Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai E Odekakechuu

20 November, 2022

OMFG! It is finally here! The next season of Overlord that I have longed wish for has finally come! HOORAY!!! BANZAI!!! YAHOO!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Uhm… Erm… Hey… Wait a minute… WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS NOT THE NEXT SEASON OF OVERLORD???!!! I mean, look at this. The main character is one who is only made up of bones and is freaking overpowered. Furthermore, he got ‘stuck’ inside a game he was playing. Even if the title screams Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai E Odekakechuu, is that not an alternative title for the great Ains-sama???!!! Is this not his spinoff side story or something?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT IS NOT???!!! And just like that, I got hyped and duped into watching in yet another isekai genre whereby the main character is just freaking powerful which is not Overlord. Sighs…

Episode 1
We’re starting with a rape scene already? Okay. Lauren and her maid, Rita are going to be raped by bandits when Arc pops up and cuts them in half! Of course, a little back story first. Arc first awakened in this world and couldn’t believe he is in a game he was playing. After all, he fell asleep while playing it. Based on all the super cool and high end equipment he got, he is glad he is in his avatar named Arc. He tests out a few skills and basically, he is an overpowered character. Who wouldn’t like all these perks, no? His downside is that behind his helmet, he is a skull. Which is part of the avatar he created. No prizes to guess what if the townspeople see this form of his. In town, he spots an elf girl but loses her. Needing some money for food, he heads to the mercenary guild to find a job but is told he needs a licence. And to get one he must bring back proof he has slain a beast, monster and bandit each. Arc easily slays a wild animal and an orc. Then he spots those bandits. The soldiers must have been lowly skilled to be killed off like that, huh? At first Arc was hesitant to go in for fear of player killing. But with Lauren’s chastity on the line, Arc uses his overpowered moves to decimate the bandits. He cleans up the mess and loots their belongings. All’s fair, right? The ever grateful ladies accompany him back to town. He can’t give himself away too much since his character’s premise is of a Holy Knight searching for a cure for his curse. So he just says he is a traveller on a journey. Arc gets his licence in the same day and to celebrate his great achievement, orders food and drinks to his room. I gotta ask, does he have organs to process all that food? Because I’m assuming he is all bones underneath that huge armour. I mean, how the heck can he even smell and taste?!

Episode 2
Arc takes up an escort quest in a remote mountainous village. It seems a little girl named Marca needs him to accompany her as she goes gather herbs in the mountains. Since her dad died, mom has been doing his job to make ends meet so she hopes to ease some of that burden. Along the way, they encounter an injured little green squirrel. Once Arc heals it, now it is basically Arc’s faithful pet named Ponta. Herb gathering is going well until Marca stumbles into a giant menacing basilisk. Arc protects her and fights off that beast but when you have a creature that can spew poisonous gas and petrify stuffs, you’re going to have a hard time. Of course it won’t be long until Arc uses his God-like move and strikes it down in a single blow. He then notices some ring on it disappearing after it dies. As Arc wants to keep a low profile, Marca agrees to keep this encounter a secret from the village. In turn, Arc brings back a huge fanged boar for the village to be shared as meat. Arc also hopes Marca’s mom who was worried sick about her, will not scold her too much since she was merely trying to help her out. Arc leaves and Marca hopes to meet again and gives him a wreath as parting gift. Meanwhile a group of knights are fighting a basilisk and after a few deaths and loads of injuries, they finally manage to slay it. Their superiors then investigate the basilisk that was slain by Arc. They are puzzled that a single person did this with a single strike. They wonder if this is the work of God or the devil himself.

Episode 3
Celsika reports to Tryton as he is not pleased to hear that attempts to assassinate Lauren has failed as well as the basilisk creatures he sent out were also slaughtered. Especially one who was done in by a single strike. It seems Tryton is working in the shadows for Prince Dakares and it seems all this might lead to some invasion to other neighbouring kingdoms especially their arch enemy, the western empire that is under Prince Sekt. Because so, they cannot openly declare their allegiance to Dakares. Tryton then asks about their merchandise in which Celsika says his son, Udolan is handling in, much to Tryton’s displeasure. Arc is getting used to his quests as he raids a bandit’s hideout and loots their belongings. When he is done, he is suddenly attacked by that elf girl, Ariane Glenys Lalatoya. She thinks he is a bandit and is not open for conversation. Until she sees Ponta’s cuteness. Because a spirit creature is fond of him, he cannot be a bad person Ariane claims she is on a mission to hunt down elf hunters who kidnap her kind. Arc says he found no prisoners in the cave so Ariane thinks she is too late. Arc would like to help but she tells him to stay out of it. Next day as Arc walks through the forest, he sees Udolan and his bandits kidnapping young elf girls to be sold at the market for a high price. Udolan being a dick, showing his authority and abusing them. Arc is going to jump in and help but that won’t do as Ariane is here to kick their asses. Dumb bandits think they can still have fun with her after she cuts a few of them down like lightning? Udolan plays dirty as he threatens to harm the hostages. Ariane has no choice but to do nothing. But before she gets her modesty outraged, cue for Arc to jump in and knock out Udolan. With his assurance to back her, Ariane returns to her bandit slaying ways. The children are rescued as Ariane realizes a collar on them that prevents them from using their spirit magic. It cannot be undone easily. Or so she thinks. Because Arc easily does so and even heals them! Woah! How he do that?! Ariane then gets word from her comrade that they are going to rescue other kidnapped elves and to meet up. Ariane wonders who Arc is because a normal human cannot be have such high calibre. He claims he is just a travelling mercenary. In that case, she wants to hire him.

Episode 4
Going back to Diento, they meet fellow elf warrior, Danka who has details on where the other kidnapped elves are. You can’t miss that building in the entertainment district. However they have to wait till night fall for fewer people to being their raid. Danka still has reservations about Arc, especially Ariane because she depended on outsiders for help. She admits without Arc’s help, she would’ve been captured and can vouch that he is their ally. Once it is time to begin their mission, how are they going to get past all those guards? Yeah, they don’t make this place look any more suspicious with too many baddies guarding, eh? Arc teleports them inside. And I bet the part where Ariane trying to get herself through the small window is for some cheap fanservice thrills. Uh huh. Why the f*ck didn’t Arc just teleported like himself into the building?! Got to see those boobs and ass go through that tight squeeze! As they sneak around, they see dead bandits in their quarters with their throats slit. Because the wound is fresh, it means there is someone else around. They split up to look for the kidnapped elves. Arc stumbles into this furry ninja. She attacks him but stops when she sees Ponta with him as well as being surprised he knows what a ninja is. She is not here to free the elves but came looking for something, which of course she did not find. She hands him documents that would be of use as well as telling him there are a couple of elves being held at the lord’s palace. Arc returns to show his elven pals that the documents are contracts for purchasing elf slaves and the one behind this is the lord of Diento himself, Tryton. Any bandits they encounter, no mercy is shown as they are all killed. After freeing the kidnapped elves and Arc as usual freeing their collar, they will now go and save those held at the palace. No prizes to guess how it’ll turn out.

Episode 5
The party is just getting started. Tryton is going to rape the elves while chastising Udolan for even showing his face here after failing. Rape interrupted when Arc and Ariane barge in. Ariane giving no f*cks as she gives that pervert his just desserts. Arc then finds a hidden room filled with treasures. He convinces Ariane to take them all so that they can avoid these baddies from using the funds to rebuild their trade. Then they have to leave when somebody is causing explosions all over the place. It’s definitely not Ariane’s men since they are the only ones who are supposed to be here. Outside, Ariane invites Arc to visit her land and meet her chief. However Arc cautions her that he cannot take off his helmet (which is a sign of disrespect). After she promises not to turn against him when he shows her face, he unmasks and of course she is shocked to see his skeleton head. Thinking this might be a curse, she believes in him because he has done a lot of good. She will help him get rid of this curse and perhaps the chief may know something about it. King Karlon talks to his heirs about the recent problem. Sekt believes elves could be behind it but it was Tryton who violated the treaty. Dakares is not impressed with such rumours but Karlon wants an investigation. Asking Yuriarna for her opinion, if the rumours are true, this would also lead to tensions between other nations. She suggests speaking to the elves themselves to get the truth because if the elves seek retribution by halting arrangements with Limbult, other nations will blame them (Limbult is the only nation with trade relations with the elves). It gets complicated about some rune stones needed for crop cultivation and this might court uprisings from their own nobles. Karlon has Yuriarna head to Limbult to make arrangements to speak with the elves. A short detour as we see Arc and Ariane camping by the river. A boring scene unless you relish seeing Ariane enjoying Ponta’s fluff. Yeah, she likes it, right? Arc and Ariane finally arrive at the elf settlement of Latoya Jackson. Oops sorry, Lalatoya.

Episode 6
Arc waits outside as Ariane goes to get permission. Took her almost the whole day! Finally they’re in as Ariane introduces her to the chief, Dillan and his wife, Glenys. Both are Ariane’s parents. After Arc gives his account of the story, they still have to report it to the other village elders. Arc is reluctant to eat since he has to take off his helmet but the parents already heard it from Ariane and they will not freak out whatsoever. Next day as Ariane accompanies Dillan to the meeting and report to the elders, Glenys take Arc around the village. She also has him spar with her. You would think this would be easy but damn, this elf wife hands his ass to him. All the time! Flawless victory! Back at the meeting, the elves lament that humans broke the accord first. It looks like they’ve forgotten about the war that split their land 600 years ago. While it was just a generation ago for the elves, definitely there is no living human who remembers it. It is all part of history now. Hence to avoid another war, this will not be made public. They will continue to secretly rescue their kind while carefully watching the kingdom’s reaction. On the way back, Dillan tells Ariane that her sister, Evee is going to get married next year. She is in disbelief that the combat addict who once vowed never to get married is setting down. All part of Evee’s plan not to let Ariane get married? Because she claims her husband must be stronger than her. Why is she controlling her love life… Side distraction as Arc is naked in the bath when Ariane walks in. Freaking out to see a bag of bones! Dillan wants to hire Arc to help Ariane. But since he cannot pay a lot in monetary value, perhaps info on lifting his curse might help. There is a spring near Lord Crown rumoured to break any curse. It is actually a rare tree where the greatest dragon is making its home. There are also spirits dwelling nearby and those who disturb them will suffer dearly. While it might be dreadful for humans, if elves can get permission, it should be no problem. Arc accepts the deal and job. That night he thinks of his made up curse, now it’s going to be the real deal. Ever wonder how he looks like, huh? He thinks there are a few spells that can undo the curse but never try them out. He tests a little on his hand and now it’s covered with flesh! It worked?!

Episode 7
Well, the effect is only temporary before it reverts back to bones. Isn’t he curious to do it on his dick to see how big it is?! HAHA JUST KIDDING HAHAHA! Next day, the duo set off to the royal capital of Olav to find individuals on the trafficking contract. The fastest way would be through the forest but the locals warn them because currently there are haunted wolves attacking people recently. You think a bunch of monsters are going to stop them? Yup, they are the monsters! Anyway, the wolves put up some resistance and it is tough for Arc at first since the wolves can make illusions of themselves. Arc then spots the boss but notices a ring on its feet. Once he cuts it off, the boss comes to its senses and howls at its underlings to retreat. So while Ariane skins the dead ones to be woven into linen for her sister’s wedding, Arc goes off to kill some time as he laments despite all the powerful moves he has, it is useless if he doesn’t know how to use them. Yuriarna and her maid, Ferna are travelling to Limbult. She has an uneasy feeling over this mission. Yeah, she just jinxed it as bandits ambushed the carriage. Ferna tries to protect her but gets killed. Yuriarna is also cut down shortly. The whole entourage got slaughtered as the perpetrators are going to make this look like a robbery. But then here comes Arc. He doesn’t like what he saw and you can guess what happens next. But he is not alone as the haunted wolves assist him. In the end, some got away. Arc then uses his magic to heal Yuriarna and the rest. Of course the spell won’t work if the wound is too deep or one has died too long. Yeah, we know who will be resurrected, right? Yuriarna thought she saw an angel healing her but later realizes it wasn’t a dream since her clothes are cut and bloodied. She gathers her men as they proceed with their mission. Because that’s why God revived them, right? Arc returns to Ariane as they continue their journey. At Olav, they see a commotion. But they don’t have to get involved as those rowdy men are taken care of. Oh, fancy seeing that furry ninja again?

Episode 8
She introduces herself as Chiyome from the Jinshin ninja clan. Asking how Arc knew she was a ninja when they first met, she believes he must have come from the same country as their founder. So their founder was Japanese?! Anyway, she explains she was in Diento investigating trafficking of her fellow beastpeople. Indeed there are. She is seeking their help to aid her free her people. She can’t offer much monetary payment but intel on the people they’re looking for. Arc feels conflicted at first since he is contracted to Ariane. But since she says okay, no more complications. Meanwhile Dakares is furious the haunted wolves stopped taking orders from him. This means he was the one behind Yuriarna’s attempted assassination. Ever since Diento, elves and beastpeople are getting more proactive in freeing their kind. He thinks somebody is after his life so his assistant, Cetrion offers to hide him in a secret safe house for now while he does something about this. Arc continues to be amazed as Chiyome further explains Jinshin’s origins. Hattori Hanzou founded the clan after taking in beastpeople who were persecuted. Chiyome takes them outside Eztat Market, the largest slave market around. Because it is closely tied to the centre of operations, any attack will have reinforcements appear quickly. She hopes the duo can make a flashy attack to attract attention. You see, there are other slave markets elsewhere that her clan plan to attack simultaneously. When the attack on Eztat happens, this will draw reinforcements here, leaving others less guarded. She laments that not everyone can be safe. That is why she is hoping roping them both will reduce the casualties. After learning Arc has teleportation magic, Chiyome is filled with hope and will meet again tonight when the attack will begin. She brings her partner, Goemon and Arc is further amazed that there should be famous ninja personalities there since their titles are named so. But what’s this? Arc and Goemon start to wrestle each other? Don’t worry. Just some greeting. The attack gets started with Arc and Goemon waltzing through the front door and flashily pummel all the guards. I swear, the two of are starting to look like some wrestling tag team.

Episode 9
Goemon and Arc wrecking the place and with all the guards focusing on them, this allows Ariane and Chiyome to sneak in and encounter less resistance. They free the beastpeople as Arc teleports them outside. Sadly, there are some that are dead because they were too sick or injured to be sold and were killed. After all the prisoners are freed, Arc returns to Goemon to destroy what’s left of this institution. Then Ariane begins her prayers to free the souls of the dead while Chiyome prays to become stronger so she could save more of her people. Meanwhile Dakares is very dissatisfied that there are no reports from Eztat. He wants to go there himself but is killed off by Cetrion. Looks like he is working under Sekt. Sekt will also pin the blame on Yuriarna’s assassination on his dead brother. Now the throne is all his. Unknown to many, Yuriarna has safely arrived at Limbult and her older sister, Seriarna is glad she is alive. Of course they are shocked to learn the assassination attempt was by Dakares and that he was killed by Cetrion. Because a pendant of Yuriarna was found by Dakares’ body (more like Sekt planted it), hence everyone thought Yuriarna is dead. Yuriarna doesn’t want Seriarna to tell father yet and will use this demise of hers to her advantage. She focuses on her task to speak to the elves. Arc and Ariane now make their way to the Holy Revlon Empire. Because that is where the trafficked people are sold to on the list as said by Chiyome. Meanwhile at the capital of Revlon, Emperor Domitianus Revlon Valtiafelbe receives report of Dakares and Yuriarna’s death. He is the one who supplied Dakares those rings. Now with Sekt as the heir to the throne, it might get troublesome for him.

Episode 10
Those wyverns hogging the sky? Nothing like a little zap from Arc to kill them all. Only, he also got Ariane and Ponta. Ouch. Resting in this desert town, Arc notices Ariane getting worried. She is indeed because slavery of elves is not illegal in Revlon. They are approached by this elf guy, Carcy Held who noticed them taking on the wyverns earlier. Ariane is shocked he doesn’t hide his elf identity but it seems all the humans here know him. He believes in co-existence of both races but Ariane has her doubts. As a biologist, Carcy needs their help to capture some monsters. In return, he will give them a map of Revlon. That night as they rest, looks like Ariane got drunk with just a couple of small cups and starts flirting with Arc before getting depressed about that co-existence thingy and beating the hell out of him. WTF?! You bet the whole town heard this midnight romp! Next day, they meet up with Carcy and his team as they will go hunt for a live sand worm. He believes they can do the job as he narrates the sand worm’s characteristics and also how wyverns gravitate towards them. Suddenly they are attacked by a huge mother! So nobody heard the other wagon got toppled over?! We know Ariane can’t fight it alone. Arc? Oh yeah. He can. This guy even wrestle slams this worm out from the ground! Oh, looks like it has a ring too. After the sand worm is secured, it’s time to part ways. Ariane is still sceptical about Carcy’s vision so she asks about why he lives among humans. Let’s say in his own elf village he was an outcast. But when he came to live here, things were different. Although it wasn’t always smooth, it was better. He believes there will come a time humans and elves can live together. He also tells the good news that in some port city of Lamburt, the lord married an elf he saved from slavery. No coercion but true love. Ariane is still not entirely convinced but she hopes it will happen. Just like her and Arc right now? Well, she doesn’t consider Arc human. Though Arc believes his actions make him so.

Episode 11
We see this evil scumbag, Fumba Soodu Rozombanya feeding unsuspecting girls to some monster in the pit. Arc and Ariane have arrived at the border town of Kaysek, basically entering the borders of Revlon. As they look around for info, Arc learns there have been monsters appearing and people going missing. He saves a woman being harassed by thugs. WTF Ariane feeling jealous? Those thugs report to Fumba who is disappointed they didn’t bring back the feed. Hence they will be the feed instead as his beast feeds on them. Arc and Ariane infiltrate a fortress where they believed elves were brought to. Sneaking in and knocking out those useless guards are the easy parts. Then they head into an underground chamber with foul stench and blood. This is where they stumble into Fumba who wants to make Ariane his. Suddenly Ariane attacks Arc. He thinks she is under some hypnotic spell but whatever magic he casts, it doesn’t work. He also believes it isn’t Fumba doing any magic to control her. I guess we need to finally see Ponta doing something because the critter sniffs out an imp that is hiding in Ariane’s blind spot and the one controlling her. Yeah. Took you long enough! Fumba is impressed and introduces himself as some master of controlling monsters. Arc realizes he could be the one putting those rings on the monsters. When he asks about the elves, he said most of them got brutally killed off in some nasty magic experiment. The rest that were left behind were being fed to his monsters. I guess this is the reason Arc needs to get mad and go all out to fight Fumba. Yeah, see how easy he decapitates his pet tiger beast? Fumba isn’t worried as he summons more monsters to keep Arc company. When an unconscious Ariane is in danger of being monster feed, Chiyome is here to save the day. Her comrades have taken out the monsters in the area so don’t worry. The fortress rumbles so Fumba thinks it’s time to pick things up outside. Emerging from the fortress is a giant hydra.

Episode 12
Flashback shows Fumba couldn’t understand why his clan’s elders won’t acknowledge him. They called him weak and thus his powers were superficial. Hence they will not approve of him as he lacked discipline. Since Fumba didn’t learn from it, he offered his services to Revlon instead. Of course Domitianus had his reservations too and told him to prove himself. After the hydra blasts Arc and co, it heads towards the nearest town to eat its fill. Of course, Arc and co are still alive thanks to his super shield. While Chiyome’s idea is to retreat since they can’t possible take on the hydra at this rate, Ariane has heard Fumba’s words despite under his spell so she is hell bent on paying him back. Also, we have Arc. Does that not tell you much already? Hence Arc goes to fight it. But after cutting off all its heads, it still regenerates. Arc then summons a flaming beast to fight it. Meanwhile Ariane and Chiyome confront Fumba. She says that taboo word of his that he is weak because the power is not his. That is why to show dominance, he controls it. When Chiyome scathes his back, it is discovered he has some complex tattoo that allows him to control beasts and monsters. Because of its complexity, a slight disruption will cause it to stop working. Fumba thinks now that he cannot control hydra, don’t blame him what happens next. But Ariane isn’t perturbed. As long Arc is around, hydra will never kill again. Now Fumba is getting desperate as he begs for his life and even will to apologize the elves he killed. Save your apology because Ariane won’t have it as she burns him to a crisp.

Back to Arc, we see the tag team combo beating down the hydra that it made the monster so scared it tries to run away! But that won’t happen since they burn it until there is nothing left. Soon, Ariane gets a message from Danka that Yuriarna has meet up with one of the elven elders, Fangas. Yuriarna is willing to take responsibility and search for the missing elves since it is their fault for breaking the pact. But in return, she hopes that the elves can back her as the heir to her throne as both her brothers had backing from Revlon. If Sekt manages to become the next king, the elves will continue to be threatened. Fangas agrees to this. Cetrion reports to Sekt that Yuriarna is alive and her negotiations with the elves have been successful. Sekt wonders if there is somebody on his side working for Yuriarna. For now he doesn’t consider this a threat. Domitianus receives word that hydra and Fumba have perished. He too doesn’t mind since the rings have proven their usefulness. He is just curious who slew the hydra. Arc unmasks himself and this makes Chiyome freak out that she runs away hiding. This has Ariane remind him about the spring to break his curse. Arc would also love to visit Chiyome’s ninja village. I’m sure they’ll accept him. Arc narrates he wanted a peaceful and quiet life at first. But after making a few friends, he’ll continue enjoying his adventuring days a little longer.

Bare Bones…
It’s not a lie that I am glad this series is over. Not sure if I can take any much more of this. Yeah, I sound like I was dreading while watching the entire season. While it is not the worst of its genre out there, but it is definitely boring. After all, I did not put much expectations on this series (this is after all the ubiquitous isekai genre we’re talking about – and of course, expectation level went down further after being ‘lied’ to that this wasn’t Overlord’s next season), and for a series like this one to not even reach that threshold of mine, must be that bad, huh? But like I said, it is not the worst but still, bad is still bad. Now that it is finally over, Arc can continue his adventuring without me having to follow every overpowered step he makes. This is where we part, buddy.

One main reason why I believe this series turned out particularly disappointing was because of the hype surrounding the series before it was aired. Now, I am sure that many have been making memes and jokes about how this series is knockoff of Overlord and Arc himself is some sort of clone for Ains. Not to say that I was on that hype train itself as I have already said, I thought it was going to be Overlord spinoff so my hype was there. Sure, the next season of Overlord did come out albeit the next season after this series. But aside the Overlord comparison, this series didn’t really offer anything different and played the same formula, using the same ingredients of the isekai genre. Not that I was expecting this to be the next Overlord either. While hardcore fans may continue to love it, I believe that the general public and casual viewers like yours truly couldn’t have found the series to be more boring. An utter disappointment in the end.

So as we can see what this season has to offered, it feels pretty bland and boring. Perhaps it is not fair to judge it too harshly yet because with only a dozen episodes, everything feels introductory. Unfortunately first impression counts. So while it is nothing new and expected as we see overpowered Arc muscle his way through his enemies (yawn! BORING!), sometimes I feel those puny scheming humans that are the secondary plot are the more interesting ones. Like I’ve said, it all just feels introductory this season and hence we don’t even get to see Arc clash with any big powers or characters that can at least fight on par with him. Even the final stretch of entering Revlon and facing off with Fumba (somewhat), while I thought the series should have been something like this of this sort to be interesting, alas it was already too late as the season has already ended. So whatever happened to the opening scene vibe whereby Lauren was going to get raped? I thought it would set the tone of the rest of the series but it did not. In hindsight of that, now that opener feels like a big bait to reel us in to watch. Because it was mediocre the rest of the way.

Therefore this season feels so boring because Arc is seen doing miniscule missions of rescuing people and taking out grunts. Nothing that really tests his true powers yet. After all, he might have a huge arsenal of skills but if he is going to employ even the simplest and low level of spells on this side quest errand missions, it is definitely going to make him look freaking overpowered. It’s like a college student sitting for a kindergarten exam. Definitely you can’t say he is cheating, no? Oh right, Arc couldn’t best Glenys but since she is not the enemy, so I suppose that doesn’t count. Yeah. Not sure if things will heat up in the original light novel source but as far as the anime is concerned, it was one big bore and the way it ends like that, made it even worse. The only good thing is that now it puts Overlord on an even higher pedestal! Yeah, not even related but that’s how I feel right now.

The characters themselves feel boring and totally clichéd. I mean, after a few episodes in, you can guess the kind of character Arc is. I cannot stress enough that I cannot stop comparing him as a discount version of Ains. I suppose he has this fear that others will not accept his skull head and thus the need to keep it hidden underneath his huge armour forever. So this leads to him acting polite and all so he will not give his identity away. He remains humble and doesn’t show off his powers while helping those in need. Wow. Such an ideal main character. Unfortunately, it makes him boring as f*ck. Even more so when you consider him to have so many great skills and although it is not perfect, it still makes him overpowered. There is not a moment where I never got worried about Arc being killed off or even close to being wounded. Even if the angle showed it so, it was just for dramatic effect and those worries of yours will be blown away with Arc back on top in the end. Yeah. Definitely boring.

Even more mind blowing when you try to think about how this guy could eat and drink without his organs. Remember, he is only made of bones. So do the food and drink magically disappear when he chugs them down his throat? Is that the only way he could feel full? Because I’m sure as hell curious to know if he could just put food directly into his stomach. Get what I mean? And I am even curious to know how this guy takes a dump and piss. Oh right, this is a game world so we don’t need to make it all so realistic, RIGHT?! Thank goodness his armour gives him that intimidating looks because if he is butt naked in his skeleton form, I think we’d all be laughing our asses off at how funny (and weak) he looks instead of going into shock and fear. Yeah.

Then there is Ariane who is his travelling companion. I guess we’re going to get bored easily if we see a huge chunk of armour adventuring around solo. She is no Albedo but with a hot dark elf chick around, it balances out this dynamic. You know, big chunky skeleton guy with a hot sexy elf babe. Yeah, that’s the balance we need. It is also to troll us into thinking if there would be some sort of romance blossoming between them but I hardly believe it would happen. I mean, how the f*ck is Ariane going to make out with a skeleton???!!! THINK ABOUT IT?! WHERE IS THE BONER???!!! Okay, enough of such lewd jokes although I can go on a few more paragraphs about that. Yeah. Anyway, partnering with Ariane gives Arc some sort of reason and mission to exist in this anime. After all, what would be this mercenary be doing had he not stumble into Ariane? Yeah, more petty jobs. So I guess it gives him a reason to be hired by her to do some elf rescuing mission and the likes.

With Chiyome unofficially part of the group, I guess now we have to add some furry character to the mix and extend the mission. Because it would be boring if just the elves get rescued, right? And so by adding some more complexity to it, hence more depth is supposedly added. Her character isn’t really prominent at this point and as a ninja, it is only right she works in the shadows instead of being flashy. Also, she’s not the main character ;p.

Ponta is definitely the series’ mascot. I believe it is only there for the cuteness and does nothing really of importance. Even if it was, it feels forced. Like sniffing out that imp that was brainwashing Ariane. At least it gives a reason for Ponta not to be labelled as 100% useless. It did something miniscule, better than doing nothing at all. Anyhow, Ponta feels very insignificant in many of the scenes and doesn’t do anything. Well, Arc is already so overpowered and could get the job done by himself so why the need to overkill and for this spirit creature to intervene? Yeah, just sit back and watch everything. Just need to be cute, that’s all? So irrelevant Ponta I feel, that they have to dedicate a segment right at the end of every episode for this little green furry. It’s just a still picture of a Ponta doll hanging out or something. Cute, no? Not to me!

Humans are the scumbags so technically in this sense, they are the more interesting characters even if they are just mere side characters at this point. Especially the conspiracy going on behind the shadows of Sekt-Dakares-Yuriarna, it feels like something more sinister will happen but alas too bad this season is not enough to flesh them out properly. This includes Domitianus who from first looks is setting himself to be the final boss that Arc will face. Yeah, we need to build up a despicable powerful baddie so that when Arc defeats him, victory will be sweet and justified.

Art and animation are pretty standard. Nothing really to shout about. There are some bloody and gory moments but those scenes are just one off. It’s not so bad that once you see them, you might faint. I believe there is CGI employed especially Arc. Not sure if he is 100% CGI all the way but for most of the time I noticed, he is given this 3D treatment. Because of his chunky armour, his movements are restricted so the CGI animation doesn’t really look all that bad and somewhat blends in. This anime is jointly done by Studio Kai (Super Cub, Mushikago No Cagaster, Shine Post) and Hornets (Somali To Mori No Kamisama).

Voice acting is pretty standard too. Wasn’t expecting to find anyone recognizable until Akira Ishida popped up as Domitianus and Kazuya Nakai as Fumba. The casts are Tomoaki Maeno as Arc (Naotsugu in Log Horizon), Ai Fairouz as Ariane (Takechiyo in Hanyou No Yashahime), Miyu Tomita as Chiyome (titular character in Gabriel Dropout), Ryota Takeuchi as Goemon (Unabara in Tenchi Souzou Design-bu), Soari Oonishi as Yuriarna (Kaori in Arifureta Shokugyou De Sekai Saikyou), Rikako Aida as Ferna (Riko in Love Live! Sunshine), Kengo Kawanishi as Sekt (Rei in 3-gatsu No Lion), Daiki Hamano as Dakares (Valtos in Black Clover), Rumi Okubo as Evee (Aguri in Gamers) and Aya Yamane as Seriarna (Benisumomo in Kunoichi Tsubaki No Mune No Uchi).

The opening theme Aa, Waga Rouman No Michi Yo by Pellek, I’m having mixed feelings about it. This hard rock sounds like it tries to copy JAM Project’s style of music but comes out as more noise than anything else. Yes, it sounds chaotic and hectic but I suppose this is to go with the animation itself which also feels somewhat that. No wonder Ariane and Ponta are in shock from the wildest ride of their lives with Arc! As for the ending theme, Bokura Ga Oroka Da Nante Dare Ga Itta by Dialogue+ feels very much like a manufactured pop song. With that kind of beat and the group feels like singing at the top of their voice, it feels like a weird song to hear. Making it worse is the CGI animation of it. Thank goodness they did not employ this for the episode proper because look how stiff and awkward they are!

Overall, it is sad that I have to follow the masses in calling this series as boring and disappointing. Perhaps another season would turn things around but by just confining to the first season itself, is indeed just another one of those many ubiquitous isekai themes around. From being called an Overlord clone as well as typical clichéd overpowered main character that everyone has come to hate, this series feels like it wasn’t trying to even to be different from the rest of the pack. The hype did its job to reel us in and that’s that. So forgive me if I’m going to leave this series buried 6 feet under and let it rot till there are no skeletal remains left as I go over to watch the fourth season of Overlord right now just to blow away this bone dry disappointment.

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