he gets a cover to retain its fluffiness.
* When Baddie sees kids making a snow bunny. He too goes to make one. Then he brings it home and puts it in his fridge. However each time he checks on it, it is at different stages of melting until it is no more. So sad.
* When Baddie helps an old man up the stairs, the latter thinks this sonny boy is a good man. He hopes he can help again. This conflicts Baddie because it’s like humans are so fleeting yet painful. That night as Baddie counts pandas (not sheep!) to sleep, he dreams of in some winter wonderland place. That old man seeks his help again as we see Baddie helping the elves to prepare the presents. Yeah, we all know who this old guy now, right? Baddie wonders why he is still doing hard labour when he should be retired. He claims he wants to keep it up as long as the kids believe in him. They may forget him when they grow up but as long as they continue to believe his existence, he wants to make their dreams come true. Yeah, merry Christmas everyone. Baddie wakes up and ponders about the strange dream. But is it a dream? Because there’s a present underneath his blanket.

Episode 4
* An overworked salaryman feels the drag in life. Yeah, not the kind of exciting life he wished for, huh? So as he enters the mart, he sees Baddie and fears his bad mood. Turns out he was wondering where a previous food went so Yamano explains promo period is over. She introduces him to some new stuffs in which he buys. This also motivates the salaryman to buy some and now he feels invigorated. Life isn’t so bad. On another day shopping in this mart, salaryman sees Baddie and Yamano getting along well. As she introduces a couple of new ice cream flavours, it seems both are on different pages in recommending which is the best one. Although Yamano admits her wrong, Baddie always believes her recommendations are spot on. So he buys both of them. This leads to salaryman buying both flavours as well. Baddie’s dilemma? Which one to try first!
* Baddie visits a latte art café. Obviously he is spooked at first, never seen before the coffee siphoning machine and the one that makes the art. Yeah, it makes weird noises. When he is served his coffee with a panda design, he ponders how to drink it. But to his horror, he realizes the panda is slowly looking lesser than a panda! Such merciless beverage! But the panda voice tells him it’s okay. Because it is their fate! Baddie watches the panda slowly blend and lose its shape. Then he drinks them all in one gulp. Yeah, such a dramatic tragedy that the customer in the next table orders one for himself.
* Baddie has bought lots of ingredients to cook after being inspired by that panda latte. He also bought lots of utensils with panda designs. The problem now is carrying all these bags back home. The final fight is up these flight of stairs. Eventually he makes it but this makes the passer-by think he is weird.
* As per TV, Baddie decides to try eat his lunch underneath a sakura tree. However there is a little girl gathering sakura petals. Since she is hungry, she helps himself to Baddie’s lunch. As reward, she shows him the petals she gathered and scatters them to the wind. Baddie is perplexed humans find such spectacle to be beautiful. Indeed, he admits this looks beautiful. Then he realizes the girl is gone and only leaving petals behind. Must have gone home, huh? Well, we all know better it’s the spirit of the sakura tree! For the next few days when Baddie comes to have lunch at this place, the girl was never seen again. He hopes to come again next year when they bloom.

Episode 5
* Now we are introduced to Ranger Pink. Despite kicking villains’ ass like normal, however we hear her lamenting about this job of hers. Because she wanted to become a magical girl! Also, she doesn’t get along with fellow Blue. But one day she lost her magical girl keychain and goes out herself to find it. She looks around and couldn’t find it. Her last hope is the police box and thank goodness it is there. The police claims somebody just dropped it off. Can’t miss him, he was here a second ago. Pink goes to look for him and obviously you can’t miss that tall guy in a trench coat. She thanks him for finding it. He tells her to take care of her important things and calls her miss magical girl. This confuses but also delights her since this is what she has always wanted to be called. Soon, Blue comes to pick her up because the twins ‘complained’ it will be his fault if Pink turns into a life of crime!
* We all know Baddie loves panda. Now that he has noticed it, it seems the town is filled with them. Even the magical girl show has a cute little panda mascot. Then a panda fair. He is given a card to affix several stamps in exchange for a prize. He likes it because buy panda products and a get a panda prize! And so he does his panda shopping spree. As he is to claim his prize, he is given a choice of which panda product. Can’t choose! Eventually he goes with the mug. A satisfied customer. Gee, I thought he would do the stamps all over and collect them all!
* Baddies does house cleaning. As he vacuums, he accidentally hits the sofa and drops his panda plushie. It drops on the floor. So he stops vacuuming, washes his hands just to put the panda back to its rightful place. Then as he reorganizes, he is going to throw out all the empty boxes and cans. Well, all of panda design. Oh well, will hold onto it for a while. Then as he takes a break, probably it’ll be a long one since he gets infatuated watching special panda videos from the zoo.
* At the park as Baddie sits on the bench, a cat comes to sit next to him. Realizing this creature can aid them in bringing mankind’s downfall if they get the feline on their side, he tries to converse with it. Like a true cat, he is ignored. Baddie starts believing cats are the old dwellers of the planet and it could be disrespect just to talk to it like that. And of course, language barrier! You think this majestic creature cares about your unintelligible babble?! So he starts meowing. The cat meows back. Achievement! Well, this is being observed by Pink as she finds it all so adorable!

Episode 6
* At the park, Baddie hears a couple kids, Aya and Hibiki talking about Orihime and Hikoboshi, why they can’t just meet each other on any other day. This has Aya remembering Hibiki will be moving away and she promises to come see him off. Baddie leaves and he still doesn’t know much about the celestial legend. He is then invited to write his wish for the Tanabata festival. So this is how Orihime and Hikoboshi are related? At first he wanted to write about humanity’s downfall but seeing everyone has hopeful wishes, he does the same. We see Aya coming to see Hibiki off and Baddie’s wish is that he hopes they will meet. Meanwhile Red has wrote many wishes but all of them are for everyone and the world’s happiness.
* At the beach, a young girl comes to build a sand castle next to Baddie. Is this some sort of competition because he too tries to make one but obviously hers is way better. In the end, both created a great monument but soon the high tide washes them away. Girl hopes they can make better ones next time. Yeah, he’ll be looking forward to it.
* Trigger who is Baddie’s colleague, hates his guts. He doesn’t see how he is better than him because he thinks himself as way better. Not sure how but they’re hanging out together on their off day and Trigger continues to hate his guts. He gets mad seeing Baddie do certain stuffs like ordering a panda crepe and taking a pic before eating. Baddie then tells him he likes to spend his off days by himself so please don’t talk to him next time if he sees him. Sure but Trigger is still not amused.
* Rooney mentions you can’t see a panda’s eyes. Baddie getting mad… But then he also claims his eyes are had to see and hence he is like a panda. Baddie feels better. Yes, he didn’t take that as an insult. As Baddie works, he notes he is going to clock out on the dot. However some last minute job came in and he had to stay late. With more work the next day, he goes back to sleep but finds it hard to do so. How now? Count pandas! Next day at work, he is looking way tired. Counted more pandas on Earth?! So much so he sleeps while he is standing! He dreams of watching the stars with all the pandas of the world!

Episode 7
* Baddie and Red are in an intense fight. When a lost kid is seen between them. Fight is put on hold as Red needs to return the kid. Baddie gives directions since we all know how hopeless Red is. A truce is called since the kid likes panda. That will be all for today. With extra time, Baddie goes to visit the souvenir store. Damn right he is going to be enthralled by those cute pandas. He can’t decide which different design to buy as they both feel so soft and he can’t let go! Oh well, we all know. He’s going to buy them both.
* Baddie hears from Rooney that there might be a panda with a black tail that is hidden somewhere in this amusement park. Must go investigate. So as he enters the amusement park and rides all sorts of rides (because I guess the kids were so excited they influenced him somehow), he gets agitated none of the ride are pandas! From horses to swans, WHERE ARE THE FREAKING PANDAS! As he sits depressed, an old man talks to him how this place is where everyone goes to be happy. Look at all those happy smiles of kids and their parents that are detached from their daily life. Baddie gets shocked when his grandson mentions there are panda rides here too. Where?! He continues his journey as he sees pandas in gachapons! How cruel for humans to encage them here! He will free them all! Yup, bought every last one of them. Finally a staff notices his troubles and leads him through a maze before arriving at… Panda cars! Yup, these panda rides are pandas with a black tail. Who knew one could ride a panda! Happy riding. Baddie reports back to Rooney about it and has no idea why Earthlings paint such pandas with a black tail. But one thing can’t be denied and that is pandas are always cute!
* Another usual visit at the zoo to gawk at pandas. However this handsome panda seems to remind him of someone… TRIGGER?! OMFG?! Are you blind?! This brings Baddie to despair because he swore not to have any work related connections on his day off and that means not even thinking about his colleague! When Baddie is back at the first, as usual when Trigger bumps into him, the insults start flying and he wants to pick a fight with him. But each time Trigger hollers, all Baddie could see is that cute panda’s face. He smirks and walks away, triggering Trigger to be even angrier.

Episode 8
* Well, what a weird dream. Baddie watches a panda rubs all his black spots off with a towel. And now it’s like a polar bear! Then as he watches cute panda videos, so cute that his heart hurts! But it won’t hurt like how the next one’s coming. Because a panda will soon leave the zoo and be returned to its rightful owner. Oh damn! This one just killed him!
* Baddie and Rooney are in some mikan challenge? Yeah, they make various shapes from the mikan skin and segments. Fancy seeing Baddie make a panda out of it? Oh yeah. They get very creative with the various items. Origami, mikan version! In the end, they run out of mikan. No worries, here is another box! But first they have to eat and finish the first one so as not to waste.
* Baddie has his mind fixated on a present. So much so it’s back to Santa land to ask Santa what kind of best presents should be given. The kind that makes the other smile. But shouldn’t you pick a present that you yourself feel happy? That’s also correct. Both parties should be happy and that is what gift giving is all about. So when he wakes up, looks like he gets it. Then he has a showdown with Rooney and it turns out to be exchanging gifts. Guess what? Both give a mikan box! Great minds think alike? Oh well, at least we can make more panda mikan… Meanwhile Black has given presents to all his comrades, grownup or child. Why? Because in Santa’s eyes, they are all kids. Enjoy.
* Baddie has a meeting with his other alter egos in his mind. He wants to proliferate pandas after the destruction of humans. However some others disagree because they want to proliferate other creatures like polar bears, grizzlies, red pandas, etc. Uhm, Chinese bun needs to be proliferated? In the end, it is a noisy disagreement as everyone has their own favourite item to proliferate. Until the big boss stomps his feet down because he is a cat lover. He is going to show them the appeal of cats, much to everyone’s horror. Baddie wakes up from this dream. Still a panda lover after all.

Episode 9
* There is a stray cat near the convenience store that Baddie notices. One night as he tries to observe it again, there is Black. Feeding it so nicely till the cat allows him to pet it. This makes Baddie jealous because the cat has never allowed him to do that. As Black leaves, he gives Baddie a snack that cats like. Time to put it to the test. When Black returns, the twins are waiting for him. Because he patrols at night and comes back early in the morning, this is their only chance to see him as he would be often be sleeping through the day. Black puts them back to bed. Meanwhile Baddie is amazed the cat is now licking him. Such ferocious power!
* Red defeats Baddie by throwing beans? Oh yeah. It’s just a dream and it’s that time of the year again. The setsubun festival is in full swing as Baddie patrons the stalls. A pair of grandmas let him try their mochi. He finds it hard to eat this sticky substance and thinks it’s some kind of weapon! But it tastes good. They let him try a few more food and he ate them all till he is full.
* Baddie is about to eat his ice cream when suddenly all the emails start to bug him. He is forced to attend to them and once it is done, he fears his ice cream has melted. Damn you emails! MAD! But then he notices its shape is still holding up and when he eats them, it still tastes as good. Late that night, he wonders if he should be eating this cup ramen. And so his angel and devil (panda versions) deliberate on this and in the end, Baddie eats it. He realizes his will is so weak, he can’t subjugate Earth yet. Damn right. But yeah, the noodles taste so good.
* Baddie thinks of skipping shower tonight but with the gaze of his panda plushie, I guess he changes his mind. He even tries to pass on brushing his teeth but then again, panda’s gaze… As he is about to dry his hair, suddenly the lights go out. Immediately he springs into action thinking an enemy is attacking. He jumps outside to call out the enemy and is ready to battle. But everything is all quiet on the front. Nothing happens. Turns out the circuit breaker tripped. So before he uses the hair dryer again, he switches off most of the appliances. He goes to bed and has panda to thank for.

Episode 10
* Baddie truly taking a day off here because he doesn’t appear! Now we see Pink shopping for chocolates for Valentine’s Day to give to her comrades. Then she sees a magical girl set and wants to buy it but remembers Baddie. When she goes home, she gives a small little piece to Blue. But the rest she has like a proper set. What’s the discrimination? A month later, the guys go shopping for White Day. The twins teasing Blue that since he is so distraught on what to buy, it’s like he’s always thinking of her! Better not tell her that! Meanwhile Red is lost at the shopping complex. They should know better than to let this guy roam free!
* It seems Blue’s father was a Ranger. However he didn’t come home one day but Black popped out and told him that he has now become one. It seems when the previous Ranger passes on, the power is then passed onto the next generation. Next day, Pink was brought in and a few months later, the twins. Although they are Green, it would be confusing to call both of them as so and thus they will be called by their individual names. Black hopes that the young ones can fraternize with each other. Even when Blue thinks of not going to school and study at the facility, Black still thinks it is better he makes friends and experience the outside. Blue and Pink helped take care of the twins despite not getting along well with each other. One day the twins went missing. Everyone went searching for them. Pink thought Blue was insulted when she declined to be his friend earlier on. However, he thought of her more as a sister than a friend. Then they feel the twins’ aura. It seems they combine into one in Ranger form. They are in despair that all they see is darkness and that their parents aren’t around. Blue told them the harsh truth that their parents are gone. Even if they can’t be their parents, they can be their siblings. The twins calm down and are relieved they won’t be alone. Later, Black said about the twins having weak powers was because they split into 2 individuals. He also mentioned about finding Red because once they do, their ‘family’ will be complete. Blue joked that Red might not be even born yet or worse, lost! Soon, Black introduces Red to the family. Blue notes despite never having thoughts about being a Ranger before, he doesn’t mind this place and the people. Now Blue is in despair as Pink and the twins keep calling him onii-chan. It’s a sign of trouble… Red better not join the bandwagon!
* Black notes how he is the only survivor of the last generation’s Rangers. It has been years since they have passed on. Hence he went on a search to find those who inherited their powers. He was stumped how they taught him stuffs because now it’s his turn for this new generation and he finds it hard to keep up. He truly isn’t cut out for this. However he will continue to fulfil his duties.

Episode 11
* A boy seems to admire that sakura girl. Obviously he likes her but gets jealous when he sees Baddie coming by to feed her. She looks happy eating. Later he summons Baddie to hand him some triangle mud he made. He thinks she likes triangle stuffs and wants him to help give it to her. He does so and it looks like she is happy. Baddie does great service and even makes a paper phone for them to communicate. But soon, that kid is gone and my suspicions were right since the tree he hangs out often is gone. Baddie sees sakura girl sad and won’t be able to see him anymore. That kid suddenly comes back alive but looks like he is a bench now. Still looking for her, Baddie tells him that she has scattered. Whether or not she will bloom again next year, the kid can’t wait for spring.
* On a rainy day, Baddie thought he heard a cat but it turns out to be a weak robot cat. Since it calls him human, he knows this is dangerous and leaves. But returns shortly to leave his umbrella behind. Next day, Baddie still visits to check on him. What is it doing lying around? Waiting for its batteries to run out. We see flashbacks that C-018 was useless in an experiment and thus discarded. It wandered around, thinking if it could just kill a human… Suddenly C-018 revives. Well, Baddie has plugged his charger to charge it up. Remembering its mission, it tries to bite Baddie but its bite so weak and did nothing, C-018 starts to feel useless. Can a robot cry? Next day, Baddie returns to feed it. Well, it bit him because it was hungry, right?
* Baddie remembers Rooney telling him that there are other organizations targeting Earth and hence they might have released some weapon onto the planet. He didn’t bring this up since he has no proof. He is hoping Baddie can help do some surveillance. Baddie isn’t pleased since this will be like overtime. Now it is obvious C-018 is that weapon. Well, maybe. Because it is acting more like a pet! Dangerous or not, Baddie brings C-018 back to Rooney. The cat is shocked to realize he is not human. He never said he was. Once Rooney takes C-018, a sense of guilt overwhelms Baddie as now he waits anxiously. He checks things out and sees C-018 taken apart! After some time, Rooney allows Baddie to come claim C-018 and it looks like the cat immediately goes to Baddie. Prefer him than this lunatic! Well, Rooney just took it apart to clean it and assess its data. After determining it is no longer a threat, he reassembled it back. Rooney notes that C-018 is practically a pet and they can leave it here for further monitoring. But since it takes a liking for Baddie, perhaps he wants to keep it? We know the answer.

Episode 12
* Baddie is furiously researching on how to take care of cats! C-018 still feels useless so it pleads to Rooney to be dismantled. Or even at least store it away somewhere. No can do. C-018 is a precious specimen. Baddie comes by to have C-018 choose what kind of bed it wants. If it can’t choose, he’ll pick the panda bed. Whatever. So the panda bed it is. Rooney tells C-018 that Baddie doesn’t ask for much and is looking forward to take him home so won’t you mind going with him? And so C-018 now stays with Baddie. Nice panda bed…
* Looks like the sakura tree didn’t bloom this season and the tree kid is sad! Maybe next year! Hopefully. Baddie leaves him his lunch so as the kid eats alone, he talks to the withered sakura tree about stuffs. His regrets they should’ve talked more. With that, he notices small petals blooming day by day and looks like she’ll bloom this season after all. When that happens, he’ll tell her his feelings. Time to practice. So as he practices, sakura girl pops up. Next day as Baddie visits, he is in an awkward position sitting in between them. Worse, he has to play pass the message from them. In the end, the kid says to sakura girl himself that he loves her. That lovely smile.
* Baddie is trying hard to avoid Red on his day off. But it seems wherever he goes, Red is always there! Could he be tracking him down hard? Oh no, you’re not ruining my day off! And then the worse happens because Red sees him and talks to him. However it is to thank him for all the help he has given him previously. He was just lost but when he saw him, he just had to give it to him. Now they are even. Kinda weird for a hero to call a bad guy a nice guy! So next time when they fight, it’ll be back to business. Baddie doesn’t dislike the panda cookies gift. Red returns home as Pink tells him to lie next to Blue, Mugi and Sora who are sleeping in the exact same pose. She takes a pic to send it to Black who likes such stuffs. Yes, he sets it as his phone wallpaper.
* We see Rangers fighting against Evil League! Yeah, this must be their usual daily affair as Baddie vs Red and Trigger going trigger happy. Rooney is on the battlefield but is to obtain data of the Rangers. Well, we can tell it ends in a draw because now we see Baddie having his usual day off as he does his usual. Yup, more pandas. As a reminder to us, despite being a high ranking general of an evil organization that is to destroy Earth, he won’t do it on his day off.

Panda-monium Crisis: Keep Calm And Enjoy Your Day Off
So you folks are all freshened up? Are we ready to go back to work and give our 100%?! Oh man, NO???!!! I still want to laze around and binge watch more animes!!! NOOOO!!!! I don’t want to go back to work!!! Damn it, why must we work 5 days a week and have only like 2 days of rest?! Can’t we have it like the reverse?! Not enough day offs! Weekend isn’t long enough! Complain, complain! Ugh… Feeling so darn lazy… Maybe I should call in sick…. Heh… Every day is a day off when you’re unemployed… Yeah, this might be worse.

Obviously there is not a coherent plot or storyline for this series. We’re supposed to take it easy and relax! No convoluted and twisted plot to follow! So it doesn’t matter why this bad organization (or other extra-terrestrial groups) want to destroy Earth so badly. On second thought, maybe I know why and it has something to do with us stinking humans but it doesn’t matter here. The whole point of this series is to see how a high ranking officer in an evil organization spends his days off. That’s right. Even a villainous organization has good and proper HR practices! Puts most of us companies on Earth to shame! Hey, even if aliens are not humans, they are still living organisms and need a break once in a while. They’re not robots, you know. Even Transformers on Cybertron can’t work 24/7! So people, take it slow and easy for this series. Don’t expect much of a story save for random shenanigans and encounters of our titular character in each episode. Don’t you just feel so refreshed and relaxed after every episode? Either that or it could be as boring as f*ck! I guess the calm and quiet weekend isn’t for you people.

The other interesting point to ponder is the Ranger organization themselves. We had an entire episode that focuses on them and although it might not be important, it still is a curious food for thought. For example, it is stated that once a Ranger dies, his/her powers will be transferred or inherited to the next generation. Feels like a lottery game because we can see a weary Black now trying to look for other members like needle in a haystack. Thank goodness they’re all concentrated nearby, eh? Seeing this good organization has lots of scientists in it, it begs the question what the heck are they researching? Is it new weapons or something? Well, certainly we don’t see them here because it is about taking the day off and enjoying it! Don’t bring work home! But I have to wonder what kind of enemies Earth or at least this particular region in Japan have faced throughout the centuries. So far so good in defending the world. Oh yeah. Japan has lots of stuffs that prevents aliens from taking over. From a certain squid girl to a certain series whereby aliens get addicted to pets! What are the chances of this one failing too?

There aren’t many characters here so if you want some sort of deep character development, look elsewhere. For our main titular character, the title of this show is already a good spoiler of what to expect. Long story short, Baddie is not a totally evil person (or alien) as we thought he is. Sure, he may look and sound grumpy and works for an organization that wants to destroy Earth but remember, he is only doing his job. No hard feelings. It’s just work. Initially we see him having low opinions or no hope for things on Earth. But the more he experiences them on his day off, the more he starts to think otherwise. Yup, his exception list is going to grow and blow up so much so I won’t be surprised when his bosses decide to nuke Earth, he will be stepping up to protect Earth because it’ll be a waste to destroy all these goodies that will never be enjoyed ever again.

So yes, the first on his no-kill list is most likely pandas. Ah, who could ever hate those black and white creatures that are only native to China. Can’t turn down anything that has their print on it. Well, well, well. We now certainly know his weakness already, eh? And if there are sneaky humans desperate to win this war, they’re going to hold pandas as hostage! You meanie! I’ll be siding with the baddies then too! Of course not every human on this planet is a scumbag. As we can see Baddie interacts with them normally, they are actually nice and ordinary people. Did I hear Baddie going to make an exemption to not destroy them or at least put them last on his hit list? Well buddy, you’re going to need a whole lot of reams of paper for that list. Going to be even longer than Santa’s naughty or nice list! But I’m pretty sure that Baddie and his Evil League will be more humane than most of us humans. When it comes down to it, they are more likely to spare this planet because of all the nice people, women, children and animals. Yeah, somebody please think of the children! Hey, I have found a loophole for Baddie not to destroy Earth: Turn every day into a off day! OMFG! I’m such a genius! Not sure about other evil organizations but at least Baddie won’t be annihilating this planet. Can’t destroy the things we love, right?

Showcasing Baddie in every episode will be just boring. That’s why a few other characters like Rangers to spice things up. Basically, they too are nice and normal people just living out their normal lives. I have a feeling that once both sides know each other, they’ll stop the mindless fighting. And then plot twist, their higher ups don’t want war to end so they team up and bring down those old warmongering bastards! But alas, it isn’t that kind of anime. Yet. And so we also see them in their time off and each have their quirky little habits. Such as Red’s running joke is getting lost all the time even if you point him in the right direction. Blue and Pink are always at each other’s throat and it’s like some sort of weird love-hate relationship. Sora and Mugi are quite perceptive of things and yearn to be loved. Black is like the father (because big brother goes to Blue?) of the team and looks out for them. He is always looking tired since his patrolling time is at night. Funnily, he is the oldest and yet he doesn’t look even middle aged. And why do they not have a yellow coloured Ranger anywhere?

There’s nothing much else to say about the other minor characters because they’re all very nice people. Am I sounding like a broken record? Maybe because need to nail it into your brain that not all humans are bad! Thank goodness Baddie is living in this part of the world, eh? From budding Yamano to the neighbourhood kids and the elderly, each one is slowly changing Baddie’s life and perception of things on Earth. The most meaningful and life changing day offs, if I should say. If it is not humans or animals, damn, Baddie even meets supernatural beings! From tree spirits and even Santa Clause himself! Such a fascinating world. You sure you wanna destroy this planet? Better think twice. Your day offs won’t be the same when you can’t get your favourite treats on offer once you annihilate the convenience store! Even Baddie’s colleagues are not bad people per se. Just doing their job. Rooney might be a little bit quirky and Trigger a whole lot grumpy due to jealousy but what if he is actually tsundere! Like how Baddie has his disguise on Earth, what if Trigger too is putting up this hateful tough guy act to mask his gay affections for Baddie! I mean, tough guys don’t fall in love with each other but there are no rules preventing so, right? If that happens, I bet you’ve downloaded the wrong anime…

On a trivial note, the next episode preview is called a trailer. It is interesting to note because in the early days of cinema, promoted films are shown at the end of the movie and hence they were called so. In this segment, we have Baddie narrate things in a philosophical way. While it is calming and relaxing, it also gives off that sad and melancholic feeling. I mean, many of us will be spending most our time working and having a day off and relax is just a small part of it. Makes you sad, don’t you think? Yeah, that is my personal opinion on this calm but yet melancholic ambience of this part. To also think that something sad might happen in the next episode the way he narrates it all, that is just me overthinking.

Art and animation are rather okay. Basically the general colouring and hues of the series are quite bright and vivid. Because of the somewhat simplistic designs, backgrounds and even the animation, sometimes the series feels like it is targeted for younger audiences. I mean, characters like Baddie and those Ranger guys look like your conventional anime characters and not anywhere near cartoony. But since the colouring is bright and art style is clean, it gives off that sort of feel. Even when Baddie is in his true general monster form or the evil organization’s base, they don’t look all that scary. It is after all that kind of show. This anime is jointly done by SynsergySP (Kawaisugi Crisis – maybe that’s why I find the art style looking a bit similar) and Shin-Ei Animation (Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-san).

Voice acting also feels okay as I recognized Nao Touyama as Yamano, Yuuichi Nakamura as Trigger and Yuuichirou Umehara in his usual monotonous voice like always in Black. The other casts are Shintarou Asanuma as Baddie (Tsuda in Seitokai Yakuindomo), Hiiro Ishibashi as Red (Yuuga Odo in Yugioh Sevens), Souma Saitou as Rooney (Kain in Kyoukai No Rinne), Ai Kakuma as Pink (Rossweisse in High School DxD), Takuya Eguchi as Blue (Hikigaya in Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Comedy Wa Machigatteiru), Hibiku Yamamura as both Mugi and Sora (Lisa in Peter Grill To Kenja No Jikan), Kaori Nazuka as C-018 (Kazuho in Non Non Biyori) and Maaya Sakamoto as the sakura girl (Ciel in Kuroshitsuji).

The opening theme, Yuuho by Ivudot is surprisingly a slow and calming hip hop style. It gives you an idea what the pace of the series is going to be. Yeah, here I thought it was going to be some noisy rock music and then complain how a mismatch it will be! But it is slow and steady enough to make you think you might be watching the wrong anime! Well, the ending theme is now rock based. Yeah, getting a bit noisier now, eh? Kyuusoku Juuden by Glasgow sounds okay in my books and I guess we need to wake up after an episode of, uhm good resting?

Overall, this series is funny and enjoyable in its own right. It has its own set of calming charm if you like your animes slow and easy. This is no Aria The Animation or Amanchu but the vibes are somewhere along those lines. Some might find it a bit boring most likely we have differing views on how to enjoy our day offs. And that is the whole point of this series because it is important to recognize our rights to have rest days! And paid leave! Perhaps we’ll have even more time on our hands seeing AI is going to take over our jobs. Oh my, will we still have one? That’s another matter to ponder another time. In the end, when evil organizations recognize its employees need to have some time off and me time, this goes to show the age old adage of all work and no play makes Jack (or whosever name you want to put here) a dull boy. So rest up well. Because we don’t want employees to become tired and die overworking or too exhausted while crossing the road and be hit by a speeding truck. Really because when employees of black companies die as a result of that, they go to another world and relive a better life there! Only then you’ll realize you’ve lost a great employee!

P/S: Well, I would have taken proper breaks from binge watching anime, if only they stopped churning out so many anime titles every season! Can’t even catch a break, dammit!