Black Clover part 2

20 February, 2021

Woah! Hold on a minute! It has been barely been a year and I decided to watch Black Clover again? From my last blog of this anime, I said that I wanted to lay off the series for a while since I’m not sure when this is going to really end. You know, let it accumulate some episodes first before I start my binge watching of the show again. That would’ve been the plan except that I found out (curse this curiosity of mine!) that the part where I left off, it has been a continuous affair of filler episodes! OMG! WTF?! Is this going to be like Naruto?! Because of that, I decided to do a little mini binge watching to see how far these filler episodes could go. Oh boy…

Welcome to the fillers…
Meet the Agrippas – Gordon returns home to his family so he could learn his family curses to help Asta. So yeah, all of them look alike and they could give the Adams family a run for their money. Halloween came early…

Untimely death – Noelle learns from Nozel that their mother’s death was not due to Noelle’s birth. There is an unspeakable curse for anyone who brings up this topic, the reason Nozel never told this to his siblings. Hence with his advice, Noelle talks to Dorothy in her dream world where the curse doesn’t reach. Apparently a devil named Megicula is the one responsible for Acier’s death and the nature of that curse would befall on those who speak of it.

Take a hearty trip – Learning that there is a huge curse source in the Heart Kingdom, Asta along with Noelle, Mimosa and Finral take a trip there. Wow. Such a beautiful magical place that coexists with nature. Until shortly upon arrival Asta is kidnapped to face off with the water spirit, Undine while the rest being shown the difference of their magic system while fighting against the spirit guardian named Gaja. Of course it’s all just to test them.

Queen Loropechika – The queen of Heart Kingdom. She has been cursed by Megicula for about a year. Hence she seeks Clover Kingdom’s help to defeat the said demon who is believed to be residing in the Spade Kingdom and controlling its citizens.

Arcane stage – The Heart Kingdom ranks magic from 1 to 9 with 1 being the highest and 9 the lowest. Being the best of the best is zero. So what can even top and go beyond that special S-class? Arcane stage. Yeah, that’s you, Asta. The reason Loropechika believes they have a chance to defeat Megicula because you need to be minimum stage 1 to at least have a chance of defeating a demon like that.

See you in 6 months – Apparently Loropechika’s curse means she has only about a year to live. Hence they need to get stronger in 6 months to invade Spade Kingdom. Okay then. Everybody start training to reach at least Magic Knight vice captain level!

Crushed diamond – Oh, what’s this? A lone guy from Spade Kingdom just crushed an army of the Diamond Kingdom? And Spade Kingdom has now invaded Diamond Kingdom? Oh well, we never cared much about those jerks anyway. Do we?

Rill feel – Rill spacing out ever since because he is in love with Charmy?! At least her mature version.

Riches to rags – Gueldre has been caught pillaging treasures from the Shadow Palace. Julius will pardon him if he uses all of those treasures to help rebuild Clover Kingdom. It’s not like he can say no, right?

Pay cut – In addition to help rebuild the nation, Julius proposes the Magic Knight captains take a pay cut of half their salary. Only Yami and Jack protest. Too bad majority wins. Don’t you just love democracy?

Hage Village revisited, again – Asta and Yuno take a trip back to Hage. Now a little local magic school has been built so our motivated young ones can learn magic and be like their idols like them.

Hotspring training revisited – Mereoleona whisks some of our Black Bull members to train with her Crimson Lion counterparts. However this time they won’t be running up the volcano but underneath it. This time there is a mutant spider that dwells and hides in a hidden dungeon and it is no ordinary spider since it is corrupted by some magic item. After defeating the spider and its golems, a room filled with treasures awaits them as well as an even better hotspring relaxation.

Life of the party – The Vermillion siblings hold an anniversary celebration for Theresa’s 15 years of nunnery. She is also Fuegoleon and Mereoleona’s teacher. Aside from the nice food and party tricks do, the siblings end up fighting due to embarrassing stuffs brought up from the past. And only Theresa could put her foot down and stop the entire mansion from being burnt down. Always forever their teacher.

Mixer revisited – In order for Finral to get over his ‘curse’ of flirting with just any hot chick, hence this ‘training’ of holding a mixer! What logic is that you ask? Well, this guy is trying to resist the temptation of flirting by doing everything the opposite. Yeah, how is he going to hold it in when 1 of them actually starts liking him! RESIST!!! And Noelle the worrywart waitress once more. Doesn’t it feel like a repeat of last time? Oh, on the other side, there’s Charlotte and Yami’s mixer too. Can Charlotte finally get close to dense Yami? As expected everything goes haywire and nothing really gets resolved. Oh well. At least the food is good.

Underwater temple revisited – Sorry to interrupt your seaside training, but looks like there’s trouble in the underwater temple. Due to mana disturbances, some sea creatures have become violent. Kahono and Kiato plan to head to the deepest void of the sea to sing and dance to calm the guardian of the sea. I guess this is to help showcase and focus on Noelle and Finral’s growth so yeah, fight through a bunch of fishmen and even the Kraken to reach the big whale guardian. Turns out it is pregnant and just gave birth. Hence all the sea creatures were just trying to protect it.

You are what eats you – Charmy needs to cook food that increases her comrades’ mana. So she goes on the usual impossible chef training. She returns to make food that turns into monsters and wants to eat you! Oh well, the only way you can defeat this is to eat it! Every single last bit! Eventually, it is not mana that she needs to put into her cooking but the smiles and happiness. Back to basics, chef 101.

Only the lonely – Gordon thinks he has become visibly weaker after relying on his friends. So he heads out on a journey alone to train by himself. Monkey stole his food and he almost gets killed by a wolf monster. Plus, his poison magic doesn’t work. He thinks he must have gotten really weak. Then he realizes that loneliness isn’t the cure. It is in fact the opposite, a poison. It is friends who helped him become stronger! Yes, he becomes friends with the wolf! Also, the wolf was also immune to all sorts of poison in the first place. When he returns home, he thought everyone is out to look for him. Turns out everyone is pigging out at a diner offering 90% discount! We’re going to surpass this!

Zora’s past, relived – Looks like a peasant kid has to fend off some arrogant noble kid. It could’ve been worse had not Zora stepped in. Because peasant kid feels disgraced for not being born as a noble, time for Zora to whip some life lessons to him. Zora also helps put arrogant noble kid and his dad in place after they accused peasant kid of stealing some magic item. So I guess the lesson is that anybody can be a Magic Knight if you really believe that you can.

Witches’ Forest revisited – Vanessa wants to learn magic from the witch queen as her training. However as a condition, she has to help train a couple of failures, Elvira and Samantha. Are they a splitting image of Noelle and Grey respectively in terms of personality? Anyway, they have to deal with some invading magical beasts and long story short, they manage to do and earn the praises of all the other witches. No more failures. Also, Vanessa changes her mind of learning magic from the witch queen. She’ll train herself to become stronger. Slowly but surely. I guess she’s trying to say if you want something done, do it yourself.

Must-test Sally – Julius recognizes Sally’s skills and wants her to make magic tools that will help increase mana. For that, Sally needs a bunch of data and test subjects. While Asta offers himself as promised, Sally wants to save the best for last. Hence she lures other Black Bull members and experiments on them. Boom! Oh well, back to the drawing board. At least she got the data. Eventually she also lives up to her promise to do experiments that won’t hurt others. So she just snips a small portion of Asta’s hair for her sample? Will that be enough?

Smart Alec-dora – Alecdora still despises Yuno for being a peasant but has gained merit due to his achievements against the Eye of the Midnight Sun. He tries to outshine him and prove himself useful to Vangeance but whether it is saving a village from violent wild boars or fighting off a mean bandit hogging a dungeon, it is Yuno who comes up tops. In the end, he may not still acknowledge Yuno but at least he recognizes him as a fellow member of Golden Dawn. We’re family, right?

Don’t trust the media – Remember how Asta was branded a devil’s servant by the Magic Parliament? Because Damnatio agreed to Julius’ conditions to wait until after 6 months to judge Asta, one of his men, Kabwe isn’t too happy about it. There are also a few people whose lives were totally destroyed by the Eye of the Midnight Sun and thanks to the news of Asta the devil, they too want to take the law into their own hands.

Devil Banishers – So apparently these people group together to kidnap the devil’s servants. I just have to say, should they have chosen a better garb and mask? Anyway, they first kidnap Marie. Next they target Asta and Nero. I know they were being ambushed but for them to go down like that, damn they need more training! Even more so Noelle who failed to stop them! But at least she thwarts their 100% kidnapping success as they only manage to get away with Nero.

Guilty until proven innocent – Gauche jumps the gun thinking Damnatio was the one who kidnapped Marie. So he storms into his place and demands answers. Thanks to Marx’s convenient magic, Damnatio’s memories prove him to be innocent. But I guess the punishment needs to be postponed till they rescue the hostages and defeat Devil Banishers.

You can’t save everybody – Arriving at the town of Tiulyu, Yami and Finral try to ask a woman, Dazu Tayak about whereabouts of Marie and Nero. However she didn’t answer them directly and throws back the question of why the Magic Knights didn’t come to save her family and town during the attack. I guess an apology isn’t enough.

Wild goose chase – Dazu who is a member of Devil Banishers, reports back about the appearance of Magic Knights in the vicinity. You mean nobody actually bothered to check Nero had a secret locator on her?! Damn, they’re sure careless. Anyway, they use the locator to lead the Magic Knights astray. Once the Magic Knights find out they’ve been bamboozled, they’ve lost all their leads. Time to regroup and re-strategize.

Good things come in threes – You’d think Devil Banishers who hate the devil so much would just kill the devil servants on the spot. The reason why they are holding off Nero and Marie’s execution is because they want to use them as bait to lure Asta. They’ll get better credit for executing all 3 at one go.

Who plays the better deception – A large crowd has gathered at the plaza to witness the execution of Nero and Marie. Since everyone here hates the Magic Knights, they’re calling for their heads. While the Magic Knights are in place getting ready to take necessary action, Devil Banishers use this to lure Asta out. Come out and they’ll spare the ladies’ life. You think Asta has no choice but to show himself but that’s just Grey in disguise. When Devil Banishers focus their attention on this fake Asta, the rest move in. It becomes chaotic with both sides fighting and the crowd fleeing. Although Asta did manage to follow Devil Banishers, he is made to surrender to secure the safety of the ladies. Kabwe wants to break protocol and execute all of them now because this is the only chance they’ll have. But some members are in disagreement and distraction allows Asta to save Marie. Devil Banishers retreat and Nero remains under their hands but they have also taken Asta’s grimoire. But as we all know that Asta doesn’t need a grimoire for his ‘magic’, right? Sheer raw power and steely ironed will determination of never giving up!

The devil you know – When the Magic Knight captains regroup to discuss another strategy, it seems a surprise call from Kabwe. Some of his men are taken out and the true twist is that some of their members are Devil Believers: Those who worship the devil and want to obtain its powers.

The deal with the devil – It is obvious that Devil Believers approached Kabwe and others from the Magic Parliament to use them to get info. It is most likely they now know about Megicula and are speculated to head over to the Spade Kingdom to make a deal with the devil to obtain its powers. So Nero is like the offer? Can a single soul be enough? However Devil Believers soon grow in numbers because countless people who are in despair and cornered see them as a ray of hope in getting out of the doldrums. Sure, having the powers of the devil is bad. But you won’t be afraid of anything and can do just about anything when you have that power, no?

All praise the (Demon) Lord – You think all those normal people in Devil Believers are going to gang up on Asta. Heck, they start prostrating themselves before Asta, their master!

Same ol’ revenge story – So Devil Believers want to cross into Spade Kingdom to obtain powers of the devil so that they can get revenge on Clover Kingdom who mocked and belittle them who have no or very little mana? I see they’re no better but what else could they do? Like, help make the kingdom a better place? NAH!!!

Take me! – As always, Asta wants to take Nero’s place. But it feels weird after they take him, they continue to bring Nero along. Perhaps it would be dangerous to let someone go in these dangerous parts of the mountains. It’s not like Nero could fly back or anything. So everybody is going to march to the Spade Kingdom anyway, huh?

Action speaks louder than words – If the people don’t want to listen to the Magic Knights, might as well see and watch them take down and ice monster and save all you asses. Now are you not convinced that not all Magic Knights are bad?

Words for the future – With just a little bit more oiling, using great words like promising to rid of discrimination and no one will be left behind, just like the all the followers decide to give them a chance and turn around and head home. Oh boy, it’s going to be a long journey back…

Exiled – However it is a different case for Dazu and the main members of Devil Believers. As they have kidnapped, ignited chaos and killed, they will be judged for their actions. Thankfully it won’t be an eye for an eye as Damnatio sentences them to be exiled from Clover Kingdom. So this means continuing their journey to Spade Kingdom? If they survive the strong magical barriers along the borders.

Take a look at me now – Grey tries to ask help from her fellow Black Bulls to train not to be embarrassed when people look at her. Your guess is as good as mine how it will eventually turn out. Ah well, as long Grey is Grey, that’s all that matters, right?

Fight of the best – I guess we’ve been waiting for this. A mini fight that pits all the Magic Knight captains against each other! But it’ll be a team battle. Yami-Jack-Kaiser-Nozel vs Vangeance-Charlotte-Dorothy-Fuegoleon. Rill sits this one out because he is still in love… What a waste. Anyway, we see the epic power fight between the captains. Eventually it is a draw because Yami’s dimension slashing slash slashed both team’s crystal. This fight has a major boost for everyone since it spurs others to grow stronger and the citizens can be assured they have powerful Magic Knights to protect them.

Magic Knights entrance exam revisited – Man, has it already been a year since Asta joined Black Bulls? Time sure flies. New candidates and hopefuls take the test to see if they can join any of the Magic Knight squads. In the end, looks like Black Bulls didn’t get any new members so Asta and Noelle remain the squad’s most junior members. No juniors for them. Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn’t that be Zora or Nero? Aren’t they the newest members? Unless you’re talking about age as a factor of seniority…

Specially selected – Due to limited training provisions, the Magic Knight captains nominated a handful of Magic Knights to train with the Heart Kingdom. The lucky ones are Asta, Nero, Noelle, Finral, Luck, Magna, Mimosa, Leopold, Rose and Rill (finally this guy decided to do something, huh?).

Decoration ceremony revisited – Once again it is that time to promote Magic Knights for their bravery defending Clover Kingdom. Those receiving many steps up their ranks are Sol, Mimosa and Leopold. But the biggest promotion goes to Yuno who puts him on the same rank as a vice captain level.

Ba-hah brouhaha promotion – Augustus who is unhappy with a peasant like Yuno getting the biggest promo, self-declares Sekke to be promoted to that same level, claiming he is the only guy who protected him during the attack. Well, some facts may be skewed but okay, you’re the boss.

This place isn’t big enough for 2 vice captains – Eventually this has to be settled. Langris vs Yuno. The loser must leave Golden Dawn. In the end, Langris loses but Yuno can tell that he was planning to lose from the start and use this as an excuse to leave Golden Dawn. However Langris laments that even when he got really serious halfway, he still couldn’t beat Yuno. A loss is a loss. Langris leaves on a journey but the door will always be open for him to return as a member of Golden Dawn.

Foodie traveller – So Charmy who wasn’t scheduled for the joint training is also at Heart Kingdom simply because she just wants to eat. I guess that’s her training…

Spiritual training – Our lucky participants now get to train with the Heart Kingdom’s spirit guardians. Other than Gaja and Undine, others include Sarado (earth – salad what?), Potrof (plants – pot roast what?), Floga (fire – frogger what?), Smurik (wind – Smurf freak what?).

Let the anti-magic flow through you – All Asta needs is just feel the flow of the anti-magic to pull off his trump card. Can he do it? Of course he can! He’s going to need it for the upcoming battle.

Buff stuff – OMFG!!! I know 6 months of training might sound like a long time but WTF, Asta is now buff like hell!!! Like a blob of muscles! I don’t think it’s the clothes making him look big… And so to show the results of his training, we see him barging straight into Spade Kingdom’s mobile fortress and owning all those low level guards. Yeah, those despicable assholes using the mana of their own people to power the fortress to get through the strong magic region. Think twice before you want to pick a fight with Mr Muscles!

The invasion from Spade in spades begins…
Dark Triad – The big bad rulers (Dante, Zenon and Vanica) of Spade Kingdom and yes, they have the power of the devils. Basically your final level bosses.

Dark Disciples – Those insanely strong weirdoes who serve under Dark Triad. Basically sub-bosses.

The real prince, you know – Not too long ago, Spade Kingdom was a peaceful place under the House of Grinberryall. Until of course Dark Triad overthrew the kingdom and took over. And guess who the real heir to the throne is? Yup. YUNO!

Back to the past – The messenger has Yuno see the past of his royal family. It’s easier to show than to tell, right? Everyone celebrates the birth of Yuno (who seemed to cry a lot back then). But all that peace shattered when the Zogratis siblings (Dark Triad as they will come to be known) who once worked under the king started to betray the king and take over the kingdom. The king’s loyal servant took Yuno away and fled to Clover Kingdom whereby he put Yuno at the doorsteps of the church before going back to take out the pursuers along with himself.

Attack at dawn – Looks like Zenon and a couple of his Dark Disciples are here attacking Golden Dawn’s HQ. While Dark Disciples kick every one of Golden Dawn’s ass, making the best Magic Knight squad in the kingdom look like babies, Zenon is looking for the arcane stage mage: Vangeance.

Solid as a rock – Yuno’s rock solid power of nakama has him cut through Gaderois Godroc’s solid rock power.

Cut like the wind – With the help of Yuno’s distraction, Klaus and Letoile manage to locate Foyal Migusteau and strike him down.

Got a bone to pick with you – Yuno gets really mad when he sees Zenon owning Vangeance and the rest of his pals. But what can you do when you’re angry? Plus, Zenon gives him a little peak of his devil power. Scary…

End of the dawn – Oh sh*t! Yuno and all other Golden Dawn members dead?! OMFG!!!! Say it isn’t so!!! Thank goodness for Vangeance’s world tree somehow saving some of them. But unfortunately only half can be saved and those like Shiren and Hamon are dead… :’(.

Taking the bull by its horns – Dante attacks Black Bulls’ base since he wants to get Yami who is also of arcane stage. Since he is away for a meeting, he plays about with those left behind. I guess after all that training, Asta still has a long way to go since he gets owned like that. Gotta be fair, he is facing off with a Dark Triad who is in possession of a very high ranking devil. Of course he won’t give up. Thanks to Vanessa’s Rouge altering fate, our heroes barely survive by the skin of their teeth.

Oh gosh, oh Gauche! – Dante kills off Gauche so as to awaken all the hatred and negative emotions in Asta. Time again for Asta to lose himself as he partially transforms into a demon and goes on a rampage. Cocky Dante avoids everything until Asta manages to put a little slice on his face. You mad now? Isn’t this what you wanted?

Almost Cinderella story – We take a glimpse back into Grey’s past. Just like Cinderella, mother and her sisters hate her for being plain and ugly. Yup, your excuse to abuse her. So when she manages to use her transformation magic to transform into one of them, they hate her for that?! She runs away and almost gets assaulted by bandits, only to be saved by Gauche. Thanks to his advice to survive in his rotten world, Grey works hard to overcome her shyness. She has a gratitude for Gauche and that’s why she can’t let him die. And so her transformation magic also heals?! OMG! What’s this about Grey being arcane stage too?!

Battle of the darkness – Just in time since Asta gets done in, here comes Yami to fight and protect his clan members. So who is the biggest devil? Yami vs Dante. In the end, OMG Yami defeats Dante?! Is this too soon?! Too good to be true, Dante’s got some devil healing properties.

Tree of Qliphoth – Apparently to create this tree, you need dark magic and world tree magic at arcane stage. That’s you, Yami and Vangeance. Doing so means opening the gates to underworld and all the demons will flood this world and fill it with their malice. Creepy…

At the heart of the battle – Looks like Vanica leads some of her Dark Disciples to attack Heart Kingdom.

As fast as lighting – Luck becomes a super quick lightning spear himself to pierce through Dark Disciple, Svenkin Gatard.

Hunger for victory – You think Dark Disciple’s Halbet Chevour’s beauty could assure her victory. Unfortunately for her, Charmy’s big glutton appetite means she eats her up. Hardly beautiful but I guess function > aesthetics.

Keep your eyes peeled – Because Dark Disciple’s Sivoir Snyle keeps all his focus on Leopold, he didn’t see the bigger picture that he had made some big fire ring wall whatever around them. Safe to say, he got burnt to a crisp.

Lack Cover…
Ugh… I think that’s it for me now binge watching this series. I’m officially stopping at episode 164. Because I believe they’re getting back on track to the real story and proper canon arc this time. So once again, for the second time I’m going to stave off this series for a while and tend to my other animes and let the episodes at least for this arc to accumulate before (hopefully) watching them at my own pace. Sheesh. I hope that they’ll continue to make this current arc a continuous affair and not put in a slew of filler arcs like what they did to Bleach. Uh huh. I can still remember that atrocity while watching that show (although I don’t remember much of the stories), the gall of having them to stop things right in the midst of an important story arc and insert an alternate filler story arc by its own. I really hope it won’t amount to that for this series. Otherwise, oh dear, another binge watching session for me! Don’t even know why I’m so obligated to this series even though I’m not a big fan…

So you see, the reason for that fear of mine is that despite the current arc is now beginning to take off in the anime, on the manga side it had already begun at the end of 2019! Woah. That’s like over more than a year. Well, if you compared it to this point in time. By the time the anime adaptation of the Reincarnation Arc has finished, there wouldn’t be enough materials to cover for this current chapter at all. Hence it would be very awkward then to have this series to insert filler episodes right when this arc in the manga was still ongoing. By the way, this arc in the manga is still currently ongoing and who knows how long it will take and I also fear by that time the anime adaptation would have caught up and, you’ve guessed it, let’s take a little break for fillers! Yeah, I’m not going to tolerate that sh*t anyhow! But from the looks of it, I’m quite sceptical. I mean, I took a quick count of the chapters of this arc the anime has adapted to where the chapter now is in the manga. Oh dear… Unless they take a break due to Corona virus (like how they did back in mid-2020) as an excuse to have the manga cover more ground. It will be a shame if that happens. And even more shame if it just ends like that because of such reasons. Oh well, can’t give up! This anime is too popular to be given up that easily! Am I right?!

Anyway, back to this season of filler episodes, well, I can’t say I am too impressed with them. They’re mostly there too, you know, fill up the space. They are mostly silly, light-hearted and of course having the important component of that nakama-ism thingy especially when you have the Black Bulls as the main character group of the series. It’s a pretty standard affair. They don’t really have a real bearing on the main storyline nor do I see it will greatly impact on the main canon arc. If it did, it would just be very minor. Some characters get some screen time because this series has too many of them so it’s like they need to remind us that they still exist or somewhat still important and hence they get this spotlight in this episode for whatever shenanigans. I’m sure we all had a good time. Now can we move on to the next big thing and not waste our time further? Says me, a guy who spends most of his time watching so many animes…

Okay, okay, to be a bit fair, not all of the filler episodes were boring or just outright funny for the sake of being funny. The Devil Banishers Arc was a little interesting and something timely since all the episodic fillers were really going nowhere. So having a mini arc like this gives us the much needed reminder that this series is still interesting to watch if they have the right story and direction to move. Though, the arc was bittersweet it still falls short of being epic as some of the other main canon arcs.

Even though I said that the fillers don’t impact on the main storyline, there are some things that seemed that have changed and stayed permanent that way. For example, Gordon now doesn’t whisper in his soft inaudible voice. Now he talks normally! Yeah, it would be a pain each time we have to rely on ‘subtitles’ to guess his mumbling! Oh the irony. I guess if you want to make friends, you yourself have to move forward so it’s a good step that he is now speaking clearer. There’s going to be a new running joke about Finral trying to get over his flirting ways as he tries to psycho himself that Finesse is his only fiancée. Good luck. Then there is Dorothy who doesn’t sleep as long as she was before and I think she has been awake longer this time around than she was than at the end of Reincarnation Arc. And also not forgetting Nozel must have been putting up the greatest poker face because he doesn’t really hate Noelle and could be a siscon for all we know! Not forgetting Langris now no longer a stuck up jerk and this change could do him a lot of good. But the biggest change that I’m still trying to get used to is the fact that Asta is so freaking stout and muscular! Damn, he looks so weird especially at certain angles! Like a midget brimming with muscles! Really, this is going to take a lot more episodes for me to familiarize and overwrite my memory of how Asta used to look like.

Other new stuffs include new seiyuus joining the long list of casts for this anime and these include Kana Ueda = Undine, Dante = Rikiya Koyama, Tatsuhisa Suzuki = Zenon, Yui Ogura = Vanica (surprised! Not a loli role!), Yuu Serizawa = Loropechika, Ryoutarou Okiayu = Gaja and Himika Akaneya = Dazu. Also a bunch of new opening and ending themes that include Stories by Snow Man (eleventh opening – typical rock outfit), Eien Ni Hikare by Tomorrow X Together (twelfth opening – if it sounds like a typical K-pop that’s because the band is one), Grandeur by Snow Man (thirteenth opening – now with more added hip hop power!), Answer by Kaf (eleventh ending – a ballad so dramatic it sounds almost suffocating and Elmo!), A Walk by Gakuto Kajiwara (twelfth ending – WTF?! Asta singing sounds so different?! Anyway, another rock piece) and Beautiful by Treasure (thirteenth ending – dubstep pop?).

And of course, there are many things that still don’t change and remain the same such as Noelle being a total tsundere and using that same ol’ excuse she is a royalty as some sort of justification for her actions or behaviour. Gauche still a Marie siscon, Grey still shy about looking people in the eye, Charmy still a glutton, Vanessa still drinking in her undies and yeah, Yami still spending most of his time in the toilet, probably taking the biggest dump record ever! Please don’t kill me… And Augustus still the most hated character ever in the series. Perhaps even more hated than all the antagonists put together and you just want this guy to just drop dead! Then Sekke doesn’t have to suck up to him and be his balls carrier! On a trivial note, is it me or is the Petit Clover segment way less during these fillers? I guess they don’t want to do double fillers. The main segment already you have a filler and then in the Petit Clover you have a short chibi filler. Some episodes do have them and I guess that is only to fill up the remaining time slot. That’s what this segment is all about in the first place, right?

Overall, I’m still not giving up on this anime yet! The fillers might be a let-down but that is only if you compared them to the proper stories. Its entertainment value as good as you can see because that’s what you’ll also get. It’s not bad but it isn’t all that great. Heh. Basically, a borderline case for me. I mean, this series has the potential to go on forever like One Piece, Detective Conan and Boruto (formerly Naruto…) or perhaps find some sort of closure or at least ending anime wise like Fairy Tail or Gintama. Who knows what the future will hold. As long as you don’t give up, the possibilities are always there! Heh. Okay people, I’ve had my fun filled share of appetizers. Now give me the main course! With the devil’s luck, maybe I’ll even get my desserts and eat them too. See you in (insert day, month, year or any specific time you like here)!

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