Tonikaku Kawaii

28 February, 2021

Some people have all the luck in the world. Okay, it might look like a curse but it is a blessing in disguise. The main character in Tonikaku Kawaii falls in love with a beautiful girl at first sight but as he tries to go ask her out, he gets hit by a truck! The end. Just kidding! Not the end of him yet as she saves him and soon after he recovers, a twist of fate hast hem meet again and they get married and lead a very blissful newlywed life thereafter. The end. Happily ever after. Haha, just kidding. But yeah, that’s about it. So if you’re new in this marriage thing or just get married, have no fear because this anime might give you some ideas on what newlyweds should do with each other. Heh. Hey, with all the power divorces and breakups of the silliest reasons in today’s time, I think we need this sort of positivism about being married.

Episode 1
When Nasa Yuzaki was born, his parents named him so because they have high hopes for him to become big like the universe! Yes, seriously! It is no surprise that anyone who reads his name will laugh at first. Because of that, Nasa decides to study hard and do his best so that people will not make fun of him anymore and praise him that he is better than NASA! He is so confident of getting into a prestigious university that even his teacher throws him caution. Of course he won’t listen. Then a snowy night as he heads home, he spots the cutest chick ever. He wants to talk to her but apparently he didn’t see where he is crossing and gets rammed by the truck! OMG. Nasa dead before lift off! Sorry, my bad. No Nasa puns from now. However, he is shocked to learn that it is her who bears the brunt of it although she looks okay. She tells him to rest and forget about seeing her before going away. But the thought of never seeing her again has Nasa get up to go after her! He manages to find and talk to her again but this time his body gives way. Again, she tells him to stay put or he’ll die for you. Once more, thoughts of dying for his love has him get up to confess he loves her and wants to date. She agrees to that but on condition if he marries her. With that, he passes out. Next time he wakes up, he is in hospital and thinking back, perhaps it was her way of rejecting him. He continued his studies and got top grades but rejected all offers from universities. He worked in a convenient store instead in hopes of seeing her again. Man, you can get that much money from working in a convenient store?! But it’s not money that he wants… But suddenly that cute chick comes knocking on his door! Hi. I’m Tsukasa. Your wife, remember? Panic sets in because this is the first time a girl enters his apartment. And yeah, she has a marriage registration paper all prepared! Nasa is shocked but of course he wants to go ahead with it. He signs it and gets all the other documents as they head to the registrar to register. They’re open at this hour at night? Oh well, nothing can stop love and marriage! On their way, Tsukasa is delighted in taking on the Yuzaki name. It is when Nasa realized she is the first person who didn’t laugh at his name. Then she narrates a brief history about NASA. Wow. Makes him really want to marry her. So they got all the necessary documents in order to go ahead with the registration (despite Tsukasa being underage) and to celebrate this, the registrar gives them a little bucket plant as a wedding gift. Oh Nasa, don’t get cold feet now since you’re married, you can hold her hand! On the way back, she asks if he has 2 futons. No. Just one. Okay then. And then it hit him they’ll be sleeping together… Isn’t this great?!

Episode 2
I don’t think Nasa has got this married thingy sorted out yet. Because he is now panicking over the bed that is not enough for both of them to share! So he is ‘practising’ how to share the cram space? Too bad Tsukasa catches him in this embarrassing act. That’s not a good position to sleep in… Yeah, Nasa still hasn’t got this marriage thingy wrapped around his head so he is trying to confirm if Tsukasa will stay here every night! You bet she is! Is this the moment to panic? Oddly, she went to get her stuffs which is only a suitcase. That’s all? It also proves that she has nowhere to stay and if he still feels weird about them sleeping together, she can stay at the capsule hotel. That’s not okay! It then dawned to Nasa why did Tsukasa marry him. He asks her this but she throws back that silly question to him. Why did he? Because she’s cute. There’s your answer. But when did she fall for him? That one she’s not telling. Oh, you mean Tsukasa is really going to sleep somewhere?! Fearing that he might not see her again, he takes her shopping for a futon. And at that very moment, he realizes it looks like they’re dating. Oh boy. Has he forgotten they’re married?! Back home, Tsukasa is happy with the futon. Care to join her? More panic alarms for the boy. This means they can hold hands any time, right? Don’t be too shy now… More awkward thinking as Nasa thinks about things will lead to another as Tsukasa changes into her pyjamas. Well, good thing nothing happened. Damn. Disappointed? So they turn in for the night. As usual, he can’t sleep. But he notices her moving around. She is a restless sleeper? Doing weird stuffs too. Seeing her kick off her blanket and worried her tummy is exposed, he tries to cover her back and not sure how he ended up thinking a kiss would be okay. They’re married, right? He backs out thinking it should be done when she’s awake. More weird sleepwalking action from Tsukasa like drinking water and then stealing his blanket! I guess that’s bound to happen in any married life! Morning comes, Nasa relishes seeing Tsukasa in her blur confused half awakened state. Until she starts undressing herself! Real wakeup call. Then they discuss how to address each other since they’re married. Tsukasa gets embarrassed and ‘mad’ when he calls her Tsukasa-chan. You’ll get used to it…

Episode 3
Nasa getting excited seeing Tsukasa wearing an apron? And this isn’t even naked apron… He gets a taste of her homemade cooking. Delicious! Better than Shokugeki? Nasa takes her to the bathhouse but looks like she needs to buy some stuffs. Now you know why girls use so many types of moisturizer, lotion, etc… Outside the bathhouse, Kaname Arisugawa knows Nasa because she is his childhood friend. Beware, this girl likes making dirty jokes… Nasa got to be more assertive if he doesn’t want to make Tsukasa think he’s a some pervert. But Kaname is shocked to hear they are married! No comeback jokes for that? To celebrate, she doesn’t charge but that’s only for Tsukasa. Because she wants Nasa to explain himself! Yeah, I guess she is pretty shocked to think that he got married because she never believed he could and would stay single for the rest of his life! Kaname then learns he didn’t hold a ceremony, give a ring or even propose to her. She understands it costs a lot and in some ways inefficient. But isn’t marriage the same thing too? That’s why she points out it is his responsibility to make her happy. That is when Tsukasa blurts out he loves Tsukasa. Oh, she heard that. Please don’t. It’s embarrassing. Though, she’s happy too. That’s Nasa’s win, right?

As Tsukasa soaks in the bath, she realizes there is someone here too. She is Aya who is Kaname’s older sister. She’s a bit scatterbrain and something about accidentally seeing Tsukasa in the nude, now she wants to help wash her? It’s her responsibility to cleanse her customers! She soon learns about her connection with Nasa from their same surname. However because Tsukasa didn’t make it clear, she thinks she is Nasa’s sister. Meanwhile Nasa is ‘stuck’ because Kaname won’t leave on pretence she is cleaning. Don’t worry. She’s seen his junk many times! So I don’t know how he got out later and got clothed. It has been a while and Tsukasa didn’t wake him up because he looks cute sleeping. And to think Nasa wanted to see Tsukasa fresh out of the bath. With Aya talking to Nasa, Nasa thinks her thought of Tsukasa being family covers as his wife. Aya explains how Nasa helped revive the bathhouse. It was in danger of financial collapsing but Nasa made some good business decisions to bring it back. That’s why she is very grateful to him. However Tsukasa can sense it is more than just grateful. On the way back, she asks Nasa if Aya is pretty. And this dense dude went on to rant about how super cute and popular Aya is. DAMN! You bet Tsukasa is mad but he can’t figure out why! Oh, he thinks the nearby wedding and figures Tsukasa may have figured out he didn’t hold a ceremony for her! Obviously both are on different pages as Tsukasa tries to hint she wants to be pretty. This leads to Nasa thinking she might want to be in a wedding dress and promises to give him some time. He’ll get it for you! He goes off to do some research. Oh well… Poor Tsukasa so confused.

Episode 4
While Tsukasa waits for Nasa to return, she thought of cleaning the place but looks like it is so clean! She then tries to cook when someone is at the door. Oh look. It’s her little sister, Chitose! She is here to bring her back but Tsukasa slams the door on her, turning her into a whiny panicking brat. Knowing that Chitose is illegally here, she gives her little further shock by saying she is already married! So as Chitose sits outside in shock, Nasa returns and talks to her. Yeah, about a certain someone who isn’t actually related by blood who won’t come home. She is taken in by his kindness until she realizes this is the guy who married her Tsukasa onee-sama! Suddenly hostile! Nasa remains cool in trying to talk to her but you know, Chitose’s a brat. She will not be convinced easily so she is hell bent in making them divorce. She calls her men to kidnap Nasa back to her mansion. Her plan is to post scandalous pics of him and once Tsukasa sees his womanising ways, she’ll divorce him. She summons her maids, Charlotte and Aurora to do the job. Charlotte ‘understands’ so she starts stripping! The rest hold her back and tell her not to go that far but at this point, Nasa has escaped.

He stumbles into what seems to be Tsukasa’s room. Inside it is an actual specimen of a moon rock! Before he could finish analysing, Charlotte is here to kill him with a big sword! Damn, she’s smashing around like that, no wonder the container for the moon rock is wrecked! Thank goodness Nasa acts fast to fix it. With screwdriver and masking tape?! It works! Chitose is shocked to hear that Nasa married Tsukasa even without knowing her background. It is hinted that great grandma gave this moon rock to her as some comfort item when she left home. More flashback as Chitose was saved by Tsukasa when she fell off a cliff. Ever since, she devoted herself to Tsukasa but now she is mad that this pipsqueak is the one who married her. Charlotte thanks him by letting his face sleep in her boobs. Aurora takes pics and instantly Photoshops them to make it look scandalous! So real! Oh sh*t, Tsukasa is here! Darling, we need to have a talk! Chitose is happy that this is the end of them but realizes it was just a damn ploy to escape! You’d think Chitose will get mad with just a photo like this? Well, in actually, she’ll be way madder than this! You’ve been warned… Tsukasa takes him to escape via a secret underground passage. It leads them to an abandoned church on a hill. For an abandoned church, it sure looks pretty clean. Ah, the perfect proposing spot. Nasa narrates he doesn’t care about her past. All he cares are her warm hands, cute smile and the future they will build together. When he says he hopes to share his life with her and promises not to make her regret she chose him, if it sounds like a proposal, it’s because it is one. Then he kisses her. How romantic. He can check one off the list now.

Episode 5
It’s time for Tsukasa to watch her favourite afternoon show. But wait… Nasa doesn’t even have a TV!!! OMFG!!! Yeah, he’s not so much into movies. Tsukasa gives him a pep talk about being a movie maestro. I don’t know, but I find all those Hollywood spoofs hilarious than what she’s saying… So they go shop for a TV and Nasa is pretty concerned what quality to get. Tsukasa is okay even if it’s the cheapest. Him offering to buy her a TV is already good enough. We see Nasa somewhat bragging to Kaname about his proposal to Tsukasa. You bet that girl isn’t going to let that girl so she tells him about the next step. What about the rings?! You think Tsukasa is just a simple woman who doesn’t need much? THINK AGAIN! Maybe she’s just being kind?! Get a hint!!! So at the park, the awkward silence between gets weird for Nasa. And this leads to a kiss?! Woah… Unknown to them, the maids are spying. Better note report this to Chitose. The house might burn down… Later back home, Nasa asks Tsukasa if she really wants an engagement ring. This is where she explains the difference between engagement rings and marriage rings. There’s a difference! So take note! Since they’re already married, engagement rings aren’t necessary. Tsukasa doesn’t mind not having one because it’s really expensive. But with Nasa really wanting to symbolize their love, hence she takes him to Honey Winston (Harry Winston would be so proud?) where the prices of one small freaking diamond is through the roof! Are they really this expensive? Hah! He knows better than to ask the staff because she’s explaining the best freaking diamond quality, blah, blah, blah!!! OMFG. You mean Nasa is pressured to buy one?! All for Tsukasa’s happiness which is priceless! Thankfully Tsukasa takes him out of the store. She only meant to scare him and he is supposed to back down seeing those prices. Since he is still adamant on it, she takes him to really cheap store! OMFG! Everything here is so cheap! Compared to Honey Winston. But still expensive actually when you just look at the insane amount. Since Nasa believes she would be happy that reminds them of each other when separated, she is happy he is thinking for her sake and pecks his cheek. So they got the cheapest rings (although it is still expensive by comparison) and Tsukasa is glad that each time she looks at her ring, it will remind her of his kindness and how much he cares for her. She’ll never forget the fact he loves her and that is always forever. Oh yeah. Wasting that money was definitely worth it.

Episode 6
While observing Tsukasa’s sleeping habits again, this time it is different because she sleeps next to him. The thought of cuddling her like a bolster… This feels good! When she turns facing his face, time to panic? She kisses him! Wow! And he kisses her a few more times before she rolls back to her futon. You bet he couldn’t sleep a wink the whole night… This leads him to think of getting a bigger bed. Heck, maybe they should move to a bigger place. Though she is okay with the current condition, an argument for this is when Nasa accidentally comes back while she is changing. So while he argues more merits of the many things they can do with a bigger place, she is thinking about the time and effort, not to mention the cost of moving. Besides, do they have enough money for a new home? Don’t worry, Nasa will get his parents as guarantors. Just then he realizes he never told them he got married. Okay, time to make a quick phone call to mom. Hi mom. I’m married. Wow. Sounds that Nasa never heard mom made… Next day, mom texts him again and can tell the reason he only said this now is because he wants a guarantor for a new house! Mom knows best! Also, we know where Nasa inherits his brains. Of course she cheekily teases him about the dirty thoughts he has and also ‘threatens’ if he doesn’t visit them with his wife, they won’t be his guarantors. I guess they have to go back all the way to Nara. Hey, maybe this can serve as a honeymoon trip. As to prepare for the trip, they buy a camera. When Nasa starts taking pics of Tsukasa, some inner fetishism awakens. He can’t stop taking pics of her! Since when did Tsukasa became his model? She stops him by taking a single embarrassing pic of his face. Those should be quite memorable… The duo take the midnight bus (no money to take the train?) and you bet Chitose and her maids are going to tail them all the way! During a stop, Nasa’s body is aching all over from the stiff sleeping position but it was all nothing to Tsukasa. She’s sleeping like a baby! Oh well, got to remember her sturdy body. Remember how she saved him? Yeah… So as not to worry her, Nasa pretends he is all fine and dandy. The maids find them so sweet together and question Chitose’s intention to really want to break them up. Yup, little brat still wants to. Stay tune next week for Narita divorce lessons!

Episode 7
Chitose thinks she doesn’t need to set things up. Nasa is such an airhead, he’ll naturally lead to some petty issue and eventual divorce. But it seems Tsukasa is pretty tolerant about him forgetting his wallet on the bus and the foodstuffs they try. Eventually Chitose confronts Tsukasa directly but they have to split since some special TV recording is here and they don’t want to be caught dead in it. Nasa and Tsukasa resume their bus journey. But Nasa heard Chitose’s screams about Tsukasa marrying a guy like him and it made him ponder the rest of the night that marriage also involves other people. Looks like some brat doesn’t approve their marriage. Arriving at Kyoto, Nasa is excited to visit historical places but Tsukasa isn’t?! Tsukasa gets into the kimono getup. SUGOKU KIREI!!! Too bad, time for Chitose to show up and b*tch about things. Something about even if they sign legal marriage papers, their marriage is not legit if she doesn’t accept! WTF?! Hence Nasa wants to take this chance to convince her. It is sad he can’t go sightseeing with Tsukasa as planned but he’ll use it to make Chitose accept their marriage. In the meantime, the maids will treat Tsukasa to the trendy cafes and manga museum. That’s why you go Kyoto for, RIGHT?! Chitose is sceptical he can prove his love for Tsukasa. The sightseeing is decent but each time Chitose tries to put him down about details he doesn’t know about Tsukasa (she’s athletic?!), Nasa is impressed instead. So much so, this irks her. I guess it’s time to play the I-know-her-longer-than-you card. So why did Tsukasa marry someone who doesn’t know anything about her?! Nasa explains it is not because she saved him from the accident. It isn’t because he is lucky she saved him, he felt lucky that he met her. Giving a few theories and equations, essentially the scientific and mathematic community spent years and decades trying to prove initial intuitions. What he is trying to say is that he married Tsukasa so he can spend his entire life proving their love is real. You don’t get married because you’ve proven you’re in love, rather you get married so you can prove it! OMFG! That’s so f*cking enlightening! Nasa reunites with Tsukasa. Not sure if Chitose was convinced over their marriage but it’s safe to say she backed down for now. And now for the remainder of the journey to Nara.

Episode 8
Tsukasa learns that Nasa and his family aren’t actually from Nara. They lived in Tokyo their entire lives and until the day Nasa moved out, father thought of moving there since he is an archaeologist. And mom wants to see real deer? Oh dear. Arriving at the parents’ place, well, father and mother start panicking and flustering. It’s like they need more time for mental preparation. And you thought they were the ones who were so eager to meet her. A lot of stiffness too. Then father wants Nasa to go take a bath now because there are things he want to talk to Tsukasa privately. Nasa is suspicious but Tsukasa assures him it’ll be alright. And so she learns some embarrassing stuffs on him and she’s not telling! Before they sleep, mom is trying to hint to Nasa about his parents sleeping next door and try not to be too loud! Did you get the hint?! I guess sleeping on the same level now with Tsukasa, he can barely sleep. So he asks her to sleep on his arm?! Yeah, his arm fell asleep and when she teases him about it, he wants her to take responsibility by giving him a goodnight kiss. There you go. Well, no surprises of the cliché of watching parents. Next morning, Tsukasa wakes up early. Father too. He flusters thinking on what to talk about so eventually he shows Tsukasa his office. Later, Tsukasa wants to take pictures with Nasa around Nara. It’s a waste not to take those historical buildings together. They get some pretty nice shots, including one where she clings on quite closely to him. Hope this doesn’t mean anything to the sacred site. As they look around the place, Tsukasa hints that things have generally not changed for the past 1300 years. Traces of all the lives back then are gone but the general lives of people today are still the same. However she quips with YouTube around, it is so much easier to upload history. Back home, father earnestly thanks Tsukasa for saving his son that day. His heart sank when he got the news from the police when Nasa got hit by a truck. He is very grateful for a girl like her to save and marry him. He hopes she’ll look after him. Touched, she is glad to be part of this family. The newlyweds return home, a place where they feel the most comfortable together. Only… THEIR APARTMENT HAS BURNT DOWN!!! OMFG!!! Married and homeless?

Episode 9
Nasa is concerned if the landlord is okay. He is. This has Tsukasa realizing why she loves him in the first place as he cares about others than his own belongings. Speaking of which, the little bucket plant is the only survivor from the fire that was caused by the lightning strike. Nasa remains positive they can still plant it somewhere. Then she blurts out she loves him and all his calmness turns into panic. I guess he wasn’t prepared for that one. Kaname allows them to live in their annexed section until they find a place. All fine and dandy until Kaname realizes who will Aya deal with this. Because she is still dense and blur that Nasa is married. Nasa her crush! Even a few obvious signs like Nasa’s wedding ring and their recent trip to see his parents, she still doesn’t get it! Until mom waltzes in and points out the duo are married. Now to panic. They both get into an argument and what’s this about mom’s husband ran away after cheating on her? Unrelated! But Kaname points out that despite it all, Aya lost. Aya then realizes it is because she wasn’t bold enough to make a move. Hence she makes peace and congratulates Nasa on his marriage. Don’t let go of your wife, okay? So now Aya wants to debut as a YouTube star? That’s another story… Her love ended before it even began… Is that a tragedy or comedy? When Tsukasa wants to do all the laundry herself, it is not because of money issue or it’s a woman’s job. It’s the underwear… Ah… I guess Nasa has weird thoughts and he wonders how to touch her clothes! Aha. He is going to put it all in a bag for the laundromat. He uses this chance to sniff her clothes and of course Kaname catches him in the act. Checkmate. Then as they wait at the laundromat, Tsukasa feeling a bit embarrassed because she is wearing nothing underneath her jersey. This cuteness has Nasa snap a shot of her. Can’t resist, eh? That’s one more for the album. With Kaname’s advice, Nasa takes Tsukasa to shop for clothes. It’ll be more fun and meaningful if Nasa chooses some for her, right? And now the dreaded part because they’re going underwear shopping. Gulp. Nasa panicking he might get arrested just by standing here so Tsukasa takes his hand as proof they’re a couple. Feeling safer? Then when he starts having ecchi thoughts of seeing her in her undies, Tsukasa changes her mind. Maybe she’ll choose the underwear herself. So just relax and sit outside. He thought he is going to be bankrupt seeing how expensive a pair is but Tsukasa chooses cheap ones. Then the thought of seeing his wife in her underwear. They’re married, right? No harm asking. Awkward! Maybe one day. Both fluster like mad and change the topic to go shop for more clothes.

Episode 10
Tsukasa cooks the perfect tonkatsu for Nasa. Even the sauce. After Kaname leaves a melon for them, Nasa hopes to feed it to Tsukasa. Shy at first but I guess she relents. Cute? But of course. Now this spurs him to want to do more embarrassing things to her?! Yeah, don’t try to get too ahead of yourself. Later Nasa gets a call from the former landlord who is asking if he wants to rent a place he is building and promises the same rent rate. Kaname is sad if they move out too soon since she hasn’t peeked at them getting it on yet! Nasa and Tsukasa go to recce the place. Man, such a huge luxurious apartment. Sure he got the right place? The rooms are huge and the bath even has a nice view of the city. Sure the rent can be the same? Eventually they realize that they got the wrong model room. But the most important thing is that they will love each other no matter where the stay. Aww… How sweet! Tsukasa wakes up early to go help Kaname. They become closer friends as Kaname earnestly thanks her for saving Nasa. She can’t fathom the idea of Nasa being gone from this world. Tsukasa too is glad to save him and both girls agree that it is only so because they love the same guy. After Kaname goes to school, Tsukasa returns to Nasa. Aya still panicking she has no big sister role to play and will be reduced to some spinoff? Is this her withdrawal syndrome? When Nasa and Tsukasa decide to go out for a late night walk, Kaname’s mom suggests a certain park because at this hour there is no one and he can do anything he wants to her! Of course Nasa denies but after randomly walking, they end up in that said park. Tsukasa teases him if he would really want to do something to her and he admits he really wanted to kiss her! Brutally honest. But she has to decline, giving that garlic thingy they just ate as excuse. I think this is unplanned for so Nasa hugs her from behind instead. He asks if she is happy with life ever since married to him. We all know the answer. Time for a real husband and wife hug. Aww… How sweet!

Episode 11
It’s no news to us but it is for Chitose. Because she just discovered Tsukasa’s place has burnt down! So where is her beloved onee-sama?! Oh, there she is just passing. Oh boy. How to get rid of this brat? Tsukasa trolls Chitose that she is currently living at the park! Gullible brat believes it and in a way, Tsukasa manages to lose her. But it didn’t take long for Chitose to finally find her living at Kaname’s place. Now, don’t be mad. Let’s enjoy a nice bath. Feeling better? See you next time. Ja nakute! Chitose b*tches about imposing on others. Because if she’s going to do that, might as well live at her place. Tsukasa’s reason: Her place has no Mega Drive! Oh, Chitose will buy that and all that she needs! Cue for Aya to turn up because she wants to stay at her place?! Before this gets any weirder, it is suggested they have a takoyaki party. Like that won’t get any weirder… Aya seems to be claiming this is the perfect test to see if Tsukasa can cook for Nasa. This somewhat sets a strange rivalry between Aya and Chitose because if Aya wants to disapprove of Tsukasa, this doesn’t sit well with Chitose. So anyway, the takoyaki party (without the takoyaki) starts and it is proven Tsukasa’s cooking is damn good. So now Aya turns their attention in playing video games. Street Fighter V, huh? Since it got all the characters, it must be the latest version! Nasa sucks at it since he is good at Solitaire and Minesweeper… WTF… Because of that, this gives them an idea to hold a tournament whereby the winner will get Nasa to do whatever they want! Oh yeah. But Kaname knows her chances are pretty low so she sits this one out. Hence, Tsukasa vs Aya vs Chitose. It is Aya vs Chitose first and Aya is pretty good in trouncing her. Chitose makes excuses but no matter how many retries, Aya always wins. The finals, Tsukasa vs Aya. Aya also bests Tsukasa. Oh, Tsukasa now giving excuses?! Then she changes the game to the original Street Fighter! With the ancient controllers, Aya has a tough time figuring things out and so Tsukasa wins. But soon as she gets a hang of it, the gaming rivalry gets intense and the original objective forgotten. It ends with Double KO and they acknowledge each other as great video gamers. What was this all about again? I guess time to have a real takoyaki party now. Seeing Tsukasa and Nasa close together, I guess Chitose has to relent that as long as she is happy, she has no room to complain. So is that admission of acceptance?! Probably not. Yet. After everyone has left, Nasa asks what would Tsukasa have him done had she won. She gives him a kiss! Oh wow. He thinks she can give him more of that anytime! Aww, how sweet!

Episode 12
Nasa overworks and gets sick. Time for Tsukasa to put the brakes on him and make him well rested. Although he is worried, she hints that she can’t get sick. Of course we also see her nurse him. Later she needs to wipe him so after all the blushing, he strips his shirt to let her do so. Imagine if the roles are reversed. More blushing but seeing they’re married, they’ll make it an exception. Now comes the hard part as she wants to wipe him down there. So is he feeling better already? That night as they sleep, Tsukasa cuddles close to him. She is glad that he is feeling better and what a way to celebrate that as they start smooching each other and getting frisky. Oh yeah. It’s getting hot now! But wait! Once again Tsukasa has to put the brakes on him because he just got better and can’t do all this yet. Bummer. So just go to bed, okay?! Bummer. As the newlyweds want to go to the fireworks festival, Kaname has prepared yukata for them. Nasa has to turn around since Tsukasa is changing. It’s that burning question again: Can he look?! Well… Since they’re married… Okay. So he stares hard as she dresses up in her yukata. Perhaps he can’t resist the temptation and starts kissing her. But once more, brake time. Have to stop doing this or they’ll be late for the fireworks. Bummer. We see them have fun at the festival. And what’s this? Aya manning a goldfish stall with Chitose somewhat helping out? Yeah, her maids are just goofing around eating. Nasa tries to show that he can scoop a goldfish or two but fails at first attempt. Game over. Before the fireworks start, they head to the shrine to pray. The usual vow of caring for each other forever. Probably part of the prayers too as they get ready to kiss but the other girls interrupt! Damn. Time to watch the fireworks! Nasa has taken lots of goofy photos of Tsukasa but won’t delete them since they are his precious memories. As the fireworks lit up the sky, Nasa hopes to come again next summer with her and do this over and over again.

Okawaii Koto…
And so they lived happily ever after!!! Wow. That must be the sweetest happy ending ever in the history of anime. Or the most f*cking boring EVER!!! Oh well, it is a good thing that Nasa and Tsukasa continue to live out their blissfully wedded life and so much so such happy couples only now starting to look possible in reel life rather than real life. Sighs. The world in live in today. That’s why even with this boring and ordinary episode in which nothing much happens, the important message is that such a strong love will always prevail. Yeah, if only the rest of us can actually be like that.

The story and plot aren’t anything much. In fact, the whole series is about watching a couple of newlyweds living out their new lives married together in an amateurish way. To some, it might be cute and lovely but to others, it might be so cringe and vomiting induced. For your information, I’m in the middle ground, just to make it clear. I mean, really people. What else can they show about this series anyway? Boy meets girl. They fall in love. They get married. Newlywed shenanigans happen. That’s pretty much about it. So if you’re not in the mood to see baka couple get all lovey-dovey with each other, avoid this anime like the plague. I mean, seriously. Warning again. If you really, really, really, really, really, really to the power of infinite can’t stand the feel good tomfooleries of a newly married couple and how their love for each other grow with each passing episode, then stay away from this anime at all cost!

The one thing about the story that had me slightly disappointed was that I was expecting some sort of supernatural twist to happen. You know, it was hinted that Tsukasa is not an ordinary Earthling and that she came from the moon. Whatever. After all, when the title of this series had something like this: Fly Me To The Moon, I was expecting that moon aliens might come back to kidnap her because they don’t like the forbidden love between moon people and Earth people. Sort of. I know it’s crap but I was somehow actually expecting something of this line to happen. And it did not! So all we got were just happy go lucky shenanigans of a married couple and how their love for each other grow with each passing episode. Unless ‘Fly Me To The Moon’ could be synonymous as seventh heaven. On cloud nine. Just an expression. I mean, when a guy like Nasa gets to marry the girl of his dreams, he is already over the moon.

I guess that’s what the other second title, ‘Over The Moon For You’ also means. So yeah, maybe I am just wishful thinking to expect something more than some ordinary anime filled with newlywed’s love. But I suppose having this ordinary theme played out is for the best because you know, if aliens do show up with that silly plot twist, it would’ve just dilute the worth and cuteness of the show. Everything that has been built up will be wasted. After all, I believe they really do want to focus on the love between Nasa and Tsukasa and not get distracted with something else all in the name of plot twist.

As for the characters, Nasa and Tsukasa being the newly wedded couple, I guess I could say that they are pretty cute and amusing in their own way. Because as newlyweds, they stumble and fumble through their daily lives as newly married people. Yeah, they don’t teach all that in school, do they? While I don’t think this series intends to give great hints to newlyweds or those intending to get married in the future, it may serve as some sort of reference in the most subtle of ways. Patience is key to their lasting love, right? Thus many of the funny moments come from the thoughts of Nasa and Tsukasa who are unsure how to proceed with their love. Sure, they are married, but is it alright to do this or that? They are after all in uncharted waters and everything they know up till now feels really different now that they’re married. Everything so unprecedented. And it is right for them to have some doubts and qualms before proceeding with it because there is the fear the other might not like it and this would put a strain in their relationship. So far we have seen them getting along fine and on good terms. They might have had a little disagreements but those come in the form of minor teasing and for some cute aftermath effects. We have yet to see them get into a big fight where they separate for a while. Yikes. I know I don’t want to see that happen but when you’re married, that will always become a possibility.

Despite Nasa being quite an ordinary character, his past credentials as a genius seems pretty shady. I mean, this guy has the brains and it would be premature for me to say that he wasted his talents to just become an ordinary husband who doesn’t even have a stable job! Except the job of keep loving to his wife, that is. Full time job dedication, haha! Anyway, what I want to say is that sometimes it doesn’t add up about Nasa being a genius because wouldn’t the JAXA (Japan’s national space agency) scout him and try not to let this talent go? Like as though him being a genius is like a plot convenience because he got the sisters’ business back on track. Of course being a genius means there are some things he has to be ‘dumb’ because there are ordinary things in life that we take for granted that he doesn’t know or well aware of. Don’t laugh. We ourselves have so much things in our daily lives that we do not actually know!

And another point about Nasa is that he is super rich or something after working, the reason why he can take it so easily to be with his wife instead of worrying about paying next month’s rent. If he had worked in some big corporate job, maybe it is plausible. Just maybe. But odd jobs of delivering and serving customers, that enough to cover living expenses? Something doesn’t feel right here. Oh well, who knows? Maybe he plays stocks behind our backs to earn a living. Last episode shows him furiously working on his multiple laptop so I guess he is working from home and doing online maintenance thingy. So I guess he earns enough to live comfortably and have a decent amount of time to spend with his wife. Damn, the kind of work-life balance that we all envy for!

Tsukasa herself is actually a very cool girl and simple wife. She doesn’t want to impose too much on Nasa but he the way he is trying so hard, I guess she is obliged to oblige. I mean, rejecting a guy who is putting in the effort just for you all the time doesn’t seem right. So yeah, Nasa is pretty lucky to have a cute and understanding with like Tsukasa. And it’s like as though they’re trying to tell us if you really like a girl, you better strike when the iron is hot. Nasa took the chance and things turn out for the better between them. Tsukasa also has her own quirks and weaknesses and my guess is that perhaps it is that unwritten law that husbands are allowed to see that embarrassing flustering side of their wife and that’s why Nasa has no qualms try to make her feel so. Although no bad intentions. One thing about Tsukasa that makes me feel a bit suspicious is that her soft spoken demeanour feels like as though she has something to hide. Sometimes she also acts a bit secretive but I may be just overthinking because this is just Tsukasa being Tsukasa. Just keep flashing the smiles and we’ll all be alright.

As for the other characters, I think Kaname is like the comic relief character and her roles are to rebuke and retort whatever Nasa has to say. She could be the best character in the series if I should say. Knowing Nasa for a pretty long time, she enjoys teasing him and watching his reactions. I can see why it’s so fun to tease this guy. But when it comes down to being the serious part, she is still more level headed than her big sister Aya who sometimes feel like her character is written to be the dumb blonde. Slow and perhaps the last one to know Nasa has already gotten married, her role feels redundant and it’s like in order to make up for her broken heart, she turned into this idiotic but lovable character. Speaking of which, then there is Chitose. The loli brat who is of course so opposed to the marriage because she wants onee-sama all to herself. Chitose being the brat might be annoying but she’s not a character whom you’ll come to hate because she too has her adorable side as a tsundere. So as long as her jealousy remains, we’ll get to see more of her shenanigans to pull them apart but with hilarious fail effects. Oh well, what is a marriage without somebody who is opposed to it, right? As for her maids, they feel a bit redundant and only there to play the straight man to whatever Chitose’s twisted logic. After all, rich oujo-sama got to have a couple of maids by her side.

One of the obvious things that you will notice when starting to watch this anime is the art style and animation. Now, how should I put it? The art style feels very simplistic in design that as though some amateur just rushed through them. Sorry if that is not a very accurate way of describing it but my point is that the artwork feels simple like as though this anime came out a couple of decades ago. However it doesn’t look to have that retro feel. Perhaps simplistic is the nearest but not necessarily the accurate word to describe its art style. The closest animes I can think of having this similar kind of art style are Docchi Mo Maid and Mahou No Chocolate, both of which are very obscure one shot anime titles. Hence the characters look a bit cartoonish and not your typical standard conventional Japanese anime. To be fair, this is what the manga looks like so the anime is drawn quite closely to its source. Either it is refreshing or a major put off. This anime is done by Seven Arcs who did Sekirei, Dog Days, White Album and the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha series.

For the voice acting, didn’t recognize anyone here. But I should mention about Junya Enoki who is the voice of Nasa (Hiro in Drifting Dragons). He sounds a bit raw but even if that is intentional, it fits the moronic genius (ah, the oxymoron) character for Nasa. The other casts include Akari Kitou as Tsukasa (Nezuko in Kimetsu No Yaiba), Yuu Serizawa as Kaname (Tenma in Mushibugyou), Sumire Uesaka as Aya (Sanae in Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai), Konomi Kohara as Chitose (Chika in Kaguya-sama Wa Kokurasetai), Yuki Nagaku as Aurora (Arisa in Akiba’s Trip) and Hitomi Ohwada as Charlotte (Ayano in Hanebado). I find the opening theme, Koi No Uta by Akari Kitou to be weird. Not sure why, I feel it’s like a song sung by an alien! Then it gets weird when she starts rapping throughout the rest of the song that has some hip hop feel to it! Weird. I prefer the ending theme, Tsuki To Hoshizora by KanoeRana since it’s quite a lovely slow ballad.

Overall, if you like romantic comedies especially seeing how funny and sweet a newly married couple is dealing with their new lives, this show is for you. Though, I am not expecting that the number of married cases will globally rise or divorce cases or at least those seeking divorce to be stalled. Not sure why I keep thinking along those lines but in this era and time we live in, seeing such a happy and blissful couple sounds like a sweet happy fantasy than realism. I’m sure there are such lovely marriages but it’s rare because why would such happy couples post about their happiness on social media?! Are they trying to make the rest of us seethe with anger?! Anyway, if you can stomach the simplicity of the story, the simplicity of the characters and even as much as the simplicity of the art style, you can endure through anything. But hey, what do I know? I don’t even have a girlfriend to begin with… :’(.

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