Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai S4

6 February, 2021

Oh wow. I actually did not expect this. Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai S4?! Season four of this popular Chinese web series? Come to think of it, this series has been releasing a season steadily for a year since its debut in 2017. So I guess releasing another one in 2020 wouldn’t be so surprised. Considering how sh*tty the year is, we need to be reminded that there could possibly be things that are more worse than the year itself. Or perhaps just continue laughing at the antics of a particular idiotic brother and a violently brutal sister. Yeah, 2020 does seem a little better right now… Oh, who am I kidding?!

Episode 1
Shi Fen invites Banzai into his room but it is filled with garbage everywhere! Be careful where you step! I guess he has had it stepping on things so he tells him to get rid of them all. Every item Banzai wants to throw out, Shi Fen has some sort of excuse not to. Then he picks up what seems to be Shi Mao’s pantsu! Did he find some treasure? Actually Shi Fen admits that is his underwear. The argument resumes until Shi Fen gives his dramatic plea that he can’t throw them all away because of the fond memories it gives him. Banzai then sees the onyx stone he gave for his present and understands. Can’t throw this away, right? But Shi Fen throws the stone away without a thought. That can go! Banzai then continues to throw everything else out. In the aftermath, the decluttering has done some good. So clean and spacious now. However they forgot to put back Shi Fen’s bed (a reason why it is so spacious), so he is sleeping in the hallway, blocking the door to the toilet.

Episode 2
The gang are at the amusement park. The siblings want to sit out the roller coaster ride, giving excuses. Aren’t they just scared? Shi Mao notices the haunted house ride. It brought back lots of memories. She was scared all the way but Shi Fen was just cool. At the end of the ride, he calmed her down and it made the whole experience less scary. Now, she wants to ride it for nostalgic sake. Of course this time she is trying to pretend to be scared but ultimately she had a lot of fun. After the ride, she wants to go get some commemorative photos. She notices Shi Fen’s eyes closed all the time. When she pries it open, she sees fear in it. Yeah, his legs are shaking. This shatters that cool image of her bro. Feeling so disappointed…

Episode 3
Kai Xin has brought great achievements to the sports team. But with the new rules, he must score a minimum in his tests, otherwise he cannot participate. So he claims to have studied for 6 hours straight for it. But when Wan Xing tests him on a basketball term, he gives the obvious wrong answer. Shi Fen watches a secret video (mind if Shi Mao joins in too!) of Kai Xin studying. But after 3 minutes, he slacks off. Hence after a short moment of focus, this is followed by long periods of slacking off. Next day, Shi Fen confiscates his handphone and ties his hand to a pencil. He must focus on his studies if he wants to get it back. So Kai Xin goes into overdrive mode and does all he can to concentrate on his studies. And after a long while, he thinks he has done his best and wants a break. Only, it has only been 3 minutes!

Episode 4
Wan Xing spots Shi Mao and Miao Miao coming so he has to abandon getting into his car to avoid being seen as chauffeured. Yeah, walk all the way home. Because of that, the rest wants to help him by lending their bicycle. Well, Shi Fen’s missing a wheel and Kai Xin is too high for his legs to reach. Shi Mao offers him a ride but accidentally keeps kicking him off! This is starting to irk Wan Xing and has thoughts of giving up this friendship thingy. Then Miao Miao gives him a bike her cousin made. But with training wheels? But once he rides it, he gets the feel of it and likes it. Ever since, he prefers to cycle to school, much to the confusion of his chauffeur.

Episode 5
Time to be reminded as Shi Mao beats up Shi Fen. But soon he recovers and this amazes Banzai. He thinks he has what it takes to become a martial artist. So they head to the dojo where Shi Mao is trained to meet her master, Heihachi Shi Han. He remembers Shi Mao and praises this prodigy of his. But when he learns this is her brother, he starts mocking him that he can’t do martial arts because of his bad posture and habits. Shi Fen doesn’t like how he sounds so he tries to pick a fight with him. In no time he gets beaten to a pulp. But then Shi Han feels something strange. Something wonderful. He realizes that Shi Fen is a prodigy, a man born to be hit! Why, his perfect durability enhances your confidence as a martial artist! Hence Shi Fen is the perfect human sandbag! Ready for your next beat down?

Episode 6
Kai Xin somehow gets picked by all the teachers to solve problems on the board. How can this be? Banzai points out that his size and stature may make him stand out. Hence Kai Xin goes for an image change and tries to look nerdy but the teachers still pick him. How now? Shi Fen has the solution: Become the wind and disappear. Before he could call crap on that nonsense, Shi Fen demonstrates on how it’s done. Oh sh*t! Shi Fen disappears before their eyes! Teach me, sensei! And so the next time the teacher is trying to pick someone, he notices Shi Fen not around and asks Kai Xin what happened to him. Happy guy replies that he has disappeared with the wind! Teacher marks him down as skipping class.

Episode 7
With all the girls screaming over Kai Xin’s abs, Shi Fen doesn’t want to lose out and shows them his. However they get freaked out because they’re just fats! Hence Shi Fen takes it upon himself to do some sit-ups but unfortunately that doesn’t last long. So Shi Mao is going to beat him up into shape?! I don’t know how but it worked! Damn, he has a six pack now! However, he needs to think of a way to show them off without looking like a pervert. Watching Kai Xin drink and then wiping his mouth with a shirt, he does the same. Only, the girls aren’t watching. So he keeps drinking and drinking in hopes they would look. But by the time they do, they scream at his abomination. Because he drank so much water, his stomach is so bloated that it is looking fat now! Goodbye six pack…

Episode 8
Banzai and Wan Xing are before a public bathhouse. The little one is hell bent never to enter such establishment for commoners. Then a bus splashes mud over them. I guess they have to now. But they get intimidated with naked men with abs! Why do they all pose like famous Greek statues?! They want to escape but looks like Shi Fen and Kai Xin are here. Can’t escape no more. When they wrap themselves in towels and look like Greeks, Shi Fen and Kai Xin disrobe Banzai until he becomes crazy and one of them. Wan Xing will not fall for this trick but to his dismay, the bath has no individual stalls. Hence he calls his driver for the ultimate equipment that will protect the family’s honour. Turns out to be a full body swimsuit that includes covering the whole head! Yeah, he looks like a creepy weirdo… How the f*ck can he bathe in that thing?

Episode 9
The public bath continues. Shi Fen and Kai Xin try to get Wan Xing join them soaking in the water. But by farting in the water?! Of course Wan Xing will not join in such unsanitary filthy act. This irks Shi Fen so it’s a showdown to see who can last longest in the sauna. Both try to outdo each other but eventually both come rushing out to cool themselves in the cold water. Somehow this strikes an odd friendship between them because Wan Xing allows Shi Fen to scrub his back. However he scrubs so hard that Wan Xing flies off, skips over the water and crashes into the wall! Damn, that knocked the kid out. And ever since this traumatic event, he never goes to another public bathhouse again.

Episode 10
Shi Fen is late for class and the teacher will not hear any excuses. But what’s this? You Le is also late? Everyone is worried something happened but she owns up, admits her own tardiness and promises it won’t happen again. Later, Shi Fen tries to ‘welcome’ her to the dark side of being late but she remains steadfast that it was her own fault and will never happen again. This irks Shi Fen because she sounds so much like a robot. Next day as Shi Fen leaves early so as won’t be late again, he spots You Le coming out from a store. He tails her to see her feed a stray cat at the park. He realizes he is running late and leaves. So the class wonders if You Le is going to be late again but here she is, doing this crazy stunt of pole vaulting into the class! Just in the nick of time! Everybody cheers! Except for Shi Fen. He just couldn’t care less anymore.

Episode 11
Shi Fen showing off his new shoes. Shi Mao almost beats him up thinking he wasted their money but he claims he was being given the pairs. You see, some old guy dropped his wallet so Shi Fen gave it back to him and in return he bought him the shoes. Later as Kai Xin ridicules this shoe, Shi Fen starts passionately explaining all the mumbo-jumbo of how hi-tech and that it is the shoes of rich people and nobles! Banzai heard this. Yeah, he is wearing the same shoes! He throws them away! So when his pals see him shoeless, he claims they dissolved. Shi Fen feels bad and gives him 1 shoe. Yeah, Shi Fen now hopping on 1 foot. But then the teacher is mad. He thinks Shi Fen was the one who threw the shoe that hit his head! Though it isn’t him, can Shi Fen run with just 1 foot? He makes a huge jump, believing in the shoe’s technology to cushion his landing. Banzai takes a look at his half and realizes it is fake. Uh huh. Bad landing for Shi Fen… The pain…

Episode 12
10 years ago, Shi Mao was fascinated with the story of a woman who traded up a paper clip till she get a house. Shi Fen was amused but heck, he tried it anyway. Well, eventually he traded up to a bicycle. On his way back, he sees Kai Xin watching a basketball match. Seems he wants to play ball but because he sucks at studying, his parents forbade him to play. Hence Shi Fen trades in the bicycle to get a basketball for him. That was when they started becoming friends. Shi Fen might not trade up to get a house but he sure earned a friend! And that itself is priceless! Oh, and that bicycle he traded actually belonged to Kai Xin because his father is some comic book collector and Shi Fen traded the previous comic book for a bike. Now Kai Xin has to walk to school…

Fail Guys…
This season doesn’t disappoint at all but it still doesn’t bring anything new to the plate. While I am not technically complaining but maybe I am a little bit. Because when I am saying such things, it means that I am already starting to feel that if this doesn’t change, I might find myself to be bored if the next season rolls around and I will give this series a much lesser score. While I don’t intend to see any big shake ups, I am hoping to see something a little more different while the main integrity and core of everything else could remain the same. You know, maybe something about You Le’s love for Shi Fen… Just saying…

But other than that, there is nothing else to say about this season since it is basically the same as its past predecessors. We have the guys being the dumb prideful idiots and with Shi Fen being the main joker, he bears the brunt of all the fails that backfire. He lives up to his role as the resident idiot perfectly. Shi Mao also beats up Shi Fen but this season also feels it has less of that as it focuses on more of the other dumb antics the characters have to give. After all, it would get a bit too tiring and repetitive to see Shi Mao’s violent side, right? Then we’ll start to question, can this series do anything else more and funnier than a sister beating the crap out of his brother? Yeah… At least the final episode shows how Shi Fen and Kai Xin became friends. Not a bad way to end the season. They might be idiots but they’re still friends.

Many other characters also don’t seem to change much. Because what is the love progress of Shi Mao over Kai Xin? I guess none because if Shi Mao finds out how much of an idiot and similar he is to her brother, everything is over. Banzai continues to try to fit in as a normal person and hide his rich status. Funny and cute but still it’s more of the same thing. Wan Xing feels he got a little more screen time here but in a way he feels like a mini punching bag as he bears some of the unfortunate shenanigans. So far so good for this little guy and it is hard to say if he would become like his brother (an idiot in the making) or one who would shun this commoner life entirely and become a hateful character. I vouch for the former. It’s more fun that way.

Overall, this season feels a lot like an extension rather than a real continuation whatsoever. Heh. What am I saying? All the short skits are so random of each other that they all might just independent filler standalones. Whatever has been said, has been said. I don’t want to repeat myself like a broken recorder (and also I don’t really remember what I said the last time. Teeheehee!). But don’t worry. Even if the following year they come up with another season, I will still watch it as I still love the antics of this series. Maybe add some new direction to the romance or heck, maybe add in some wacky character. There might be no cures for idiotic brothers but I’m sure there will always be the cure to blow away the blues after a disappointing 2020, which is also the biggest idiocy too. Albeit just a temporary one, but better than nothing. Yeah, I wanna see Shi Mao beat the sh*t out of 2020…

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