Mato Seihei No Slave

9 June, 2024

What is else there to say? With a name like Mato Seihei No Slave, you bet the kind of people that are going to watch this are those wanting to see the fanservice elements. Am I right?! Forget about hot young babes fighting monsters from another dimension with whatever special powers they have. Because they’ll soon discover another power that brings that power of theirs to the next level. That’s right. When you have a guy as their ‘slave’ who will power them up further and because we live in a world where there needs to be equal compensation, guess how they have to repay that without using monetary items? That’s right. You guessed it. Using their bodies! Oh yeah! Do we care about anything else except the raunchy fanservice that borderlines hentai stuffs? I don’t know, but this guy is the best and luckiest slave ever!

Episode 1
Yuuki Wakura might be a high schooler who is good at household chores but I guess bad times are so hard he has to look around for a job for his future. Suddenly he enters a different dimension. Don’t panic. Let’s read what the Wiki says when one enters into such alternate gateways known as Mato. When one enters this world filled with monsters known as Shuuki, stay where you are until the Demon Defence Force (DDF) arrives to rescue. Yup, that’s pretty much about it. But what if Shuuki pops up before DDF arrives? You just get to die?! Thankfully for Yuuki, Kyouka Uzen pops up to save his skin. She rendezvous with her other squad members, Himari Azuma, Shushu Suruga and Nei Okawaramura. These trio continue to search for lost civilians and they find a boy who then tells them his sister is missing. What are the chances she is being chased by a Shuuki? There she is. As Kyouka has her hands full fighting against the Shuuki horde, one is about to kill this little girl but Yuuki shields her. Don’t worry, nobody dies as Kyouka once again kills the Shuuki in time. With the Shuuki fast outnumbering them, Kyouka needs drastic measures. Because she heard nasty rumours she will never become DDF’s Supreme Commander, she’ll do what it takes to achieve that. First she asks if Yuuki is willing to do whatever it takes to get alive. Yes. There’s your permission. Because now she will make him her slave! Like a kiss? Nope. He licks her fingers! He turns into an intelligent Shuuki that surpasses all expectations with speed and power, easily despatching all the other monsters. Kyouka is impressed and wants him to be permanent with his job. As a slave?! So how? It’s a kiss this time! You see, in order for Kyouka to maximise her abilities, she must give her slave an equal compensation. So this is our sleazy excuse for some naughty bits!!! Our virgin boy gets the best French kiss in his entire life. Oh yeah. Definitely worth its reward. Yuuki agrees to be part of DDF seeing he can be a hero rather than his mundane boring life. Also, to avenge his sister’s death. And did I mention, a harem! Kyouka brings him back to her 7th squadron’s dorm. She introduces him to the rest and from now on he will be their caretaker! Sorry Yuuki. You’re still a slave! As for joining DDF, didn’t you know only women are allowed! Bummer. Have fun with your new life.

Episode 2
Yuuki must be so good at his housekeeping job. Nei looks like the kind senpai who enlightens him on some stuffs like despite their dorm located inside Mato, it is protected with a strong barrier. There are also other squadrons at different locations. Himari looks like she is going to be the man hater since she is not impressed with a guy in the dorm. Yuuki realizes his hero dreams won’t come true by staying a caretaker. So he ‘complains’ about it to Kyouka. It seems she will only use him when deemed necessary in battle. Otherwise, continue your caretaker job. Of course she warns that if he does something funny, she’ll twist it off! Later when Yuuki cleans the watchtower, he accidentally sees Himari getting in the bath. Naked! However this spotted by Shushu as she takes a picture of this and uses it as blackmail. Oh my. Now he has to be her slave to keep this hush. While he is not happy with this, what else choice he has? Besides, Shushu doesn’t see him as a man and more like a pet?! Yuuki then sees Kyouka giving Himari some fighting lessons. The former obviously much better. To top it off, she continues her combo on a wandering Shuuki! That’s how it’s done! Awesome! With everyone else off to a meeting, Yuuki will be left alone with Shushu. Oh no. Continuing to be her slave, he learns she is the youngest of 3 sisters and grew up without a dad. Going to an all-girls school, this is why she is interested in him as a guy. Then they play a penalty game in which Yuuki keeps losing. And he loses all his clothes! Yes, she is interested to see his junk! Internet doesn’t exist in this world?! Don’t worry about him being a man and getting dangerous. Because remember, she can change sizes and won’t let anybody take advantage of her. And she laughs at his small dick! That’s got to hurt for him. A powerful Shuuki wreaks havoc so Shushu goes giant size to fight it. She didn’t count on a huge mother after that. Lacking stamina, she takes a beating. Yuuki knows he needs to help but how? Remembering his transformation with Kyouka, the logic that he needs to lick one of Shushu’s clothes?! Well, some are temporary. But licking her boots turned him into a semi-Shuuki. He beats the mother down and in the aftermath, Shushu is now impressed with his erected dick???!!! WTF???!!! That’s a real monster! More blackmail material as she manages to snap a pic like as though he is enraging her modesty! Forever her slave… Meanwhile in another squadron, several DDF girls get picked off by a Shuuki. But this one is being controlled by a mysterious woman who seems to know Yuuki and wants to find him.

Episode 3
On Kyouka’s free day, she takes Yuuki to an important grave. This is also a memorial whereby her village was massacred by a single Shuuki known as Unihorn. Kyouka was a survivor and it devastated her that day. Ever since, she vowed revenge on Unihorn. This is why she brought Yuuki as he needs to power up to help her. Yuuki then takes her to a parfait café. That smile on Kyouka’s face certainly brings back memories of Yuuki’s late sister, Aoba. ‘Date’ interrupted when Kyouka receives a Mato alert. Rushing back, first she brings him to her room. That’s right. Our first sleazy fanservice of the day as Kyouka allows him to take off her stockings and lick her feet to power up. Rendezvousing with the rest, it seems a crater has formed and lots of Shuuki appearing. As they head to the battlefield, soon they encounter Unihorn. How convenient. More baffling, a woman riding and controlling it. As she takes out Shushu and Himari, she starts talking about her little brother whom she is obsessed with and currently finding. When a huge Shuuki interrupts, she destroys it for doing so! Don’t ruin her moment talking about her brother! She and Yuuki come face to face as she is surprised that he is not really a Shuuki. Soon she escapes with Unihorn. Kyouka is enraged she is escaping again but comes to her senses and help Yuuki defeat other Shuuki and help her comrades. Kyouka feels ashamed she almost lost to her rage. Back home, more sleazy pervy reward because Kyouka stepping on Yuuki’s crotch?! WTF?! Is he a masochist now?! They talk about that mysterious woman and although Yuuki has a hunch it could be Aoba (of course she is!), Kyouka thinks otherwise. Because she said her brother is the most handsome man in the world! I actually know how that works in anime… And the other thing is that they have not heard of a human turning into a Shuuki. So it can’t be her, right? I’m sure this is going to be a shocking twist in the future. And indeed that woman is Aoba as she returns to her similar comrades, Coco Zenibako and Naon Yuno. She realizes that Shuuki is indeed Yuuki. Oh well, surprise element over. Now it’s Shushu’s turn to give her slave some fanservice in the bath. When Yuuki thinks she is pulling a fast one, he didn’t actually count she is naked! Glorious tits! Damn, she gets turned on over him looking at her?! He runs away but now bumps into Himari changing. Oh well, this one really wants to kill him! His life saved when a couple of DDF from 6th squadron pops up, Tenka Izumo and Yachiho Azuma. Tenka flirts with the slave and needs him to bring Kyouka. Meanwhile I’m sensing bad vibes between Himari and Yachiho.

Episode 4
Tenka talks to Kyouka about the humanoid Shuuki. Her squad has encountered them a couple of times. At the same time, Yachiho trying to put down Himari and embarrass her. Something about she should be coming back to the family. Hence Kyouka suggests an exhibition match. Thus with Himari needing to get some serious training, she also claims Yuuki as her slave. You see, Himari’s ability is to copy others. However only 1 person at a single time. More than often, many abilities are useless (like Shushu’s growth only makes her boobs grow bigger?!). As Yuuki turns into his Shuuki form, he is faster than before although weaker in strength compared to Kyouka’s version. For this first reward, Himari’s body move against her will as she shows him her pantsu. Yeah, that’s our sleazy excuse for sleazy fanservice. And since it won’t be over till he is satisfied, she sits on his face!!! Man, he should up the level of his reward!!! And now Himari’s family back story. An accomplished Mato slaying family, however Himari always become sick when she gets nervous. Yachiho is always tormenting her on this so to prove herself, she broke ties with her family. As Yachiho’s ability is to freeze time and even rewind it, they need a move that will finish her off. Thank goodness with the bunch of Shuuki here to help Yuuki train. He finally develops a move. Is it a fluke? Can he pull it off again? Well, Himari shows her bare tits as reward! You bet he can do it again! Definitely! The usual training montage until fight day is here. Of course the usual sisterly b*tch showdown before the match. To even the odds, Tenka has brought an additional member, Sahara Wakasa. The match will be refereed by Ginna Bizen of another squad. You think Himari is a man hater? Wait till you see her reaction when Yuuki tries to even talk to her! First up is Himari vs Yachiho. Obviously. As Yachiho starts to brag, she is swiftly taken down by Himari-Yuuki combo. Shocked at first, she stops and reverses time to before the match starts. That should bring her down her high horse as she gets serious. Himari notices Yachiho already panting before the match starts and deduces something has happened so she has Yuuki try out another strategy.

Episode 5
Before the match started, Himari asked Sahara if Yachiho did any serious training. Sorry, Sahara is trying hard to be a retard and sleeping! WTF?! Rest assured, she didn’t see any. As Yachiho tries to pull off another time freezing ability, Himari-Yuuki runs out of her range to avoid getting into that time trap. As narrated whenever Yachiho is about to use her ability, she will do a strange pose that takes time to activate. If they are close to her, they can attack before she activates. If they are far, they can just get out of her range. As each ability drains her energy, they’ll run around to tire her out. Of course Yachiho picks up this tactic so she pulls off her secret trump card. This time she can freeze time double her original and her range extends far beyond that of normal. She fires a few shots and when time resumes, Himari and Yuuki are down. Yachiho mocks her she doesn’t have any way to counter this. Just before she is about to give up, Yuuki tells her off they didn’t come this far to lose. Has she not notice how tired Yachiho is? It means their plan has been working. They both get back up to attack. But this time Yachiho can only do her normal ability. At this point, Yuuki reverts to his human form. This confuses Yachiho as she ponders where the heck Himari is. Nevertheless she fires at Yuuki. Time resumes and Himari is right under her. In the end, Himari is left standing and wins it for her squad. It was her brilliant tactic to use Yuuki’s transformation because when that happens, smoke appears and it shrouded Yachiho’s vision. So you think the b*tch showdown is over? Yachiho confronts her sister and tries to convince her to rejoin the family since she has gotten stronger and it will be easier to train her. Obviously she turns her down as the 7th squadron is now her family. Poor Yachiho is left in tears and it is hinted that Yachiho actually loves her sister a lot and is just acting tough and tsundere! So for Yuuki’s reward (and ours), Himari starts kissing him. Multiple times! Oh yeah! For a girl with a sharp tongue, she sure has soft lips! She doesn’t think badly of men now. Well yeah, if everyone has a slave like Yuuki… Shushu in shock as she spies of them. Didn’t think it would be this physically demanding, huh? Next match is Shushu vs Sahara. However the latter continues to be a retard and sleeping?!

Episode 6
So the girls start off with a wrestling match. Then it’s time to use their powers with Shushu turning giant and Sahara as we all will be told, is allowed to boost her powers depending on how much time she has. The shorter the time, the more powerful it will be. Of course she will have a cooling period after each use. As Shushu takes a beating, she remembers in school her friends were bragging about having boyfriends. But Shushu wasn’t interested and wanted to join DDF for her excitement. Well, I guess she has found something even more exciting than that. Not wanting to lose face to Yuuki, she carries on fighting and just when she thought she knocked Sahara unconscious, this is actually Sahara activating her ultimate when she is asleep. This effectively knocks out Shushu. Safe to say, Sahara wins. Obviously Shushu is very sad about this. How can she face Yuuki? Well, nice guy tries to go comfort her. Since erasing memories of that embarrassing defeat won’t work, she kisses him! Also, because she lost, the most fanservice we’ll get out of her today is her exposed boobs from the fight. Nei then detects a couple of humanoid Shuuki watching. They pick up on her spying and mock her. Soon, a swarm of Shuuki invade. The barrier is broken thanks to Rairen. Our DDF girls fight the swarm as Kyouka and Himari combining to give Yuuki a new powerful form. Rairen is not impressed with their fighting and thinks they are not the ones. Yachiho tries to take her down until she is at her limits. Tenka takes over. Rairen thinks she is outnumbered but Tenka shows that she has already neutralized all the Shuuki army that has invaded.

Episode 7
Rairen thought Tenka would be easy meat. Tenka shows her true powers as she is able to rip apart the fabric of space and teleport everything she touches. There goes Rairen into the vortex. With the threat over and DDF reassemble to discuss what happened, Nei talks about the humanoid Shuuki that were present at the battlefield but didn’t show themselves. Could they be swept by the vortex too? Tenka and her squad return to write a report so the final duel have to be called off. This means our lucky Yuuki gets rewarded with double fanservice! Oh yeah! Fancy Kyouka and Himari bathing with him naked in the hotspring?! Later Nei draws a sketch of those other humanoid Shuuki but of course these are not who Yuuki and co encountered the last time. Hence he keeps pondering about the one that looks like Aoba. Why was she not with them? Is she in a different squad? Soon, Kyouka visits Tenka’s base to discuss further action. In the meantime, Yuuki is free so he tries to clean the place. Well, it’s just so damn clean. Just the laundry. Lots of lingerie! Why these girls wear so many lingerie?! Then he stumbles into Yachiho’s room. Oh boy. Himari’s pictures everywhere! Better get out! Then he sees Sahara sleeping in her undies and unwittingly becomes her bolster. That wrestling move is sure hard to escape! Then he sees Himari waiting for Yachiho to finish her training before talking to her. As usual, being tsundere and the sisterly spat. Sahara quips Himari would understand better if she just sees Yachiho’s room! Oh, she better not! Meanwhile Rairen still lives. Thanks to Shikoku’s help of pulling her right before she got sucked in. It seems their mission was to assess the strength of each squad’s commander before attacking DDF as a whole. Obviously, Rairen’s barge in and attack tactic proved wrong. Since Jouryuu agrees with Shikoku, they have to follow her plan now. Until all 8 of them are together, they will work in the shadows. With the meeting over, Tenka has a little personal favour of Kyouka: Can she borrow have Yuuki!

Episode 8
Tenka claims she wants to have a boy in her life. Or rather a pet. If Kyouka gives Yuuki to her, she will see to it she’ll become the next Supreme Commander. Kyouka instantly rejects because she will become one on her own accord. However when Tenka claims if she could have Yuuki on his free time, well, that’s the grey area. It’s not like Kyouka controls his private life. So Kyouka tells Yuuki about this so it’s up to him. Obviously with the girls working him to death, does he even has his own free time? As he ponders about this in his room, naughty Tenka drops by and starts flirting with him. Yeah, that sexy body gonna make him change his mind? Forget about being her pet, she can be her lover! Before anything steamier can happen, Shushu barges in and sees this unholy activity. Eventually everyone finds out and Tenka just gets a slap on the wrist. Next day, Kyouka has Nei combine with Yuuki to see what kind of new Shuuki he will become. He is much slower and weaker but his senses are now sharpened. How sharp? Why, he can see through your clothes! Best form ever? Next is Shushu but it seems Yuuki can’t grow as big as her and gets squashed. Training ends. Time for school for Nei. Sorry folks, she’s not a legal loli. Anyway, Yuuki gets permission to accompany her as he finds out her reason to join DDF. Her parents went missing and all hints point to the Mato incident. When they return, more flirting from Tenka. She’s still around? Thank goodness (or not), Shuuki alert. Kyouka takes Yuuki into battle and she looks mad. She tells Yuuki off that from now on, no more flirting with other girls from other squad because he is HER SLAVE! This scolding hypes up Yuuki that he even defeats a new type of Shuuki with ease. However this is all part of Shikoku’s plan to watch and gauge them. At the end of the battle, Tenka has fallen in love with Yuuki even more.

Episode 9
Another successful Shuuki hunt. So this time Yuuki’s reward is to carry Kyouka like a princess and kiss her? So mild… Back home, look who is making herself at home? Yeah, Tenka is going to be a frequent guest and the time split for Yuuki is going to be diluted further. Yuuki changes the topic and talks about his sister. When some young bully punk called his brother to beat Yuuki up, Aoba was there to kick his ass! Double victory as Yuuki also (barely) defeated his bully. Aoba was happy with the outcome and celebrated this victory. Soon, Nei detects someone inside Mato. Shushu and Himari go to save her first while Kyouka goes to get Yuuki in the bath. No time to put on clothes. On the double! When Shushu and Himari save the girl, turns out she is Coco and she attacks them back along with Naon. Himari suggests negotiating for peace but they turn her down. DDF will be crushed. By the time Kyouka and Yuuki arrive, they stumble into Aoba. But it is all a trap as Aoba kidnaps Yuuki and her comrades soon escape. When Yuuki wakes up, Coco is licking all over his body?! Sure, to heal his wounds. Talk about a different kind of assault! You bet Aoba isn’t going to be pleased when she sees this! Yuuki is certain from the way she acts, Aoba is her sister. Aoba hugs him. It has been so many years. She takes him to tour this hidden village where a few similar kind reside. Although they may look a bit like Shuuki, their souls are still human due to an accident unlike those Shuuki monsters. Those are truly 100% monsters. Yuuki suggests turning themselves in to DDF because they will protect humans. However they shoot his idea down. They view DDF as the enemy and can never be friends. Coco gives Yuuki eat a weird mushroom and he gets weirdly horny. Damn, he is attacking those huge ‘buns’! Can he fit Naon’s ass and Coco’s butt into his mouth!!! Aoba not going to be pleased… Later Yuuki notices Aoba eating one of those Mato peaches. She mentions there is a connection between her powers and this fruit. He wants to hear more of it. Kyouka has an idea where Yuuki is due to her ability to want to give him a reward and this makes her some sort of Yuuki radar. WTF WHAT?! But it isn’t the 7th squadron going to save him. The 6th squadron will also be joining in. Yeah, nobody is going to take away their slave-cum-boyfriend and live!

Episode 10
Before Aoba tells her story, Naon goes first with hers. She was an ordinary human working as a model. One day she got sucked into Mato. Lost, she ate a peach and her powers suddenly awakened, going berserk. Next thing she knew, she was naked inside a facility known as Onmyou Bureau. An old woman told her this is where they experiment and research on Shuuki. Naon was horrified her body was slowly turning into a monster so she pleaded for a cure. Instead, they told her to cooperate in hopes they will find a cure for it. Unfortunately as they prodded and probed her body, she couldn’t take any more of the torture and escaped. It’s the same for Coco as she couldn’t stand any more scars on her body. However it is slightly different for Aoba. After she ate the peach, her body underwent excruciating pain. She hid here until she got in until her control. It was also where she met Naon and Coco. This is why it took her a long time and a roundabout way to see Yuuki. Their goal is to destroy Onmyou Bureau who claim they are doing this for the better of the country but that is all just BS and politics. They have a few monster Shuuki who side with them: Kuma Douji, Akura and Kidoumaru whom we all know as Unihorn. Yuuki is appalled their attack will cause many innocent to get hurt. He suggests talking to the DDF. However they view them the same since they are under an umbrella organization.

Talk is cut short since they sense the DDF girls here. Coco and Kuma take on Shushu and Sahara. The DDF duo having problems since with Coco’s slimy body, all attacks on them slip off. Inside the caves, it is the sisters’ turn to fight. Yachiho thinks using her time stopping ability is enough to take down Akura (at the expense of her clothes being ripped!) but once she is done, she sees Naon launching a surprise ambush on Himari. Time to put on that face of despair. Kyouka and Tenka find Yuuki with Aoba. Tenka using her power to easily teleport Yuuki away. At a safe place, Kyouka starts licking Yuuki’s hand as reward. Getting any new ideas, Tenka? Wanna try it out? Of course! Double the fun! Hope they had their fill since Aoba is here. She launches an attack but Yuuki comes in between and wants his sister to hear them out. Can’t say no to her little brother. Although Kyouka agrees to help destroy Onmyou Bureau, Aoba will do as she pleases and kill those in her way. After all, they are victims too. Yuuki tries to convince her that Kyouka can be trusted. Trust this woman who turned her brother into a slave? Well, Yuuki says that was his decision. So to become a hero, he must be a slave? Too bad these b*tches don’t want to have longer conversation and thus they put Yuuki away so they can fight. So much about negotiating. While Kyouka takes on Kidoumaru, this could be Tenka’s chance to face Aoba so that she could introduce herself as Yuuki’s boyfriend! Hi, sister in law! For sure Aoba does not accept this b*tch and will kill her! Jouryuu has located Aoba and co and reports to Shikoku. It’s time they make their grand and godly entrance.

Episode 11
Aoba eats peaches to heighten her senses and power. This means she is on the offensive while Tenka is seemingly dodging and escaping via her portals. Aoba thinks that with this method, she’ll eventually wear down Tenka but Tenka is holding out until Kyouka wins hers. Meanwhile Shushu and Sahara continue to lose to Coco due to her healing abilities. Shushu gets mad when Coco brags about licking Yuuki all over. So she initiates her grand plan. Of running away! It may turn out so because when the time is right, she shrinks herself to the smallest size so Sahara can throw her into Kuma’s mouth. Then inside, she expands until Kuma breaks apart. Sahara then uses Kuma’s fang to slice down Coco. Elsewhere, Yachiho uses her time reversing power to save Himari. Although Naon shows herself to attack, the sisters could do little to harm her as she goes back hiding. Himari has a plan on how to face this. She turns her hair into guns! Think of Medusa but replace the snakes with guns! She fires everywhere blindly, knocking Naon off her hiding spot. Yachiho then uses her time reversing method to before Himari uses this ability. Now she is able to pinpoint Naon as they take her and Akura down. Aoba didn’t expect a well timed combo by Tenka and Kyouka to take her down. She’s not out yet, though. The fight resumes but when Tenka seems to have the best chance to take Aoba down, she freezes. This allows Aoba to deal her a fatal blow. Why couldn’t Tenka go through with her attack? The thought of seeing Yuuki’s sad face when her sister is hurt pains her. How considerate! Aoba admires Tenka for that but still will not accept this sister thingy. Aoba gives them a chance to escape and she’ll overlook all this. But with her comrades returning with defeats, Kyouka now asks Aoba to surrender. Unfortunately no decision can be made as Shikoku and Jouryuu jump right in. They claim they are the real leaders of Shuuki and are known as Eight Thunder Gods. They take Coco and Naon hostage and remind everyone they are better than these inferior beings. The rest try to mount a fight but it seems Kidoumaru has been bitten by Shikoku’s snakes and now he is following his instincts to go berserk. Thankfully, before Aoba is dead meat, Yuuki returns. Nobody messes with her sister and gets away with it!

Episode 12
Jouryuu takes away Coco and Naon while Shikoku wants to watch and sees what happens. Yuuki and Kyouka’s fight with Kidoumaru rages on. Then it’s time for this Shuuki to fall. Kyouka delivers the victorious blow to avenge her hometown. This is for all the nice people who died and the suffering she underwent, the training and all for this moment. Victory! Shikoku escapes and notes Yuuki as promising. Oh my, another girl who might want Yuuki for herself? The rest discuss about Aoba’s next move. She intends to continue hiding along with the others in other villagers. Yuuki is confused. Can’t she stay with DDF because they’ll protect her. Even if Kyouka promises to protect her, she might trust them but not the organization. Hence hiding elsewhere in Mato would be better than being a sitting duck at DDF. Plus, Tenka notes how their Supreme Commander, Yamashiro is a much more vicious person. They note as head of command, she must know about the experiments and being the ruthless person, she won’t hesitate to cut down anyone. With Aoba hiding, the rest can do their investigation on Onmyou Bureau. 7th squadron returns to base. Yuuki gonna get his greatest reward with sexy Kyouka in sexy lingerie sleeping next to him! Are we going to push the limits of fanservice today?! After kissing him, then she suggests sleeping to rest. Well, Yuuki is too wide awake to even sleep! We know why! In that case, she starts doing wrestling submission moves on him. Uhm, I think he kinda likes it… Her logic is that since Aoba often does this as Yuuki’s punishment, she thought of doing the same to teach him who his master is. It’s also punishment for ignoring her orders and getting captured. With that, Yuuki finally sleeps. Sweet dreams. Meanwhile, Coco and Naon are being fed to this hideous creepy walking egg monster. This is to give birth to a new comrade. So, are they dead for good? 6th and 7th squadron then gather to celebrate and toast Yuuki as MVP. Yuuki remembers Kyouka’s promise to Aoba that she’ll become Supreme Commander and change DDF’s policies. Aoba and Yuuki part ways as the cave started collapsing. She assured she will always be watching him and he too promised to find a way to cure her. That will be his additional mission aside being a hero. Yuuki is then visited by sneaky Tenka. One more for the road? Only, Kyouka catches them in the act. Shucks, nothing started. Gotta go back and do paperwork. Looks like more punishment from Kyouka. Get ready. Yuuki returns to training with the rest before heading out to fight more Shuuki. Business as usual.

Toy(ed) Soldier: I’m A Slave 4 U
As such developments are left behind in the case we need another season, right? But as we veterans should know, what are the chances this kind of genre will get another season? Yeah, it’s not going to- OH F*CK WAIT A MINUTE! YOU MEAN THERE REALLY IS GOING TO BE A SEASON???!!!! It’s true! I did not misread it nor was it all fake news! OMFG this really getting a sequel! Oh yeah! After all the delicious cock teasing seductions, we are now addicted to see all the hot babes give their bodies to Yuuki so we have our weekly jerking off material! Oh yeah! We’re a slave to fanservice! Bring it on! We are ready anytime!

I did not expect much from the storyline and as very much expected, it turned out so. I mean, how far can a series like this go? It is like the whole idea revolves around the guy being a (pseudo sex) slave and so they needed just the flimsiest of a reason to have young teenage girls in uniforms fighting mindless monsters and some intelligent ones too in another dimension. Do you not think that is what a big part, if not the entire season is about? Forget about unravelling how or why the Mato incident came about or why such Shuuki creatures exist. Because the entire concept is about seeing Yuuki and the girls having some sort of sexually charged affair all in the name to power up and fight monsters. Yeah. Only in anime where one can use the power of sex to increase your skills and senses. I know in this case, Yuuki gets his via reward but it’s not different either.

So I am left to start deluding about the more interesting conspiracy theory that DDF and Onmyou Bureau are in cohorts together in creating this whole Mato incident. More than often, it is such organizations and the ones on top that have shady dealings and I wouldn’t be surprised if such cliché plot twist arises in the future. I would be if it doesn’t. After all, Onmyou Bureau does experiments on innocent people under the guise of helping them being freed of whatever Shuuki they have become. When they fail (often they do), they are set loose and into the hunting grounds known as Mato whereby DDF will now hunt them down as sport under the guise of keeping humanity safe! Oh yeah! Don’t you not think this is a lot possible?! I wouldn’t be surprised either to see our heroines from both sides of the divide teaming up to fight against their higher ups and bureaucracy. After all, you can’t have hot chicks from opposing sides kill each other, right? Because plot twist like this demands a third force and common enemy for them to unite and fight against. Oh wow. I should become the scriptwriter for this show! Where’s my contract now?!

The characters are to be expected, in the sense that you don’t expect much from them. Remember, this is that sort of anime. As usual, Yuuki is a character who harbours some sort hidden power/talent because otherwise he won’t be the main character of the series. As pointed out, this becomes excuse for some cheap fanservice thrills under the guise of the girls training to become stronger. They tried trolling us that at the very beginning of each episode, Yuuki narrates to us that this is a story of how he became a hero! Well, that’s all just perception. From the way I see it, he is going to be DDF’s plaything AKA sex slave because I am sure if the girls are going to get more powerful in the future, they are going to do even brazen and lewd acts that perhaps would put porn stars to shame! As long Yuuki has this usefulness, they won’t throw him out. Oh right, almost forgot, he does very good household chores. Gender equality, people!

This means I have not much hopes on the DDF girls either. They’re pretty basic with one or two standout traits but that is about it. Each episode focuses on one of the girls with Yuuki but nothing else develops further except for the fact that they will start to fall for him from the heart rather than seeing him as a tool. Perhaps they’ll use this excuse to continue using him but whatever. After all, I am very sure that Yuuki is good in bed, the way we see him please the girls! Otherwise, do you not think they would let him violate their modesty? Uh huh. Maybe the girls have high sexual drives and they’re using this reward system as a cover up to hide their nympho! Like Kyouka who is a tsundere because each time we see her embarrassed face and calling Yuuki a pervert each time she metes out her reward to him. Maybe she’s enjoying it deep down inside. And now the competition is getting more intense with more girls fighting for Yuuki’s love. Or power. Whichever. Yuuki being the cure for Himari as a man hater and Shushu just need to be a little braver if she wants to advance her love. Yeah, she thinks she is ranked quite high at the top of the pecking order with Tenka only ahead of her. Well, it’s nice to dream.

With Tenka being the most brazen of the lot, she’s going to shake up the pecking order because she is not shy in admitting in what she wants. Love indeed can change a woman. Or is that all just horniness or lust? So you people want Tenka as your slave?! Of course not every girl here shows their affection for Yuuki like Nei who is like the strategist and backup of the group. She often stays behind during missions. Can’t have Yuuki do explicit sexual stuffs on her because that might convert some into depraved lolicons! Then there is the other tsundere known as Yachiho. I saw it coming her hate was just a twisted disguise for her sick perverse love for her sister. I can see the day Himari finds out and I will wonder how long can Yachiho rewind time just to erase this embarrassing moment! Finally, Sahara. Sleepy girl can just sleep freaking anywhere!

Aoba and her little band of merry Shuuki girls are seeming the antagonists for the most part of the season. When you think about it, are they really going to pit the siblings who love each other so much, to reunite and then fight each other? Obviously not. Not surprising at all, the true big bad bosses of Shuuki are somebody else. Because Shikoku’s side do not appear much, we do not form a bond or know nothing much about them. Hence we are not inclined to support them, a great basis for them to become the next antagonist. Therefore all I can see this misunderstanding between Kyouka and Aoba’s side is just so that they could understand each other. The common glue that ties them together? Yup, you’ve guessed it. It’s Yuuki! So now they have a reason to go all out fighting and protect this sex slave important man of theirs. It’s a good thing she won’t be staying at the DDF for the time being. Because if so, I can foresee Aoba becoming the overprotective mother as she tries to defend Yuuki’s chastity from the horny girls! Oh boy, this fight is going to be messier than any Shuuki battle ever! One I might enjoy and cringe at the same time… Yuuki is up for grabs so may the best girl win! His heart or his dick, take your pick!

Action wise, all is just passable and nothing exciting. Yuuki transforming into different versions of Shuuki with different sets of abilities for variety just feels boring. Even with mostly the DDF girls using their special abilities to whack the Shuuki horde feels obligatory and nothing exciting. All within expectations, sad to say.

The art and animation feels just pretty average. It feels like it just meets the minimum standards of what is needed to be watchable. It is not that bad but I thought it could have been better. I suppose that they think because they showed some bare tits, this will cloud the horny viewers’ mind as they won’t notice the average quality of the animation. Oh yeah. It was surprising to note that this series shows the bare breasts of the female characters. I was not expecting this and only thought that they would do this for the DVDs or Blu-Rays. So as to milk you horny otaku virgins for those desperate enough to want to see their favourite characters’ tits. Perhaps we are now living in this era where everything is slowly opening up. When you have more people and characters coming out as gay or lesbian, soon there will be no shame at all when women start to go topless like men. Yeah, the gender equality that we all can get behind!

I mean let’s admit it, viewers watching this I am very sure we all know what naked women boobs look like, right? Don’t kid yourselves anymore. Therefore it is not worth censoring men’s favourite twin peaks because conservative values have died a long time ago. Hence every episode guarantees the cliché of Yuuki involving in some sort of perverted reward and hence an excuse for the girls to bare their tits. Or maybe some hotspring bathing scene will also do. Yeah, watching tits never seem to grow old. And it never will. Even if there are no bare tits, do we still enjoy Yuuki getting into fanservice-like situations from the girls? DDF or Shuuki alike? No wonder he won’t quit being a slave! It’s just so f*cking rewarding! Oh, what was I talking about? Right. Animation quality. Wow. Imagine talking about boobs has already proven to distract me from the average animation quality. Yeah damn, it worked…

Character designs, you bet I am going to claim that I am seeing a myriad of copycat characters from other anime. Like Yuuki, if Shingeki No Kyojin’s Levi had a perverted version, this would be it. Seriously. Kyouka somehow reminds me of Tsukasa from Tonikaku Kawaii, is it because they share the same seiyuu?! Then we have Shushu looking like Sharo from Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka, Nei like Yui from Angel Beats, Himari like Yohane from Genjitsu No Yohane: Sunshine In The Mirror, Tenka like Mito from Shokugeki No Souma, Sahara like Mimosa from Black Clover and Yachiho is like a crazy b*tch version of Hatsune Miku. Yeah. That.

Also not forgetting the Shuuki who look like they’re discount Hollow from Bleach or perhaps this is the simplest design that they can come up with for monsters whose existence is to be slain by DDF. Yeah, such a pity and boring design. Worse, they are animated via CGI. However with the way the action plays out, their movements are not as jarring so I suppose they are within ‘acceptable’ range. Still, could have been better. But then again, with such limited budget and considering the kind of genre this anime is, might as well concentrate on the tits that we are more likely to focus on than the bland monsters. Yeah. More CGI atrocity as the next episode preview we have a fully CGI Nei (or any other characters who care to hijack this section) explaining to viewers the series’ terms, settings or whatever lore. Can she be animated even more hideous? Just because Nei is a cutie pie loli, are we going to give this atrocious CGI animation of her a free pass? Yeah, looks like we are. This anime is done by Seven Arcs who did Tonikaku Kawaii, Sekirei, Dog Days and Inukami.

Voice acting nothing really spectacular either and I don’t recognize the rest of the bunch except Akari Kitou as Kyouka (barely). Not even Rina Hidaka as Naon because she wasn’t pulling her specialist shrieky loli voice. Sad. The other casts are Yuuya Hirose as Yuuki (Takuma In Val x Love), Mari Hino as Shushu (Inukai in Flying Witch), Yume Miyamoto as Himari (Rikka in SSSS.Gridman), Hina Tachibana as Nei (Diamond in Uma Musume: Pretty Derby), Maaya Uchida as Tenka (Lily in DanMachi), Nene Hieda as Yachiho (Izumi in Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun), Reina Ueda as Sahara (Lemon in Mashle), Tomori Kusunoki as Aoba (Annette in Spy Kyoushitsu), Sayaka Senbongi as Coco (Shuna in Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken), Yuuri Yoshida as Ginna (Mashiro in Mikakunin De Shinkoukei), Mako Morino as Shikoku (Yuki Himekawa The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls), Hitomi Nabatame ias Jouryuu (Margery Daw in Shakugan No Shana) and Kujira as Rairen (Hitogami in Mushoku Tensei).

The opening theme, Yume No Ito by Akari Kitou tries to sound like an edgy rock piece but it comes off sounding generic. Cha∞in by Maaya Uchida also sounds the same although it is more like pop music but with some hip hop element. I am not sure if the singer is trying to sound sultry (I don’t think so) since she is singing in a soft (and bland) way and it feels like the music is overwhelming her voice and there’s some sort of mismatch there.

Overall, this series is just mediocre in every sense. The only reason one would watch this is because of the fanservice, which isn’t all that satisfying either. But still better than nothing nevertheless. Uh huh. Really sounded like I’ve watched so many kinds of this animes in the genre. True, I do over the years and decades! Yeah, I’ve seen raunchier ones that aren’t labelled as hentai than this. A certain healer anime comes to mind? Sorry, the free tits surprise didn’t last very long either. It’s like they needed some sort of ecchi fanservice this season and unfortunately this series got picked for it. The story, characters and animation quality are just average at best but it’s not like we viewers really care for all that, right? Because if we do, we won’t be even watching this show in the first place! And so we’re left with pseudo sex-like acts in which the series does what it was supposed to. That is all. Sorry people. Having a guy being a subservient sex slave to many hot chicks doesn’t empower anybody at all. It just makes us all degenerate. And we love it.