Elf 17

24 May, 2024

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… A certain elf girl decided to take a space adventure! Sorry folks, this isn’t anywhere near Star Wars but I guess this single retro OVA, Elf 17 was curious enough to make me have a look. In its short synopsis, the quirky gang of space travellers travel around the universe but wherever they go there is trouble! It would be troubling if I pass this one up.

To space and beyond…
In a martial arts tournament final, we see Hammer Man going to take on Master Chief KK. However before it starts, it is interrupted by elf girl, Ruu. Because the prize of this tournament is a week-long galaxy tour, she wants in. Uhm, isn’t she a bit late to the game?! Can she just jump in like that?! Well, the crowd loves this quirky new combatant so you bet the organizers are going to let her in. Hammer Man isn’t pleased so as he is about to attack, a single smash from her is enough to send him flying into the audience! Next up is KK but this guy has a policy of not fighting girls even though Ruu insists. Because of that, the organizer, Tyler Muscat proclaims her the winner. Just like that?! Yes. Because Tyler says so! Ruu won’t accept it until she fights KK. Because he keeps b*tching about not wanting to fight a girl, her kick sends him flying. Now she is officially the winner. KK won’t admit defeat yet and believes this tournament is rigged. How else would you explain Tyler giving her an easy win! He fires his missiles and destroys the entire arena! Luckily Ruu can fly and takes Tyler to escape. Back at his place, Tyler reveals that he is actually the prince of this galactic empire. He organized this tournament because he secretly wants to go on a space trip and to find companions. He was disappointed to have muscle brains for the finals and about to lose interest but with Ruu’s sudden appearance and her quirkiness, that’s why he chose her. KK attacks the place as still he won’t give up. Ruu attacks but his special gas puts her to sleep. This has Tyler change his mind and wants him to come with them on the space trip too.

As the space trip begins, Ruu excitedly writes to her parents about it. While having their food, suddenly the pilot claims there is something wrong with the engine. It is going to accelerate to unknown parts. Oh well, this is what an adventure is about, right? Let’s go! They crash land on a desert planet. And yeah, their ship is busted. Looks like they’ll have to stay here. The locals are pretty friendly and even show them around their sacred temple that consists their most sacred treasure. Because of the heavy lid, nobody has been able to enter. That night, KK is curious to see what it is. He believes his power suit is able to lift it and drags Ruu with him to help. After opening the lid, the pilot comes by and zaps KK out. You see, everything has been going as part of his plan. As the winner of the tournament would be the strongest, he knew that person would be the one who could lift the lid. So he also sabotaged the engine to purposely crash here. He has already contacted some traders to buy the treasure (which is some fine wine of the gods). After knocking Ruu out, he goes to make the trade but gets betrayed since obviously the baddies aren’t going to pay him. Luckily KK and Ruu regain consciousness and fight back. During this confusion, the pilot runs off with the wine. This activates the raccoon statues guarding the temple. Well, they cause a rampage in town. Ruu’s solution is to just use her brute force and destroy them! In the aftermath, it seems the villagers are thankful to them not for saving their wine but opening the lid because now they too can enjoy their fine treasure! So as they all party and drink, Tyler’s bodyguards come by. This is when they made known to everyone he is a prince. Tyler has them drink the wine in which it is drugged as they pass out. This is so he could steal their ship and go for another adventure! The pilot comes along too since there isn’t anyone to pilot the ship. And off they go to cruise to another part of the galaxy!

Trouble Magnet?
So, that was certainly goofy and nonsensical. Yeah, I bet it all doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t help there isn’t only a single episode. Oh well, I guess OVAs at that time were like that. Mind you, this retro OVA came out way back in 1987! It is also based on a very short manga of the same name and I would also bet it is very obscure too. Because the manga ended its run in the following year, my bet is that they animated the OVA then as exposure so as to ‘introduce’ people that such a series existed. Remember, the internet doesn’t exist back then and you know how hard it is for info to disseminate and reach parts of the world even within Japan itself. That is why only a single episode with an equally random-like adventure is animated. Want more? Go find that manga. Good luck. And if it is even translated. Good luck x 1000.

So what else can I say about animes at that particular time? Especially those following such OVA format of having only a single or handful episodes to animate or adapt. Everything is so nonsensical and doesn’t make sense but it is okay because nothing should all for the sake of comedy. Yeah, it’s all pretty funny and bombastic, right? In addition to all the mindless explosions and destruction, you have an elf girl who is as strong as f*ck while a guy who is always wearing his power suit (even to sleep!) shooting all sorts of seemingly unlimited missiles. There’s your firepower. And what does Tyler do? He just laughs like an idiot while waving his fan. Yeah, great moral support. I can see why trouble will follow them wherever they go.

For such series, it is better for you to leave your brains at the doorstep because nothing is going to make sense. And if you start questioning them, you might have problems. For instance, Tyler is the prince of the galaxy and yet from the looks of it, nobody seems to recognize him! Like, HOW???!!! Then when he reveals it, they get shocked! You mean nobody knows how the prince looks like?! Unless you tell me he is an imposter or that the prince of the galaxy does not make public appearance due to some stupid royal court rule. Yeah. No wonder Tyler wants to go on a space trip secretly. Assumingly, being locked down in his castle may have turned him into an idiot and his character shows! Oh well, but he has got the money so I guess this space adventure is going to be very well funded. Hope they don’t bust their ride again.

I have to wonder if this anime was the inspiration for The Irresponsible Captain Tylor in which its light novel came out a year later (1989). Yeah, noticed how similar a certain character’s name is to it? And both series are set in space, right? Right. I thought it was from the same author but apparently they’re not. It could just be coincidence but then again, it may not be. On a trivial note, perhaps this series was taken inspiration by Star Wars because if you keep your eyes peeled during the tournament, you can spot a few Star Wars characters making their cameo! There’s C3PO and a, uhm, blue Jabba the Hutt???!!! OMFG. The cameo force is strong in this one! Sorry, didn’t see any Yoda spoofs…

Art and animation are definitely reeking late 80’s style anime so I wasn’t surprised to see shades of the popular Ranma 1/2 here like Tyler looking a lot like Kuno and KK like Ryouga. To draw horny fans, no wonder Ruu runs around in her swimsuit. If I should call it that. On a side note, KK sounds familiar and I only realized it is because he is voiced by Kazuki Yao. Oh man, it feels like ages this guy has been around. And even Fumihiko Tachiki as Hammer Guy. Wow. It’s like these guys have been around like forever. Also to note, the ending theme, Do Do Do Pink Power by Hiroko Kasahara is a nice and exuberant 80’s style anime pop. You bet this is right up my alley.

Overall, this anime is both good and bad. Simply because it is short and nonsensical, it doesn’t bring much to the table except to watch it for purely entertainment reasons. Well, it did its job so I guess that is fine with me. Just like how Tyler’s crew are going on a blind space adventure, it is the same with me as I scourge the internet for weird retro animes to watch. Some are hits and some are misses. Who knows what I will stumble upon next but I guess that is the fun thing about going on a journey with no destination in mind. Picking up anything that interests me along the way. Please, let the next one be not crap!