Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean the order has not yet finished! There are more?! Who would have guessed that after 5 years, the third season of Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka Bloom would reach the airwaves. Oh right. That movie and extra OVA in between but I guess I missed those. But anyway, with the third season gracing our screens, did we not suffocate enough from the extremely cute lolis from the past 2 seasons?! Did we not die of extreme asphyxiation and heart tightening conditions?! I guess we’re so addicted that we need to extra order another season for more of them. Since it has come this far, there is no more turning back. The moe loli hell has become our moe loli addiction. We now need this to survive. We now need this to get through our daily lives. What would life be without our cute little lolis?! I can’t imagine that?! So we’re ordering a lot more extra orders for the road and the future! We have already crossed the line of no return…

Episode 1
It’s a hot summer. Our Rabbit House trio thought of wearing yukata to cool down but it seems this only scares away Aoyama… Yeah, she thought she went to Amausa by mistake. Because the vest makes them feel hot, they remove it. Unfortunately the usual loli customers couldn’t recognize them! Yeah, their colour code is so important! Hence Cocoa gets an idea to make their own summer outfits. They head to the store with sale but all those housewives are making it tough even for Rize to approach. Don’t worry. Sharo is here to help. Sugoi power… As they go to another shop for the fabric, it seems there are no pink fabric at least to match Cocoa’s colour. No, the sequin one won’t do. Cocoa remembers she might have some at home and after going through all that junk, they finally find it. Yeah, thank Chino’s mom for leaving such great fabric behind. With all that junk, the trio go to sell some at the flea market. Yeah, nobody buys… They are so happy when a customer did. Cocoa then spots Sharo and Chiya buying china. Quite expensive… So when Chiya accidentally drops them because she’s exhausted, Sharo instinctively goes to save the china! Teacup set > Chiya! Sad… Returning to her pals, looks like their depression just increased because no sales. So leave it to Cocoa, Sharo and Chiya to somehow bring in the sales with their cute charm. Oh yeah. The customers are coming now. Rize and Chino want to help but looks like they have to deal with a lost child. While Rize goes to find her mom, Chino is stuck with her. Lost. Who is more lost? A magic trick backfired and didn’t work. So Chino gives her a toy rabbit. All smiles again. Thanks Chino onee-chan. Like the sound of that? Back home, they celebrate their success and Cocoa has bought lots of coloured doorknobs. Now you know why the junk keeps piling. Chiya has bought an old shirt from Rize. Since Sharo wants one too, Rize has the size for her. Now she can die happy. Cocoa also gives hers to Chino but in return wants hers. Is this a trade? Calculating the profits, it looks like this brings in more profit than Rabbit House! Oh dear. The unsold magic set, Cocoa decides to buy it and put on a magic show for them. At first it backfires but then she starts to bloom flowers like a pro. Wow. So magical. At least to Chino. The Rabbit House girls have completed their summer outfits. Looks the same but with slight design changes. At least it feels cooler now.

Episode 2
Chiya trying to force Sharo to do kimodameshi with her? You bet Sharo keeps turning her down. And somehow her home has turned into some paranormal activity thingy? How the heck did this rumour start?! Anyway, with Maya and Megu here, they also think it is a good idea to do kimodameshi. What else for Sharo but to accept? As Chiya and Sharo walk through the dark forest and reminisce old times, Rize tries to shoot them with her water gun but Chiya keeps unwittingly avoiding and it all splashes onto Sharo. Then they stumble into Tippy and stuffed rabbits! Scary! They make a run for it but fall face first into the mud. This is supposed to be cue for Cocoa to come scare them but seeing their dirty state, safe to say the girls freak each other out. In the end after all the apologies, this turns out to be Cocoa’s idea because she noticed Chiya and Sharo haven’t been hanging out with each other often recently. Sharo admits she did enjoy the whole thing. So I guess this is a success, huh? That night, Sharo even obliges to watch a horror marathon with Chiya but the latter is in shock thinking she is not well because isn’t she supposed to get mad at her?! Nobody understands Sharo’s good intentions… On another day, Cocoa is impersonating the famous phantom thief, Lapin. Noticing Sharo is outside spying on her, it is revealed Fleur de Lapin is doing a collaboration with the phantom thief but Sharo didn’t do well as the main Lapin star and it is the detective whom the kids are attracted to. So she’s trying to spy on Cocoa since she is good with kids. So you bet Cocoa is going to help Sharo turn into the real Lapin instead of some girl cosplaying as her. And that means watching some Lapin movie the whole night! Yeah… Damn, Sharo and Rize getting so emotional at the end? They never knew! With more practice, Sharo now becomes the perfect Lapin. Be careful, she might steal Chino’s heart from you, Cocoa! As thanks Sharo gives Cocoa an extra Lapin mask. However Cocoa thinks she might want a greater favour in return. Sighs. Nobody understands Sharo’s good intentions… On the day of the collaboration, the kids are swarming around Sharo as Lapin. Until Cocoa shows up as the other Lapin, all the kids now flock to her. Poor Sharo… Her business got stolen…

Episode 3
Because Chino hasn’t decide which high school to go yet, this makes Cocoa worried. Very worried. Megu invites Chino and Maya to tour a fancy high school to give them some ideas about the high school they should enrol in. Meanwhile Cocoa and Chiya are put in charge of this year’s cultural festival. Oh f*ck! Is that a sex museum suggestion I see on the board???!!! The duo act tough that they can handle it but later Chiya baulks from the pressure, wondering if she can handle it and affect her performance at Amausa. The loli trio start their tour with a speech by a scholarship student, Rin Mate. At first the speech is all nice until it ends with something personal. A bounty on Aoyama’s head! She is Aoyama’s editor and has been pushed to the limits by her?! While Chino and Maya wait for Megu to do her business in the ladies’, a slight distraction has them lost. Megu bumps into Rize while the others bump into Sharo. Both think the lolis are trespassing and hence let them wear their school’s uniform to find the other. Oh yeah. How does it feel to wear such fancy uniform for oujo-sama? Gokigen yo! Lots of gokigen yo experience and they even get to experience a few real oujo-sama activities like teatime and ballroom dancing! They could get use to this. More gokigen yo greetings until both sides pass each other. Rize and Sharo are embarrassed once they learn the truth but I guess the lolis just wanted to play along and have some fun. It seems Maya is thinking of enrolling here. Surprise! Her teacher actually recommended her here since she got good greats! You girls don’t think she’s just a stupid loli, right?! She thought they should all enrol here but her friends start teasing her keeping lots of secrets. More mayhem because Cocoa and Chiya are also here. It seems they are here to borrow supplies for the festival and became friends with some club. They start teasing Rize and Sharo about all the etiquettes, embarrassing them further. The lolis think this may actually be a fun school to study in. Hope they don’t find all those gokigen yo stuff choking. Chino starting to really think about her high school future now.

Episode 4
Flashback shows some other class got collaboration with some stall who sell juice. Hence Cocoa’s class might look dull if they sell the same thing. Hence that wise idea of having their interior look fancy and thus borrowing stuffs from that gokigen yo school. So when Cocoa and Chiya return, their pals think they’ve been brainwashed since they’re still wearing that uniform (in hopes of showing off). Then they show all the stuffs that they got via winning competitions from various clubs? Did they also ask from the occult club or something? Rize and Sharo look jealous that Cocoa’s school is having much more fun. But so as no one will be left out, Cocoa and Chiya give their pals invitation to their festival. Now everyone can have fun. Arriving at the festival, they are quickly led to Cocoa’s class who seems to be doing a mock Oktoberfest. Underage kids serving and drinking beer???!!! OMFG!!! Oh… Just apple juice… Lots of fun and all as Rize and Sharo are invited to dress up as them. Well, thanks to their overlapping schedule, some girls have to participate in their other clubs. Thankfully, Rize and Sharo are no strangers to serving so bring on the customers! As thanks for their efforts, they are also given their school uniform to dress so they can blend in and have fun elsewhere in school. Gee, is this necessary because I thought the festival is open to the public and the invited? Oh, iinchou wants to wear their fancy gokigen yo uniform… More fun till the end of the day. And with that, Chino hints that she knows which school she wants to go next. Because Chino left a very touching photo of her friends having fun together at the festival (one of the activities provided from the photography club is to take any photo you want around the festival). Back home, Chino sees Cocoa’s uniform and tries it on for size. When Cocoa sees this, she is so happy and won’t let go of Chino. I hope this won’t change her mind…

Episode 5
Once more Rin is chasing Aoyama for her manuscript. This has the girls note they’re chasing each other all day like a marathon. This reminds Cocoa that their school is organizing one soon. Chiya rues running a lot but with Cocoa promising to be her big sister and the likes, you bet Chiya is motivated. Initially Cocoa wanted Rize to help her train but since she cannot wakeup in the wee hours of the morning (despite making Chino as her personal alarm clock), so I guess Rize goes to train Chiya. It is tough at first but she perseveres. A stamp card to help motivate her once she fills it all. Cocoa then begs Sharo to help her train because she wants to secretly train from Chiya. Guess what? She still couldn’t wake up! Chiya finishes the stamp card and she gets to eat all the sweets? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? During marathon day, we see Cocoa latching onto Chiya’s hair like reins as they reach the finish line! Not bad for Cocoa who didn’t even freaking trained a single bit! On another day, Cocoa and Chiya see Aoyama out in town. Since this is her day off, she doesn’t know what to do. She suggests playing hide and seek. And it’s no difference since she has Rin trying to catch her! Isn’t this the usual? Rin has Rize and Chino on her side as they chase Aoyama’s side all around town. Yeah, it’s like giving Rin’s group the big run around and making fools out of them. Like as though fate just doesn’t want Rin to catch Aoyama no matter how close she is. Is this a joke? Cocoa then ‘betrays’ by letting her get caught by Chino because she wants to get smothered by her hug. Chiya’s running pays off and can outrun Rize. Until she hits a dead end. Bummer. The chase continues until I guess everyone decides to have fun riding the bunny carousel. Cue for some flashback between Aoyama and her old master (currently reincarnated as Tippy, remember?). She became motivated to become a novelist thanks to the pen he lent her. Once again, she thought she heard old master’s voice. It’s just Tippy on her lap… And I suppose everybody had so much fun today that Aoyama lets Rin catch her on purpose. Good things must come to an end. Don’t worry, there’ll be more chases in the future when Aoyama fails her deadline.

Episode 6
With the photo shoot for the yearbook looming, Chino and friends think of just going natural instead of prettying up themselves. Later Megu sees Chiya giving Sharo a haircut. She wants a trim too but Sharo and Chiya argue about giving Megu that. Something about the bangs… it ends up Chiya’s grandma giving her the haircut. Oh sh*t… Meanwhile Maya is at the hair accessory shop. Rize is also there. Both know nothing about it but chose the same accessory. Chino is impressed seeing Tippy all nicely trimmed by Cocoa. COCOA! You bet Cocoa is going to feel so needed when Chino asks for one. And of course she messes up her bangs. Oh sh*t. As penance, Chino can do the same to her. Eventually they both ended up having the same style and Takahiro notes they look pretty. When the lolis converge and realize everyone had done up, they accuse each other as traitors! Rabbit House will host another bread festival. With Cocoa and Rize preoccupied trying to promote the bread, Chino sulks because it’s like they’re trying to turn Rabbit House into a bakery and nobody cares about the coffee. Of course she’s just trolling. Customers stream into Rabbit House as Chino serves her special blend. Oh sh*t, I don’t know if she put some drugs in it because we see exaggerated reactions of them dancing in the flower field! Is this meth?! Oh well, coffee is already technically a kind of drug. Oh, Chino says she puts her feelings in it?! Okay. I believe her. Cocoa drinks one of Chino’s failed blends. Chino mentions this isn’t any different since Cocoa can never distinguish between the different blends. How could Cocoa? Because all her coffee tastes delicious to her! Chino blushing so cute… At the end of the day, more Chino blushing since the rest note her blend was a hit with customers. Chino wonders if she has changed. Even if everyone praises her, rabbits still run away from her. Tippy tells her to look behind. A lone rabbit who didn’t run away and allows her to touch. Are you convinced now?

Episode 7
Trick or treat! The town is all geared up for Halloween. Maya and Megu visit Amausa. Probably the most elaborated Halloween theme ever. Since Chiya hurt her hand, the lolis decide to help her out. However they start arguing due to the random points Chiya gave them. To soothe them, Chiya promises to give them candies. It’s revealed it is just a ploy to make her do so. Chiya’s turn for payback as she’s going to do some witch retribution. Next day, Chiya invites the duo to do some summoning because it somewhat came true for her when she bumped into Rize and Sharo last night. No harm trying. And with that, suddenly Cocoa and Chino come in! Wow. Such big coincidence. Chino gets worried when Maya and Megu claim to join new forces with Chiya. But big hearted Chiya hugs Chino and assures her that she’ll never take her place. Now we have Cocoa worried and jealous over this. Oh well, nothing like a big hug to cure this conflict. Later the friends meet up at night. Everyone except Rize dressed up as Lapin? Trying to save some money? They notice Cocoa not around and you’ve guessed it, she’s lost. She also meets a lost kid and tries to cheer her up with some magic tricks. She fails. Damn, the kid even tells her she sucks! Oh boy. That’s got to hurt. Cocoa really crying?! Then a strange magician (probably Chino’s mom in ghost form!) cheers her up by showing and teaching her a little magic trick of her own. Meanwhile the rest decide to go look for Cocoa. How to spot her with everyone in some Halloween garb? Oh well, try shouting out to your onee-sama! Embarrassing. But could be effective… Time for ghost magician to go so she disappears. Wow. Best magic trick ever? Cocoa finally reunites with the rest and as penalty for causing them distress, she has to treat them. As Halloween draws to a close, Chino gets worried thinking about the souls of the departed. Tippy assures her that it isn’t his time yet so Chino hugs him as hard as she can. When Cocoa shows Chino the newly magic trick she learnt, this brings back memories because mom often showed this trick to her to cheer her up.

Episode 8
Rize had a fight with her father so she ran away to stay at Cocoa’s place. Apparently when Rize said her dream was to become an elementary school teacher, father laughed at it. Let’s say her reason to become one is lolis. To put it crudely! Gotta have more lolis for this show, right? So Cocoa wants to help Rize achieve that dream? By having her cook for her, clean up her mess and take a midday nap? Does Cocoa just want to laze around? Chino is a little stricter. But this has Cocoa and Chino end up in some competition to earn stamps from Rize. Don’t fight. Here’s a stamp card for each of you to commemorate this special occasion. When Megu enters Rabbit House, it seems it’s because Cocoa is going to be her teacher?! Seriously?! You jealous, Rize? Anyway, Cocoa isn’t a good science teacher anyway. Megu and Chino then head over to Amausa because Chiya is going to be their Japanese teacher. Then they go over next door to peek at Maya being coached by Sharo sensei. Maya gets embarrassed that her secret is being found out. The trio end up studying together but it’s a bit hard because they just want to laze around and talk. Next is the Rize sensei giving them pool lessons. Megu pushes herself too hard and almost drowns! Yikes. Luckily Rize saves her as they hear Megu’s reasons of working too hard is because she wants to catch up with her friends and not be left behind. I think we all think they’re going to grow up just fine. Lolis growing up. THE HORROR!!! When Rize returns, Cocoa and the others are mad that she and the lolis went to the pool together? Turns out they were just trolling and has set up a great party to celebrate her effort. The girls have fun until Rize’s papa shows up to pick her up. A long awkwardness as father and daughter drive back home. Papa tries to break the ice but Rize is clearly not in the mood. Heart breaking. Until he says he was actually impressed by her dreams and only laughed just to hide his tears. He regrets his stupid pride hurt her feelings. Okay, but what must he say now? Sorry seems to be the hardest word but when he says that, all that animosity is blown away.

Episode 9
Wow. Chiya just defeated to class president to take over her position! Thanks to the recent festival, Chiya earned a lot of points. Yeah, the class president was way resting on her laurels… Let that be a lesson! And Cocoa trying to take credit for being her producer?! Later, Rize decides to have an image change and let her hair down. While Sharo and Chiya recognize her, Cocoa and Chino don’t. Hence, Rize tries to pull a prank on them to get back at them and also to see if they’re also pulling a fast one on her. Heck, even the lolis can tell it is Rize but they’re forced to play along. Yeah, the lies are growing bigger. Rize grows tired of putting up this charade. Until she pulls out her gun, only then Cocoa recognizes her. She claims she knew it all along but was just bluffing as it was just as recently she knew about it. Chino on the other hand is a little late to realize this and feels embarrassed. Later Cocoa tries to pull off this trick but she’s not fooling anybody. Except Chino. Poor Chino gets so mad that she threatens to ban them from having snacks! Hope that is the last straw. Chiya has a poster for Amausa although it looks like a poster of her for an election. Chino writes and reads her recommendation letter for Chiya. Stop! Anymore and she’ll explode! What about Cocoa? Chino only has bad recommendations… Sharo also announces that she is running for student council president and everybody wants to celebrate. When customers come in, Cocoa helps Chiya. But Sharo notices something odd about Chiya. Could it be due to the missing crown she gave to her when they were kids? Later when all the girls left, Sharo spots that crown on Chiya’s grandma. She’s using it as a hairpin! Sharo then returns it to Chiya who is so relieved as well as embarrassed she never knew it was this close. Sharo then tells her that she is pulling out of the election but is too embarrassed to say why. Lolicons would love the flashback of Sharo and Chiya loli versions when the former gave latter the crown. And the latter wanted to use it to rule the world?! Wow. Such big dreams. Later when everyone gathers to celebrate Chiya’s posting, it seems her class president is the one celebrating? Turns out Chiya pulled out of the race. I guess it’s a win-win then. Chiya and Sharo have the same reason of pulling out: They don’t want to spend less time from the things they love doing. Yeah, those eat up a lot of time, you know.

Episode 10
Cocoa temporarily working at Fleur de Lapin as she needs some extra cash. Cocoa is sure chirpy about her job. And that is embarrassing Sharo a lot. When it’s time to break the bank, Cocoa realizes she only has 53 yen in it?! So she thought she had 5000?! I guess mean more part time jobs. When Sharo goes to her crepe part time job, Cocoa is also working there! Then at Aoyama’s book signing event, Cocoa is working there too! Fate or coincidence?! Anyway, Cocoa working all these jobs is because she wants money to buy everyone Christmas gifts. Ah, it’s that season. And with all the friends suggesting gift exchange, looks like time to work hard for more cash or you’re all going broke for the season. Later when Chino is out and planning to visit Cocoa at one of her jobs, she thought she was surprised by her from the bank. Turns out to be Sharo impersonating Cocoa. Close. Then Sharo thought Rize did the same thing. Turns out to be Chiya. Disappointed? Chino then stumbles into Megu and Maya trying to coerce Rize to buy treats for them. She joins in. Coercing success! When Chino picks up Cocoa from her work, she realizes she forgot the umbrella. It makes this whole thing pointless. But it’s not. Because it’s snowing. The duo dance in the snow but you know, it’s slippery so they slip. As they return to Rabbit House, they realize there is a long queue outside. Chino in shock! What’s this? Rize’s dad also helping as backup? Takahiro explains that Aoyama wrote a feature article on Rabbit House and it appeared in the magazine. Yeah, everyone is coming in to try. So uhm, Cocoa already sleeping on the job? I guess it’s to hear her sleep talking about trying to be everyone’s Santa. Oh Chino, you can work hard too. No pressure… I hope. Cocoa works nonstop that she just fell asleep once she plonks on her bed. Chino realizes they haven’t changed into their winter uniform yet and as she looks through the wardrobe, realizes a few other coloured uniforms Cocoa has completed. Hmm… The right size. Time to suck in her pride and call for backup to help with the busy season. Chiya and Sharo, are you free now?

Episode 11
Sharo and Chiya are reinforcements to replace Cocoa and Rize at Rabbit House. The duo are trying to hijack and turn Rabbit House into their own coffee house and since Chino doesn’t want to lose out, WTF this nightmare latte she’s making?! Is Rabbit House doomed?! So what about days when Sharo and Chiya won’t be available? Don’t worry. Loli reinforcements! Wow. Chino so happy she starts crying!? WTF?! First order is to put a replica of Tippy as the star of the Christmas tree. When everyone is around to help, Chino starts spacing out because she can’t believe there are so many helpers are Rabbit House. Cocoa tries to fool everyone in her Santa getup but nobody’s buying it. With all their colour coded jackets, I guess the girls can do some Power Rangers spoof pose. Tippy really worried his Rabbit House is now turning into something else. At the end of the day, the girls celebrate their success as they also exchange presents. Safe to say, everybody loves their gifts. But there’s more from Cocoa since she has brought presents for everyone and does a lovely magic trick that doesn’t suck! Wow. Cocoa now a pro magician! Later that night when everyone has gone to bed, China tries to sneak her secret present into Cocoa’s room. Too bad her own internal alarm wakes her up. WTF is Santa time?! Next morning, Chino can’t turn off the alarm clock which is a surprise present from Cocoa. Damn, its alarm is Cocoa’s voice!!! OMFG!!! So annoying! Turn it off! TURN IT OFF! Oh sh*t. Can’t turn off… OH NO!!!

Episode 12
Before we forget they even exist, we take a glimpse of Cocoa’s mom and her sister, Mocha doing at their bakery in the outskirts. Mocha is feeling depressed since from the photo Cocoa sent, she and her friends are having fun. Worse, Mocha’s coffee is still horrible as ever! Just when her depression is at the lowest, mom has all the customers say what’s best about her. Instantly she gets her motivation back up and is ready to serve. Her coffee still sucks, though. What do you mean it’s even worse than before?! Cocoa soon receives a fruit cake from them as well as her middle and high school uniforms. Cocoa tries the middle school one for size and it brings back nostalgic memories. Chino tries the high school one and though it is loose for her, she thinks she has seen this uniform somewhere before. Back to Mocha and mom, the former finds a photo album of mom. One of the most memorable pictures is a high school pic with a friend named Usagi AKA Saki. She hints she isn’t around anymore. Meanwhile Chino also stumbles into that same photo in her album. If you’re still unsure who this chick is, it’s Chino’s late mom. This has Chino realize mommy didn’t spend her entire life in this town. Yeah, starting to realize the world is bigger than you think? Next day when all the friends meet, Chiya brought a pie and one of the slices contains a ring that will make her the king (queen isn’t it?) who will get to give orders to the rest. Chino is the lucky one but she needs time to think on her order. At the same time, the rest go sightseeing around town that hints world travel like overseas painting, international aroma, international cafes, and of course travel luggage. Not until Cocoa talks about how looking at the sky makes her feel connected to her family, Chino finally knows what her order is. She wants Rize to pass her college entrance exam and together with her loli friends passing theirs, she hopes all of them will go on a world tour. Sorry Cocoa, it’s not to become your little or big sister. Rize then reveals she already passed her exam but forgot to say. Everyone so happy they celebrate by throwing snowballs at her? Then a big group hug! Thank goodness for the snow. But for now, Chino’s immediate order is for everyone to hang out at her place all night long. Such a lovable king. Or queen. Later Chino talks to Cocoa and to summarize all that she said, it is thanks to her friends that she was able to discover new things. So yeah, thank you very much.

Order Now & We’ll Throw In Free Extra Lolis!
Oh man. Once again I survived the onslaught of cute girls doing cute things. Referring back to my blog from last season, now it seems I did remember that I was expecting to be ready when this third season hit the shores. Too bad I didn’t expect it to be 5 years later! And so yeah, that’s why it caught me by surprise when my guard was down. Just when I least expected it (or rather never at all), suddenly they throw at me this third season. Boom! Here I go again. Reliving all the moe and cuteness this series had to offer. Yeah. That wasn’t so bad, was it?

Don’t worry if you can’t remember much about the past 2 seasons because from the nature of this series, you won’t really lose much. It is all about the cute young waitresses doing cute things in their cute little lives. Having fun all the way from working at their respective coffee houses to their school lives and even their day offs. Oh yeah. It’s like one big paradise for them and I can see why they want to continue staying this way forever. Too bad though, one day all of them are going to grow up and old! Horror for lolicons! But don’t think too much about that. That’s another (horror) story reserved for the future. Or perhaps an alternate spinoff timeline and story. Sheesh. The show has got to have turned into levels of boring if I ever dream of that happening.

So yeah, everybody is having fun in their cute ways that will either make you squirm with delight and excitement or puke with all the putrid kawaii cute factors. Such a nice delightful wonderland for our young ones to live out their youth. Sorry, if I sound like repeating myself because that is basically not much I can tell. Otherwise, it is your typical cute girls doing cute things anime of the season. Even better because this is a more popular franchise and has already gotten sequels and a movie over the years compared to others that just died out after a season and faded into obscurity. (Gee, on a side note, I really thought Blend S would get another season so I guess based on this theory of mine, it wasn’t as popular as I thought it was in the first place).

The characters. Pretty much the same as we all know them for the past seasons. Nothing has really much changed because that is how we love them. Everyone is still an airhead in their own ways. Everyone is a joker/funny girl in their own ways. Everyone is a rebuke/retort expert in their own ways. Eventually, everyone is so darn cute and kawaii in their own ways! Yeah. You just can’t really hate them and sometimes you want to squeeze, cuddle and mofumofu them to death! And I guess Cocoa mastering her magic means we can’t make running jokes or meme about her being a bad magician, no? But we still can about Mocha and her bad coffee… Hehehe… I’m not really a Sharo fan but it seems this season I kind liked her a lot most probably because of her tsundere personality and her very shrieky retorts, making her a fun and cute girl to watch. Because Cocoa feels like a retard and Rize is like funnily serious that it makes her weird in some ways. Chiya sounds too girly, Chino too blur and the loli duo too loli. Yeah. What am I saying? So yeah, Sharo might not have 100% overcome her fear of rabbits but she’s making progress. Slow but steady and surely.

Basically things have never changed as Aoyama continues to run away from her responsibilities and not finish her whatever book. Perhaps she can hold the record for longest unfinished book ever. Not sure if that book signing ceremony was it or if it’s another one of her shorter works. But oh well, if she gets the job done, Rin wouldn’t have the job of chasing her. Yeah. Weird. Rin’s job would’ve been mundane and redundant if Aoyama always hands in her work in time. Tippy continues to be the grandpa reincarnated as furry rabbit watching over everybody and the same for Takahiro. No place for old elderly men in this anime meant for cute little girls! We do get a little more glimpse of Aoyama’s past relationship with old master but that’s so much about it.

Although art and animation stay largely the same with the characters looking overly cute and moe and the setting of the town is your old European-like style houses, this third season Encourage Films (Isekai Cheat Magician, Love Kome, Hitorijime My Hero) has taken over producing this series from White Fox (though, it was Production DoA who did the subsequent movie and OVA). You won’t notice any huge difference but I do notice that the sceneries of the town especially during festive seasons like Halloween and Christmas, they are a sight to behold. With all the shiny decorations, wow, they are actually good to look at. Quite nice visual candy, actually. So if you get tired at fawning over the lolis (really?!), you can just admire the lovely backgrounds. This time at the end of the ending credits animation, they present to us latte art, which is of course nice and amusing to look at.

This season our same quartet of Cocoa, Rize, Sharo and Chiya sing the opening theme, Tenkuu Cafeteria. Your usual generic and typical cute and upbeat music that will have you squeal with all the cuteness and probably dance to the beat. The only thing that I somewhat dislike about the song is that it suddenly ends. Like as though they needed to fit into the 1.5 minute opener limit and have to cut it off. I don’t know, maybe it is intended that way but it just suddenly killed my vibe. Just like past seasons too, the ending theme is sung by the loli trio of Chino, Maya and Megu. Nakayoshi Nakayoshi is another predictably cute song with all the liveliness you would expect. Only this time Alice In Wonderland theme? Might as well ramp up the cuteness at this rate since we’re already here. For the final episode, Yume Utsutsu Happy Time by the aforementioned quartet somewhat reminds me of Secret Base. Don’t know why, it’s not even the same song but somewhat it gives off that feel.

Overall, if we can survive 2020, we can survive all the suffocating cuteness that this season has spammed in our faces. Because if you ever need to run away from brutal reality and only extremely cute girls can heal the vicious cycle of life, this anime is it! Uh huh. Not kidding. I can see why this is one of the very few cute girls doing cute things series to get sequels. That is why if they are going to make a fourth season, I’ll be ready for all that when it comes and better die of extreme asphyxiation and heart tightening conditions than the stress of everyday life. Whether it is another 5 years or 10 years later (assuming very heavily these lolis will NEVER grow up!), all I need is to do is sit back and relax while sipping my cup of coffee. Oh yeah. How far down the rabbit hole can I go to escape realism? I am now ready to order again, if you don’t mind…

Blend S

17 March, 2018

Here we go again. Here I go again. It is time for another anime to be choked with all the moeness of moe. This season will be Blend S whereby a group of girls work in a café and each of them has some sort of personality to serve the customer. If you like tsundere, we sure do have one. If your tastes are sweet girls, you’re in luck. If you prefer big sisters, we have one too. Little sisters? No problemo. What’s that? You want a sadistic girl? Uhm… Erm… Oh… Oh look. Just in time. We have hired a new who is naturally just that just for you. So order away you lousy piece of sh*ts! You’re really going to get that extra bang for your buck… Definitely value for your money.

Episode 1
Maika Sakuranomiya is in despair. A notice came. She didn’t get the job. It puts a damper on her plans to save up and go study overseas. One day in town as she ponders if her face was weird, she was making faces in the reflection of a café’s window. Apparently the café owner, Dino likes her cute looks and harasses her in. Don’t blame her freaking out thinking he must be some kind of pervert as he nose bleeds before her. The good news is that she gets to work here as a waitress. The catch is she has to be a sadist to her customers. Oh, think she can’t do it? She’s a natural! Unwittingly. This café has its waitresses act according to their personality. Like Kaho Hinata who is a tsundere. The other is Kouyou Akizuki who is a kitchen staff along with Dino. Maika’s first day on the job is nervous. But because of that, she looks naturally sadistic and is a hit with those masochist customers! Maika is thrilled to learn Dino is a foreigner from Italy as it is her dream to go overseas. She’s in love with other countries, not you, Dino. Next day, Maika sees Dino being abused by loli Mafuyu Hoshikawa. She is the café’s supervisor and is reprimanding him for slacking. She might sound gloomy and negative but as a waitress here, what is her personality? A lively little sister! Onii-chan! Maika accidentally sees a picture of Dino being kissed by a hot woman. Embarrassed, Dino explains this is his aunt and the kiss is a form of greeting. Italian, right? Maika’s innocence only serves to excite Dino but make the other piss off at him. After work, the girls hang out at the arcade. Kaho excels in the dancing simulator. Lots of people are gathering not to watch her excellent moves. It’s those bouncy twins! Viva those twin peaks! Kaho also excels in the crane game so devilish Mafuyu has something she wants her to get. Next day, Maika thought of giving Dino a peck as a greeting. It’s sending the wrong signals…

Episode 2
Maika tries to practice her sadism. Sounds like she is cursing… Unknowingly she is sitting on Dino. Must have had the best dream ever? Maika thought of smiling more at her customers. But you know how scary it is. Because of that, she is raking in lots of fans! When Dino is speaking English to a foreigner customer, Maika wishes to eavesdrop so she could learn some English. Too bad that scary smile… The gang then has a meeting to come up a new item for the menu. It is side-tracked with Akizuki complaining this café needs more female customers and of the yuri kind. Dino suggests bringing his girlfriend. He has no girlfriend. Kaho? Only online friends. Sad. Then they experiment with Kaho and Maika feeding each other sweets. Maika takes this too seriously that she turns on her sadist mode and almost ruins everything. Kaho spent all her pay on the arcade. Hence her tons of prizes. One of them is a prized magical girl figurine that Mafuyu and Dino want. Ready, fight! Mafuyu won. When they get back to that new menu item discussion, everyone is now heated up to compete. Whoever wins this will get a wish of theirs granted. Serious. They are split into teams but Mafuyu isn’t thrilled she is paired up with Maika. Mafuyu doesn’t like how Maika has no ideas since she is agreeing to everything she says. Maika eventually gives her opinions. The new item on experiment is served to the customers. Despite Mafuyu-Maika’s parfait tastes horrible, the customers think it is her limited time sadistic special! Are they happy or not? So we learn it is made out of salt, vinegar and tabasco. Eventually they still win because the customers ‘like’ it. But too bad it can’t be put on the menu. They are entitled to a prize but Maika believes she has already got it. No prizes for guessing that valuable prize. But for Mafuyu, the next day she forces Maika to cosplay that magical girl outfit and starts snapping like crazy. Yeah, she is her prize!

Episode 3
Learning that Dino likes anime, Maika is interested to learn if Italy has their own anime. They do but he isn’t interested in them. Because no black hair Japanese girl. Dino learns her fascination with other countries stem from her very strict and traditional Japanese background. To his horror, she is bored with it! So one day when father brought home a foreigner guest, that was when she became interested. But her scary looks got her kicked out from the room. So that look goes all the way back… So much so she wanted to dye her hair blonde but her parents misinterpreted she wanted to be a delinquent and shot it down. There is also her first love and staring showdown with the statue of KFC’s colonel. And not to mention when she learnt about Santa Claus, she wanted a chimney so she could capture him! You heard that right. Dino can’t miss this chance when she offers him her lap pillow. A win-win situation as she gets to fiddle with his blonde hair. When the rest enter, they misinterpret he is sexually harassing her. It gets worse when Maika looks like she is crying but it is from the numbness of her thighs. Later Dino is thrilled when he asked Maika out and she agreed. He didn’t count she called Akizuki and Kaho to come along too. At the end of their outing, Maika and Dino gave each other the same bear strap. After the café is closed, Maika notices a customer left behind a magazine. She freaks out upon seeing it. Let’s say it is some erotic high school bondage. Kaho is left curious and it is killing her since Mafuyu confiscates it and won’t let the underage see. As it is left in the staff room, Kaho thought she had that chance during her break but is caught in the act. The next day, the customer didn’t come back to claim and since they can’t throw it away, Maika suggests asking the customers indirectly. Too bad with that evil face she is asking them if they like bondage or how they would like their girl in sailor suit done in! Eventually a notice is written and placed outside the café. After closing time, a woman comes in looking for it. This shocks Maika so much that she is literally close to being dead. Welcome to reality.

Episode 4
Maika is shocked that bondage magazine lady is working here! Folks, welcome Miu Amano. Maika literally dies again when Maika reveals she is the author of that magazine. Since her secret is out, this is the reason why she wants to work here as it makes things easy. Also, she is trying to look for new material for her latest work. She usually does yuri and BL but is trying her hands at normal love in which she finds it hard to find. Akizuki asks for her autograph since he is a big fan of her doujin. Miu is the big sister type and this makes Maika wanting to step up her game. She actually wants to be like her but unwittingly becomes even more sadistic. Depressed, Dino thought of consoling her but she is back to her usual sadism. Watching the duo, Miu suddenly has new ideas for her new material. Later she learns they aren’t dating but relishes the idea of their relationship being status quo because if he is rejected outright or they end up together, the interesting story will be over! At the end of another business day, Dino reads out the comments some of the customers have for the girls. Mafuyu is of course the most popular. Miu might have a new awakening hearing ideas about the guys being together. As for Maika, the customers want her to be even more sadistic. Can she do it? Mafuyu suggests having her say a few curse words. Not working. Dino then suggests everyone help train Maika into a sadist. So they make her watch very sadistic shows, play very sadistic games and read very sadistic materials. I wonder if this is going to traumatize her. And now it is time to show the fruits of the training. Behold! The new sadistic Maika! Uhm, does she not look like a dominatrix queen? Dino becomes her masochistic slave and since this is going to turn the café into something entirely different, they tell her to smile in which Maika could actually put up a sweet smile. Not sure if this is what the customers want. But her feet is still on Dino’s head while she happily squeals she doesn’t need to be this sadistic. Or does she?

Episode 5
Miu is selling a new doujin based on Maika and Dino: A sadistic maid and her weakling butler! With the café trying out different hairstyles, when Kaho teasing unties Maika’s hair and suddenly it ‘explodes’ with static electricity! So she helps tie it up ponytail style. Customers seem to like this style and this makes Maika happy. But when they comment they still prefer the old style, this activates her sadist mode. Kaho and Akizuki are somehow ‘hiding’ as they play their game in the staff room. So engrossed that they didn’t know Dino has closed the café. It took them a while to realize that the place is dark but even so, started arguing about their favourite character. So when they realize the door is locked, is it time to panic? Akizuki calls Dino but he isn’t picking because that Italian is happily walking Maika home in the rain. Kaho’s handphone battery is almost dead… No choice, they hang out and remember how this scene looks pretty familiar to some manga or game. Then they realize a certain manga and game is out today. Panic now! When Dino returns, he hears strange banging noises. Ghost? When he opens the door, the duo quickly run out to do the necessary while blaming him if they fail to buy what they want. Next day, Maika calls in sick. She walked home in the rain after he sent her to the train station. Dino is beating himself up for not giving her his umbrella. So they visit her huge traditional Japanese home. No doorbells… Dino looks around and since he is acting so suspiciously, he almost got arrested by the police. Eventually Maika’s elder sister, Aika opens the door. She is shocked Maika has friends! They are also introduced to Kouichi, their elder brother. He too is shocked Maika has friends! Recovering Maika talks with her friends when Aika comes in to serve tea. Seeing Dino is a foreigner, she serves a few of them. Not wanting to be rude, he drinks them all. Oh, there are more types she can prepare for him. Sadistic? Then Kouichi comes in with his various snacks. Hard as a rock. I don’t think those are tears of joy. Then they start interrogating Dino of his relationship with Maika. Yeah, they want to know the weather, what they were wearing and the exact words said! This causes Maika to blow her top as she goes into her sadist mode to warn them. Wow. She must be the scariest sadist of them all for them to cower in fear like that.

Episode 6
The gang head to the mountains for an outing. Too bad indoor people like Akizuki, Kaho and Miu are ‘dying’ outdoors. Dino becomes the BBQ manager grilling meat for all. But Mafuyu brought an entire tuna? Mafuyu might be of legal age but watching her drink beer is so conflicting. Miu has her own drinks: Energy drinks. The deadline for Summer Comiket is coming… The next outing would be the beach but Maika doesn’t have her own swimsuit and she suggests Dino come buy one with her. He almost lost control of his driving and killed everyone… Even Aika is shocked Mafuyu is going on a ‘date’. At the store, unsure of what swimsuit to buy, Dino texts the other girls what would look good on Maika. All sorts of suggestions… He thought of asking them what swimsuit they have but all reply back as sexual harassment! As Maika remembers she gets sunburn easily, Dino proposes to wrap up with clothes that make her look like a suspicious person. It’s not even a swimsuit anymore. Eventually Maika settles for a regular outfit that comes with a swimsuit. Dino almost died of blood loss. So here we are at the beach and Akizuki is being ‘intimidated’ by Kaho’s sexiness. He is not used to such 3D godliness, I guess. It really scares the sh*t out of him when her humongous boobs are too close to his face. And there is Miu concocting some sort of tentacle hentai of Akizuki when he is buried in the sand. Burst out! Maika hugs Dino’s hand as they wade through the water. Dino loves this sensation as her boobs are also touching his hand. Till he sees her scary face… Later as they walk along the beach, Maika realizes she has a small burn on her feet. Dino panics and goes overboard to treat it. Must take care of delicate Japanese skin! Eventually her entire leg is bandaged like as though she broke her leg or something. Later a tiny band aid will do and Maika notes she had lots of fun today and Dino looks ‘big’ because he helped her in so many ways.

Episode 7
Kaho returns to the beach and is all tanned. This makes Dino think Maika will be the same. Nope. Still as fair. Dino then comes up with an idea and the next day, the entire café is now like a tropical jungle! So authentic… How the heck did he get all those props done in a night? Despite a small place, Maika can even get lost showing the customers to other places than their seats! Mafuyu is in a monkey outfit and acting like one while Miu is being lewd with the banana. Even Akizuki gets lost. In his frustration, he accidentally touches Kaho’s boobs. However he gets disappointed! So much so he ‘heals’ himself by touching Dino’s chest! WTF?! It only gives Miu some weird inspiration. After the café reverts back to normal, Dino notices they are out of strawberries and goes shopping with Maika to get them. However the supermarket is out of stock. Dino doesn’t mind because this feels like a date. Head to the next supermarket. Also out. Is there some sort of conspiracy because all strawberries are out of stock! But Dino doesn’t mind since it prolongs the ‘date’. They’ll go over to the next town then! Finally there is 1 strawberry pack left. But Maika and a young girl grab it at the same time. Because of her scary face, poor little girl cries. Mommy comes running. Dino apologizes on her behalf. Because of his good looks, the girls are taken in and give him the last pack. On the way home, this prompts Maika to believe she is not cut out for this job. Dino comforts her and praises all the lovely things about her. But does he have to say it aloud passionately? Looks like he got arrested and will be spending time in the police interrogation. With the café being so busy, the girls are stressed up and accidentally act out of their assigned character. It prompts them to think of hiring another staff. Akizuki wants a man and this only gives the rest weird ideas. What he meant is another guy to help in the kitchen. Dino brushes that idea off and will never hire another man for fear he might become his rival! Akizuki argues with him that he rarely doesn’t do anything in the kitchen (Dino’s untapped potential is a fancy word for being lazy. Oh, and their argument gives more inspiration for Miu) and hence Miu suggests cross-dressing and swapping their roles. The girls look good in waiter outfits. This means the guys have to wear waitress outfits. Gee, why do they have the right size for them too?

Episode 8
Folks, meet cutie idol wannabe Hideri Kanzaki. Wait a minute. Dino, what do you mean you aren’t going to hire her yet?! He worries her character overlaps with Mafuyu’s loli grandma type. After getting his ass stabbed by her and the insistence of others, he agrees. Hooray! Since there are no extra uniforms, Maika lends hers. Hideri is quite a hit with the customers. When a cockroach is spotted and the girls start squealing, Hideri coolly smacks it with her hand and throws it out! It is then revealed Hideri is actually a guy! So why this cross-dressing thingy? He believes God made him look cute so it is his dream to become an idol. In his first step to that, he wants to gain fans here first. Otherwise he will have to inherit his family farm in which he doesn’t want. As Dino sucks in picking up girls, Hideri offers to ‘coach’ him on how to do it. Just compliment how cute he is. Easy, right? Not for Dino. He is eking it out like as though it’s the end of the world. But all the plans backfire. When Dino compliments Maika, she thinks she is not up to her sadistic role. He tries to help her but interferes with her work. What about showering her with gifts or anything she wants? She takes it as a ‘last supper’ sign and is going to get fired! When he is going to confess straight to her, he changes what he wants to say. Maika thinks likewise and also mutually replies the same. Are we disappointed or relieved? Miu stumbles into Hideri in the streets and they go shopping for clothes. Because Hideri thinks of himself as super cute in almost any clothes he wears, this irks Miu a lot. Soft punches to the gut? When Miu notices Hideri needs to go to the toilet, he disagrees idols don’t go to toilets. Wanna get punched? Hideri is reminded to go to the correct toilet. This makes all the men wonder if they entered the wrong toilet in the first place. Hideri didn’t buy any clothes in the end seeing they’re too expensive. How about making his own? They’ll be out of fashion when the season is over. Miu has this idea to ask Mafuyu for clothes she doesn’t need. Hideri thinks it is kindergarten clothes. But it is a lot worse since Hideri is forced to wear a magical girl outfit and realizes too late he is their plaything while they snap pictures like crazy. It is going to get even worse when they bring out those kindergarten clothes…

Episode 9
Maika finds an abandoned dog and brings it back to the café. Because everyone has their circumstances why they cannot keep it, looks like they are pressuring Dino to do so. Even if it has does begging eyes resembling Maika’s, Dino is in a pinch. Akizuki thinks Dino will have a valid reason to keep it since Maika can come visit him every day. Oh, Dino lives only upstairs of the café. Time to put away all those otaku stuffs… Eventually after all the pressure, Dino agrees to keep him until its owner is found. Now what she we name it? Owner. Who is the boss around here? Apparently Dino learns the harsh way that raring a dog is no easy feat. Almost biting off his figurines and bugging him to go for walks as early as 5am, his late night anime life is ruined! I guess the only reward he has is that Maika will bake him sweets every day. So with Maika starting on it, Aika wants to know how far her relationship has progressed and decides to visit her at her workplace. But must she come with agents and in a limo? Aika mistakes the café’s month special collaboration cake as their wedding cake. She calls Maika for every unimportant thing until she has to be told off. Is that sadism part of her job or personality? Dino thought he is screwed when Aika wants to talk to him directly. Oh nothing. Just encouraging him. When Hideri teases Maika might be an outsider because her eyes look slightly different than her siblings, Maika actually starts to believe it is so. Dino tries to calm her but almost gets killed by Aika!!! Where did she get that spear?! She thought he made her cry and jumped the gun. But still, he gets threatened to protect her or else… After Aika leaves, Kouichi is seen crying in a corner lamenting Maika didn’t invite him. Everyone starts to notice Dino is getting fat! No, it isn’t late night snacking. But soon the culprit rears her head. Oh look, Maika is giving him today’s pound cake. Yeah… Maika feels guilty for messing with his health but Mafuyu says it is okay for her to continue giving him sweets. Somebody needs to work out… Oh no…

Episode 10
Mafuyu coldly rejects a customer who confesses to her. She explains to her colleagues that their height gap as well as the way he asked her was the reason. They try to have Dino do some romantic simulation on her but it’s not working out. Back home, we learn Mafuyu’s reason why she doesn’t want a boyfriend. Dating boys would cut her free time to watch kids’ anime in real time. Kaho just failed her maths test so why is she playing video games instead of studying? Well, her mom warned her if she fails the make-up test, no more video games! So by her logic, she is playing all the video games she can! No wonder Mafuyu is mad. Time to be the Spartan teacher. Even more so after she learns her Tablet is filled with nothing but games (no matter what excuses she gives). Kaho puts in more effort after learning Mafuyu changed her shift times so she could tutor her. With Kaho burning the midnight oil, the bags under her eyes are visible. This won’t do to serve customers so Mafuyu helps apply some makeup. As the girls experiment with the makeup, sly Hideri makes Akizuki enter the room. Now he becomes their experimental subject. How does Akizuki look now? He’s like a girl! Did they just redraw his character? Anyhow, he looks creepy considering his mismatched body and face. Dino notices Maika’s makeup applied by Mafuyu. He tries to compliment her but accidentally comments she looks like a camel. Fortunately (or not), she thinks camels are cute creatures. Kaho tries to make Akizuki notice her makeup. But he breaks her heart saying she doesn’t look that all cute. What he meant is that she is already cute enough without makeup. This is where you are supposed to be tsundere… Kaho scores quite high in her make-up test. She is grateful to Mafuyu but is sad she won’t be seeing her on this regular basis again. You don’t say because Mafuyu is telling her she must continue studying hard so as to not fail again. I guess this means more Spartan teaching… Said too soon, Kaho. Too soon… Say goodbye to video game time.

Episode 11
Maika goes out with Dino to walk Owner. Does this feel like a date? The park is filled with families so Dino thinks they look like one. He is surprised when Maika also thinks the same and thought she read his thoughts. It seems Owner is smitten with a fellow dog (let’s call her Lassie). Even dogs can be scared of trying to court their love? Maika will help Owner as they go talk to her. Too bad they put up the scariest smile. And that’s the last you’ll see of Lassie. Kaho is down because due to some error, her game data was deleted. Akizuki brushes it off, making her upset and even more depressed. It soon starts affecting her work. Her customers notice this and gives her a present to cheer her up. Akizuki feels bad and makes a parfait for her but seeing she is back to her cheery self, he feels awkward and makes Hideri eat the parfait instead. Later Kaho learns the truth from Dino and goes apologize to him. Akizuki then reverts into a tsundere in accepting her apology. Maika accidentally trips over Hideri. Dino sees this and misinterprets the scene. In fact, he is jealous. As he separates them, Hideri teases him about his jealousy so Dino says he could corner her if he wanted to. Maika doesn’t understand what it means so he has a hard time trying to explain. Cheeky Hideri then pushes Dino as he corners her to the wall. This is what cornering means. Too bad she misinterpret it is some sumo push. Not romantic at all. Now Dino falls into depression and after a little pep talk from Hideri and Akizuki, he tries again. Too bad he freezes up again before her and starts overthinking. Because of that, he gets in her way as she tells him in her sadistic voice to get the hell out of her way! I think Dino is done for. Depression beyond recovery. Of course that won’t last forever as later Maika corners him to make him swoon. Why are all the guys so sissy this episode?!

Episode 12
It’s snowing. So? Dino brings them to a skiing resort! Mafuyu and Miu are shivering from the cold. Miu warms herself up on Hideri and it’s of course her ploy to get kinky ideas for her story. Hideri is excited the kind of story he will be in. Belly punching fetish? Dino is cool in snowboarding. Looks like he has the chance to show off to Maika and teach her till Mafuyu slides by and is as cool as him. Now the rest wants to learn from her! Hideri tries to play the clumsy person to gain sympathy but gets snow piled all over by reckless Dino. At the end of the day, the gang take a bath in the hotspring. Maika feels Dino has done so much for her and wants to repay him. On the other hand, Dino is planning to confess to her but he gets that chance sooner than he thinks when he bumps into her outside the bath. As they talk about things, the rest start spying on them. When Maika leans on his shoulder, he takes it as a sign. A few chickening outs before he finally confesses. Too bad she is asleep. What a waste. He carries her back to her room so the rest have to rush back. Why are they catching their breath so hard? Kaho’s slip of her tongue has her reveal they were spying. Next day, Akizuki assures everyone is supporting for them but Dino pouts he won’t confess anymore. It’s not because he is sulking but under those conditions if he can’t, it means God doesn’t want him to and will find another chance. So he is blaming God? The rest notice Maika looking red. She is not sick as she reveals she had an embarrassing dream last night whereby Dino confessed to her. Only, it wasn’t. They wonder if she had replied in her dream. Yes. She replied she loves him. And also how she loves the rest. I guess it’s not that kind of love they were hoping for. Maika feels bad every time Dino has to apologize for whatever reason. Here comes that sadistic mode to make him stop… Back at the café after they have finished their Christmas sale, they all finish their leftover cake. Dino takes this chance to tell how Akizuki and Kaho were the first staffs and they were so awkward with each other that it’s hilarious. Beating him up won’t change history… Next is Mafuyu and when he approached her, she called the cops thinking he is a lolicon! In the end, he ‘kidnaps’ her back to the café. It seems this rough method was Maika’s experience too. Dino feels bad about it but she is glad he did so otherwise she wouldn’t have been working here. She has met wonderful people and made great memories so it’s no surprise she loves them all. Hey, that’s a pretty nice smile.

Bland Silly…
What else can I say? Nothing really special for me. Season in, season out, lots of moe anime series come and go. A few will be remembered, some just for a while and others will forever be lost and wandering in the back, the dark far reaches of my memories forever. Yup. This series looks like it is heading for the latter.

Just like any other moe series that depend on their characters, there is relatively no plot whatsoever. The general synopsis could be the entire plot of the show. That’s it. Like Hinako Note. A group of girls running a café-cum-bookstore and part of a small theatre group. See their quirky daily life. Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka. A group of girls working in a coffee house or tea house. See their quirky daily life. Urara Meirochou. A group of girls studying divinity. See their quirky daily life. Pan De Peace. Girls + bread. See their quirky daily life. Hence if you have seen one, you will certainly almost see them all. So for Blend S, it is pretty much the same and following this pattern. A group of people and most of them young girls working in a café. See their quirky daily life in the service industry. That’s about all.

The characters are cute and all but as one who has seen so many in such genres, they hardly make an impact. Sure, each of them has their unique traits and characteristics but they hardly excite me anymore at this point. Main character Maika is a nice girl and naturally a sadist if you think about it. Because she does have her cute face when she isn’t trying to be nice. It is only then you can see her sadistic side pop up. So the lesson here is not to overdo it? Maika turning into her sadistic side when she didn’t intend to is the most often played out joke and staple funny moments of the series. Mafuyu can act all nice but is naturally an emotionless and possibly a sadist as bad as Maika. Kaho the lively one… Boobs! Oh, we have to add a BL enthusiast and a cross-dresser too because traps are probably a current trend today. Basically all these girls a freaking good actresses as they play out their roles given to them. On the other hand, you can think of it as their other hidden personality.

So as not to feel this is some sort of harem anime, that is why there are 2 main male characters. But is it me or do I notice that the kitchen staffs are only always manned by 2 guys. Take a look at the Working main series and spin-off. Only 2 males all the time. They have more waiting staff than those making the foods in the kitchen. Not sure how busy the café is at times but waiting is relatively an easier job compared if you are working in the kitchen. Food preparations need to be done before the shop opens and you have to make the food that is being ordered.

We know there is some sort of romance trying to happen between Dino and Maika. More appropriately for now it is just one way street. Despite their different cultural backgrounds, their cultural preferences also clash so you wonder if they would eventually hook up or not despite all the shenanigans and fails (mostly Dino’s). Because Dino as a foreigner is one of those typical anime foreigners who love the Japanese culture. Maika on the other hand comes from a typical traditional Japanese household. Too much of it and she becomes sick of it (sort of) and yearns for the culture of the west. Reminds of that particular character in Kiniro Mosaic… Well, let’s wish those two all the best. Like they say, opposite attracts. It’s a good thing Dino didn’t make that no romance policy in the workplace because he would be the first to break those rules. Speaking of romance, there is another one happening too and obviously it is Akizuki and Kaho. One can guess a lot from their body reactions with each other. Sometimes it gets a bit frustrating as you want to scream to them just get over with it and date each other already. After all, they both love playing games and are almost the same in the tsundere personality.

Art and animation style are obviously of the moe type. Girls so cute you want to squeeze and hug them like your bunny doll. Just kidding. Don’t do that. But you get the idea. Therefore you can see hints of the moeness in the characters from other similar genres like Gochuumon Usagi Wa Desu Ka, Ikoku Meiro No Croisee and Kiniro Mosaic. Maika is so Hina Doll-like she looks like many of the main characters from these series. One look at Kaho I thought she was Mai from Musaigen No Phantom World. Sometimes I mistake Hideri for being a Nyaruko clone… This series is animated by A-1 Pictures who are more famous for Sword Art Online, Ao No Exorcist, Nanatsu No Taizai, OreImo, Kuroshitsuji, Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso, the Working series as well as the Uta No Prince-sama series.

Didn’t recognize anyone from the voice acting department as many of them are newbies. They are Azumi Waki as Maika (Galko in Oshiete! Galko-chan), Tomoaki Maeno as Dino (Junichi in Amagami SS), Anzu Haruno as Mafuyu (Moka in Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun), Akari Kitou as Kaho (Kana in Tsuredzure Children), Atsumi Tanezaki as Miu (Mizore in Hibike! Euphonium), Sora Tokui as Hideri (Nero in Tantei Opera Milky Holmes), Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Akizuki (Ban in Nanatsu No Taizai), Rei Matsuzaki as Aika (Nagahide in Oda Nobuna No Yabou) and Shinki Satou as Kouichi. Both the opening and ending themes, Bon Appetit S and Detaramena Minus To Plus Ni Okeru Blend Kou respectively are sung by Blend A (Maika, Mafuyu and Kaho) and are your typical lively and genki anime-like pieces that fits this genre like a glove.

Overall, if you still love the cute girls doing cute things and that moe passion in you is still burning as strong as ever, this series should rank quite high in your books. If you are like me who is starting to find such genres a little blend, not even the combined personalities of the sweet, tsundere, big sister, little sister, idol and even sadist could help serve a better dessert. It’s all in the service, I guess. Okay, okay. This series isn’t that bad per se since I can sense Maika starring with killing intentions over my shoulder. I don’t want her to poison my gateau au chocolat cake. But if I may suggest there would be a bunch of maids, I’ll take and order everything this instant! That kind of blend I would definitely consider as ‘S’ for superior!

Phew… Panting… Panting… If you think you have survived the merciless onslaught of the moe and kawaii factor, be warned and do not even rest yet. For it is not over. Because there is more I tell you. You will be left to fear for your lives again. That is right. There is a second season of it. Horror! So if you have survived the extreme asphyxiation and heart tightening condition as well as managed to overcome all other similar syndromes and side effects, it is time for a second round of it. Still not dead? Still able to breathe? Good. Now proceed to watch the next season of Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka S2. Are you sure you can handle it? I can see you in cold sweat. I can feel that shiver down your spine. I can sense that you are thinking if your life is worth risking to watch another dozen episodes of it. I know that once bitten twice shy, never scared of the dark till you have seen a ghost. Think hard. Think carefully. Make a wise choice. If you can’t go through another punishing phase of moe and kawaii lolis doing nothing except whatever they do make everything look extremely cute, then this is your chance of turning back and get out of this moe hell. This is your final warning. Quit while you still can. No? You say you are up to it after all that toughening and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? Hehehe… Then get ready then for another season of cute girls doing cute things. You are crossing the line of no return…

Episode 1
Cocoa is bugging to take pictures of Chino and Rize so she could send them home to her mom. However Chino is being very shy and always gives her the slip. In actual fact, she does not have the confidence to smile like Cocoa. Cocoa now takes Chiya and she is very eager and posing in every way. Then there is Sharo too. She got duped into being taken a few shots during work. Cocoa then goes back to plead for a nice shot of Chino. Rize suggests they take a shot together. But both their faces turn out gloomy! It looks funny enough for Chino to smile. But Cocoa has left the building and missed this opportunity. She brings back Chiya for support. Chiya’s posing has Cocoa laughing so Cocoa definitely didn’t miss this shutter chance. But her smile turns out more of a mock smirk. The girls go through the magazine that reviews eateries. It seems that every other eatery in town has an article except for Rabbit House. Chiya is shocked that Fleur du Lapin has a bigger article than Amausa despite saying she doesn’t mind starting small. Then they realize maybe a reason why Rabbit House doesn’t have an article… No customers! Thank goodness here comes Aoyama as their saviour. They further look through the magazine and even spot an article on Cocoa’s family bakery in the outskirts. Yeah, definitely a conspiracy to leave out Rabbit House. When Aoyama takes a seat, the chair breaks apart! Could it be this place is so old that journalists even avoid it? Sharo tries to comfort Chino that all the marks and scratches tell a story till she hears they are clumsy scrapes and abrasions by Cocoa! Rize thought the phone call means another customer. But it turns out to be her dad who is willing to send his guys over as customers if they have no business! Chino is still having trouble smiling so Cocoa cheers her up with some good news she heard from Chino’s dad. In the next magazine, Rabbit House is featured. This makes Chino smile and Cocoa snaps it right.

Episode 2
Late into the night, a pale Sharo seeks shelter at Rabbit House. Seems her place is haunted! She heard movements in the attic and sometimes when she gets back, there is a pile of leaves! I don’t think the duo are making her feel any better speculating what kind of ghost it is. A rabbit ghost? That’s scarier at least for Sharo. Rize is ready to help exorcise the ghost. Chiya is upset Sharo didn’t seek her help. Well, she did. Notice the miscalls? Heavy sleeper… The ghost turns out to be a stray rabbit living in her attic. So are those leaves supposed to be rental payment? Hey wait. Aren’t those the herbs Sharo is growing? Chino thought of going to the exorcism as it would help her get better at talking to people. Cocoa supports her and will man the cafe alone. But what scares Chino the most isn’t the ghost but leaving the cafe all to Cocoa. Since they feel bad letting the stray rabbit go, it is decided Sharo keeps it and to help overcome her rabbit phobia. After suggesting a few names, they call it Wild Geese. Chino comes in full exorcism gear. Too late. The matter is resolved. Wild Geese is a bad delinquent because it spits on Tippy! Sharo makes a cardboard house for it but since she is too shy to admit, she says it is her own house. Chino and Cocoa pay Rize a visit since she sprained her ankle. They thought they would be greeted by maids but see MIB agents! Fortunately they are pretty nice people with perfect manners. Chiya and Sharo are working temporarily here as maids because Sharo felt bad when Wild Geese jumped on Rize and caused her sprain ankle. Cocoa accidentally breaks an old telescope. She will use Rabbit House as collateral?! I guess to clear her conscience, Rize has her work here as maid to ‘clear her debt’. Rize feeling bored, decides to show her room with gun collections. They thought an enemy has entered but it is Sharo serving tea. But the jump scare has her spilling it all over Rize. An excuse for her to dress up as a maid and play along with the rest. They take turns playing lord of the house and the others serve her. Rize is embarrassed when she realizes her father has been watching her.

Episode 3
Cocoa and Chiya see Chino and her friends looking around town for things to sketch for their drawing competition. Since cafe is suggested, they head to Fleur du Lapin to sketch the building. I’m sure they know pretty much about nothing about sketching as they don’t know what those big art terms mean and they’re just posing for the sake of looking like pro sketchers. Sharo must be wondering what the heck these girls are doing. Back at Rabbit House, they seek Rize’s advice. She draws a surreal picture of Tippy and this makes Cocoa jealous since she is supposed to be their ‘teacher’. So they sketch some other stuffs which later become pictures hung up on Rabbit House’s walls. The most eerie ones are those sketches of Sharo since her cafe was too hard to draw… I think somebody is a Picasso prodigy… Chino and friends are also practising for an interpretive dance contest but they haven’t come up with a song or choreography. I don’t think Moonwalking is any original. Chino then plays a tape that belongs to her father. This calm song motivates their body to move on their own. Thinking how magical this ballet song is, this is what they’ll do and since Megu’s mom is a ballet teacher, they’ll seek lessons from her. Of course it is going to take lots of discipline and stamina for them to learn the basics but they’re getting the hang of it. Chino even practises walking tiptoe at Rabbit House and this causes Cocoa to panic thinking she has grown taller. Chino is surprised Cocoa is making herself at home while watching them at practice. Actually she is here to bring them lunch and she got curious in trying out a move and crammed her legs. With the good food, it hit them their dance theme should be cafe. Cocoa sees it as some sacrificial ritual. When Rize visits, she sees Cocoa taking ballet lessons! When Sharo and Chiya visit, they see Rize taking ballet lessons too! I guess you know what’s coming. Surprisingly, these girls fare better than Chino and friends. Megu’s mom would love for them to join as they have potential but they site they are busy with a part time job or no money (Sharo). Maya notices Megu enjoying herself a lot in practice. Usually she gets embarrassed of dancing in front of people and quit. She can see how she sparkles in ballet. Although still needing more practice, Chino is graceful and elegant in her feet work back at Rabbit House. Practice makes perfect. Or at least almost.

Episode 4
Everyone heads to the cafe for an afternoon tea. Chino and her friends try to observe the rest so they could imitate and become a proper lady. Even when it comes to eating their cakes, they continue to observe. But no hot dogs like Sharo is eating, so how? Cocoa and Chiya sense they are being observed so they simply talk about scientific stuffs just to look intelligent. When Aoyama stops by, they ask her opinion so she suggests eating like normal. They think what constitutes normal is different between them so Aoyama thinks she might be abnormal. Then Aoyama heads over to Cocoa’s table and blurts out she is observing them on the little one’s behalf. Trying to sound smart again, eh? The little ones even get up and follow Rize to the toilet and that is when she discovers their intention. She tells them the important thing is to enjoy the meal because manners only exist so everyone can have a good time. Cocoa tries her best to become a better big sister to Chino but the latter is being modest about it. Next morning, Chino is shocked that Cocoa is acting strangely and different. Well, she tried to make toast for her but it’s still burnt. Cocoa is even hardworking and ushering customers in elegantly. Could she be an imposter? Chino tries to act all cute so she couldn’t resist hugging her but it didn’t work. It makes Chino feel insulted too. When Rize’s worst fear of Cocoa collapsing due to working comes true, they learn she is doing so because her elder sister is coming to visit. She wants to put up a good impression. So everyone tries to help train her and this includes acting like dumb employees (which is so painful to watch) and acting like her little sister (which is pointless no matter how you see it). They noticed Cocoa’s cafe latte art has improved gradually and when she is going to show off her 3D latte art, it turns out to be Tippy in a cup. On the day Cocoa’s sister, Mocha is supposed to arrive, Cocoa is frozen with anxiety. Hello, Earth to Cocoa…

Episode 5
The anxiety is going to kill Cocoa since Mocha is supposed to be here hours ago. So she rushes out to find her but got a little distracted in taking snapshots of a bunny. She bumps into Sharo and Chiya and enlists their help. As for how to describe her, she has got to be more specific than saying her sister is female… She tries an impersonation but isn’t that just herself? Mocha is already in town. Just that she got distracted chasing a stray rabbit. She ends up talking to Aoyama about visiting her little sister who rarely comes home. It has been a year since she last saw her. Mocha enters Rabbit House wearing a disguise in hopes of surprising Cocoa. But she is nowhere to be seen and her suspicious actions of looking around has Rize wonder if she is a spy or smuggler. She stands up in disapproval when the toast she ordered is not to her standards. She takes out a bag of flour to show how it is done but Rize thinks it is drugs and that she is really a smuggler. She is ready to jump into action but all that simmer down when Mocha reveals herself. She knows about them because Cocoa often sends photo back to her. All goofy ones… Rize is embarrassed with Mocha’s smothering but Chino accepts it like as though it’s the comfort of her mom. Mocha offers to help out working here and the duo are blown away by her reliable aura unlike a certain unreliable sister… Mocha teaches the duo to bake bread and they get along very well. Cocoa and the rest watch outside and they can’t help notice how sisterly the trio look. It brings Cocoa to tears because it’s like as though Mocha is stealing away her big sister position! When Cocoa enters disguised to surprise her, it seems everyone can tell who she is. Cocoa revels in seeing her sister again but realizing her friends are watching and this makes her emotional reunion embarrassing, she puts up a tough act acting like the big sister around. Mocha relays the good news she will be staying at Rabbit House for a few days. She is impressed with Cocoa’s improvement in latte’s art. Till Rize reveals she slacks in all other areas. As the sisters retire to their room, Chino brings coffee but sees them sleep leaning on each other. They look so sisterly so it tempts her to try out and sleep with them.

Episode 6
Flashback shows Cocoa used to imitate everything from Mocha. Now, she thinks of surprising her by waking up early and making her breakfast. Looks like she is beaten. Then it turns into a cooking competition to see who can win Chino over. Mocha hangs out with Cocoa and her friends. Cocoa is scared that Mocha’s hugging spree means she is trying to turn her friends into her little sisters! After picnic, they go for a boat ride-cum-race. Rize can tell Chiya is bothered. Seems she is the only one who didn’t get Mocha’s hug. When Cocoa is down that she has never beaten her sister before, Sharo slaps her for being a coward and if this is the version she wants Chino to see. Cocoa’s eyes are opened as she gets enough power to paddle. She did zoom past Mocha but Chiya’s extreme last minute strength beat her to the finish line. So what is Chiya’s wish? A hug from Mocha! Cocoa starts giving big sister the cold shoulder thinking if she continues to be spoilt by her, Chino would not look up to her. Poor Mocha has to drink out her sorrows. Don’t worry. It’s just milk. Rize brings depressed Mocha out to town. Rize fears Mocha’s hugging and hides behind Sharo. When Chiya serves her an ice cold cocoa drink, it just brings back depressing reminder how her little sister is treating her… On the day Mocha is to leave, Cocoa dressed in a strange rabbit mask kidnaps and ushers her into the room where they hold a farewell party for her. Mocha hugs her so hard I think she could crush her. When Mocha is being friendly with Maya and Megu too, Cocoa voices her displeasure. Chino is worried they are fighting but the rest assure that is how the sisters communicate. Cocoa has also brought Aoyama to the party. Mocha becomes nervous and seeks her autograph on her rolling pin? I don’t know how she could blunder and run out of space to sign. In the evening, Cocoa sees off Mocha at the train station. Mocha hopes she comes home once in a while but Cocoa worries Chino will be all alone. Or rather, Cocoa doesn’t want to be alone and away from Chino. Mocha observes them and realizes Cocoa isn’t imitating her anymore. She is really like a big sister now. She is glad Cocoa came to this town because the family once came here before for vacation and Cocoa fell in love with the place. When they go back to Rabbit House, it seems Mocha has left a better latte art for them. So impressive that Chino and Tippy would really miss her reliance. Another cause for Cocoa to be upset that Mocha didn’t just leave but also leave with the hearts of her friends!

Episode 7
Cocoa’s uniform is stained. But the washing is broken. Don’t worry. She’ll wash by hand! She’ll gladly wash all their uniforms as well. Sharo can’t stand the way she washes and interjects. With everybody helping out, it becomes a big bubble making activity instead. Chino thought she is being attacked by a ghost but it turns out to be Cocoa underneath the sheet. She gets an idea to wash the curtains too. So everyone pitches in and starts stepping. I don’t know. Don’t they look like squashing grapes instead of washing with their feet? But an hour later, no progress is made and they’re tiring out. They rest and they have Chiya’s special green tea. One of them is spiked. Chiya gets spiked. You reap what you sew. When the washing is done, all the buttons come off! Washed too hard? Even the buttons from the stuffed animals came undone. This makes Chino wonder if they should redesign their uniform. So with a few suggestions and later that day, the uniform turns out to be quite frilly and with miniskirts. Maybe some more adjustments are needed. While shopping for dinner ingredients, Cocoa doesn’t want Chino to be so formal with her. She tries to speak casually but ends up stuttering. Sharo even teaches her how to do a perfect fake smile. But when Sharo calls Rize to invite her to her curry dinner, she becomes stiff and crude. Before dinner, Rize has her friends eat chocolates that were given by one of her dad’s men. Chino is certainly drunk after eating one with liquor. Cocoa too but she acts like an oujo-sama after eating a high class chocolate. Chino is still drunk and acting like a good little sister. The moment Cocoa has been waiting for? Unfortunately Chino goes to hug Chiya as her big sister and then turn to Rize. Jealous Cocoa challenges Rize for the big sister title and while they are at it, Chino sleeps on Sharo’s lap. Finally when Chino hugs Cocoa, Sharo throws Wild Geese accidentally hitting Chino’s head, bringing her back to her senses. She is very embarrassed on what she has done and claims she has been acting all the while. After their curry dinner, Sharo has packed lots of curry leftovers for Rize. Since Sharo ate most of the chocolates that contained caffeine, it is her turn to become drunk. And she’s going wild! This party is just getting started!

Episode 8
The first biggest problem ever?! Because Chiya is crying that she had a fight with Cocoa! This is serious! Confiding with Sharo, it seems it stems from their talk of how their class reshuffles the students each year. There is a chance they might end up in different classes and Cocoa hinted she didn’t mind. How vague… Sharo talks this to Rize and Chino. Although they feel it is nothing to worry about but just for collateral, they go to buy stationery as charm for the new semester. On the way back, they see Chiya looking very dreadful. She has been given the ultimatum by Cocoa to meet at the park! The girls hide behind the bushes as they hear Chiya explain to Cocoa. Cocoa is freaking surprised to learn about the class reassignment. She thought Chiya was worried about being a big sister! Then they drink coffee so that Tippy could read their future. They’ll receive their just desserts tomorrow. I think they took it literally and ate some snacks but got stomach discomfort. So the rest now has to intervene that even if they are put in different classes, it is not the end of the world. They can still chat with each other during break. With that, they become positive and look forward to just about anything. We don’t even know why this ‘fight’ started anymore… Next day, Cocoa and Chiya have to seek help from the rest to finish their homework or else they’ll start the next semester in supplementary classes. This must be their just desserts. After school, Maya quickly leaves to go tail Rize. She thought Rize’s sharpness has her found out but actually it was just a rabbit. Seems Maya wants to learn how to tail others so Rize teaches her and their first target is tailing Aoyama. Unknown to them, Sharo is tailing the duo. When Aoyama stops at a shop, she can’t help notice Sharo hiding in the corner and starts observing her. The three-way observation never moved… Till Sharo gets up and realizes she is late for her shift. Aoyama goes after her but trips. Rize and Maya help her up but are told to quickly follow her. Unknown to them, Chino and Megu are tailing them. Likewise, Cocoa and Chiya. This pair is in a full detective getup and they’re sweating like hell. Rize learns that Maya is worried about her friends drifting apart after graduating from school. That is why she thought of taking action. This touching scene has all the stalkers get out from their hiding place and reassure her it would be okay. Nobody noticed Aoyama was spying on them nearby? Looks like nobody noticed Tippy spying from afar and that mascot too didn’t realize Chino’s dad is also spying on him because he left Rabbit House unannounced.

Episode 9
Chino has always thought there was some rivalry between Rabbit House and Amausa but since Chiya doesn’t know anything about it, could it be just Chino’s grandpa’s misunderstanding? Cocoa and Rize talk to Sharo to find out about their past since she is Chiya’s childhood friend. Since she can’t remember, Aoyama explains and will even write it down! Eventually Rize deduces that old rivals become new friends in today’s age. When they go back to Rabbit House, Tippy is in battle mode ready for kamikaze! He barges into Amausa to take on Chiya who isn’t sure what is going on but plays along. It stops when Chino intervenes. They learn both their establishments once served coffee amitsu as joint promotion. So I guess there were some sore feelings between their grandparents when their coffee or tea weren’t praised as good as the other. As part of her school’s assignment, Chino works part time at Amausa for 3 days. It isn’t the kimono that makes her feel uneasy. Having nothing sitting on her head does. No Tippy? Anko will do. Similarly, Maya is working at Rabbit House while Megu is at Fleur du Lapin. Chino is introduced to Chiya’s grandma who is quite strict especially learning Chino is that old dude’s granddaughter. Chiya thought she could make Sharo jealous that they have a new employee. But Sharo knows who she is and also teases her back. Chiya actually starts pouting with jealousy! She also feels down that this could mean there is no appeal for her to work at Amausa. Tippy calls Chino during the break to get more info but grandma comes in to give her snacks. Despite her harsh words calling Chino a glutton, she’s a pretty nice lady if you think about it. Tough love? Tsundere? Chino enjoys the snacks and hangs up before grandpa starts calling her a traitor. Chiya left a note to Sharo that she would love to work at Fleur du Lapin with her. So Sharo misunderstood it and lets her wear her uniform. Chino deduces the uniform she is wearing was meant for Sharo. Sharo’s happiness is short-lived when a button pops into her face. I think the chest area is a little bit too small for Chiya, don’t you think? Time for Sharo to blow her top. Forget about working at Fleur du Lapin. Give back her uniform! When Chino sends a picture of her and Chiya so sisterly-like, Cocoa goes into a jealous rage and sends a picture of her, Rize and Maya being even more sisterly.

Episode 10
Rize excels in all sports activities as she notices Sharo supporting her among the wild fan girls. The other girls think Sharo wants to join in so this has Aoyama relive her younger days in clubs. She was in the literature club and always had a junior pestering her about deadlines. Rize invites Sharo to become her assistant in the clubs she’ll be filling in. We see Sharo become her PA in various club activities. She hears others compare her to a legendary person that led numerous clubs to victory with questionable offhand advice. She is only known as Midori or Miss Emerald. In a bid to find her identity, the duo had to participate in each club’s challenges. But even so, they get nothing much out of it except she might be from the literature club and had a habit of mingling with other clubs that her junior had to drag her back. Hmm… Sounds familiar… When Cocoa asks Aoyama for her real name, suddenly a furious woman comes in to look for her. Instantly Aoyama hides under the table! That is her editor as she is here to drag her back for missing the deadline. Oh, she calls her Midori… Could it be? When Cocoa wants to play with Chino, she is pretty much preoccupied with her bottle ship building. What about going bug catching with Rize then? Her men tell her that she is busy for today and will not be available. Cocoa bumps into Aoyama running away from her editor. She is desperate enough to cook a story that they bumped into each other and switched bodies! Not buying it! Next morning, Cocoa wakes up to find everybody gathered outside Rabbit Cafe. They’re going camping at the mountains. Didn’t she get Rize’s invitation? What invitation? Oh no… Cocoa feels so upset that nobody wants to play with her that she locks herself in her room. It isn’t the postal system that is bad. She did get the invitation card but it was in her pocket and she didn’t read it. So it is going to take a lot of coaxing to get that fuming girl out. And when regretful Chino is about to do her part, Cocoa bursts out all dressed up for the camp. She was just trolling everybody and was never mad in the first place. Gotcha! Chino feels this is her first time away from time and can’t help feel anxious if she would enjoy the great outdoors.

Episode 11
The girls look all geared up for their camping trip. Nothing could go wrong, right? Till Rize finds out their food provisions are empty! Time to go survival hunting? Can these girls do it? So they try fishing and despite being amateurs, they reel in quite a haul. Only Chino has not caught any so Cocoa offers to give her aura of support and instantly she caught one. Chino not amused… Chiya and Megu are tasked to find mushrooms but all they find are poisonous ones! When Chino’s straw hat is blown away and floats down the river, she tries to go get it back. Although successful, before she knows it, she is trapped on a sandbar. To think that she didn’t even know how to swim. She signals to the rest for help but they think she’s just waving. Until Rize swims there to bring her back. Chino gets scolded by Cocoa for being reckless and that she is more important than any fish or straw hat. Wow. Cocoa sounding like a big sister for real for once. But she blames her the most for not keeping her eyes on her. Sharo thinks Maya is drowning and saves her. But Maya was just swimming. All the girls start splashing at each other. Chino reflects on Cocoa’s scolding. But her patting was full of warmth. Cocoa and co fend off zombies but get eaten! Megu and Maya are the only ones left as they tell Chino who just awakened from her dozing. Megu then transforms into a zombie and this scares the hell out of Chino. See how she hops like mad in her sleeping bag! Outside, she sees Cocoa and co doing BBQ and looking fine. What about the zombies? Then she gets horrified upon seeing blood on their face that she faints. I guess the ketchup prank went too far.

If you’re wondering why they are camping instead of staying at the cabin, it seems somebody sabotaged the electricity. After dinner, Sharo is already drunk on caffeine so everyone starts spinning around the campfire so fast that they might even lift off. When everyone lets go of their hands, they flew a few metres back. Sharo had so much fun that she hugs Rize. When a shooting star is seen, Chino immediately makes a wish for all of them to have fun again. Sounds embarrassing but not so like the others. Cocoa’s surpassing of Mocha, Chiya’s globalization of Amausa and Sharo’s stomach full of melon bread. But that is nothing compared to Rize’s grudge wish for the person who sabotaged their trip to get what is coming. Hey, all is not that bad since they get to see the stars. Rize’s dad suddenly his drink spills on him by itself. Well, we know the perpetrator now. He needs a new drink so Chino’s dad wants him to pay up. Rize’s dad challenges him to a blowgun contest. It got so intense that their shots look like shooting stars. Chino goes to return Cocoa’s straw hat and thank her. But she is already asleep. Revenge time: Snap a picture of her sleeping face. Next morning, everybody paints their face with ketchup to scare Cocoa as penalty for falling asleep first. It is sweet revenge for Chino when she gets to scare the daylights out of her. See how fast she hops in the sleeping bag.

Episode 12
The photos from the camp are ready. There is one picture of Cocoa in a very elegant pose. Cocoa herself didn’t realize it was her! So different? Chino has caught the photo bug and she is now interested in snapping photos of everybody in their daily natural action. If only Cocoa didn’t try so hard and ruin it because she becomes stiff and clumsy inside her shots. Cocoa stumbles upon a Ciste map behind a picture frame. The rest mentions how they played this game a few times before (basically a map that leaves clues to let others find your hidden treasure). Cocoa gets ‘jealous’ that everybody has played it and wants to play too. Chino agrees to accompany her and brings Megu and Maya along. This game also brings back memories for them because it was the first time they met Chino and became friends. They misinterpreted this barista job as some super powered thingy and wanted to be her friend. Cocoa might sound cool in her deductions but could it be she is just as naive as she sounds? The girls finally reach the final treasure box that contains mini items put by previous treasure hunters. Megu and Maya tease Chino that she has Cocoa to thank for because she gets to play this game again. Back home, Cocoa wonders if Chino is mad because she is going through all the photos and none are reasonably good. With Cocoa being goofy, you know why… Cocoa thinks she doesn’t deserve to become her big sister but some petty girly argument ensued (including pillow throwing) before Cocoa realizes Mocha had sent letters to Chino and she requested her to send natural ones as Cocoa only sent goofy ones. Mocha is happy that she gets letters from both Cocoa and Chino. But she couldn’t recognize this elegant lady is her sister! You mean she really looks that different? Mocha is left panicking because Cocoa left a little ‘threat’ at the end of her message. She won’t be sending her letters for a month for trying to steal her Chino! What?! Megu and Maya make a new Ciste map and hand it to Chiya and friends for them to play. They manage to win and find some adorable items to keep. And Cocoa got a photo of a goofy girl and she didn’t even realize that was herself! Sharo accidentally picked another Ciste map from the treasure and this one belongs to Aoyama. Looks like they have to go play it.

Rabbits And Coffee To Go. Would You Like Lolis To Go With That?
OMG… Oh… My… God… I didn’t think I would last this long till the end. Because it seems yet again I have survived the moe onslaught and lived to tell the tale! Oh yeah! I thought I was about to be doomed by all the cute and cuddly factors that seemed so overwhelmed. Never had there been a break to catch a breathe and it was a continuous assault of moe, wave after wave of kawaii-ness I tell you. Man… It felt like an eternity but the battle to overcome the moe is finally done! I have emerged victorious! Standing tall amidst the bloody moe nose bleeds and burst blood vessels from the overall moe factor, I can stand tall and proud that I have defeated and conquer the ultimate that many has perished along the way. Yahoo! Kudos! I am the legend! Alright! Time to celebrate! And for all those who came out from this barely alive but having your little ounce of life intact, a big pat on the back and a big congratulations for making it. Yeah… Forgive me little exaggeration if you will.

Back to this season, I guess this is what to be expected from a genre that is totally about cute girls doing cute things. You could say that everything here follows exactly the same pattern as it did in the first season. The familiarity is so similar that viewers who have watched the first season would definitely feel right at home watching the second one. It hardly strays from there as everything remains the same like as though this season was just a delayed extension of the first season. So for those who are expecting any slight changes or deviation from the formula, you’d be disappointed. Heck, the moe of everything is already enough to kill you so need I elaborate more on that?

With everything feeling right at home, this means there are hardly and character development and the main characters remain largely the way they are as we know them ever since. Well, some things do not change. Like Cocoa who is still the annoying klutz and the big sister wannabe. She doesn’t have the material to be one and she is a very long way off from being the ideal sister even in Chino’s books. But hey, you have to give her points for keep trying and never giving up. Just like many of her traits, her annoying character is also her good characteristics. Her silly antics are the ones that provide the main laughs of the series. Some may call it repetitive but if you find it moe and kawaii, you’ll never get enough of it no matter how annoying it will be. Then you have Chino still timid as usual but she is making tiny progress in opening up and one little step closer to her dream to become the ultimate barista. Well, keep on trying. Then there is the reliable action girl (although there are hardly any action around) Rize and the prankish Chiya whose annoyance could be only second to Cocoa and could even be her partner in crime when it comes to annoying others with their cute silly antics. She still would do what it takes to promote her Amausa but since this is a cute and kawaii series, this means nothing dangerous like underground mafia and kidnappings. Yikes!

If there is any member of the group who has changed slightly, I would say it would be Sharo. Because I remember this girl has got phobia on rabbits. Surprisingly this season sees her completing the rabbit mascot among the coffee and tea houses with her taking a delinquent stray rabbit as her pet. It goes to show that she is indeed making some big progress with her phobia. Sometimes to a point I think she isn’t really that afraid anymore. Somehow I feel that the rabbit mascots don’t steal the limelight this season. I don’t remember if they did last season but Tippy’s presence is already quite minimal despite his role feels relegated to some sort of rebuking joke just to add to the cuteness. And it still always boggles my mind that whenever Tippy speaks, everyone thinks it is Chino’s great ventriloquism. If that girl is not around, they feel puzzled hearing that strange voice from somewhere. I know rabbits don’t naturally talk but aren’t they just curious? Maybe not. Speaking of rabbits not getting enough spotlight, this means Anko remains relatively forgettable wit even much more limited scenes. Even more disappointingly Wild Geese. I thought that stray is here to stay but after that single episode and being adopted by Sharo, it’s like they have forgotten all about it.

The mystery of Aoyama continues although I believe the other interesting ‘progress’ about this novelist who never seems to finish her work, is we get a little more insight of who she is back in high school. But that is about it and maybe it will take another season if you want to hear more about her. Speaking of new characters, Mocha is the only new one introduced and with her having the same character as Cocoa but slightly my big sisterly and responsible, it goes without saying that the seed doesn’t fall far from the tree. The other so called new character is Aoyama’s editor but she only appeared once or twice and she isn’t anything relevant to our main girls. It’s like they’re trolling us when she first appeared. Could she be a new character to stay? Because now that she has found out Aoyama’s usual place to hang out and slack, I thought maybe it will become a running joke to always barge in and bring her away. But it seems dragging Aoyama away has been going on for a long time stretching back to their school days. Looks like more things are not going to change. Another interesting thing to note is the ‘rivalry’ between Rabbit House and Amausa that seems to go back to when the grandparents have some sort of feud. I’d like to know more about it but perhaps it would be distracting from the main girls.

If one thing that bugs me, I started realizing that Rabbit House, Amausa and even Fleur du Lapin are void of any customers! The place is always empty and the most one or two customers. And that itself is rare! It is perhaps that without the bustling business, the girls are able to have so much time on their hands to go have fun and play with each other. It is amazing that their businesses have not gone bust yet. Even more so, Aoyama seems to be their frequent main customer all the time. It’s like she is their only customer! And I do realize that this town seems void of people too! It feels like a ghost town! It could be this town has a very small population despite the very beautiful European-like buildings and such, but I just can’t help notice there isn’t much people around. Like as though the main girls are the only ones around. Where the heck is everybody? That’s why I have this eerie thought that all this might actually be just one big imagination and dream. In reality the town is decimated in a zombie apocalypse. The girls are dying and only clinging on to this dream. That is why you have Tippy the talking rabbit and the magic of everything moe! Haha! Super conspiracy theory! And then all the moe factor wakes them up in this deserted wasteland. Ultimate shock and twist! Yeah, I don’t think I really want to have this kind of revelation for this series.

This season’s themes feel absolutely similar like last season. So if you wonder why Nopoi, the opening theme for this season sung by Petit Rabbit’s, sound so awfully similar, now you know why. The lively pace of this song with all the cute, moe and kawaii elements bring back those memories. If last season made you go “pyon-pyon”, this season now makes you go “poitte-poitte”. The similar bouncy feel of last season’s ending theme can be said for this season too. Tokimeki Poporon by Chimame-tai has all that bubbly and moe-ness, so much more than the opening theme because we have Chino and her friends doing cute dances and playing rock-scissors-papers at the end that it would just tighten your heart each time you stay and watch the entire ending theme from start till end. Furthermore, hearing this song reminds me of The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper’s style of music but a moe version. Even more so for the special ending theme for the final episode, Nantoku Mirai by Petit Rabbit’s which is of a slow lovely ballad. Made me want to go Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Fixing A Hole and A Day In Life.

Overall, there is nothing much to be said from this season because there is nothing that is different to make it stand out even more. It is like this season is made for those who love the formula of the first season and thus those who are not really into this genre will not really find anything attractive. Seriously, is there anybody in this world who cannot resist moe lolis? Oh yeah… Macho guys… *Shivers*. So if this series and season doesn’t let the moe kill you and bleed to death and choking, then at least it will calm you down a little and make you smile. Oh heck. I remember there were very miniscule fanservice in the previous season. There are one or two seasons here too but it is so minimal that you won’t even remember it. Since you’ll be overawed by the blinding moe. Just when you thought the moe onslaught is over, here comes another wave of moe zombies bringing you terror once more. One cup of coffee for the road then… I’ll be ready when the third wave/season comes…

Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka

5 December, 2014

Warning! Please exercise extreme caution when viewing this anime. Please be informed that there are extreme moe contents and elements. As such, viewing discretion is very much advised. Please steel your heart. Moe contents may cause your heart to tightly go kyun and beat faster than usual. Hyper ventilating may also be a side effect. Failure to do so may result in acute moe asphyxiation and may result in death from over moe. If you think you can handle and have the resolve to overcome this, then please proceed to watch Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka. If you have doubts, it is not too late to turn back.

Ah, yes. Another season, yet another moe themed anime. Yet another anime about a group of cute girls doing cute things. No real plot whatsoever. As if we need more of such overly cute girls to spice up our lives. Heh. If you are getting bored and tired of the shameless fanservice and over the top bloody violence, where else to turn to but to watch moe girls run a coffee house or a Japanese sweets shop and the interactions among each other? And if this is not your cup or tea or if you realized there is a mistake in this order of yours, then by all means you still have a chance to walk away and avoid the aforementioned symptoms.

Episode 1
Cocoa Hoto makes arrives in this new town and makes her way to Rabbit House Cafe. She gets upset when there are no rabbits! As a customer, Chino Kafuu serves her and Cocoa wants to cuddle that little cute rabbit (I thought it was a cat!) named Tippy on her head. One cuddle per coffee. She’ll take 3 coffees! So as Cocoa hugs her like the best thing in the world, she swore she could hear Tippy’s voice to stop this ‘aggression’. Just your imagination. That or Chino’s ventriloquism. Really? Cocoa explains she is supposed to start the new school term here and meet the host family called Kafuu but got lost. She’s in luck. This is the place. Chino is the granddaughter. Cocoa would like to work to help out but Chino thinks she has got her chores covered. In that case she would love to be her big sister. On second thought… Chino shows her the room to change. She feels somebody is watching her and when she opens this closet, a half naked girl pointing a gun at her! She is Rize Tedeza and a part timer. Don’t mind her brute ways since her dad is in the military and she has received harsh training. Since Cocoa is new, Rize is tasked to be her senior. Military drills… Cocoa learns Rize could memorize things at one go while Chino can identify coffee by her smell. She wishes she had a special talent but she didn’t realize she could calculate maths at lightning speed. Cocoa asks why this place is called Rabbit House. Because Tippy is their mascot. Doesn’t look anything like a rabbit. What should it be called then? Fluffy Cuddles Cafe! If they could only change that name now. Rize shows Cocoa her latte art and demonstrates a few. She then draws a super real tank image! Cocoa tries her hand but isn’t that good. Chino also demonstrates and it turns out to be Picasso-like. Cocoa thinks her art sucks. At the end of the day after Rize leaves, Cocoa shows Chino the latte art she drew representing them. She meets Chino’s father, Takahiro for the first time. He won’t be having dinner with them because Rabbit House becomes a bar at night and he is the bartender. Cocoa wants to sleep with Chino since her room feels empty and there are lots of things she wants to talk about. Since Tippy is not around to cuddle, she wants to cuddle Chino. No way! Tippy and Takahiro talk and it seems Tippy is the grandfather but somehow occupying this form. Rize has this lonely feeling but cheers up when Cocoa sends her latte art to her. Cocoa is going to look forward to their time together and be the best big sister Chino will ever have. Oh dear…

Episode 2
Cocoa is happy when people tell her she has a sister complex. If she only knew what it means… The girls will be heading to school. To Cocoa’s dismay, Chino walks in a different direction. They go to different schools, right? Cocoa meets Rize along the way. Cocoa has a bad sense of direction and keeps bumping into Rize. She in turn thinks she has walked into some sort of dimensional portal. Cocoa is attracted by stray rabbits at the park. That is where she meets Chiya Ujimatsu and become friends. Realizing they are late for school, she drags her along till Chiya had to tell her that the opening ceremony is tomorrow. So she shows her the way there so as not to get lost. When Cocoa returns and Chino asks about her school, she tries to change the subject. Please don’t ask! Chiya and Cocoa end up in the same class but the amazing thing is how Cocoa can still get lost in school. Chiya is invited to Rabbit House to make pastries with the rest. Chino gets the wrong idea there is a live culture when making yeast. And I mean, really alive. Everyone has a hard time kneading bread but after baking them, they enjoy the fruits of their labour with a variety of them with one that looks like Tippy. As thanks for inviting her, Chiya invites her to visit her Japanese sweets shop run by her family, Amausa. She introduces them to Anko, their rabbit mascot. First thing it did was chase Tippy. They think they’re in love. Can’t you hear Tippy’s scream of despair? Here is a mind boggling info: Tippy is female on the outside but male on the inside! Chiya shows them a few green tea art like how they did for latte art. Then she serves them their desserts that have names sounding like finishing techniques from a manga. Chiya suggests both their cafes can do a collaboration but Cocoa and Chino get the wrong idea they are doing towels and mugs and not food. Chino at first is afraid of getting closer to Anko but everything is fine once she puts it on her head. Chiya tries to persuade Cocoa to come work here and even live with them. She’ll prepare a room right away! As they leave, they didn’t realize Anko is still on Chino’s head. Tippy is still back in Amausa complaining about the sweets being too sweet. Too sweet!

Episode 3
The girls go to buy cups for the cafe and Cocoa’s clumsiness almost tumble the shelf! They see a photo of a rabbit in the cup and try to do the same with Tippy. Looks like a rice bowl… Also in this store is Sharo Kirima, Rize’s junior in the same school. Sharo has a liking for Rize and the rest thought she saved her from thugs. Actually there was a rabbit in her path and Rize shooed it away. Yup. Sharo has fear of rabbits. Sharo is happy when Rize gets the same cups with her. The rest believe Sharo is a rich girl but it seems she lives next door to Amausa and is childhood friends with Chiya. Her house is very modest and she doesn’t want the rest to find out about it. One day Chiya barges into Rabbit House to alert them that Sharo has taken up some job in a cafe. However there is a shady picture in it which makes it feel sleazy. Time for reconnaissance. That’s Rize’s specialty, right? So here they are outside this cafe, Fleur de Lapin and everything seems pretty normal. Sharo with rabbit ears dressed as a maid serving customers. Pretty normal. Since this is a herbal tea cafe, Sharo makes suggestions to her friends on which tea suits them. She even has herbal cookies for them. When they go back, Cocoa has this idea to add herbal tea to their menu and has gotten a few tea leaves already. But Chino points out she is holding weeds… Chiya and Sharo are stuck at Rabbit House since it suddenly started raining. Rize can send her home but since Sharo doesn’t want her to know the state of her house, Chiya offers to do it but they didn’t get far. Looks like everyone will be staying here for the night. A blessing in disguise? Cocoa tries out Chino’s school uniform. Once Sharo and Chiya finish their bath, they see Rize in Chino’s school uniform (she lost in some game). Sharo cannot stop fawning over her. Chiya suggests it’s that time. No, not to tell about your secret crush but ghost stories! Chino tries to scare them about some small, fluffy, white apparition with gleaming eyes but the rest could guess she’s referring to Tippy. Next is Chiya. With the power cut off and a candle light to enhance the mood, her story begins about some killer rabbit. Everyone who is close to it got murdered one after another. The end. Might not sound much but enough to scare them! Deep into the night, Sharo needs to go to the toilet. She is still scared from hearing Chiya’s story and freaks out when she bumps into something. It is Rize. She got ‘stuck’ and couldn’t move once her candle burnt out. This might be a blessing for Sharo because the lightning flashes and they cuddle closely to each other. Next morning is all bright and clear. They see Cocoa happily sleeping on the floor in an awkward position.

Episode 4
Cocoa and Chino discuss about being fussy about certain foods. Cocoa mentions Chino can’t grow tall since Tippy is always on her head. She really believes it. Chino discusses about this with her friends and it seems jumping and banana may do the trick. On the way home, she tries hopping on red tiles only. She got distracted by a rabbit and hit a lamppost. Chiya sees this and thinks the heat must have gotten to her. At the supermarket, Chino sees Sharo who is waiting for some sale. They see something they want but jump as they might, they can’t reach. Rize is here to save the day. Back at Rabbit House, Cocoa and Chino try to overcome their detested food. Not doing so well… Rize’s training of shouting out loud won’t help either. So the only way is to take the slow path of eat and sleep well. At first Cocoa doesn’t mind if she outgrows her but since Chino won’t cuddle her, she panics and hopes she won’t grow and stay small! Till Chiya texts Cocoa about the heat getting to her that she changes her mind. Get lots of nutrition and sleep, no? Chino is doing some coffee fortune telling so Cocoa tries out. Tippy reads her fortune. Seems like bad luck in the form of water and polka dots. Next day, Cocoa tells Chiya about this. During lunch, Anko drops into her lunch (crows have a habit of picking him up). Then when she leaves the toilet, Chiya realizes her skirt was hooked up revealing her polka dot panties all this while. On the way back home, a woman accidentally splashes water on her. They visit Sharo’s cafe and she is extremely afraid of Anko. The sweet doesn’t taste well for Cocoa. Chiya tries to read Sharo’s fortune. But since it is about unrequited love, she gets mad and throws the change. It hit Cocoa’s face. When she returns to Rabbit House, she asks if the prediction has turned out true. From what she explains, the rest doesn’t want her to take anymore predictions. The friends go to the library to study. To Sharo’s surprise, Chiya seeks Cocoa’s help since she is good in maths and physics. Though she sucks in the rest. Chino won’t rely on Cocoa so she has Sharo teach her. They both note how they would like to be each other’s sister and this sends alarming signals to Cocoa. They ask which school Chino wants to go and also their dream. Cocoa’s dream: Your neighbourhood international barista lawyer! Since Sharo wonders if she had went to Chiya’s school instead of Rize, Chiya teases her that they may not be in the same class. But she should know it better because despite they go to different schools, they still hang out together. Cocoa knows the book that Chino is looking for. She can’t remember the title but remembers the contents clearly. She feels like a big sister finding her book. However… This isn’t it. Crime and Punishment?

Episode 5
Cocoa wants to go practice volleyball but gets disappointed when Chino and Rize didn’t stop her. On the other hand, Chino seeks Rize’s help to coach her badminton. Hope she doesn’t regret her military drills… They then see Cocoa and Chiya knocked out at the park. Seemed they knocked each other out in volleyball practice. So as they practice, Cocoa seems to always get hit by Chiya’s serve. Cocoa then switches place with Rize. Sharo sees them and is invited to join in. She is being given caffeine to be more active. Is that like doping? Cocoa and Sharo try to impress Chino and Rize respectively but their efforts go unnoticed. During Chino’s badminton game, she is a point from victory when she decides to use the secret technique she learnt from Rize. Patriot Serve! She lost because it hit the net and the recoil sent her bouncing back. One day Rize suddenly barges in to inform she is going to change shifts and work for a different cafe! No, she is not tired or them or have become some corporate spy. While practising her Patriot Serve, she accidentally broke her father’s wine collection (too much power, I guess). So for Father’s Day she wants to earn extra cash and buy the wine to make up for it. First she works at Amausa. Chiya fools around with the way she is to dress as well as suggesting putting military theme into her menu. Next day, Rize works at Fleur de Lapin as she tries to practice saying welcome to customers but feels embarrassed. She also asks Sharo why she needs to work so she had to lie to maintain her rich girl perception of her. As Rize alternates between the cafes, Cocoa and Chino think of making Takahiro a handmade gift. Cocoa tries to sew a necktie but sucks. Chino does it a lot better. When finished, Chino mentions that her dad only wears bowties… Well, they’ve worked so hard so Cocoa is sure he’ll be happy with anything. That doesn’t answer her question that if he will have the opportunity to wear it. On Rize’s last day at Fleur de Lapin, Sharo wonders if she would continue working here. Rize won’t since this cafe’s personality doesn’t suit her. Sharo is sad but cheers up when Rize invites her to go pick a wine. But it seems Rize didn’t get to buy a wine but something else. She notes that he already replaced it. Takahiro gave it to him and Tippy is mad he gave away the wine he had been saving.

Episode 6
On their day off, Cocoa and Chino go to town. Along the way they see Rize facing a dilemma in picking her clothes at the store and don’t want to disturb her. At the park, they see Sharo manning a crepe store. Cocoa offers her to take a bite. Tempting? Before she could, Anko lands splat on it! That must be traumatic for Sharo. Chino’s friends, Megumi “Megu” Natsu and Maya Jouga happen to pass by and as they chat, Cocoa got distracted chasing a bunny and this leads her to a wandering novelist, Aoyama Blue Mountain (her pen name) who is trying to find inspiration as her recent novel has just been adapted into a movie. After a short chat, Chino reunites with Cocoa and notes speaking to strangers doesn’t come natural to her. If her friends hadn’t taken the initiative to approach her, they would never have become friends. On the way back, they see Rize in a different clothing and hairstyle. Though, Rize manages to pass it off she is a different person. Since Chino notes she was able to talk to this ‘stranger’ so freely, she thinks it is all thanks to Cocoa. When Cocoa is late to her shift and couldn’t find her uniform, she sees Megu in it and thinks she has been fired! Maya is in Rize’s outfit. Seems they’re here to help. Cocoa tries to recruit them to be her little sisters! Rize comes looking for her uniform and also her ‘trusty companions’. Maya pulls out the gun and combat knife! Is this what she is looking for? Oh God. Why does she keep such dangerous weapons in her clothes?! Cocoa and Rize become their customers for today and as they get along well, Chino couldn’t help feel this pain in her heart. So she visits Amausa and talks to Chiya who thinks she is a little jealous. Chino feels her friends may have forgotten all about her. In that case, Chiya offers to join her. Don’t make it more confusing. Aoyama is in the next table and mentions she was a regular at Rabbit House during her school days but doesn’t have the courage to go back there recently and understands how she feels. She believes those feelings is her heat telling her that she loves those people even more than she thinks. Sharo barges in panicking because she got word that Rize has got a ‘little sister’… When Chino returns, seeing Cocoa and Rize thinking about her makes her feel better. At school, her friends are worried about Chino since she looks down recently. But she assures them it has already blown over. When Cocoa is watching the sunset with Tippy, Aoyama is there too. Cocoa says she has read her book. Aoyama reveals she modelled the main character after someone she knew: The owner of a cafe she once frequented. When business once wasn’t doing well, he grumbled and wished to turn into a rabbit, which is the inspiration of that story. She wants to tell him her story was popular enough to become a movie but kept putting it off because she was busy.

Episode 7
Rize could guess Chino is in a bad mood today but Cocoa thinks that is how she always treats her! It seems Chino was taking her time completing a jigsaw puzzle. When she left for toilet and returned, Cocoa completed it. What more, a missing piece. Cocoa felt so guilty that she rushed out to buy another jigsaw puzzle. 8000 pieces! I guess this calls for help. The rest arrive to put the pieces together, each doing their respective portion. Once it is near completion, Rize asks the all important question that nobody noticed: How do they pick this up since they didn’t put anything under it? Making the puzzle too long can cause you to lose motivation so Cocoa and Chino go make some pancakes. Just when they are about to reconcile, Cocoa flipped the pancake onto Chino’s face! Looks like reconciliation will be slightly delayed. While they chat, there is another chain puzzle that Chino hopes to complete one day. Sharo accidentally slams the bed and pops Tippy up. This reveals the missing piece. Everything should have come to a good end till Cocoa accidentally completes the chain puzzle… Next day in school, Cocoa notices it is Chiya’s turn to be down. She goes to check on her but sees Sharo sitting outside. They had some fight this morning and Sharo rushed off to school. She felt sorry for it but finds it hard to face her now. She is afraid Anko might target her if she enters. Cocoa has the perfect solution. Put a paper bag over Sharo’s head and walk in with a gun borrowed from Rize! Looks like a robbery! The moment Sharo takes off her bag, Anko chases her. Eventually they both made up. (Chiya found Sharo’s panties and tried to tell her – She might have chased her waving that all the way to school). Sharo is distributing flyers for Fleur de Lapin. A rabbit sits on her flyer stack so she had to beg for it to move! Luckily Rize is here to help. She is also distributing flyers for Rabbit House but accidentally advertises for Fleur de Lapin. Chino realizes spelling mistakes on the flyer. Rabbit Horse? And what’s with this “Welcome Come On”? Cocoa is embarrassed by her mistake as they rush to recall the flyers. They just need to correct the rest when the wind blows it away. Yeah. Picking every piece up. Rize is scared of bugs but not Sharo. Then here comes a rabbit at her feet so Cocoa lets her hold a small one in her hands as practice. She’s coping well for now… The girls are at Chiya’s house to give their share of bread and want to know where Sharo lives so they can give hers. Here she comes out next door remembering about dinner. Suddenly it’s like their reality came crashing down although they apologize for jumping to conclusions that she is a rich girl. Cocoa is still the blur one. She is still wondering where her house is! Rize tells her embarrassing secret to her in exchange for knowing this (she loves putting miniature guns on her rabbit dolls). The finished jigsaw puzzle becomes a framed picture at Rabbit House.

Episode 8
Sharo is acting like a drunk because she was down and Chiya brought her to different coffee cafes. Later the friends visit an indoor pool. Cocoa has flippers for Chino? Rize ties up Chino’s hair and does the same for Chiya. She got so flustered about the rest praising her skills that she decorated it into something extravagant. I find it odd that Rize doesn’t know how to swim despite having military training. With Cocoa and Sharo teaching her, Chino and Chiya play chess. The trio start off with holding their breath underwater and since Cocoa looks like she has drowned, this startles the rest. So technically she won, right? Because the chess wager if Chino loses, Cocoa will have to call Cocoa her big sister (otherwise Chiya will see what happens when Tippy gets soaked), Cocoa needs to go watch the match closely to avoid losing her status. This leaves Sharo alone with Rize. She has a nice time teaching her. So good that her leg got cramped. Chino and Chiya cannot concentrate since Cocoa and Tippy are being noisy. They are at stake, you know? At the end of the day, Rize believes Chino has won because Cocoa still has the right to refer to herself as a big sister. Tippy got ‘harassed’ by other kids… One rainy day, Chino’s friends think Chino has this sleepy face. She assures she puts on a different face during work so they believe it is Tippy on her head and discuss what else to put on her head. Since the friends are going to watch a movie and it is raining, some of them dash out in the rain. Cocoa trips… During the movie, Cocoa and Chino try to hold in their tears so as not to show each other in fear they will be teased. Rize is awed by the cinema (it’s her first time), Chiya taking notes for just about anything from the movie to improve her menu (must be those lines) while Sharo has a hard time trying to quiet her growling stomach. Meanwhile Aoyama finally decides to visit Rabbit House. Instead of seeing the old master, her eyes made contact with Takahiro and she felt guilty and runs away. After the movie, Chino feels sleepy and Cocoa offers to carry her back. Sharo and Chiya will support her and it makes it look like a kibasen. Back at Rabbit House, Cocoa feels influenced by the movie and wants to become a barista. What happened to becoming a baker and a lawyer? Because of that, Cocoa could feel Chino being angry as the latter serves several cups of coffee. If she is serious in becoming a barista, she should prove she at least know her blends.

Episode 9
When Tippy was still an old man, he lamented he worked so hard and yet his business is failing. He wished he would be like his pet rabbit. Young Cocoa heard it and thought it was his order so she casted a ‘magic spell’ for him to turn into a rabbit one day. Rize needs some time off work since she’ll be in a drama play. But it’s not going to be some dog like Cocoa thought but an elegant lady. Does she know how to be elegant? Cocoa suggests seeking Chiya’s advice and right away Rize has a complete makeover. Aoyama is also at Amausa to find inspiration for her novel. Subsequently Sharo is roped in to teach the finer points of being a lady but she gets freaked out upon her arrival as the girls were wearing Phantom of the Opera masks. I don’t know how that would help but it didn’t. Aoyama draws inspiration from Sharo and uses their past meetings as inspiration. Cocoa and Chino panic when they start thinking that Rize may quit this job if she really gets into acting. Because for Cocoa, the cafe will lose a bodyguard and Cocoa can’t defend it herself! In the end when Rize started to get the hang of being elegant, her role was rewritten to suit her personality. She hopes to use what she learnt in another play but Cocoa and Chino get the wrong idea and try to stop her. One day, a paper airplane from Aoyama hits Chino. Seems she has given up being a novelist. Cocoa once again couldn’t find her uniform and when she sees Aoyama in it, she thinks she is fired for good this time! So Chino hires Aoyama for the time being. Aoyama hopes to meet the old master but was told he already passed away. Funny, she thought she heard his voice the other day. Cocoa thinks she has missed him so much and started hearing things and gives Tippy to console herself. She felt a sense of nostalgia touching him. But she still feels sad that he is already gone and will never get his thoughts on her writing again. Aoyama also opens a counselling corner in the cafe and since none came, Chiya brings the first one: Sharo. This girl sure has lots of problems. Once she drinks Rize’s coffee, she becomes like a sad drunk, pouring out her money and rabbit problems. Aoyama also receives letters asking for advice. Turns out to be Chino and Cocoa who could have just talked it out with each other. The girls find out that she lost her drive for writing when she lost the fountain pen the old master gave her. She lost it on the first day she met Cocoa. They go find it at the park but Cocoa got distracted chasing rabbits. It is Tippy who finds the pen so Chino talks to him that he should give it to Aoyama. Finally he talks to her and she gets freaked out a stuffed doll is talking. But she brought the wrong one when she was showing Chino and Cocoa. Soon she gets her writing rhythm back and even hints her old master is always watching them. Perhaps in the form of a rabbit and borrowing Tippy’s body? This freaks out Rize and Cocoa.

Episode 10
Cocoa will be away to stay over at Chiya’s place since they will be studying together. So is it going to get a lot quieter at Rabbit House? Not quite. Megu and Maya are called to fill in Cocoa’s shoes. They are also here for a sleepover. I suppose Chino is starting to miss Cocoa so she unknowingly makes lots of coffee. Megu and Maya have this telepathic link and know what the other thinks. Rize tries it out but they could never guess her military codes. Cocoa is having a blast working at Amausa. Aoyama is there too and thought Anko was talking to her but it turns out to be Cocoa reading aloud a line from her novel. When the duo start studying, Sharo is also roped in. Why do they need her? In case they get distracted, she is supposed to start whacking them with a harisen. Seriously. Rize and Chino take Megu and Maya to the indoor pool. Chino worries about being a good host and talks to Tippy. She finds it weird he sounds different that’s because Aoyama is adlibbing him. They start playing water pistols. Aoyama uses Tippy as hostage! But Rize like a true military girl shoots right at all her targets. Well what do you know? Tippy shrinks when he is soaked! Because Cocoa and Sharo have an argument over some math equation, Cocoa starts counting prime numbers as a challenge but after reaching some 9000th number, she gets distracted by a photo album. Sharo is about to disclose something embarrassing about Chiya’s past but was made to shut up. She thinks she might have finally found something to turn the tables on her after always being embarrassed by her. When Chino and co return back to Rabbit House, she sends a mail to Chiya, a picture of soaked Tippy. Cocoa thought Chino is lonely but is disheartened to see her fun face. Well, maybe now she feels lonely. Cocoa calls her and they chat a while before retiring to bed. Sharo dreams that she only has 52 Yen. That’s not enough to buy bread! Chino, Megu and Maya thought they could surprise Rize when she visits as a customer by turning this into a little sister cafe. But she turns into a military drill instructor and tells them to fall in! Only siscon girls like Cocoa would have totally loved it. Too bad…

Episode 11
The girls are shopping at the Christmas market for decorative ornaments. Because Sharo is busy on that day, the rest suggests holding a Christmas party for her after that. Chino and Cocoa said that in sync. Cocoa is so pleased but not Chino. Since Cocoa is too close to Chino, it makes Chiya note that they look like real sisters. Cocoa is extremely pleased. But not Chino. Cocoa wants to leave a present for Chino and seeks Rize’s advice on what she likes. A music box with animals would be nice. Everyone works hard till Christmas. Chiya couldn’t stop thinking of what performance to give. Balancing Anko on her umbrella? The party is to be held at Rabbit House so everyone arrives including Megu and Maya. Sharo is the last to arrive and is shocked to see everyone working. The place is crowded and they’re helping out. Just when she got time off and everybody is working their ass off… Not to be let down she suddenly turns into a super waitress. Her serving skills become top notch and could put the rest to shame. She could even be harsher than Rize. Chino notices they’re out of butter so Chiya tries to shake the fresh cream in a bottle. I don’t think it’s working. Megu has trouble counting at the register but Cocoa saves the day with her fast calculation. After a hard day’s work, it is time for their deserved party as Chino summons her courage to call a toast. They exchange presents. Aoyama who is helping Takahiro out in the bar thought she heard her old master’s voice and believes tonight is another night of miracles. That night when Chino is asleep, Cocoa sneaks in to plant her present hoping she would think it was from Santa. Takahiro also got the same idea. Next morning, Chino wakes up to find presents at her bed. Thankfully that is not Cocoa as the present as she merely slept by the bed side. Of course she knows who the presents are from. But it is Cocoa that is shocked to find presents in her bed and thinks it is from Santa.

Episode 12
Chino couldn’t understand why Cocoa was sleeping in her room. Cocoa remembers Chino falling asleep and didn’t let go of her sleeve. Maybe she smelled like bread? Talking about scents with their friends, Cocoa thinks Chiya would smell like traditional Japanese austerity, Sharo like herbs and Rize like military gun powder. It’s okay, you don’t have to sniff yourself because it’s just a joke. The quartet take their time hanging out in the snow laden town. Chino wonders why they are taking so long and she hints that she their scent puts her at ease. Cocoa and co realize they are late and rushes back. Megu and Maya are doing an assignment so they interview Cocoa about working here. Since she isn’t the appropriate person, Chino channels them to Tippy who starts ranting with passion what it means. They think it’s Chino talking. Then they interview Takahiro but again Tippy starts disagreeing but the girls think Chino is the one disapproving. Next they interview Chiya before heading over to Sharo (more like she got teased and tricked to do some pose). Aoyama happen to be there to so the duo don’t mind interviewing her but they observe her using her excuse to hang out in such shops to peep employees without looking suspicious. So that’s why… The duo want to hang out more but Cocoa warns they’ll be late. But they know her weakness… Call Cocoa their big sister! That takes care of everything. One day, Cocoa gets fever so is made to stay in bed. The friends visit but what is this wearing a garlic wreath is supposed to help cure the illness? I thought that was for vampires? Since her fever is not going down, her friends leave to let her rest. Meanwhile, Sharo is also down with the same symptoms. Chiya really wants her to wear the garlic wreath… Chino thought Cocoa is in pain but upon closer hearing her mumbling, seems she is dreaming about food. Tippy realizes they are out of medicine. All shops are closed at this hour and she doesn’t want to bother her dad manning the bar. The only way is to head to Chiya’s place to get some. It’s dangerous but she’ll do it. Aoyama goes in to give Cocoa a warm drink but since she starts to feel cold herself, she drinks it herself! That is warm wine?! Feeling dizzy, isn’t she? When Chino returns, she learns Cocoa was dreaming she got hurt in her dream. She assures she is tougher than that. Next day we have good news and bad news. Good news: Chino didn’t catch her cold. Bad news: Now she has mumps! Cocoa will be her big sister and take care of her. Oh dear. When they are well again, Chino tries to wake up Cocoa to open the shop. However she is so sound asleep. She whispers in her ear by calling her ‘big sister’ and instantly she wakes up and they bump into each other’s heads. Care to repeat that again, please?

Is The Order A Loli? Eat In Or Take Away?
I survived… The ending may not be nothing much just like the rest of the episodes that feel each could stand alone as some filler, but that is what to be expected in such animes with no plot and the only motivation is to see cute moe girls interact and bond with each other. Hardly exciting for those hoping to something more. Therefore, despite the lack of any surprises and plot twists (what?), this show is still pretty decent thanks to the moe factor that captures your attention. Unless of course you aren’t really into this kind of stuffs or a heartless cold bastard who’d rather see rippling masculine muscles and crush rabbits with your hands. But other than that, for those who manage to get through this anime without ending up with any serious moe after effect injuries, a big congratulations and a pat on your back. Now you can truly say you have witnessed the extreme moe and SURVIVED!

Thanks to the quirkiness of the characters, the comedic effects are spontaneous and in the sense that it doesn’t make you bored like certain animes of the same genre. Sometimes you’ll find yourself bursting into short fits of laughter at their quirkiness or feel that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart because the things they just are just oh-so-cute from the way they speak and act. This is if you are into this kind of genre anyway. Otherwise you would be putting up that long face and wondering what the hell are all these adorable motifs that would send a sharp shiver down your spine. You must be a heartless cold bastard who’d rather see rippling masculine muscles and crush rabbits with your… Oh, I have already said that.

The characters are the biggest drive and connecting factor that makes this work. They are lovable since each comes with their own quirky habits. As usual we have a quirky bunch with Cocoa being your typical lively and energetic girl. Sometimes airhead. A bit of a sister complex. Rize is a bit different because not many moe animes would have a girl with a military background. In a way it makes her unique since she doesn’t think like your normal and typical girl. Because military background people tend to resort to violence, right? Thankfully she doesn’t although lots of her suggestions and thinking have this military influence. But oddly, she looks more cute than menacing despite her harsh military training. Then you have Chino who doesn’t talk much and has that monotonous look on her face. I guess it is ironic for the girl who doesn’t talk much as compared to the rest, she seems the most mature for her age. And I believe she is the youngest among the quintet. Maybe having Tippy sit on her head somewhat transfers the wisdom of her grandpa into her brain. I know it’s crazy but having a grandpa reincarnated as your pet rabbit is even crazier. She might not be good interacting with strangers but at least she gets along fine with the friends she knows. In time, she yearns for their company. Okay, maybe except for the occasional bugging from Cocoa to be her sister.

Equally an airhead like Cocoa is Chiya. But her mind is more focused on improving her store and doesn’t hesitate to take down ideas that she thinks would be useful. Sharo is the most amusing among the quintet since she has a ‘multitude of emotions’. She flusters a lot and feels like the one who is usually picked on because we all love to see girls who react like that, right? I thought she would have built up some immunity after always embarrassing herself in such moments. Unless you want to see another side of her, please don’t give her coffee because this hypes her up or turns her into a drunk. Sharo’s admiration for Rize can border that of being yuri but thankfully you won’t see that sort of thing here. Because moe is the ultimate element that rules. And it’s odd too to find that there are people who have phobia to rabbits. How can you fear such cuddly cute creatures? Yup. Perhaps the same reasons why I don’t find bugs cute like some people do. So if you really have fear of rabbits, you shouldn’t be watching this show since there are some episodes that spam bunnies. It’s like they run around freely in this town. Megu and Maya are helpful friends and Cocoa would love to recruit them into her sister harem while Aoyama feels like the biggest airhead, hopping from one café to café while trying to find inspiration for her novel. But the way she bums around and ‘stalks’ (observes as she calls it) our girls, I think she’ll hardly find inspiration for anything.

Tippy is obviously the mascot of the series. So cute that he doesn’t even look like your typical rabbit. Reminds me of Tamayura’s Momoneko but that cat is recognizable as a feline despite looking like a candy floss. If they had not clarify Tippy is a rabbit, I would have thought that was a cat or some sort of Pokemon creature. Seriously. The only odd part is how Chino’s grandpa ended up as part of Tippy. It could be that ‘magical’ moment when young Cocoa casted her ‘spell’ on him. Did he really want to become a rabbit? Oddly he can speak normally instead of just communicating telepathically to Chino and Takahiro. However since other people don’t really believe animals talk, they easily jump to conclusions that Chino is a ventriloquist or is her other true character. But Tippy’s mouth moves when talks, right? In denial? I think it is easier on their sanity that way. Besides, what kind of sounds do rabbits make? What does the rabbit say? Then there is Anko who is the secondary mascot. Because of his face that never moves, it makes him look like an animated Easter bunny chocolate. Really.

Obvious as it is, the art and drawing of the girls are drawn to a moe extent. Cutely cute. Which is something quite similar to what you see in shows like Kin-iro Mosaic but double the dose of moe-ness. The character designs may look simple and clean (in a cute way of course) but sometimes you don’t really need all those fancy and detailed looks to make it work. The background and sceneries are also well done especially with the old European setting of the town. Not to mention that they also put in quite some decent detail in the pattern designs of the cups and plates. Oh, the snow effects also look gorgeous. White Fox studio produces this anime and they did works like Hataraku Maou-sama and Super Sonico The Animation. Can’t get enough of the moe girls? At the end of each episode, there are further cute sketches and illustrations of the characters. I am not sure if they are by various people since there are no credits to say if the illustrations are from whom.

Although not many (you can’t count them with your fingers), I never expect that there would be a little fanservice in this anime. But the fanservice here is not over the top and nothing pretty fancy such as Rize’s debut we see her in her plaid design underwear (probably to attract casual viewers to stay and watch this anime that that they will otherwise find boring and dropping the series entirely), Cocoa changing and that unashamed indoor pool episode. Because of the extreme moe in just about everything, you’d probably pass the fanservice stuffs and wouldn’t think about it despite such scenes being pretty obvious. Yeah. Numbed by the moe factor.

I’m starting to form a stereotype on Ayane Sakura’s voice. As Cocoa, although her character isn’t as bratty as her other bratty characters (think Suzuka from Tokyo Ravens and Eno from Love Lab), she still has that unmistaken bratty voice in her character. She’s more like Non Non Biyori’s Natsumi. Satomi Satou’s dreamy voice makes her suitable as Chiya. Just think of her as a more moe version of Fairy Tail’s Wendy. Other casts include Inori Minase as Chino (Suzune in Love Lab), Risa Taneda as Rize (Mirai in Kyoukai No Kanata), Maaya Uchida as Sharo (Rikka in Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai), Saori Hayami as Aoyama (Yui in Kamigami No Asobi), Motomu Kiyokawa as Tippy (Fuyutsuki in Neon Genesis Evangelion), Sho Hayami as Takahiro (Tenzen in Basilisk), Rie Murakawa as Megu (Escha in Atelier Escha & Logy) and Sora Tokui as Maya (Nero in Tantei Opera Milky Holmes).

The opening theme itself is already filled with lots of moe and with lyrics like “pyon-pyon”, it gives you a taste of the moe-ness that is about to come. The lively song is called Daydream Café by Petite Rabbit’s which is actually the voices of the main quintet. The ending theme is Poppin Jump by Chimame-tai, basically the voices behind Chino, Maya and Megu (add the first syllables to get Chimame, geddit?). As usual, it has that fun bouncy feel to it like all animes of this genre should. Hearing it sometimes wants to make you shuffle your feet. Not forgetting its cute lyrics like “ra-ta-ta” too. Nichijou Decoration by Petite Rabbit’s is the special ending theme for the final episode and it sounds like a befitting moderate pop piece to end the series. I think at this point hardcore moe lovers would find goodbye to be the hardest word… Good things have to end one day… Even lolis grow up one day too! Haha! Fear that all you lolicons!

This anime and the genre itself is not for everyone. Literally, not going to be anyone’s cup of tea (or coffee). Having cute girls doing cute things with much ado about nothing is the same as watching Barney and Friends or Sesame Street. Only replace all puppet monsters with cute girls. If you want something that warms your heart and keep you smiling at the end of the day, try out this series. Provided if you have not succumbed to death by extreme moe asphyxiation or turned into a lolicon. Just remember to take your coffee simple without all that complicated terms that would take a rocket scientist to decipher. You don’t need all that complicated stuff to enjoy something simple, don’t you?