Maoujou De Oyasumi

21 February, 2021

I have been spending too much of my time watching animes till late at night and into the wee hours of the morning. Oh yeah. Anime is my life. But I still need to get some good night’s rest if I am to continue this great passion of mine. So can an anime about sleeping help? Just kidding. Anyway, Maoujou De Oyasumi is about a princess who has been captured by demons as hostage. With so much time on her hands as a captive, what is the best thing to do? Why, get some shut eye and forty winks! It’s the best way to past the time while the heroes set forth their journey to save her. And when she goes to sleep, I mean, she is going to do all it takes to get that good night beauty sleep of hers. Nobody is going to stop her. Not even the big bad demon captors. Damn, this princess is having better sleep quality than I do!

Episode 1
In a time when humans and demons coexisted peacefully, one day the Demon King abducted the kingdom’s princess, Syalis and demanded the rulers to hand over the lands to him in exchange for her return. With the people in despair, a young hero named Akatsuki became a hero as he mounted a quest to rescue her. But for now, we see Syalis being held hostage in the Demon King’s castle. She is furious she can’t fall asleep fast like in her own castle! She thinks it’s the pillow and decides to make a better one. By killing a couple of cute teddy bear demons?! Nah. Just shave their fur. Because of her good brushing, in exchange they let her out whenever she calls them as they have the key. Hence, Syalis walking around the castle freely looking for items to create her pillow! The security here is sure bad. She upgrades her pillow and falls asleep. When the Demon King learns about this and decides to go talk to her, seeing her in her slumber state, maybe he’ll talk to her tomorrow. When she wakes up, she realizes she has bed marks on her face. Realizing the sheets are of bad quality, you bet she’s going to make some. Thanks to a scissors magician monster, she manages to get some scissors and of course goes around cutting cloaks of other beings to find that best sheet. Yeah, she had to kill some sheet monster for it. The Demon King heard about this again and once more goes to talk to her. Aww… See her sleeping so soundly. Just put it off till tomorrow… Later Syalis realizes the place is too noisy to sleep. So again she goes off herself to find the ultimate bed. She gets lost in the armoury and accidentally activates a wind shield. Its floating mechanism makes a great bed but the shield itself is too heavy. She just needs the ornament. Hence she uses a diamond monster to hit it out!!! And what’s this about the Demon King talking about how powerful but fragile this shield is to fight against the hero? Syalis doesn’t give a f*ck and destroys it! Got what she wanted. On her way back, she slips on a slime and falls into a lava! OMG! She’s dead! Now she can sleep forever! However she is revived by a demon cleric in a demon church! WTF, do such words exist in the same sentence?! At first Syalis is appalled waking up in a coffin. But realizing its potential, she uses the cleric’s horns to make it smoother and the slime to wax it nicely! Then putting her sheets, she tucks in nicely into the coffin. Sound proof! The monsters carry the coffin back to her cell. Time for the Demon King to talk to her again. Oh… Sleeping soundly… Tomorrow then? He is starting to regret abducting the wrong princess because how can one sleep so soundly in his demon castle?!

Episode 2
While the Demon King continues to torment Akatsuki and his men lost in his labyrinth, here we see Syalis trying to climb up to reach the phoenix nest?! It all began when she realized a bug bit her during her sleep. Stupid bugs. This cell has so many open spaces. Need mosquito nets. So she kills the sheet monsters, steals the stamp cat’s boots to walk on the walls and starts climbing up the pole. When the Demon King learns about it, he thinks she is trying to use the egg to help the hero since it has healing properties. Stop her at all costs! When the monster army rushes in to do so, suddenly they get confused when she just ties the string around the top and returns to her room. Yeah, now the mosquito net is ready. And her bug bite got healed by a drop. Now she can sleep in peace. And the monster trooper is demoralized… When the demon council is having a meeting on a sleeping potion, Syalis waltzes in to just take it!!! OMFG! Brutal! Of course they took it back so she wanders off and found a new sleeping place. Poison mushrooms? Dead! The cleric reports this to the Demon King. Looks like he is reviving her at least once a week! Yeah, just last week she got killed by the thunder dragon for trying to use its electricity to heal her sore joints! The cleric even tried to lecture her in valuing her life! When Syalis tries to disguise herself to steal the sleeping potion in the treasury, she is stopped by Great Red Siberian. He has been observing all her violations and now it’s the time to make his move since she made her hundredth. Of course Syalis plays dumb, pissing him off. Back at her cell, he is appalled with all the stuffs she accumulated! How many sheet monsters did she kill?! Oh well, they get revived, right? He confiscates them all and starts lecturing about rules and respecting the ruler but you know, she just got sleepy and falls asleep. Then she realizes his fur is such a nice fluffy place to doze off. And before you know it, she’s sleeping on him! In the end, as Great contemplates to cut his fur to counter Syalis, it looks like the Demon King is VERY against it. DO. NOT. CUT. THEM.

Episode 3
Grimoires are powerful books that demons fear. That’s why they lock it up. But Syalis needs to read a grimoire to fall asleep! And so she sneaks into the library to read one. Super boring! But isn’t that supposed to make her fall asleep? Nope. Yeah, it’s draining her magic health instead… Thinking she needs to read a more powerful one, she accidentally activates all the right combinations of switches to reach the ultimate grimoire. Its spirit, Alazif is grateful and will serve her. So take him and let’s escape this castle. What do you mean she’s not interested?! Not even learning any magic?! When she learns he has a spell to cast everyone in the castle to sleep, she learns it from him. Soon everyone falls asleep. Except herself. Yeah, it would be redundant if the caster falls asleep, right? Syalis is so frustrated but eventually she gets her sleep using the grimoire as her pillow. Yeah… Next time, because of that bad sleeping posture, she needs to press her pressure points to sleep better. She tries to find monsters who can do that. Keeping in mind what Great said about making a ruckus, she tries to be a little discreet. Yup, she tells the monsters to touch her! OMFG! Monsters run away, leaving Syalis confused. She even sees the cleric and he too faints! What’s wrong with these monsters? Finally she stumbles into the Demon King. She takes him by his hand and leads him to her bed. Please touch me here. Demon King thinks this is some opportunity and starts pressing. She falls asleep instantly. Nothing else happens. But his subordinates saw everything. Pervert… Syalis wakes up realizing she has been lacking sunlight ever since she got here. Noticing the distant enchanted forest has some light, she makes her way there. Yeah, the demons are so sure she can’t escape but with all the items in her room, she makes it there! Worse, the Demon King realizes that is where he kept his most powerful weapon. This sword is the light source it seems. Could it be Syalis wants to steal it and rendezvous with the hero? Get her back! By the time the monsters arrive and before they could start planning, Syalis walks back to her cell with the sword. Man, everybody so confused. She uses the sword as a mini night lamp to sleep and morning sunrise. Good sword. And everybody still so confused…

Episode 4
Syalis is complaining her bathtub is too small! She hits it until it breaks! Needing a bigger bathtub in her cell to sleep in while she bathes, she waltzes straight into the demons’ communal bathing area! Oh sh*t! She hijacks the pipe all the way back to her cell! But she has no tub. Oh, this dangerous inflammable rocket turtle is passing by… She lights its fuse… KABOOM! Now she has the shell as a huge tub and free flowing hot water! Now she can comfortably sleep! With the scorching summer, it is so hot and you’ve guessed it, Syalis complaining there is no air-cond. She learns there are ice golems outside protesting against the magma denizens and demanding for cooler temperatures. Hence she is going to the ice area to get some ice back. But knowing it is too cold to carry back, she kills a tyre golem to wear it as insulation! As she enters the ice area, the ice demons mistake her for their captain and take her to the stage to plan their uprising against the magma counterparts. Since they will do anything, Syalis has them do stuffs that would turn her cell into a cool igloo. Yeah, whatever stupid reasons those demons think of, she’ll go with it! Heck, Syalis even kills the real captain when he is coming in! Lastly, she tells them to obey the princess. But why? Because in actually she is going to be the next Demon King! OMFG! LIES!!! And so those stupid ice demons turn her cell into an igloo so she can sleep comfortably… Syalis accidentally uses an item that shrinks her to baby size. As she finds it hard to return to her cell to sleep. She tricks the nearby monsters to carry her back. It could have been the best plan but other monsters feel they want to touch and hold a human baby! This would prove troublesome so Syalis tears out the porcupine demon’s spikes and throw it to those who dare to touch her! Before she could go back to her cell, here comes the ‘floor bosses’ of the Demon King, Great and the cleric. Mission ends… Then everyone starts cuddling and touching her. But this has a surprising effect since it makes her tired and sleep. Oh well. She’ll make do. And everybody please be quiet… Don’t wake up the cute sleeping baby, okay… Shhh!

Episode 5
With the female demon unit returning from battle, the monsters think Syalis won’t be alone anymore. Oh yeah? She’s thinking of finding a great comforter to sleep with. Harpy wants to be friends with Syalis but it seems the latter totally ignores her. Until she really makes it clear her intention, Syalis is only attracted because of her feathers! Oh dear… Can’t pluck it off. It’ll ruin the nice feathers. Hence Syalis wants to be her friend only because to use her feathers as comforter. Yeah, this pyjamas party sucks… And later Syalis has the gall to blame the small bed for not sleeping well! Isn’t it her sleeping posture? Harpy is in a dilemma to reveal the castle’s darkest secret and be her friend. With Syalis looking more and more disappointed, Harpy eventually reveals the castle’s top that contains magic clouds. Cool. How will they get there? Harpy will fly her up there! Oh sh*t. I don’t know how but they did it. It’s a good thing her legs are still intact. Syalis loves the soft clouds and starts falling asleep. At this point Harpy wonders if she is only being used and Syalis never intended to be her friend. But what’s this? Syalis cutting up a huge chunk of the clouds? But why? So that they could sleep together! Oh man, that seals the deal. We’re best friends! Yeah. Now fly both Syalis and the huge cloud back down to her cell. Thankfully, her legs are still intact… And they both have the best sleep ever. Next day when Harpy says she will come here on a daily basis, Syalis returns the cloud to the Demon King! Solitude > friendship. The Demon King and his council members discuss the hero’s progress. But WTF is Syalis doing in this meeting blowing her vuvuzela?! Apparently she’s bored and she won’t sleep well if she’s bored. Great kicks her out and it is obvious that she has that very sad look on her face. Don’t. Be. Fooled. Except for Neo Alraune who pities Syalis for being abducted and confined all alone. Time to show her Syalis’ true nature. They show a camera surveillance of what Syalis is doing now. She is cutting down a tree who is Alraune’s brother. Damn, she’s sawing him like nobody’s business! Noticed how the tree is getting smaller and smaller? What do you think of Syalis now, Alraune? Eventually Syalis cuts him down just to make a log bed. Brother doesn’t feel pain? Syalis being eco-friendly? Any more excuses? Yeah, Syalis throws away all the other logs just for 1 lousy log she wants. Then she returns to sleep on her bed. You convinced now, Alraune? Looks like an apology is due…

Episode 6
Syalis accidentally spills drink on her comforter. Needing a clean one so she can sleep peacefully, you bet she is going to find a way to rid the stain. Meanwhile the Demon King summons his council to discuss the hero getting lost and wounded. At this rate he won’t reach the castle and it will be pointless because his goal is to let the hero level up so he could defeat him. That is when his subordinates tell of some great fountain to heal his wounds as well as some magnetic spear to lead him here. Then there’ll be some giant robot he will face and meet his ultimate defeat. And you’ve pretty much guessed it, Syalis stumbles into the fountain, uses it to wash the comforter, takes the spear as its holder and then hook it up to the robot to dry. The robot malfunctions and spins! Spin dry action! Explode! But her comforter is so clean! The Demon King and his men go see this only to see destruction and Syalis sleeping soundly in the midst of all the destruction. WTF just happened… Subsequently Syalis is punished… No juice for a week?! That’s it?! With the cold wind of autumn and winter here, Syalis needs to make warm woollen pantsu to keep her lower half warm. Because she remembers mother’s words not to say that embarrassing word, hence she tries all sorts of communications when other demons ask her. Of course this means they misinterpret her words. In the end, they think she is going to sever demon heads as a sacrifice to communicate with the cosmos that will make a weapon to destroy this castle in 2 seconds! As they try to find the Demon King, Syalis has completed her pantsu and accidentally unveils a secret weapon the Demon King has made for the hero. It is a hideous giant puppet of Syalis? So this would somehow lead the hero here? Other demons see it and get scared, thinking this is the weapon Syalis made. It is no wonder everyone that night is in uproar, rallying to fight back against the princess! But she’s sleeping so soundly in her cell… When the Demon King is overworked, he collapses right outside Syalis’ cell. She learns if he dies, the castle crumbles. This means her nice bed will also be destroyed! She is going to put him to sleep like singing a lullaby. Is she singing a curse?! Other various forms that would’ve put her to bed didn’t work. She thinks as a Demon King, more extreme measures are needed. From zapping him with the thunder dragon to dropping him from the highest point and forcing him to drink poison, ARE YOU SURE SHE ISN’T TRYING TO KILL HIM?! Then she remembers one of mother’s methods: Patting one’s head. She does so and the Demon King soon falls asleep. She too shortly after. Should they be sleeping buddies?

Episode 7
The kidnapped princess gets kidnapped! From the kidnapped letter, it is from Hades who was the previous Demon King and he intends to use Syalis to defeat the hero and reclaim his throne again. Of course all Syalis needs to do as usual is to sleep but the pillow is so damn hard! Oh well. Time to go make a nicer one. The Kerberos triplets start taunting her but she throws a bomb and threatens for materials! As Hades contacts the Demon King and dares his team to come steal Syalis back if they dare, everyone sees Syalis sneaking up behind Hades and trying to tear his robe for her materials! Damn, they’re rooting for her until she is successful! Hades doesn’t even suspect a thing! And Syalis returns with a nice pillow to sleep on. Later, she realizes her room is a dump and needs to find a better place to sleep. While wandering around the castle, she stumbles into Suima who is researching on sleeping methods. You bet she wants to learn from this sleeping master! He talks about using some trap plates to turn into fuzzy fur. Syalis learns fast and destroys all the traps around it to create her own sleeping plate! OMG. This princess is talented! Now she can sleep anywhere! As the Demon King and his council mount a rescue mission, so they’re going to bring along all the nice comfy stuffs to lure Syalis back? Well, okay. So they barge into Hades’ castle like madmen and Hades thinks they are scared of him when in actual fact they are frantically trying to call out to Syalis to return to them. Meanwhile Syalis is going around the castle, destroying stuffs and stealing them as her sleeping materials. The Demon King and his men face off with Hades. But before the fight could start, they see Syalis flying away. Looks like there is no better sleeping place than the Demon King’s. Hence everyone abandons their fight with Hades to go chase Syalis. Yeah, it makes their goal of coming all the way here redundant. Now they have to follow her all the way back. And since it’s a long journey home, this is a good moment for Syalis to fall asleep. And it’s so good to be ‘home’ once again because more comfy sleeping as always.

Episode 8
One of Akatsuki’s comrades uses a rare spell to open a portal to where Syalis is. However only a hand can fit through. Thus as Syalis sleeps, Akatsuki’s hand keeps poking her head!!! The spell wears off so they think they have to get closer to the castle to cast it again. So while the Demon King is having a meeting with his council that the hero is nearing them, Syalis waltzes into the meeting and won’t leave until they hear about her nightmare! Apparently she dreams of her childhood friend who is no other than Akatsuki. Unfortunately she doesn’t remember much about this guy and only has bad memories. It isn’t that Akatsuki is a bad person, she often bore the brunt of his clumsiness. But all those accidents weren’t the nightmarish part. It is actually when she was told Akatsuki would be her fiancé! Imagine all the demons are shocked! With Syalis getting this off her chest, she can now sleep peacefully. While Akatsuki and his team face off with Fire Venom Dragon at the volcano, looks like Syalis has a cavity! Yeah, she’s acting like she’s going to die. They bring her to the cursed dentist but she puts up a struggle in not wanting to be operated on. Because of this, rumours spread fast that she might be terminally ill and will explode when dies?! Yeah, everybody now watching this big operation. It seems Syalis insists in not wanting them to peek in her mouth. Except for teddy. How the f*ck are they going to extract her tooth?! Don’t know how but it lasted 8 hours. Finally got it out. So tiring. It is revealed that she is shy about her shorter than average tongue, the reason she doesn’t want others peeking into it. So tired that she falls asleep. Then they realize they should’ve just operated on her while sleeping! CURSES!!! After 3 days, Fire Venom Dragon lost and although he survived, his powers are sealed. But how did he lose when he was given tons of special items? It seems they were all swapped out! While it may sound premature to blame it all on Syalis, slowly the rest realize they were the ones at fault for accidentally swapping it or misplacing the item! Oh sh*t. Better pin the blame on Syalis anyway. Fire Venom Demon is so mad and wants to confront her but the liars try to hold him back. Let’s accept our loss today, okay? And Syalis remains sound asleep…

Episode 9
Syalis watching a human shopping channel? They can receive such channel? Anyway, it advertises a cool waterbed! You bet she wants it. She makes a call. Only… They can’t delivery because they don’t know where the demon castle is! She breaks the phone! Oh sh*t! Her only choice is to make it herself. Meanwhile, the Demon King and his council members are discussing about Syalis’ reign of freedom. They decide to train her to be a hostage and by that they mean ignoring her. All goes well as Syalis is puzzled of their ignorance as she roams around as usual. However because they don’t want to hurt her, they still go along with her! Yeah, Syalis putting them on her leash and taking them for a walk?! So when the demons argue among themselves and Syalis overheard them ignoring her, they spot tears in her eyes! Actually she was just yawning. Hence they offer whatever she wants as she completes her waterbed. Syalis’ mission success! Demons’ mission failed! Desperate times calls for desperate measures as the Demon King seeks Hades’ suggestion. He suggests putting her to work since she has too much freedom. Hence they give her a month’s worth of paperwork. However Syalis is not distraught. In fact this was the norm back home. So she rolls up her sleeve and starts doing it. Because a princess can’t sleep if she can’t finish her work! Damn, is her normal life this dark? This has the other demons in shock as they start pitying her and even want to help out. You mean this report of researching the best demon skin? BETTER NOT! She finally finishes and all that hard work makes her sleep even more worth it. And the Demon King and the rest are still in shock. Though, the work quality is still questionable… When human bandits are caught, the Demon King thinks of putting them in his castle’s prison to show Syalis what it’s like to be a proper hostage. So they let Syalis see the fearful humans living and paltry conditions of the dungeon. Note, that she is different because she gets special treatment. Otherwise this is the norm. Yeah, Syalis looking so shocked. So when they tell her to act like a proper hostage, at first the bad acting was still enough to hurt the demons (human hostages as observe fear demons and tell them to go away). Then as she gets real good in it, this actually mentally hurts the Demon King and his council members! In the end, they prefer to return to normal so Syalis thinks her acting as a hostage was correct that they want her to act as normal again. Yeah, she’s going to show them her uninhibited hostage life by sleeping! Next time Syalis is reprimanded for whatever wrongdoing, she uses this hostage act to her advantage. Is this a successful failure for the demons?

Episode 10
As expected, there is something Syalis wants. However this item is only available in the human world. And so she breaks out from the castle! Demon King thinks she’ll be back. But when a message she left says she’ll be heading to the human world, time to press the panic button. Everyone capture the princess! Oh damn, Syalis can traverse the dangerous lands with ease and is a fast runner! In the end, a simple bed trap actually captures her. Bringing her back, they learn that she saw from the human shopping channel a special massaging pillow she wants. Demon King lectures her (concerned for her?) and how demons and humans are enemies. So Syalis suggests coming to the human world with her. That’ll be alright, right? Because she knows they’re all good people. Damn, having a change of heart now? Then it’s decided. We’ll go tomorrow since there’ll be a sale and she’s not going to miss it. Damn… And so Syalis heads back to her own kingdom with Demon King, Great and the cleric. Yeah, their disguise, is it Halloween time? Looks like the place is lively. Is it carnival time. With the pillow on sale, there is a long queue to it. Better start lining up. After 4 hours into it, looks like the Demon King queued in the wrong line. Up to you noobs now. When it is Syalis’ turn, she is fast asleep! OMG. How are they going to get the money?! Not sure how but they did. They thought of resting up before heading back but they are broke. Then night falls, it is the fireworks display. The queue the Demon King lined up for was actually VIP seats for the fireworks. Syalis has them enjoy the food and show. Also, she wants to test the new pillow! Of course she can’t sleep with all the fireworks noise. Syalis points out to all the mean demon slaughtering symbols the fireworks make. She even suggests the demons should make one to kill humans! But Demon King is reluctant because the conflict wouldn’t end. Humans and demons will always fight each other. The demons then realize perhaps Syalis was trying to stall because she just returned home. Surprisingly, Syalis says to return home. Yeah, no place like home? And so all of them teleport home with Syalis fast asleep on her pillow. It’s vibrating so hope they don’t chant the wrong spell. Later Syalis gives the pillow to the teddies since they’ve been lining up for days to use it, rendering all their effort futile…

Episode 11
Harpy invites Syalis to a pyjamas party. You bet she wants to attend so she can sleep through it! Uhm… I don’t think that’s how a pyjamas party work… Anyway, she lacks knowing anything else about is. So she goes to sleep with the Demon King as practice! Oh sh*t! She also makes him research about it and one of them being talking about love. So when she asks him about demons and humans in love, the cleric just walks right in to hear this. He misinterprets the whole situation and tries to kill the Demon King?! Syalis realizes the pyjamas party needs liveliness. Then she falls asleep… However it gets too noisy so she realizes it is not for her. Hence she rejects Harpy’s invitation! So sad… Sakkyun the succubus tries to have fun with others but is largely ignored. But when is mistaken for looking closely like Syalis, she realizes she needs to be like the princess so she can be famous like her. Hence she goes to learn from her to boost her appeal. Of course Syalis misinterprets this and thinks she wants to be her body double! The start of misunderstandings… Since Sakkyun is such a dumb girl, she doesn’t understand why Syalis gives her Spartan training to be strong. Scary. From breaking out of the cell to stealing ingredients, are you sure this is the way to become popular?! Finally, the last lesson must have her not afraid of death! Oh sh*t! Syalis going to push her into the lava! Don’t kill me! A struggle ensues and so happen Syalis is the one who falls in. Yeah. There is nothing more she can teach you. Of course Syalis revives but now Sakkyun finds herself running away from Syalis who has taken a liking for her body double. This isn’t the kind of popularity she’s talking about! Syalis walks into an important meeting just to say she couldn’t sleep well for the past few days and wants them to find out why! WTF?! Who the hell she thinks she is?! Oh, she’s asleep. But it looks like she is having nightmares. They have Suima diagnose her situation and it looks like somebody is using a spell to enter her dreams. They peek into her dreams and see Akatsuki chasing her down! Oh sh*t! The hero?! Syalis doesn’t like him and tries many times to kill him but Akatsuki always comes back laughing like an idiot, thinking she is playing it rough! Finally the demons connect the dots: Akatsuki is Syalis’ fiancé! They then realize Akatsuki has that spell because Syalis were signing her autographs on those magic paper for the teddies. One of them ended up in Demon King’s hands and when he went to warn Akatsuki, it must have fell off. So they manage to collect back all the magic paper. Now she is sleeping easier. Phew. As apology, they leave her a cake to eat when she wakes up.

Episode 12
Syalis writes a letter to Santa. Of course the Demon King will not allow her wish to come true as he secretly reads her letter: She wants to go home. Oh sh*t. Is she homesick? Emergency meeting! As they try to discuss this, Syalis barges in because her letter is missing! Pretend to not know! Eventually it is revealed she wants to return home to get a pair of woollen panties so she can sleep comfortably. So after weighing in the pros and cons, I guess it is better to go and get it. But they’ll just go and come back straight, okay! The Demon King and the cleric only accompany Syalis as they sneak back into the kingdom. Yeah, Syalis getting distracted with her room and then finally falling asleep on her own bed! So comfy… Oh no. Looks like her mom, Aurora the queen thought she is back and goes to check. Quick hide! Oh, look at her cute Syalis sleeping so cutely. Actually it’s Sakkyun! How in the hell?! She thinks it’s her daughter and whisks her away to her room! Oh sh*t! I can safely say it runs in the family… Of course they have to rescue Sakkyun because if they find out she is not the real princess, they will execute her and she cannot be resurrected. So Syalis’ plan is to change and walk around the palace? Hey, it’s her own home. But they have to hide from paladin knights who have sensed intruders breaking into their magic barrier. They disguise themselves in an armour as they stumble into the captain of the paladins, Myoujou. It seems Myoujou starts telling embarrassing stories of young Syalis! Syalis wants to kill him but the demons are forced to restrain her. What’s this about Syalis pretending to be a cute magical girl? Aww, how sweet. And there’s one time she asked what a good kiss mean? Myoujou told her it’s when she’ll be a fine woman but Akatsuki ruined it for her because he knows about her short tongue! Oh damn! Syalis cannot stand it anymore and breaks out. At that time, Myoujou sees the demons and goes after them. However Syalis knows his weakness. Once daylight comes, he falls asleep! End of chase.

However time is running out as they still have to save Sakkyun as the entire kingdom has announced her return. Syalis this time promises she will take responsibility and return things to how they were. Sakkyun is before the crowd and needs to deliver a speech over a live broadcast over the world! Oh sh*t. Damn humans can’t tell their princess but the demons can?! And Akatsuki just came back from a hard mission and sees this. What the?! Suddenly all the guards in the palace are rendered immobile. The Demon King and the cleric cast a spell on them. Syalis then adlibs for Sakkyun. She addresses the crowd as well as her realization of her duties as a princess. She is hinting of all the times she spent at the Demon King’s castle and wants to use this as a model for both humans and demons to live alongside each other. Syalis then pretends to be the Demon King and in her lame acting, kidnaps Sakkyun. Yeah, stupid humans can’t tell the difference but the demons sure can. The demons then whisk away and Aurora seems to allow this because she knows her daughter is having fun! Oh man, I think Aurora isn’t dumb and knows Syalis is pretending to be the Demon King. When they return, all the demons are so relieved and they even throw a lavish Christmas party. What the hell, they played bingo???!!! But the most important of all, they forgot to take the woollen panties!!! Oh, that trip… But Syalis has woven cute underwear for the teddies. Now it is time for her much deserved sleep. Goodnight. ZZZzzz…

Let Sleeping Princesses Lie…
Oh well. There is no place like home… Which is it?! For Syalis, I guess it is safe to say that both her human kingdom as well as the Demon King’s castle are places that she can call home. Because those are the places where she can sleep comfortably. Oh heck, a princess like her can just fall asleep anytime and anywhere so long as the conditions are sight. So seeing how everything has happened so far, don’t worry everybody, your princess isn’t going anywhere. Take your time to come up with a formidable plan to rescue her and sleep on it. And even if that can’t happen, don’t worry too. Everybody is having so much fun, right? Wow. Before we knew it, humans and demons somewhat getting along with each other already! Yeah, in your dreams!

I don’t know how they can pull off so many interesting stories revolving around a princess who just wants to sleep, but they did it. Everything has to defy logic and common sense for it all to work (or fail so epic, depending on your perspective) that wouldn’t have fly in any other normal circumstances. Of course as we have seen, it is all for good laughs and they’ve done it right. Everybody here is a bunch of incompetent idiots, do you not agree with me! Take for instance the denizens of the Demon King’s castle. Syalis is already a hostage and I don’t know where in the world it says that hostages need to be treated with utmost care. Because it is so evident that Syalis can walk in and out of her cell like as though the entire Demon King’s castle is some huge hotel complex! I mean, HOW?! JUST HOW???!!! Like as though they don’t really intend of making her as a hostage in the first place. You can say that they’ve grown so accustomed and fond of Syalis that they’re glad to have her around. Welcome back, Syalis. We’ll be glad if you could stay here like, forever. Not that she would mind if the sleep is good.

On the other hand, we have the heroes mounting a rescue party. I know it’s a long journey but do you not think there should be more than just Akatsuki and a couple of followers?! Do the kingdom not care about their princess?! I understand it’s a long journey to the demon world but seeing that they keep failing and struggling, makes you wonder if they’re even capable. And they’re supposed to be the kingdom’s best. In the meantime, no worries for Syalis. She’s living the hotel life with utmost care in the Demon King’s hotel plaza. No room service? She’ll make it herself! So yeah, Syalis doesn’t need a knight in shining armour. Just her sleep. If Syalis ever intends to take up her sleeping hobby as a profession later in life, she could become a sleep master, offering advice and consultancy services on the best ways to sleep. She went through all that experience personally, you know.

Do you not agree with me that the most badass and powerful character of them all is Syalis herself? Despite her hostage status, she acts like the boss and it’s as though the entire castle is like her playground or home. Oh yeah. Feel free to make this place your home. Mind if I do. So as part of the hilarious and ridiculous formula of Syalis trying to find better ways to sleep, she is somewhat able to go about in her ways, destroying anything that stands in her way, taking anything she wants from anywhere just to accomplish her goals.

Firstly, the security in the Demon King’s castle is so lax that enables her to walk around anywhere. So much so it becomes the new normal to see the princess walking about. Even if she breaks out of her cell, they don’t even try to reinforce or do something to restrain her and just give her a slap on the wrist if anything wrong happens after that. Hence Syalis keeps repeating the act of breaking out from her imprisonment since there are no worries of punishment whatsoever. Secondly, Syalis may be the true Demon King herself because of her immense strength and will to just get a good night’s rest. You see the way she uses her brute force and raw strength in bulldozing her way through all the walls and obstacles like as though she’s on forever cheat code mode! I don’t even think God is that powerful!!! OMFG!!! Coupled in with everyone being such dumb idiots, hence Syalis always gets her way no matter what. And it is always so only because they allow it. Enough said.

If I should say, Syalis could be even worse than the Demon King himself or even Satan (if he ever exists in this anime’s setting) because as we have seen, nothing will get in her way of her beauty sleep. Each time you see her scheming on a sleeping quest, sometimes you see her ‘evil face’. Yup, pretty much scarier than the scariest demons ever! Thank goodness all she wants is just to snooze. That’s it. Because if she had more ambitions than that, she’ll whoop everyone’s ass and take over or destroy the entire world! Oh damn. Syalis is the most dangerous character out there. Therefore I am not sure if the demon denizens are well aware of this and that is why they leave her to her device. In the process, she screws up all their secret weapons and items but I suppose that is the mini prize to pay to turn her into a real demon who goes berserk because she misses her sleep. Yup. I guess we all can agree on that. She’s at her best and most ‘productive’ when she’s asleep. Aww… How cute. Look at her sleep so peacefully like that…

However Syalis isn’t just a useless character who just knows how to sleep. In fact, she is quite an innovative and creative person! It is evident as we have seen the lengths she has gone to create equipment after equipment just to get that nice sleep. Hence it is not wrong to say that Syalis has earned her keep to sleep! She worked hard for it! Even though that means steamrolling through all the hapless demons and taking their belongings without permission. Hey, you have got to be tough and stand your ground when you need to get something done! Hence all in all, Syalis is not even near being a damsel in distress. Heck, such a powerful character that by this time we realize she can even go back to her own kingdom if she actually wanted! Which she did once! Which brings me to the thought that since the Demon King’s castle offers better sleeping tools than her own kingdom, is this the reason why she doesn’t even try to return?! Holy sh*t! Syalis forever staying in the demon world?! Demons providing better sleeping care than humans?! This is so mind blowing!

On a trivial note, when I first read the title, I was under the impression that the princess is of the demon race. You know, Maou and Oujou. So I thought it was a pun. Then it turns out to be Maoujou when I take a closer look at the kanji writing, it means demon castle. Hence before I started watching this anime, I was under the impression that the main character was a demon princess who just wants to sleep wherever she goes. Oh well, that confusion cleared up when I watched the first episode. No sleepless nights for me on that. No siree.

The rest of the bunch of idiots characters, it’s really hard to hate them because they’re so dumb for the sake of this series, they’re so lovable. The same kind of sentiments for Syalis. Can’t hate her for being selfish because she’s all too cute and adorable trying to get her sleep. In fact, all the demons here aren’t as bad as you think. They’re actually pretty nice guys for the most part. Makes you wonder if humans make the worst demons themselves. But it’s not fair to judge something that we don’t entirely see for this series.

So for the Demon King, he’s really trying hard to be one and it feels like sometimes it is his dumb luck that has him managing to go through it all. He is as incompetent as the rest of his council or demon subordinates only because he is such a nice guy! Thanks to the comedic nature of this series, you don’t see him mistreating the princess who is now the eternal guest of his castle. Like I said, even he has thoughts about wanting to end this silly war between humans and demons. Can we just all get along and sleep with each other?! Maybe one day. One day. I guess I can say the same for the rest of his subordinates like the cleric, Great and Alraune since they are forced to put up with Syalis’ shenanigans but are also somewhat her supporter. You do realize that they cheer for her in the back when she’s facing the odds herself, right? A curse or a blessing, other demon denizens aren’t so lucky as they get more abused by Syalis especially that shroud ghost monster who gets ‘killed’ off every time he comes back.

There are many other minor demon denizens living in the dominion of the Demon King’s castle. It’s like a big melting pot of all forms of creatures but too bad some of them aren’t as prominent and forgettable while others are like running jokes (that shroud monster again) and others as minor comic relief characters (isn’t that Frankenstein character always making some sort of comeback jokes?). Some mid-intermissions show more details about certain characters but do we really want to read all that? All the boring details are making me sleepy… A majority of the demons are males so it is very rare to see female monsters, in a way their cameo appearances feel a bit refreshing. Especially Harpy and Sakkyun who just wants to be friends with Syalis because I guess there aren’t many female friends to have friends with. And what’s this about that Hades guy who keeps obsessing about fighting the Demon King just to take his throne? Just ignore him…

Last and not least, Akatsuki himself. Yeah, this guy is seen trying so hard to come to Syalis’ rescue. I can see why Syalis dislikes him because of his stubborn tenacity. This guy is the fuel of her nightmares! Perhaps that is why she can sleep easy in the Demon King’s castle because she is away from all that annoyance. Man, it will be one big dilemma once Akatsuki arrives to save her only for Syalis to reject him because she wants to stay with the Demon King and the rest. He’s taken so long, she and the demons have become family now! What is Akatsuki going to say when he comes home empty handed without the princess? Will a full scale war blow out between humans and demons? More importantly, when that happens, will Syalis get her beauty sleep?! Oh no! It’s making me having sleepless nights! And I recently found out about this that the Demon King’s real name is Tasogare. So Akatsuki vs Tasogare is literally dawn/daybreak vs dusk/twilight and hence their showdown is inevitable. Oh dear. Here comes the sleepless nights…

Art and animation are pretty good and cute! Everyone is so cute looking that even the scariest demons don’t look particularly scary at all. Yeah, everything is so colourful even if the Demon King’s castle is such a dark place, but it is filled with lots of colourful and cute things. This anime being done by Doga Kobo, I wonder if this series is this season’s cute girls doing cute things but sleeping version. After all, Doga Kobo is the masters of animating such genre like YuruYuri, New Game, Gabriel Dropout, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Koisuru Asteroid, Anima Yell, Houkago teibou Nisshi, Watashi Ni Tenshi Ga Maiorita, Uchi No Maid Ga Uzasugiru, Sansha Sanyou and GJ-Bu. So if you see all the cute trademarks in the characters, you know why. The cutest being those teddy demons! Oh sh*t! I want to hug and get me some of those plain but cute Care Bear demons!!! And of course Syalis herself, she looks weird because like I’ve said, she has this evil look to her face. Must be those eyes. Whether she wants to sleep or doesn’t get enough sleep, perhaps that’s the main factor in making others think twice about bringing trouble to her. And Sakkyun looks like a goth lolita version of Syalis… Body double sure came in handy…

Voice acting, amazingly there are a few great seiyuu veterans lending their talents here. Like Yotshitsugu Matsuoka as the Demon King, Sayaka Ohara as Alraune, Miki Shinichiro as Suima, Junichi Suwabe as the scissors magician and Rikiya Koyama as the porcupine demon, Hiro Shimono as Akatsuki, Ayane Sakura as Alazif, Aoi Yuuki and Tomokazu Sugita as the pair of hosts for the human shopping channel and Saori Hayami as the narrator who is also Syalis’ mother the queen. Inori Minase as Syalis (Hestia in DanMachi, Chino in Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka) isn’t too bad too. Her sleepy demeanour fits her character very well. Other casts are Chikahiro Kobayashi as Great (Sugimoto in Golden Kamuy), Kaito Ishikawa as the cleric (Iida in Boku No Hero Academia), Ayaka Ohara as Harpy (Momoka in Sabagebu), Kishou Taniyama as Hades (Jean in Shingeki No Kyojin) and Ari Ozawa as Sakkyun (Tsuguha in Noragami). There are many more other minor casts for all the other minor demons in the castle but I guess I’m too lazy and I’m just going to skip over them.

Now, if you think the opening theme is going to be a sleepy song worthy to be a lullaby that puts a baby to sleep, think again. Kaimin! Anmin! Syalis Seikatsu sung by the queen of sleeping herself, is in fact quite an interesting song to hear. It’s got this mix of cheeky and dramatic feel to it and overall it isn’t a bad song. The same can be said for the ending theme, Gimmme by Oresama. It’s quite hip and funky in its own right but sounds a bit like a mini dubstep song. Also not to mention cute. I mean, can’t have you falling asleep while hearing these songs, right?

Overall, this series is quite fun and funny. A series about trying to get the best ways to sleep but instead have its audience especially yours truly fully awake and entertained, it sure did its job right. The irony of how bad and especially boring animes can actually put you to sleep or make you feel sleepy, almost a cure for insomnia. It is one of the better animes of the season with comedy gold material especially about something that all of us needs. Fun and silly stories with equally fun and silly characters as well as very cute and colourful visuals sure make this series better than the need for a bedtime story. So satisfying, now I can go to sleep without any worries. This anime sure made my day. And night. If only I can go to sleep because I can’t stop thinking how hilarious this anime is…

Suddenly in 3am… My mind is alerted wondering this anime will have another season… FFFUUUU!!! ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ…