Shin No Nakama Ja Nai To Yuusha No Party Wo Oidasareta Node Henkyou De Slow Life Suru Koto Ni Shimashita

16 April, 2022

Oh my. Another anime about somebody wanting to live a slow life and open his own apothecary shop? Yeah, if that isekai apothecary anime from the previous season was too cartoonish and silly-cum-goofy for you, perhaps Shin No Nakama Ja Nai To Yuusha No Party Wo Oidasareta Node Henkyou De Slow Life Suru Koto Ni Shimashita (WTF this freaking long title!!!!!!!!!! Is it trying to rival that Tatoeba Last Dungeon one???!!!) would do the trick. Just as the long ass title already indicated, our main character got ostracized from his party so he decided to go lead a slow life by opening his own little drug store selling potions and medicines in some obscure faraway town. Much better than the hectic days of slaying demons and monsters and saving the world, right? However it won’t be going as slow as he wishes because soon his past catches up with him and threatens to bring him back to his previous life. Life really just wants to f*ck with him, huh?

Episode 1
It is narrated that since Demon Lord Taraxon invaded Avalon 3 years ago, nations have fallen and now the demons hold half the continent. But all is not lost as Ruti Ragnason, a hero with divine blessing has helped stave off further invasion. Red leads a normal and slow life at Zoltan. It is a town located near the Wall of the World’s End, a vast unexplored mountain range. This out of reach place with no strategic value is a place for travellers, hermits or fugitives. Red specializes in gathering herbs and hopes to open his own medicine shop one day. From the funds he receives in selling the herbs, looks like a long way. He narrates that each class has their own skill. Not sure what class he is but because of that, he was abandoned by his own party. Flashback shows Ares Srowa challenged Gideon (Red’s former name) to fight him but despite everything, he failed to break through his simple barrier. Long story short, Ares deemed him useless and not a true comrade. There was a battle where Ruti who is Gideon’s sister had to protect him, giving the enemy the advantage. Now that Ruti and other party members have levelled up, he is truly no longer needed. I guess trying is not enough, huh? Since he will continue to be a burden, he needs him to quit. However Gideon realizes that will stain their reputation so he would prefer the story of being killed by the demons instead. After he was banished, he changed his name and is enjoying his slow life.

As Red returns from another herb gathering, a group of heroes led by Albert needs him to guide through the mountains as they want to hunt down an owlbear. Red refuses since he prefers the slow life and does not want to risk his life despite this will guarantee some rank promotion. That evening, a panicky Gonz knocks on his door because Tanta has got some deadly disease. Even the doctor, Newman Winters can’t do much if he doesn’t have the right herbs. With all the begging, Red has to go. The danger is that if he is seen crossing the wall, he will get exiled from the adventurer’s guild, something he doesn’t want. So he will do it as a friend and not an adventurer. Just don’t tell the guild. As he makes haste, he realizes a part of the forest on fire. Albert’s party setting it on fire to hunt the owlbear. And this is the place where those blood needles are grown. After picking a few, the owlbear shows up but luckily Albert’s party slays it. Tanta’s life is saved and with Gonz insisting he wants to repay, well… 4 months down the road as Rit the hero goes to submit her reward claim, she learns from the receptionist, Megria that they are having a party to celebrate Red’s opening of his medicine shop. Rit gets interested to know more about Red. Gonz as the best carpenter helped construct the shop for free although Red pays for the materials but this saves him a great deal. You mean this shop was designed by Tanta?! Thank goodness the real deal didn’t turn out as bad as this kid’s drawing! Red has everyone drink to a toast to help his dream come true. He wants to take it easy and enjoy himself so he hopes they can come to his place to talk and drink. Slow life > adventure life.

Episode 2
Business is slow for Red. But look who is here? It’s Rit! She is a princess of Loggervia and there’s some family problem regarding the succession so she took some time off. When she heard what happened to him, she becomes mad but Red accepts himself as a liability to the party. Here, have some tea and calm down. They talk about the first time they met. In Loggervia where they Ruti’s party was requested for help, in a bar, a guy tried to hit on Rit but was beaten up. Rit then threw some sort of warning to the party that Loggervia doesn’t need a hero to crush the Demon Lord’s army. Then there is one time Gideon and Rit talk about working together to fight the Demon Lord but Rit remained stubborn because it has been a tradition for them to fight alone and they’ve always come out tops. Then there is this war strategy meeting in which Rit’s master accepted Rit’s plan to become the decoy while Ruti’s party will stay back to defend the castle. The whole thing backfired since her master was actually a demon in disguise and there were lots of casualties. Luckily Gideon came to her aid and they held out long enough before Ruti came to slice the demons and make it look like child’s play. In the aftermath, Rit felt a bit depressed and blamed herself but Gideon was by her side, talking to her and giving her some hope and encouragement. This includes that Loggervia will have to fight to claim victory with their own hands to leave a lasting legacy. Because even if the Demon Lord is gone, this bitter memory will be a thorn in the kingdom’s legacy. With that, Rit got back her motivation and routed the Demon Lord’s army. Now Rit wants to work in Red’s place. He got no money to pay her. But who will look after his shop while he is out looking for herbs? He then shows her a couple of original potions he has but she laughs at it since he doesn’t know about economics. Something that will send the prices of potion crashing. Eventually he accepts her to work here. Even if it’s not full time, whenever she have free time is also fine. But when Rit talks about adding rooms and buying stuffs, she sounds like she is moving in to stay for good. That’s because she indeed wants to move in and stay with him! WHAAAAAAAAT????!!!

Episode 3
Red wakes up with Rit in bed with him. Damn, this slow life is moving along very fast! Although nothing happened, they talk about Rit taking a lower salary so Red is under the impression that is why she is living with him so he doesn’t have to worry about her salary. I bet it’s not… Rit then goes to buy a bed of her own but must she put it so ambiguously that gives the storekeeper the wrong idea about them? Then the duo talk about Blessings and how different gods give different types of Blessings to different castes in society. Also, one’s success depends on whether or not they can level up their Blessing and by that means taking another life. Yeah, she happy smiling bloody children. The duo chase away the local bully, Ademi who is picking a fight with Tanta and his friend, Al. After patching them up, they talk about Ademi’s Blessing as a brawler and the problem is that he is naturally born with that talent and has already achieved high affinity. At this rate, it might lead him down some dark path. The kids feel pessimistic about having their own Blessing but Rit puts in a few positive words to lessen their worries. Red and Rit go to talk to negotiate some medicine remedy but looks like they’ve come at a bad timing. Some new remedy was mass produced outside town after it was approved. After flooding the market, it turned out it was targeted for illicit use from the start. This caused their reputation to tank. So the duo go back and try to make their own hit remedy. Then it hit Red about an apothecary that serves food. Yeah, he has got good baking skills too so why not masquerade medicine in the form of cookie? Not only it doesn’t taste bitter, it can help prevent some illness and improve your health! Wow. It sounds like a scam but what the heck, they did it! They give free samples and in no time, everyone swarms the shop and it becomes a sell-out item. Meanwhile Danan LeBeauis sick of Ares’ strategy of not being able to find the Demon Lord’s weapons and they have to keep going back to resupply. It’s not yielding any results. He believes things were better when Gideon was around and wants to go look for him. He accuses Ares for making the mistake of banishing Gideon from the party. Ruti then gives her permission for him to go look for her brother. Danan talks to Theodora Dephilo about the possibility that Ares killed Gideon because he might’ve gotten in his way. They suspected so since a tearful Yarandrala slapped Ares. Despite Gideon has only common fighting skills, he was good with it as well as a strategist. They still believe Gideon is alive seeing Ares is not likely to kill one whose skill is highly revered by them.

Episode 4
What a great view to wake up seeing those boobs. So are they married yet?! When a few customers enter Red’s shop, they are shocked to learn Rit is working with him. Even more so, living with him! The shock is too much to bear so they run away? Come back again next time. Later, Albert comes in to confirm if Red was the one who killed the owlbear. Red denies but Albert remains suspicious because it wasn’t his sword that dealt the finishing blow. He insist Red was the one but Red keeps denying. Albert wants to invite him to join his party and when he is about to attack Red, Rit beats the crap out of him! Look at those yandere eyes! You better not hurt my beloved! Red calms things down so Albert scrams. Now we see Red in the sauna with Gonz and Storm. How the heck did this turn into an endurance match? Eventually Gonz is first to go. After Nao chides Gonz for this dumb behaviour, they learn from the bathhouse owner, Zeff that he is losing business because a more posh bathhouse just opened. It has a masseur and restaurant so he definitely can’t compete. But our gang here vow to continue support him. So they storm for ideas and have to find something novel. Can’t compete with price or drinks. Of course, leave it to Red to suggest hanging up this sack of herbs for some steam therapy. Has rejuvenating effects. Zeff agrees to test this out and will buy this sack from him as thanks for helping him give his business a lifeline. The sauna is small so I guess it’s unisex. Uh huh. Your fanservice reason to have Red with Rit and Nao. Don’t be shy-shy now. We’re all adults, right? But I guess it got too much for Red that he turns into the colour of his name! Wow. Living up to his name, huh? With this new attraction, the place is livelier than before. Then another dumb endurance match between the guys… This time Storm knocks out first… Meanwhile Ares is frustrated that Danan has left and at this rate they’ll never find the weapons. Theodora talks to Tisse Garland who is the new member of the party. She talks about ever since Gideon left, the party has been falling apart and the trust they once had is gone. This party needs Gideon so why did Ruti allow him to leave?

Episode 5
Who are these bigwigs from some adventurer’s guild outside Red’s store wanting to see Rit? Okay. But they’ll have to wait till the store opens. Red tells Rit about it: Let them wait! As Rit goes talk to them, a shady guy from the thieves’ guild approaches Red. He is willing to trade this elven coin if he severs ties with Rit. Red rejects this because Rit is priceless to him. He leaves but will leave the door open should he change his mind. Rit rejects those bigwigs’ offer and she is more than happy to have a lifetime employment at Red’s shop. Red gives Rit a bracelet. She warns she might get the wrong idea about this even if he claims this is her payment for that lifetime employment. Dir reports to the head of the thieves’ guild that the adventurer’s guild is desperate to get Rit back to adventuring. However the thieves’ guild knows they don’t want to get on Rit’s bad side and will stay out of her way. If Dir thinks he can solve the issue himself, be my guest. Rit further remembers her time with Gideon when they’re fighting against the advancing Demon Lord’s army that has surrounded them from all sides. The plan was to head to the neighbouring Sunland for reinforcements but to do that, they had to go through some woods that the Demon Lord doesn’t even dare to enter. Hence Gideon got Yarandrala since she is able to communicate with plants. Well, Rit felt jealous because another woman. But during their break in the woods, Yarandrala personally assures Rit that she does not love Gideon because she cannot carry his burdens. This is what everyone takes for granted of him. Because he is selfless, she wants him to live his own life with the one he loves. She believes Rit is suitable to support him since she truly loves him.

When they reach the edge of the woods, the Demon Lord’s army is seen waiting. Ares curses his luck as he was sold out by those mercenaries. Hence Ruti made a very reckless move to barge through. Risky but everyone got through. Rit saw how Ruti hugged Gideon and promised no more such recklessness. Rit then left the party to rebuild Loggervia and also felt she shouldn’t come in between the siblings and continued to adventure alone. That is until she stumbled upon him here in Zoltan. Later, Dir confronts Rit and tries to persuade her to return to Loggervia as the succession issue is almost settled. Rit of course rejects him as she doesn’t care if she abandons her status and all. As long as she is happy with Red, nothing else matters. Meanwhile Ruti laments Gideon isn’t here. Flashback shows Ares told her he left the party to scout the Demon Lord’s army. Yeah, jerk face lied that he insisted on leaving. Ruti felt something amiss because it is not Gideon himself who is telling her this. With Ares making up excuses, Ruti becomes mad and smashes a hole right through him! OMFG! Then she heals him up and suppresses her emotions. She’ll continue the journey. But she feels there is a hole where her brother was.

Episode 6
Red and Newman heard some guy screaming. They carry him back to the latter’s clinic to administer some first aid. His condition is stable after that so Newman believes this is that new approved medicine/drug that has been going around and this guy was experiencing overdose. Red goes back before Rit gets mad because she’s hungry! He explains what happened but he won’t pursue the case because it’s not their job to find the culprits. For now, it’s time to relax at the beach! Yeah! Fanservice time as we see Rit in her bikini. No wonder Red can’t take his eyes off her. A few flirting moments, Rit even kissing him and hopes to get closer to him. Meanwhile Ruti’s team has arrived at the place believed to house the Demon Lord’s weapon. While resting, Ruti talks to Tisse and explains why she doesn’t sleep or even eat. Some environmental resistance means she will never feel refreshed or uncomfortable. No wonder she is looking like a zombie. And because she deems herself the hero, she cannot go after her brother. When a bloodied person crashes into Red’s store, Rit goes to see what’s happening and looks like one of Albert’s men is killing the rest! Rit fights them but ultimately they are all killed off by Albert himself. It is believed the drug caused them to act so but the newspaper doesn’t seem to reveal much. Tempted to go investigate? Tanta and Al visit as the latter is seeking advice for his anxiety that his Blessing is activating and he fears he will not be the same person as before. Red’s advice is never wrong, right? Soon, another visit by Ria who is one of Albert’s party members. She apologizes for the rampage but is also worried if Albert might leave his party. Because of his Blessing as a champion, he cannot understand those with lower Blessing than him. He might seek higher challenge and leave Zoltan but Red assures that he won’t just leave like that as the guild can’t do without him. A guy named Bui finds Danan and looks like he is also looking for Gideon. He believes 2 heads are better than 1 to find him. A storm passes by as Red remembers a similar time with Ruti when they were young. Gideon faked being scared so as to get Ruti to hold his hand. He did it for no reason except to want to do so. This is so that if she ever just feels like it for no reason, feel free to do so. So I guess this means she can smile and hug him with no reason, eh? However the only thing he can’t promise is to be with her forever. Because he wants to train and become stronger as a knight so he can go adventuring with her someday.

Episode 7
It seems Ademi attacked Al’s family. Although not fatal, he vanished afterwards. The parents are recovering at the mansion of Bighawk, boss of the thieves’ guild while Al is left in the care of Red and Rit. Al tries to learn swordsmanship from Rit but she is having doubts. Red believes in her because she is Rit. Soon, Al comes with bad news as the guards suddenly took Tanta away and won’t let his parents see him. Red goes to obtain approval to see Moen, captain of the guards. He says he brought him in for questioning. It seems there are rumours that Ademi has been killed in Southmarsh and it also cost the life of 1 of his men. Also, some of his guards think doubt Ademi was in Al’s house as many are mixing up the victims with the perpetrators. But since Tanta is fine and explains Ademi had apologized to him, he is sure the bully who wants to become a guard will not attack those he is supposed to protect. Later Moen needs a favour from Rit but Red asks him if Ademi had shown signs of the drug. There is no evidence to suggest that but it is possible the drug can give users another Blessing. Al then takes sword lessons from Red who also gives him some life advice. It is then Al reveals some guy from the thieves’ guild came by earlier today to give him a special sword. But he is in a dilemma if he could become a sword master. Red tells him to ask his sword if it wants to cut foes or protect those dear to him. Meanwhile Rit snuffs out a thief but he self-destructs. He has other comrades but the weird goo over her makes her not react in time. Luckily she is saved by Danan. He has orders to take Gideon back but if he has found a place to call home, he will not force it. Uncovering the perpetrators to be intermediate demons, it looks like Danan wants to exchange info with Rit to solve this. But don’t tell Red he is here. When Rit goes home, she throws herself to Red and a lot of close skinship occurs. No sex, sorry. She is worried they can’t stay like this forever but Red believes they can. After taking Al to get his own sword, Red sees a protest being organized. It is believed that Bighawk is paying people to gather and with the guards having their hands full to quell the protests, they don’t have time to investigate the attacks. Meanwhile Ruti’s party fights a gargantuan demon deep within the ruins. Ruti is baffled about the previous Demon Lord and Taraxon. Weren’t they in the same faction? Ares being a liability and he is regretting Gideon isn’t here and this makes him harder to cast spells? Whose fault was it? Oh, Danan and that elf girl, huh? Even Ruti warns him to protect himself because she won’t be doing it for him. After defeating the demon, Tisse has found the weapon: Uhm, a huge airship?

Episode 8
The double bed is here. Time to test it out. Oh yeah. Things are getting hot, who could interrupt this, RIGHT?! Oh, what’s that sound?! Could be just Al trying to get water. Okay then. That killed the mood. Maybe next time. FFFFFUUUUU!!! When Rit is busy fighting Bighawk’s men who is out to get Al, turns out this was just a decoy as some guard are in cohorts with the thieves’ guild to get Al left alone at home. He is brought to Bighawk who claims he has been peddling that drug around so that people can have another Blessing than the one they already have that they are unsatisfied with. Now he plans to be the king of Zoltan and has laid the groundwork. All he needs is a spark and that spark is Al. So Bighawk rallies the people as he gives Al a sword to kill Ademi. Just when it looks like Al is about to do it, he cuts off Ademi’s ropes instead. His sword does not intend to kill. In that case, Bighawk gives Ademi a weapon to finish off Al. But that won’t do as Red has been masquerading as one of his guards to stop this farce and then runs off with the kids. Red is in cohorts with Bui who then takes over handling the kids while Red faces off with Albert.

We learn that this Bighawk isn’t the guy we know but a demon took over his body via contract. Now he wants to be king of Zoltan himself but with the people are so lazy and complacent, his plans were stalled and he needed someone with intense will. And that person is Albert. Yes, this guy is sick of this place and doesn’t want to die here without achieving anything. He claims he has forged a contract with a demon but won’t do evil things?! The irony! Even more so his dream is to become a hero and slay the Demon King. He wants Red to join him and they can be heroes. Of course Red refuses. He is just an apothecary. Desperate, Albert wants to at least defeat him to give meaning to his life but Red cuts off his hand. Red laments that he had high hopes of Albert becoming the hero since he was the one who wanted it so badly. Because of that, he suffered for it. Al and Ademi return to explain to the people that they forgive each other and the one who attacked Al’s family was a demon who took Ademi’s form. So don’t take that dangerous drug. Without a reason to fight, the people disband. A reward for solving this is another intimate moment of Red and Rit in the bath together! Trolling us again, huh? But we hear Red’s feelings that he loves Rit a lot more. He rather be by her side than be a hero. Meanwhile Bui confronts Bighawk. He knows his real name: Belial. With that, he realizes Bui is just a front for Shisandan who warns him the drug could have actually unleash mankind’s true power. And that is not what the Almighty wants. Belial rescinds his contract with Bighawk and escapes. He tries to break Albert free and force him to make a contract with him. Albert doesn’t care at this point but with Belial being pushy, he allows him to do as he wish. Red and Rit see off Al who will be away on his first adventure with his party members. They start thinking he was like a son to them. Uhm, hinting of wanting kids?! How fast will this escalate?!

Episode 9
Looks like Ares and Theodora have been abandoned by Ruti. They are dumped from the airship but Theodora is not worried. The hero will somehow manage. But she is stumped why Ruti left behind her hero’s badge. Flashback shows Ruti talking to a demon who claims his continent doesn’t want to go to war because they too are fighting against their Demon Lord and worship the same god as humans. He then gave her some Devil’s Blessing that will transfer some Blessing to help her level up although the downfall is that it weakens her original Blessing. Ruti believes she is immune to all poison and takes it immediately. He is in shock because if the curse doesn’t manifest, the Devil’s Blessing may be lost. Now Ruti plans to head to Zoltan and lie low as a commoner. She wants Tisse to help her out. Tisse is panicking inside although her poker face is perfect. We take a detour to see Red x Rit. Yeah, business is slow today so we get to see them getting intimate outside when it’s snowing! Baby, it may be cold outside but hell yeah, things are getting hot between them! Luckily those Zoltan folks are hiding in their warm houses so no one will interrupt their steamy kiss! Ruti and Tisse arrive at the edge of Zoltan and go under aliases. Some dumb knight named Otto is trying to charge a toll for crossing a bridge but gets easily tossed away by Ruti. He doesn’t learn later because as he does the same to Red. Only, he lost everything but wants to rob him! Red easily punches him away. Red and Tisse eat at the same stall together. It seems both know the other is concealing weapons and a pro, hence sizing up what they possibly are. So when Tisse returns and reports a dangerous man in Zoltan, she asks if they need to be friends or foes with him. Ruti strikes out the idea of working with him because they need to break out an alchemist from prison. She doesn’t want him to become an outlaw like them. A fairy dragon, Kurukururu bring Red and Rit to see an undine who is having an illness. But after he diagnoses her, it seems she has been cursed and this is causing some spiritual damage. Wow. She doesn’t even know it herself? He gives some medication to stop the draining. They then wonder if the cold-like illness spreading in Zoltan could be that curse because the symptoms are similar. Ruti breaks into prison to free Godwin. She wants him to make Devil’s Blessing. He agrees since he is afraid of that stare of hers. Ruti could easily heal him but doesn’t want to expose her identity. Hence Tisse heard of a local apothecary who can do the job. And the moment of truth as Ruti and Red see each other the first time. Shock. Ruti then discards her poker face and becomes a happy girl to jump into her onii-chan’s arms.

Episode 10
Tisse introduces herself as Red’s replacement after he left. From Ruti’s explanation, Red knows Ares didn’t keep his promise. So he tells the truth as Ruti realizes everything is Ares’ fault. She is willing to kick him out to let Red rejoin. This has Red realize that Ruti’s adventures did not go smoothly. Because Red won’t live this town, Ruti will move here. Just in time, Rit returns. Ruti continues explaining she is looking for Red because they need him to defeat the Demon Lord. She also need someone who knows how to defeat the Demon Lord but has already found that person. Uhm, so Red is not that person?! Damn, Tisse sweating all the way since this conversation started! Ruti returns to her inn for now as Red will always welcome her here. After Ruti leaves, she feels pain but suppresses it with Devil’s Blessing. Red and Rit talk about Ruti. The latter thinks he should go with her if she needs him but Red believes Ruti is still a 17 year old girl. They need time to think about this. Godwin is not happy that they are going to stay longer in Zoltan. He fears he will be sent back to prison if he is discovered and when that happens, he cannot make Devil’s Blessing for them. As Ruti and Tisse talk about things, Tisse gets scared and draws her knife, thinking Ruti got upset with something she said. But she soon realizes that her lack of communication skills caused them to act so. They calm down and start becoming friends. Starting with petting Tisse’s pet spider.

Ruti helps out with Red’s shop but her fearsome aura has customers running away! Red then takes Ruti around town. First stop is the sauna. While some may be taken aback by her aura, they soon brush it off and treat her normally. Meanwhile Ares and Theodora has Albert help out in tracking down the hero. Albert still confused about why someone blessed as a hero won’t live up to his title. So Theodora talks about free will. Even if that is what God has given them, why did He also give them free will? The ladies take a bath as Ruti notes her brother was always amazing. Ruti was weak as a child even when she was bestowed the hero’s Blessing. One day she was trying to find a missing child and had to fight an owlbear. As the hero, she risked her life to save the girl. She thought dying was the better option since surviving means more pain for the sake of others and those people who whisper behind her back will still ask her for help when in trouble. However not seeing her brother again was the problem. Luckily Gideon came by to save the day. Ruti cannot feel pain or comfort nowadays and everything is just bland. She only feels so because she remembers her time with her brother. This has Tisse realize that Ruti is forced to cling onto her past where she had the most feelings. She only had Gideon. Ruti further explains when she met Rit at that time, she was envious of her because she was free to do and feel whatever she wished. She didn’t want to be a hero. She just wanted to be like Rit. Tisse thought only Red could save Ruti but that line of thought is wrong. Because there are others like them who may be able to save the hero too.

Episode 11
Tisse tells Red and Rit what happened of Ruti. Although Devil’s Blessing might not have an effect on her, it just weakens her Blessing and she might get addicted to it. Tisse worries Red will be mad but it is not his place to judge. While looking for items that Godwin needs, Red stumbles into Danan. He realizes how sh*tty it is since Gideon left and needs him back. Too bad Red has decided to settle down here. Red also tells him that Ruti is here and they need to go find her. Confusingly, Danan is also seen confronting Ares (looking pretty haggard!) and tells him about Gideon settling down here with Rit. Thinking Ruti is trying to win Gideon back, Danan takes him to Red’s shop and Ares starts trashing the place! Red and Danan talk about the latter losing his right hand. Apparently it is the work of Shisandan. But Red is stumped since Ruti killed him at Loggervia. Then they see Ares and Dana flying overhead to the elven ruins. Red makes haste to meet up with Rit and Tisse. He tells them he met Danan and this has Rit reveal she met Danan earlier but did not say so as not to ruin his peaceful life. But when she notes nothing different on Danan, Red reveals his lost right hand. This could mean that Rit may have met an imposter who could be Shisandan who took Danan’s form after eating his hand. Red is willing to fight because it is no use if they don’t and everyone ends up miserable.

Red heads into the ruins first and finds Godwin. Since he won’t call out to Ruti (because she scares him), he forces him to scream and this has Ruti running all the way here. Red tells her what he has been told. Yeah, he has been trying to find a way to suppress her Blessing. He made one but it might become toxic. Ruti views herself as the worst since she did a lot of bad things like abandoning her comrades and breaking Godwin out of prison. Yeah well, it’s your life so you are free to live the way you want. Gideon giving his approval. Which ranks higher than any f*cking God! Reuniting with the rest, they talk about Devil’s Blessing that requires hearts of demons. But if it has no effect on Ruti, how does her Blessing get suppressed? Apparently a nameless Blessing with no skill or anything just appears. It does nothing and sits there within her. With Godwin’s advice, if a Blessing cannot manifest, then it won’t turn make her have murder impulses. They are attacked by… Monster eyeballs?! This leads them to mad Ares who wants Ruti to return adventuring with him. Together we shall defeat the Demon Lord! She is not interested but he thinks she is joking. When Red tries to intervene, he slams him away. For that, Ruti stabs him! She misses his vitals and tells him to heal himself. Finally a warning if he tries to hurt her brother again, she’ll kill him. After they leave, Bui appears before Ares and wants to form a party together. He convinces him that the relic weapon of the first hero is in this ruins and if he finds it and gives it to Ruti, maybe she’ll change her mind. Simpleton is convinced.

Episode 12
Ares remembers the time he first saw Ruti and was amazed by her Blessing. He thought God gave him a role to assist her and hence his life had purpose. Ruti and Red return to the rest and tell them about Ares. They fear he might be manipulated by Shisandan. Danan barges in to fight Bui who then transforms into Shisandan. He takes a beating and pleads Ares to help him. Ares attacks Danan and this allows Shisandan to finish him off. Then they head into the room where the weapon is but Ares is shocked to see many replicas of it. Shouldn’t there be only 1? True, but the one the hero is wielding is just a replica. Those here are the true ones, Sacred Avengers. Of course giving her touch the sword isn’t the only condition as she must be wrested from what sustains her desire to not become a hero. Yup, it’s Gideon. Shisandan and Ares go to fight the hero’s party. Shockingly, Ruti is able to break Sacred Avengers and this is proof that her power exceeds the former hero. Another shock as Theodora barges in to fight Ruti because she claims Ruti must play her role or countless lives will die. Ruti doesn’t see why she needs to sacrifice herself for others she doesn’t know. It’s not like she wants to be a hero in the first place. Theodora claims that Rit is a living proof of why the hero is needed. But Rit rubbishes that. Loggervia stands not because of the hero or the Blessings. It is because of them as individual personalities. If all this is part of God’s will, Rit will show God that He is wrong! Shisandan agrees because those who only strive to be the hero is worthy of that name and cannot simply exist by its title. Theodora is slain by Ruti but in that distraction, Ares sends Red and Rit plunging down the shaft. Well, Danan saves the day and floats them back up. I know Albert came to heal him with a potion, but how the f*ck does he know they’re falling right there???!!! Ares ‘bullying’ Tisse, her spider and Godwin when Red returns. This f*cker just won’t die. Too bad the spider’s web holds him back, allowing Red to cut his hands. Thank goodness this jerk is dead!!! Still thinking he is supposed to be wise and powerful, huh? Just STFU and die!!! Ruti uses all her rage to kill off Shisandan. But in death, Shisandan knows he has set his plans in motion as Ruti has touched Sacred Avenger and this will return her to her original Blessing. So when Ruti returns, she attacks Red but Tisse takes her strike. Tisse pleading to Ruti not to do this. Not to the man she loves dearly. I don’t think that got through Ruti’s head…

Episode 13
Red is forced to fight Ruti. But after he manages to fling her sword away, she regains her senses and starts to regret what she has done. As Rit’s healing won’t work, Ruti does hers. However her Blessing cannot activate when she needed it the most. Luckily, Theodora heals her. Gee, I was thinking a miracle pharmacist would’ve done the job… Theodora then talks about Ruti never needing anyone in her party anyway since as the hero she could not feel tiredness or pain. Then she realized that being a hero is indeed lonely. Despite that, she strived to ensure she fulfilled her role. Though, Ruti has never wished to be a hero, Theodora is prepared for God to strike her for betraying the hero. Albert then emotionally pleads to spare her life because she fought for the world as what she believed was right. Ruti apologizes for striking Ruti and claims Theodora should be the real hero since she always fought for the sake of the world. A hero isn’t about being strong but gives others the strength to fight. Now we see the gang return to normal. Ruti now has normal feels because her new Blessing allows her to dominate and control other Blessings. So basically she’s like a super normal but normal girl. Her plan now is to buy a farm land to cultivate herbs for Red. Then the ex-comrades attend Ares’ funeral. I guess that’s the least they could do for him. Then they talk about the strange phenomenon about Shisandan being able to wield holy swords that are supposed to slay the Demon Lord. They talk about the replicas and since it is missing one, something about God changed the meaning of hero. WTF, can we not have such confusing talk in the final episode?!

Now it’s time for some quality Red and Rit time. They fixed up their house good after Ares did some trashing to it. Yeah, they keep mentioning about the important bed. Trying to bait us? Rit worried Red might leave because this place (and their bed) is some place they always return to. Red assures her that he needs her and wants to be with her forever. I love you, blah, blah, blah. The irony that they have grown weak to be apart from each other but you don’t need to be strong to live a slow life. And now the part we’ve been waiting for… Red x Rit sex!!!!!!! F*ck, they just teasing us because with Rit being shy despite teasing him, will any sex get done tonight other than tickles?! You gotta show us more than those cleavage! But sorry folks, this isn’t that kind of anime so we don’t see what happens in between. Just a satisfied pair naked underneath the sheets… Next day, Red spends the day in town with Ruti. Such great times. If such days could last forever. If you wish it so. Then the real battle begins because Ruti and Rit trying to compete over Red. But in the end laugh out loud together. Not sure whether to be scared or relieved. When Megria comes in with an urgent mission of orcs invading some village, will Ruti do it? If that is what she wants. Now she takes on missions because of her free will. Godwin is camping and talking to Yarandrala about the good and bad points of Zoltan. But it’s basically a good town and he can’t find himself to head it. Well then, look who is going to visit Zoltan next?

Picking Up Life In The Slow Lane
So uhm, who is the hero now? Now that Ruti seems to have given up that role and wants to live a slow life with her brother? It could be Theodora as greatly hinted but can such roles be transferred so easily to another? In that case why did Ruti not give up this role as she said she never wished to be one in the first place? Unless you tell me that God is dumb or is just a plain sadist and enjoys seeing Ruti suffer this way. So now that the enjoyment of Ruti being the hero is over, time to move on to the next person. Yeah. This is how I feel it is. But it all doesn’t matter and whatever foreshadowing because at the end of the day, it is the slow life for Red, Rit and Ruti that matters most. Screw saving the world! This is what they want! And they want no part in the grander schemes in life.

I’m having mixed feelings about the story. At first I was having this perception perhaps this would be something similar like that Cheat Kusushi No Slow Life. Hence a big part of the series would be focusing on just the ordinary life of Red in Zoltan. Maybe just throw in a few dramas and tensions, that’s about it. Of course there is that Ruti and hero’s party in the background trying to ward off the Demon Lord’s army. I thought that will not play a big part in the series and perhaps it would be somewhat wasted to have that shown sparingly throughout the series. Well, although it is not entirely that either, the final stretch seems to somewhat involve Red back into this chaotic life even if it is not directly related to coming back to fight against the Demon Lord’s army. Eventually, Red still has to somewhat return to his old ways (albeit temporarily) because if he remains stubborn and not want to really get involve at all, there would have been even much more casualties. You know, it is much worse when you know something is wrong but do not take action. But knowing the kind of person Red is, it is safe to say that he won’t just sit back and let some preventable tragedy occur. He was willing to get his hands dirty and bloodied again if it really boils down to that. Only then he can continue to have his slow life.

So yeah, watching him live his slow life in the early parts of the series can somewhat feel boring. You know the usual. What’s a powerful guy like him doing such slow and easy job in an obscure town. Thankfully, not going the way of Cheat Kusushi No Slow Life because that one was reeking silliness from start to finish. Perhaps that is why they sometimes show the hero’s party because it’s like some sort of danger is looming ahead and it might cross paths with Red’s life. After all, it is going to be just plain boring if we are to going to just see 100% of Red’s daily life and nothing more. His apothecary skills are also top notched but at least not as absurdly exaggerated as portrayed in Cheat Kusushi No Slow Life. Yeah, that apothecary is like God! Anything he touches becomes a 100% effective potion! While some of Red’s potions do sometimes have that feel, it is not made to look like he is the God of potions or something. And the best part about this series that genuinely separates it from Cheat Kusushi No Slow Life? THIS IS NOT ISEKAI GENRE!!! HOORAY! Feels so relieved nowadays not hearing that term. But I’m not sure if the final action parts downgraded this anime because it’s supposed to be slow life but suddenly this sword slashing and magic frenzy… It’s like they break and change the pace just to shake things up.

As for the characters, I think they’re pretty standard. Red being the main character feels like one of the most humble and patient characters ever. He seems to know his place and what he wants in life so there is no need for him to prove himself with anything. Therefore when there are certain incidents happening in Zoltan, he doesn’t step out of his line to really go investigate it because it is not his job. Don’t mean to make him sound like a dick but everyone here has a role to play. If he starts taking the law into his own hands, that would contradict his goal in life. And that would render the town police useless because Red will be doing their job. So only when things get really out of hand and threaten his slow life, he’ll have to take the necessary action to protect what he wants most. That includes not bragging about his own powers or even blaming others for it. He takes everything in stride. Such a cool guy. In exchange for that, some may complain about his ‘stagnant’ character development because he continues to be that same character from start to finish.

Then there’s his partner Rit who becomes his love interest. Well, at least the good thing about this series is that it doesn’t leave viewers hanging if they’re going to become an item or not. It’s like almost instantly after she moves in, suddenly they’re like so close to each other that you might think that they have been dating for years! So I suppose the slow life also applies to their romance, huh? Taking it slow? No rush. Their love isn’t going anywhere. While it is good to see some of their intimate scenes together, at times it also feels a bit out of place. Partly because I didn’t really anticipate such scenes. After all, this isn’t really a romance genre labelled series to begin with. Good thing for Rit, she’s not a dumb blond bimbo as she is a strong independent woman who can help support Red and vice versa. Don’t let those boobs fool you. I know I already failed when I first saw them and started to pigeonhole her… So far I don’t see Rit becoming an overprotective yandere who’ll beat the sh*t out of anyone who dares hurt her beloved Red…

Ruti’s case is very curious because she has been chosen as the hero to save the world. This brings a lot of question about how this world works. Especially how everyone knows about their Blessing and its role given out by God. I still don’t really understand about all that stuff and the Blessing but it is an interesting topic to think about that all those in this world are supposed to live out the role based on the Blessing God has given. If that’s the case, why does God give them the free will and for some to challenge and not live up to their roles? Perhaps it is the case of not why one builds walls. It is to see who cares enough to break them down. So in the case of Ruti, I am highly speculating that it is to see if she is willing to become a puppet and do as she is told or follow her heart’s true desire and that is to live happily with her onii-chan. I mean, there isn’t any punishment for not fulfilling your role, right? Not like God will zap you dead if you fail to live up to it, right? Just that the whole world will just perish if the hero fails to save it. Yeah. That. Hence another curious thought that occurred to me to think why heroes and villains are typically the same but not: A hero will kill you just to save the world but a villain will destroy the world just to save only you. So who is the real villain here?! And it is pretty valid if Ruti argued about saving the rest of the world whom she doesn’t know and most probably ignorant, unaware and ungrateful even if she does save the world. What would she get out of it? Only more suffering. So yeah, still want to play the hero for the sake of the world?

That is why you have some characters like Albert and Theodora who are very confused about their given roles in life. What is the purpose of living if you do not have any direction from God? That’s why it is not entirely wrong for them especially Albert who keeps getting envious about Red who was gifted in his Blessing but yet does not want to live up to it. Like as though he wasted what was given and that should have been given to those who truly wanted it. That is why Red also doesn’t blame him because it is the irony of guys like him who wanted so much to become the dream role they want but yet lack that power to achieve it. Until this day, Albert looks like still in shock from all that revelation. He just couldn’t accept it. Doing so would just crumble his ideals, something he has wrapped his entire life around. So is Red just preaching because he is merely stronger and have it all? Not precisely either. It is because of how powerful he is and realizing that, he gets to see past all that which have blinded many others like Albert. Yeah, it’s sad. So don’t blame the sinner but the sin? Uh huh. Just blame f*cking Almighty for this!

I am very sure Ares is a character written in a way so that we would love to hate every guts and piece of morsel he is made of. Uh huh. Isn’t this why they draw him in a very haggard and worn out manner when he set foot in Zoltan? Like dude, did all the stress, anger and anxiety caused him to age this fast?! Damn, he is the only character to age like that while everyone else remains looking pretty much the same. He is the biggest villain of the series. Bigger than the Demon Lord himself and his army combined if you ask me. You definitely want to hate this guy for the way he ostracized and blames Red/Gideon for everything. EVERYTHING! You think showing his meagre flashback and reasoning of why he adores the hero so much feels more like an excuse and it makes him even more pitiful. He claims he is doing it because for the hero, blah, blah, blah.

The problem with Ares is that he never comes to realize of his own faults and weakness and thinks he is superior. He is blinded by all that and that’s why he can never understand why Red can never be killed by the likes of him. His own worst enemy is not Red but himself, so to speak. So when he thinks it is the best interest of the hero, he is only being selfish and merely thinking of himself. For unlike Red, he never tried to understand the hero or rather Ruti. Just that narrow linear thinking of what a hero should be and then glorifying and bastardizing it all himself. Well, he reaped what he sowed. Thank goodness he died. The true good ending of this series if you ask me! And for further trivial issues, I think his name is not taken after the Greek God of war. Sure, he is a warmongering dude but I feel his name is an anagram of arse! THAT’S RIGHT! HE IS THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE OF THE SERIES! NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT FOR SURE!!! Even Godwin as a small time baddie has better pride than this f*cker.

Tisse is an interesting character too because underneath her calm poker face demeanour, she is sure having a hell lot of emotions. Yeah, it was really funny to see her putting up that emotionless face but on the other hand deep down inside she is having a lot of chaotic and dreaded thoughts. Especially being this close to Ruti. It was a really funny moment. I swear it’s like her face could burst into that flabbergasted reaction anytime soon but for better or worse, she managed to hold it in. Yeah, I don’t know if it would be funny to see Tisse suddenly burst into that anime style of shock and stun. Hey, at least she’s got a cute chibi pet spider for a little pet mascot. Tisse despite being a newbie, you can tell she is way better than Ares because she too tries to understand Ruti and eventually wants to save her from her cursed role.

The art and animation are pretty standard. Of course as compared to Cheat Kusushi No Slow Life which looks very cartoonish and on the kawaii side, this one is your standard and conventional anime style. So we got bishonen guys like Red and bishoujo girls like Rit. Though, I do find some of the animation scenes especially during the fighting parts to be a bit inferior and lacking. Too fast to animate? After all, this is supposed to be a slow life themed anime but they had to insert some action bits for some drama. I’m not saying the animation cycle is bad but it’s a bit obvious that some animation bits look a bit stiff. This series is jointly produced by Studio Flad (Dame x Prince Anime Caravan) and Wolfsbane (Peter Grill To Kenja Na Jikan).

For the voice acting, the biggest surprise was learning that Rie Kugimiya was behind the voice of Tisse. I did not realize it was her until much later. Because she wasn’t in her trademark high pitchy tsundere voice but rather a very timid and soft voice (just like her character Momo in Shokugeki No Souma) so it was very hard for me to tell it was her. Yeah, I guess it was a good ‘exercise’ for me not to always pigeonhole her that she’ll always voiced that same kind of character with that same identifiable trademark voice of hers. Which I will still continue to do… Others I recognized are only Nao Touyama as Megria and Sora Amamiya as Yarandrala. The most surprising one is Naomi Oozora as Ruti. Now, we have associated and pigeonholed her character with loud and boisterous characters like a certain sugoi dekai (titular character in Uzaki-chan Wa Asobitai if you have forgotten), to the titular character in Jahy-sama Wa Kujikenai, the titular character in Chio-chan No Tsuugakuro and Satania from Gabriel Dropout. And suddenly to hear her in a role of an emotionless girl… Shocking! Yeah, gonna take some time to get used to it.

The rest of the other casts are Ryouta Suzuki as Red/Gideon (Ishigami in Kaguya-sama Wa Kokurasetai), Kanon Takao as Rit (Hermit in Edens Zero), Taku Yashiro as Ares (Orion in Show By Rock), Kenta Miyake as Danan (All Might in Boku No Hero Academia), Aya Uchida as Theodora (Kotori in Love Live), Kazuyuki Okitsu as Shisandan/Bui (Nagare in K), Kouhei Amasaki as Albert (Monoma in Boku No Hero Academia), Tetsu Inada as Bighawk (Gamagoori in Kill La Kill) and Toshiki Iwasawa as Godwin (Kouenji in Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi No Kyoushitsu E). The opening theme is Iki Wo Suu Koko de Suu Ikite by Yui Nishio. It’s got a bit of soul, jazz and Broadway style fanfare but overall the song is quite calming and should be fitting for this series. Another slow piece for the ending theme, Minna Onaji by Jyocho. I love the acoustic guitar pickings here. I wish my fingers were that fast to play some of those parts…

Overall, quite a decent fantasy series but not the best out there. Sometimes it feels like it got stuck between a slow calming peaceful anime and some sort of action adventure and save the world trope. And then they also throw in some genuine romance and that could confuse us what this whole show wants to really be. Ah yes, perhaps it’s to tell us that just like Blessings here, one need not entirely follow it blindly! It can be a mixture of many genres! Nah! Despite different comments, criticisms and opinions of others, at the end of the day, you take control of your own life and do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t bother others. It’s your decision to make. Which means can people just let me watch crappy and bad animes in peace and not judge? I don’t mean to imply this anime is crappy or bad but this is neither a masterpiece nor even a good one that will have me sing praises of it day and night. First an isekai apothecary, then a fantasy apothecary. What’s next? Historical apothecary? The Apothecary Diaries adaptation when…

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