Oh wow. This is sure one series whereby I never anticipated it would have another season. Each time it does, it always seems to surprise me. Like, why do I even think this should not even have another season?! Ever since its yearly release, I thought it was done for seeing it had none back in 2021. And what a surprise because Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai S5 dropped a surprise back in the second half of 2022. Yeah, from the looks of it, this series is still going strong and popular enough to have another season. The kind of format this series has, I’m sure it will reach 100 seasons!

Episode 1
After watching a TV show, Shi Mao wants to have BBQ. Shi Fen has a brilliant idea as he calls the gang to each bring their stuff. Crowdfunding BBQ? They gather and have all the stuffs ready. All they need to do is to start the fire. So, got any other better ideas than Shi Mao using small paper to burn? Shi Fen looks up on how to start a fire in the wild. Uhm grab the grill with pliers and swing it? Not sure how it will work but the whole thing fell into the river. With Kai Xin helping, it looks like it is starting to work but then the whole thing fell into the river again. I guess the hangry people can’t wait and push them both into the water!

Episode 2
The gang enjoy their BBQ. Shi Fen being a dick of course as he quickly tries to steal everyone’s meat. You snooze, you lose. Of course Shi Mao won’t allow this further and isolates him on a mini rock? Because Shi Mao thinks some extra ingredients would be nice, Banzai calls Wan Xing to get them. At first the little brother won’t want to accommodate his whims until he learns Shi Mao and Miao Miao are here. Instantly this kid arrives with a lot of goodies for the BBQ. They continue to have a great BBQ. In the end after everyone leaves, Shi Fen thought everyone has brought so much and they ate a lot, maybe they should nabe next time…

Episode 3
Kai Xin heard a couple of girls talking about Shi Mao having a boyfriend. Telling his buddies about it, you bet Banzai is super shocked to hear. Shi Fen? Didn’t hear anything about it and don’t care. He thinks it would be good for her to get one too to mellow down. But then we see Shi Fen and Kai Xin tailing Shi Mao and her friends. Yeah, look who is getting all anxious about her having a boyfriend. It seems every guy she meets, they thought it is her boyfriend but they’re just trolling. Yeah, just random dudes asking for direction or signing a petition. In the end, no boyfriend whatsoever. Meanwhile Banzai interrogates those girls and shows them all the photos of the potential boyfriends. Which one is the boyfriend? They point out to this guy. It’s Shi Fen… Duh!

Episode 4
The siblings are scared because… A COCKROACH! What now?! They throw a slipper and although it hit the roach, it didn’t kill it. Well, the roach is mad now and attacks them! Yeah, it’s bad enough that it can fly! Now it’s getting its revenge!!! HORROR SCREAM FEST!!! Few attempts to fight back but I guess there is nothing they can do and nothing is scarier when a vengeful cockroach flies at you. Anything it touches, Shi Mao wants that stuff thrown away! Eventually Shi Fen becomes the decoy for Shi Mao to trap it in a dustbin. After emptying the bug spray and thinking they have won, suddenly they realize the roach isn’t inside. Oh sh*t! On the ceiling! The attack continues! Shi Fen panics as he trips on the spray and accidentally squashes the bug. Victory? Well, Shi Mao wants to throw him away since he is ‘contaminated’.

Episode 5
Looks like an English test is coming up and you bet Kai Xin didn’t study at all. Banzai seeks Wan Xing’s help so he lets Kai Xin play some mobile game? So this measures his aptitude? Wan Xing deduces he doesn’t have bad IQ but lacks some fundamental academic skills. So to help him build his English vocab, Kai Xin writes the items he sees on post it notes and sticks it on them. Banzai so happy when Kai Xin writes him as a friend. Going to frame this note up? What about Shi Fen and Shi Mao. Shi Mao absolutely over the moon when he writes girlfriend. Not so for Shi Fen because, boyfriend?! Not into this gay sh*t!

Episode 6
Shi Mao admires Kai Xin playing basketball. Banzai sees this and imagines himself in this position. Hence he takes drastic action by calling professional basketball players to train him. Yeah, are these guys from NBA?! So with a practice match this Sunday, Banzai works extra hard. On that day, Shi Mao makes lunch for her brother and Kai Xin. Oh dear. Either way, we know he is dead, right? And so he chose… Kai Xin and Shi Fen being wheeled away in an ambulance for food poisoning. With Kai Xin no longer in his team, Banzai steps in as replacement. The teammates don’t think highly of him until he shows how good he is with the shots. The game begins with Banzai playing like a pro. But then he realizes Shi Mao has left and didn’t even watch. His shots still go in so his teammates rejoice with his brilliance. Poor Banzai. Shi Mao noting she’s not interested in basketball unless Kai Xin is in it.

Episode 7
Shi Fen thought You Le confessed to him but it turns out she is noting how nice it would be to go watch the fireworks. Meanwhile Banzai also notices the fireworks event and texts Shi Mao to go with him. Thinking that Kai Xin will be going, she agrees. Subsequently Kai Xin sees a poster of it and texts everyone to go as he has bought the tickets. However this doesn’t sit well with Shi Fen and Banzai because it’s like interrupting their date. Hence Shi Fen lashes back how he is behind in his studies and must not waste time having fun. Go do your homework! A demoralized Kai Xin then texts he isn’t going. This makes Shi Mao sad and since he won’t be turning up, she too changes her mind and tells Banzai she isn’t coming and to give her ticket to Miao Miao. Shi Fen now texts back to You Le, thinking no one will interrupt them. But then she texts back she could see it from her home anyway. I guess he won’t be going too. Banzai gives his tickets to Wan Xing and in the end, only Miao Miao and Wan Xing turn up for it.

Episode 8
Shi Mao agrees to take care of Miao Miao’s cat while she is away. Of course Shi Fen vehemently objects to this as he complains about the mess they leave behind, the hair, the noise, the food, EVERYTHING! NO CATS, PLEASE! However annoyed Shi Mao claims she will look after it herself and use her own money. Definitely won’t bother him. This strains their relationship. Shi Fen trying to look for the slightest excuse to prove she is wrong but Shi Mao carefully cleans up after the kitty. But one day, Shi Fen finally catches it destroying the entire toilet! This is it! Feline is going to pay! However it puts up the cutest face ever so now Shi Fen totally fawns over it. When Miao Miao is here to get her cat back, looks like it is going to be tough because Shi Fen barricades himself with the cat in his room. Nobody is going to separate us! EVER! We’re going to be together forever!

Episode 9
Kai Xin thinks any girl who cooks yummy food for him, he’ll like her. Of course this means Shi Mao is going to try cook some good stuff. Don’t get your hopes up… As we already know, she isn’t good at it as we see her butcher everything with brute force. Worse, she forces her brother to eat everything. Yeah, worse than gorilla feed. That definitely earns him another beating. If you think hell isn’t over yet, Shi Mao will practice all day and this means he must eat them all! Oh God. Hence he calls Kai Xin over. Oh dear. Will Shi Mao ‘kill’ him? Before Kai Xin digs in, Shi Fen sees his sister’s worried face so he decides to do a bit of improvement on the dish. Shi Mao then tries to cover up by saying the food is from her neighbour. When Shi Fen returns, it definitely tastes better. Kai Xin is now in love with whoever this neighbour is!

Episode 10
As Shi Fen’s socks are loose, Banzai thinks he should get new ones instead of skimping and reusing the old ones. Hence Banzai takes him to a shopping centre. However this mall is the one his family owns so he has to hide from Shi Fen the fact the statues of the brothers and the staffs knowing him very well. As they enter a normal clothing shop, the sales girls start hounding them to try on various clothes. They relent and do so. However Shi Fen feels he doesn’t want to buy them and this earns their ire. Oh sh*t. He changes his mind and will do so. Now the sales girls try to sell them more stuffs! Run!

Episode 11
Shi Mao bought a few training equipment. Shi Fen tries the boxing one but finds it too hard to use. Shi Mao demonstrates and look how pro she is! Shi Fen wants one that is easy to use so Shi Mao recommends this equipment whereby a golf ball is connected to the headband? Don’t punch too hard or it’ll come straight back at you. After a bit of practising, Shi Fen gets the hang of it. Once he is a pro, he challenges Shi Mao to a duel. The sister is shocked he could dodge her punches so she gets serious. However Shi Fen soon realizes that all this means nothing because when it comes down to actual strength, Shi Mao is still a brute monster. Pain arriving in 3, 2, 1…

Episode 12
We see the gang taking their final exam. Look at all their different states. Smart kid Wan Xing has done his way ahead of time and even rechecking them. Yeah, just sitting around chilling. Banzai getting his motivation to do his best thinking Shi Mao will like him. Kai Xin is asleep. Shi Fen trying to use the pencil role to determine the answers. Yeah, all the same answers… Miao Miao using the power of her favourite boy band for inspiration going while Shi Mao is too nervous and breaking every pencil she holds! In the end, it is no surprise that Wan Xing is to of his grade while the guys all flop! Yeah, they don’t even care about it as they go hang out. Well, in some degrees I agree because exams aren’t everything in life!

Idiots Among Us…
Well people, I have got to be honest. This season feels a bit underwhelming. I’m not saying it sucks or it is bad but after 5 seasons in, you can feel the ‘strain’ of the whole series already. I know, you’re going to tell me that I said if something isn’t broken, then don’t fix it. Well yeah, maybe now that has come to this stage and the signs are there, in the event if they are going to make another season, perhaps a little shakeup in the formula?

I am not sure if this is the contributing factor that this season feels a bit weaker. Unlike its previous 4 seasons which was helmed by the same animation studio and director, this season changed bow to new ones. Though, I don’t see any obvious difference in the animation quality or style, nor there is any dip in quality. So could it be this also explains the single year hiatus? The previous company and director had no more plans to further continue this series but then the new one decided to take up this project and see how it goes. Take it with a pinch of salt as it is all purely just speculation on my side.

As we all have already seen, the short 5 minute gags play out in similar fashion in previous seasons. Mostly standalone filler episodes just for quick laughs. At this point like I have said, it has become a double edged sword. While it is great to see the same brand of comedy and quirkiness, it now starts to feel stale. Yeah, sometimes I feel the fifth season is actually just season 4.1. Oh heck. Maybe season 3.2. No, perhaps season 2.3. Ah damn, possibly season 1.4! There was nothing new brought to the table especially the romances between the characters. Oh well, I guess it will be still status quo after all. Because once that happens, the story and characters may not be as fun as before.

This means the characters stay particularly the same as in previous seasons and nothing much has developed between them. So I’m not sure if I am supposed to feel disappointed because You Le who supposed has a crush on Shi Fen only has 1 stinking appearance. Like she isn’t very important to begin with and is mostly forgotten after that (and even before as well). Even at Miao Miao has a few appearances although her character still feels insignificant. But for the rest, it’s the same ol’, same ol’. Kai Xin your happy go lucky guy whom Shi Mao still has a crush on. Banzai your rich kid who tries to blend in with our ‘normal’ people and also trying to impress Shi Mao his crush. His brother Wan Xing the little genius. And of course, who could not forget the love-hate relationship of the siblings Shi Fen and Shi Mao. Is it me or do I not notice any violent beat downs from the gorilla woman against her brother? Even if there were, it was probably shown off screen. So maybe that is the reason why this season isn’t as good? Yeah, not seeing smug Shi Fen get a taste of his sister’s punishment takes the fun out of it. Is it no surprise why we continue to love these idiots?

In the end, this fifth season did come to me as a surprise as I am busy figurine out the myriad of animes that I want to watch this season and year and hence this one flew under my radar until a bit later. Even though it is comparably a lot weaker than its previous seasons in terms of the gags and funniness, it is still enjoyable to say the least. Binge watching this in a single seating somehow made me realize that time flew by in an hour (12 episodes x 5 minutes). Yeah. Duh. So until the next season arrives, I’ll be back to scouring other animes to watch. Just like there is no cure for an idiotic brother, there is also no cure for my addiction to watching anime. Oh sorry, I meant therapeutic healing of my life.

Oh wow. I actually did not expect this. Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai S4?! Season four of this popular Chinese web series? Come to think of it, this series has been releasing a season steadily for a year since its debut in 2017. So I guess releasing another one in 2020 wouldn’t be so surprised. Considering how sh*tty the year is, we need to be reminded that there could possibly be things that are more worse than the year itself. Or perhaps just continue laughing at the antics of a particular idiotic brother and a violently brutal sister. Yeah, 2020 does seem a little better right now… Oh, who am I kidding?!

Episode 1
Shi Fen invites Banzai into his room but it is filled with garbage everywhere! Be careful where you step! I guess he has had it stepping on things so he tells him to get rid of them all. Every item Banzai wants to throw out, Shi Fen has some sort of excuse not to. Then he picks up what seems to be Shi Mao’s pantsu! Did he find some treasure? Actually Shi Fen admits that is his underwear. The argument resumes until Shi Fen gives his dramatic plea that he can’t throw them all away because of the fond memories it gives him. Banzai then sees the onyx stone he gave for his present and understands. Can’t throw this away, right? But Shi Fen throws the stone away without a thought. That can go! Banzai then continues to throw everything else out. In the aftermath, the decluttering has done some good. So clean and spacious now. However they forgot to put back Shi Fen’s bed (a reason why it is so spacious), so he is sleeping in the hallway, blocking the door to the toilet.

Episode 2
The gang are at the amusement park. The siblings want to sit out the roller coaster ride, giving excuses. Aren’t they just scared? Shi Mao notices the haunted house ride. It brought back lots of memories. She was scared all the way but Shi Fen was just cool. At the end of the ride, he calmed her down and it made the whole experience less scary. Now, she wants to ride it for nostalgic sake. Of course this time she is trying to pretend to be scared but ultimately she had a lot of fun. After the ride, she wants to go get some commemorative photos. She notices Shi Fen’s eyes closed all the time. When she pries it open, she sees fear in it. Yeah, his legs are shaking. This shatters that cool image of her bro. Feeling so disappointed…

Episode 3
Kai Xin has brought great achievements to the sports team. But with the new rules, he must score a minimum in his tests, otherwise he cannot participate. So he claims to have studied for 6 hours straight for it. But when Wan Xing tests him on a basketball term, he gives the obvious wrong answer. Shi Fen watches a secret video (mind if Shi Mao joins in too!) of Kai Xin studying. But after 3 minutes, he slacks off. Hence after a short moment of focus, this is followed by long periods of slacking off. Next day, Shi Fen confiscates his handphone and ties his hand to a pencil. He must focus on his studies if he wants to get it back. So Kai Xin goes into overdrive mode and does all he can to concentrate on his studies. And after a long while, he thinks he has done his best and wants a break. Only, it has only been 3 minutes!

Episode 4
Wan Xing spots Shi Mao and Miao Miao coming so he has to abandon getting into his car to avoid being seen as chauffeured. Yeah, walk all the way home. Because of that, the rest wants to help him by lending their bicycle. Well, Shi Fen’s missing a wheel and Kai Xin is too high for his legs to reach. Shi Mao offers him a ride but accidentally keeps kicking him off! This is starting to irk Wan Xing and has thoughts of giving up this friendship thingy. Then Miao Miao gives him a bike her cousin made. But with training wheels? But once he rides it, he gets the feel of it and likes it. Ever since, he prefers to cycle to school, much to the confusion of his chauffeur.

Episode 5
Time to be reminded as Shi Mao beats up Shi Fen. But soon he recovers and this amazes Banzai. He thinks he has what it takes to become a martial artist. So they head to the dojo where Shi Mao is trained to meet her master, Heihachi Shi Han. He remembers Shi Mao and praises this prodigy of his. But when he learns this is her brother, he starts mocking him that he can’t do martial arts because of his bad posture and habits. Shi Fen doesn’t like how he sounds so he tries to pick a fight with him. In no time he gets beaten to a pulp. But then Shi Han feels something strange. Something wonderful. He realizes that Shi Fen is a prodigy, a man born to be hit! Why, his perfect durability enhances your confidence as a martial artist! Hence Shi Fen is the perfect human sandbag! Ready for your next beat down?

Episode 6
Kai Xin somehow gets picked by all the teachers to solve problems on the board. How can this be? Banzai points out that his size and stature may make him stand out. Hence Kai Xin goes for an image change and tries to look nerdy but the teachers still pick him. How now? Shi Fen has the solution: Become the wind and disappear. Before he could call crap on that nonsense, Shi Fen demonstrates on how it’s done. Oh sh*t! Shi Fen disappears before their eyes! Teach me, sensei! And so the next time the teacher is trying to pick someone, he notices Shi Fen not around and asks Kai Xin what happened to him. Happy guy replies that he has disappeared with the wind! Teacher marks him down as skipping class.

Episode 7
With all the girls screaming over Kai Xin’s abs, Shi Fen doesn’t want to lose out and shows them his. However they get freaked out because they’re just fats! Hence Shi Fen takes it upon himself to do some sit-ups but unfortunately that doesn’t last long. So Shi Mao is going to beat him up into shape?! I don’t know how but it worked! Damn, he has a six pack now! However, he needs to think of a way to show them off without looking like a pervert. Watching Kai Xin drink and then wiping his mouth with a shirt, he does the same. Only, the girls aren’t watching. So he keeps drinking and drinking in hopes they would look. But by the time they do, they scream at his abomination. Because he drank so much water, his stomach is so bloated that it is looking fat now! Goodbye six pack…

Episode 8
Banzai and Wan Xing are before a public bathhouse. The little one is hell bent never to enter such establishment for commoners. Then a bus splashes mud over them. I guess they have to now. But they get intimidated with naked men with abs! Why do they all pose like famous Greek statues?! They want to escape but looks like Shi Fen and Kai Xin are here. Can’t escape no more. When they wrap themselves in towels and look like Greeks, Shi Fen and Kai Xin disrobe Banzai until he becomes crazy and one of them. Wan Xing will not fall for this trick but to his dismay, the bath has no individual stalls. Hence he calls his driver for the ultimate equipment that will protect the family’s honour. Turns out to be a full body swimsuit that includes covering the whole head! Yeah, he looks like a creepy weirdo… How the f*ck can he bathe in that thing?

Episode 9
The public bath continues. Shi Fen and Kai Xin try to get Wan Xing join them soaking in the water. But by farting in the water?! Of course Wan Xing will not join in such unsanitary filthy act. This irks Shi Fen so it’s a showdown to see who can last longest in the sauna. Both try to outdo each other but eventually both come rushing out to cool themselves in the cold water. Somehow this strikes an odd friendship between them because Wan Xing allows Shi Fen to scrub his back. However he scrubs so hard that Wan Xing flies off, skips over the water and crashes into the wall! Damn, that knocked the kid out. And ever since this traumatic event, he never goes to another public bathhouse again.

Episode 10
Shi Fen is late for class and the teacher will not hear any excuses. But what’s this? You Le is also late? Everyone is worried something happened but she owns up, admits her own tardiness and promises it won’t happen again. Later, Shi Fen tries to ‘welcome’ her to the dark side of being late but she remains steadfast that it was her own fault and will never happen again. This irks Shi Fen because she sounds so much like a robot. Next day as Shi Fen leaves early so as won’t be late again, he spots You Le coming out from a store. He tails her to see her feed a stray cat at the park. He realizes he is running late and leaves. So the class wonders if You Le is going to be late again but here she is, doing this crazy stunt of pole vaulting into the class! Just in the nick of time! Everybody cheers! Except for Shi Fen. He just couldn’t care less anymore.

Episode 11
Shi Fen showing off his new shoes. Shi Mao almost beats him up thinking he wasted their money but he claims he was being given the pairs. You see, some old guy dropped his wallet so Shi Fen gave it back to him and in return he bought him the shoes. Later as Kai Xin ridicules this shoe, Shi Fen starts passionately explaining all the mumbo-jumbo of how hi-tech and that it is the shoes of rich people and nobles! Banzai heard this. Yeah, he is wearing the same shoes! He throws them away! So when his pals see him shoeless, he claims they dissolved. Shi Fen feels bad and gives him 1 shoe. Yeah, Shi Fen now hopping on 1 foot. But then the teacher is mad. He thinks Shi Fen was the one who threw the shoe that hit his head! Though it isn’t him, can Shi Fen run with just 1 foot? He makes a huge jump, believing in the shoe’s technology to cushion his landing. Banzai takes a look at his half and realizes it is fake. Uh huh. Bad landing for Shi Fen… The pain…

Episode 12
10 years ago, Shi Mao was fascinated with the story of a woman who traded up a paper clip till she get a house. Shi Fen was amused but heck, he tried it anyway. Well, eventually he traded up to a bicycle. On his way back, he sees Kai Xin watching a basketball match. Seems he wants to play ball but because he sucks at studying, his parents forbade him to play. Hence Shi Fen trades in the bicycle to get a basketball for him. That was when they started becoming friends. Shi Fen might not trade up to get a house but he sure earned a friend! And that itself is priceless! Oh, and that bicycle he traded actually belonged to Kai Xin because his father is some comic book collector and Shi Fen traded the previous comic book for a bike. Now Kai Xin has to walk to school…

Fail Guys…
This season doesn’t disappoint at all but it still doesn’t bring anything new to the plate. While I am not technically complaining but maybe I am a little bit. Because when I am saying such things, it means that I am already starting to feel that if this doesn’t change, I might find myself to be bored if the next season rolls around and I will give this series a much lesser score. While I don’t intend to see any big shake ups, I am hoping to see something a little more different while the main integrity and core of everything else could remain the same. You know, maybe something about You Le’s love for Shi Fen… Just saying…

But other than that, there is nothing else to say about this season since it is basically the same as its past predecessors. We have the guys being the dumb prideful idiots and with Shi Fen being the main joker, he bears the brunt of all the fails that backfire. He lives up to his role as the resident idiot perfectly. Shi Mao also beats up Shi Fen but this season also feels it has less of that as it focuses on more of the other dumb antics the characters have to give. After all, it would get a bit too tiring and repetitive to see Shi Mao’s violent side, right? Then we’ll start to question, can this series do anything else more and funnier than a sister beating the crap out of his brother? Yeah… At least the final episode shows how Shi Fen and Kai Xin became friends. Not a bad way to end the season. They might be idiots but they’re still friends.

Many other characters also don’t seem to change much. Because what is the love progress of Shi Mao over Kai Xin? I guess none because if Shi Mao finds out how much of an idiot and similar he is to her brother, everything is over. Banzai continues to try to fit in as a normal person and hide his rich status. Funny and cute but still it’s more of the same thing. Wan Xing feels he got a little more screen time here but in a way he feels like a mini punching bag as he bears some of the unfortunate shenanigans. So far so good for this little guy and it is hard to say if he would become like his brother (an idiot in the making) or one who would shun this commoner life entirely and become a hateful character. I vouch for the former. It’s more fun that way.

Overall, this season feels a lot like an extension rather than a real continuation whatsoever. Heh. What am I saying? All the short skits are so random of each other that they all might just independent filler standalones. Whatever has been said, has been said. I don’t want to repeat myself like a broken recorder (and also I don’t really remember what I said the last time. Teeheehee!). But don’t worry. Even if the following year they come up with another season, I will still watch it as I still love the antics of this series. Maybe add some new direction to the romance or heck, maybe add in some wacky character. There might be no cures for idiotic brothers but I’m sure there will always be the cure to blow away the blues after a disappointing 2020, which is also the biggest idiocy too. Albeit just a temporary one, but better than nothing. Yeah, I wanna see Shi Mao beat the sh*t out of 2020…

Oh wow. I never expected this would get another season so soon. But it did. And just like I said in my previous blog if it ever happens, OF COUSE I’M GOING TO WATCH IT!!!! I must keep my promises. But after double cours for the second season, Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai S3 is just down to a single cour. But the antics no doubt may be lesser but they are still as crazy as before. I guess there are things that some may never learn for the rest of their entire life. That is why we must ‘honour’ and learn from it by watching this third season. Oh crap. Just made up that last part. I just want to laugh at all their silliness for no reason at all. Bring it all on! I’m ready. I’m ready, I’m ready, ready, ready, READY!!!

Episode 1
Beach episode! Everybody is happy having fun. Except Shi Fen. Why? Because he isn’t happy his guy friends will ogle at Shi Mao’s swimsuit! Using his ‘authority’ as her brother-cum-father, he buries them in the sand and puts sleeping masks on them. Now let’s go have fun! Banzai doesn’t want his summer to end without seeing Shi Mao in her swimsuit. By the time he desperately breaks out from his sandy prison, Shi Mao has already put a hoodie on. It got a little windy so she covered herself up. Summer is over… When the friends head back, Banzai now buries Shi Fen in the sand. Summer is now truly over…

Episode 2
Shi Fen and Kai Xin dive in to save a drowning guy. Because their bags got drifted away during the attempt, they cannot hand in their homework. Hence the teacher who also saw their bravery exempted them from handing them in. Of course this is a ploy by both of them. That drowning guy is Kai Xin’s cousin and they got his help to stage this. Looks like they’ll get away with not doing their homework at all… Suddenly Banzai comes in late. What gives? He saw that drowning incident and dived in to save their bags! Now they can also hand in their homework! It is at this point Shi Fen and Kai Xin jump out of the window! Kids, do not imitate this anytime, anywhere!

Episode 3
Kai Xin is sick so you bet that is an excuse for Shi Mao to visit him. Yeah, his face looks like he is dying… When he sneezes, he got it all over Shi Fen. So once Kai Xin is well, Shi Fen catches his cold. Kai Xin explains how Shi Mao nursed him so this has Banzai thinking how cool it would be too. Hence he purposely catches Shi Fen’s cold and even adds more by standing in the rain! Eventually he gets sick but feels happy about it. Is he also love sick? Unfortunately nobody visits because he didn’t tell anybody! When he posts it on social media, Shi Fen won’t come since he is still healing and Shi Mao too won’t go because she doesn’t want to catch his flu. She is sure he’ll be alright by himself! Meanwhile CPR is administered on Banzai… Did he die lonely?

Episode 4
Shi Mao is mad because Shi Fen accidentally left his blue ballpoint pen in the wash and hence her shirt is now tainted blue. As she scrubs it, she remembers a similar incident. When they were young, he showed her a magic trick of changing a white handkerchief into blue. In actuality, he doused it with blue ink. The trick work but the excess ink dripped down to the neighbour’s laundry below. The family was forced to apologize and Shi Fen forced to wash it clean. Shi Mao helped him. Now she feels bad for going too far because Shi Fen too helps around the house. Luckily she has a spare and will use that. Too bad, the spare was accidentally soaked in his red ballpoint pen… Next day, Shi Mao wears Shi Fen’s shirt and is kinda loose… This means Shi Fen’s shirt is so tight…

Episode 5
Shi Fen still hasn’t fixed the air-cond so you bet his house is hot like hell. The worse heat death trap is the toilet. Banzai and Shi Fen argue who should use it first and suddenly the knob falls off and they’re locked in! Oh dear. They have to wait till Shi Mao gets back. Worse, there is a water disruption today! So as they wait and on the verge of ‘dying’, Banzai’s mind goes crazy. He wants to drink from the toilet water! This oasis will save his life! Shi Fen desperately tries to hold him back. During this shenanigan, Shi Mao comes back and opens the door. Of course from her point of view, this looks like one heck of a gay scene!!! Sorry to interrupt. She closes the door and will go off somewhere else! Oh no! COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Episode 6
There will be a test tomorrow and despite the guys failing all its previous editions, the one who scores higher than the other is the ‘winner’. All have their turns at ‘winning’ so this will be it. You think Shi Fen is studying hard? He is actually writing a cheat sheet! Shi Mao chastises him and even sarcastically says he should do mini photocopying. Shi Fen thinks it is a brilliant idea and thinks Shi Mao cheated before, that’s why she can come up with this idea! Of course she didn’t cheat but… As Shi Fen heads to the photocopy shop, it seems Kai Xin and Banzai have the same idea! Time to show those guys… Next day during the tests, the photocopy is so small they can’t read a thing! Shi Fen then rats on them. He himself gets searched to proof he has no cheat. However the teacher can tell Shi Fen wrote his cheat sheet on the field outside! Big enough for everyone to see! He knows Shi Fen did it because his hands are dirty… All that effort… Wasted… Try again!

Episode 7
Ah, back to normal. Shi Mao beating up Shi Fen. This used to be the norm, right? Oh well, Miao Miao notes how being violent is ungirly and this will not help in winning Kai Xin’s heat. Hence throw away the punches and kicks, a girl’s true weapon is makeup. Even with tutorials, Shi Mao being the clumsy girl can’t decently draw eyeliners. Yeah, it’s like some torturous surgery. Failed of course. So how? They tie up Shi Fen and use him as practice!!! OMG! How is this different than brother torture before?! Damn, it’s going to hurt like hell. I don’t know how but eventually, Shi Fen comes out looking beautiful! OMG! Who this babe?! Then Kai Xin rings on the door. Shi Fen answers and teases him with that cheeky look. Oh dear. Kai Xin in love! He asks Shi Mao who that babe! Shi Mao happy because they finally made Kai Xin’s heart skipped! Oh dear! That’s not the original goal, girl!!!

Episode 8
Shi Fen and Kai Xin bug Banzai to visit his home. No matter how many excuses he gives, they are still persistent and so eventually he gives in. Because he can’t let them know he is a rich kid, he uses all his connections and resources to create a really depressing slum. Welcome, friends. He even got his butler to play as his sickly dad. Banzai thinks he is going overboard with this but old geezer says this is perfect to test their friendship. If they are true friends, they will accept him for who he is. And so we see the duo trying to be nice and hold in their disgust. Banzai thinks this is true friendship! They even drink his unfiltered water with bacteria! True friendship! In the end, they leave dejected and Banzai gets this great idea as the next excuse to invite them: Debt collectors took away this place…

Episode 9
It’s cleaning day at school. Because Banzai has never cleaned before in his entire life, he can’t let his friends know and hence will observe them. He watches Kai Xin sweep half-heartedly and sweeping under the rug. He does the same but gets scolded by the teacher. When he points out to Kai Xin, he is sweeping properly now. Confusing? Then Banzai imitates Shi Fen as he cleans windows. Shi Fen notices this and despite Banzai’s denials he is imitating him, Shi Fen thinks he is trying to steal his cleaning skills! And so he starts cleaning with his butt! Steal this! Banzai follows suit… Back home, Banzai perhaps got bitten by the cleaning bug and starts cleaning windows with his butt. His butler and maids follow suit… WTF…

Episode 10
The class elections is around the corner. You Le (the class rep) thinks Shi Fen has a chance to win it. This boosts his ego so his pals laugh it off how he will fail. And so Shi Fen volunteers to enter the race. He’s going to show them all! Yeah, nobody could believe it. But believe it. There’s this stupid smug look on his election poster. Uh huh. Everybody thinks he is going to lose anyway. Both candidates give their speech. You Le is so textbook and boring that nobody seems to be listening. Shi Fen promises to abolish homework and everybody gets excited! Hooray! When the votes are tallied. You Le beats Shi Fen by a landslide! I guess reality beats unrealistic fantasy. But if Shi Fen only got 2 votes and none of his pals voted for him, and if 1 vote was from Shi Fen himself, who was the other? Ah, it hints You Le… I hope she isn’t regretting it…

Episode 11
Shi Mao only has 3 seconds to open the fridge and take the yogurt. She did it in 5. Shi Fen chastises her for being slow. 2 seconds extra of wasted cold air means adding to the electricity bill! You serious! Yes, he can even tell she pressed the shampoo 2 times more! Hey, her hair is longer than his! Solution: Cut it! Time for brother beat down… Shi Fen narrates he too has it rough. Something about using the very minimal of toilet paper. And then he loses it. He starts rolling the toilet paper. Is he insane?! But! Unlike the fridge’s cold air and shampoo, toilet paper can still be reused. Just roll them back! He lets Shi Mao try it. She finds it fun! Addictive! Wow! Who’d knew this can be so much fun and it’s free! Accidentally in their euphoria of enjoyment, they hit the shower on. Now everything is wet. I wonder how much this costs…

Episode 12
The winning prize for the relay race is some high class meal. Shi Fen isn’t interested because only the winner gets it, right? As for second place, rolls of toilet paper! OMG! This is what he wants!!! You bet the siblings view this unwanted prize as their treasure. On race day, Miao Miao is shocked to hear Shi Mao praying hard for Shi Fen’s class not to win. However Banzai tries to show off and hence he speeds up and takes a considerable lead! He passes the baton to Shi Fen but he takes his time and skips his way till all the competitors pass. Then he calculates and passes to Kai Xin. At this rate the most he could get is second. Toilet rolls secured. Kai Xin makes a mad dash towards the finish line. Did he make it? Photo finish! Wow. Kai Xin wins because of his tongue!!! Bummer for the siblings. As they sulk, Kai Xin brings them the good news. He has exchanged the meal ticket with the toilet paper because he knows about his troubles. And finally, Shi Fen and Shi Mao also become winners.

Bruh Moments…
Oh wow. Time flies when you’re having fun. Yeah I know, the episodes are so short that by the time you settle in, it is already over. And hence another season is done like that in a blink of an eye. Oh well, I guess it is a happy ending for everybody. Shi Fen and Shi Mao getting the coveted toilet rolls they want. Kai Xin and Banzai happy to see their pals happy. Second placed team happy too because they got the meal ticket. Oh yeah. Everybody is a winner at the end!

Thanks to the lesser number episodes this seasons, it feels like there is something lacking. Something that doesn’t make this series as great as before. Don’t get me wrong, this season is still as funny and crazy. But it lacks that oomph that would make me say this is definitely way much better than the first and second seasons. Is this what you call the effect of overdose? Once you get addicted to something, you need more of it to get the same level of excitement. So having just a dozen episodes for the third season, it feels like everything was just cut short. That’s it. The end. That’s your third season. Like, what?! We need more, right?!

This means everything stays more or less the same and doesn’t stray from the formula. This is good for the pace of the story because the short crazy antics of Shi Fen and the guys definitely are the trademark and the tone of this series. But those who want something more, well, you’re not going to find any that breaks any new ground. The other bad thing is that there is literally nothing more to expect from the characters as they are more or less still the same idiotic characters from before. What I mean is that maybe, just maybe we want to see some sort of ‘progress’ between Shi Mao and Kai Xin? Maybe? Oh heck. Who am I kidding? That’s not going to happen if more of the crazy shenanigans are going to happen. Same reason why Banzai won’t ever get Shi Mao. Ever. Miao Miao and Wan Xing who was introduced last season also feel like they almost didn’t exist. Their appearances are so limited that had they not appear, you might even forget they appeared before. It’s like they don’t matter this season.

The only thing that is somewhat ‘confirmed’ is that You Le (finally got to know her name) definitely has some hidden feelings for Shi Fen. This could be interesting. Still waters run deep. It would be fascinating to see the biggest idiot get hooked with the school’s best student. The loudest guy together with the quietest girl. This is definitely going to be interesting. Hopefully in the future if there are going to be more seasons, they would flesh this out or at least make her a mainstay.

Also somewhat feeling lacking is Shi Mao beating up her brother. That’s supposed to be the staple of the series, right? There are a couple of scenes Shi Mao gets violent and gives her idiotic brother the usual menu order (knuckle sandwich and chop suey kicks coming your way!). But this season feels like she got toned down a bit. Not to say that Shi Fen is being a lesser idiot but perhaps Shi Mao has learnt to control her inner rage? Nah! Probably the antics we have seen so far this season isn’t triggering enough to turn Shi Mao into a beat down machine. Not just yet. Just to show us that Shi Fen isn’t totally an idiot, yeah, some heart-warming flashback thingy, siblings so nice to each other, ooooh, aaaaah, so lovely, such darlings, oh well, something went wrong along the way. I’m guessing that living in poverty may be part of the problem (because you really get picky when you don’t have the luxury of money to spend) but it could mostly be a personality problem. Just maybe…

I am not sure if there is going to be a fourth season but if there is going to be one, you know very well my answer. For those who still don’t, OF COURSE I’M GOING TO WATCH IT!!!! What else, baka!!! Aho!!! So yeah, I still enjoyed this season as much as before despite I said it lacked something that should have made it even greater. As long as Shi Fen and his friends continue their mischiefs, you bet the views are still going to roll in. I suppose that is why there is no cure for idiocy. It’s not that we don’t want this to be cured, but rather we love to see this as a source for our entertainment. Yup, we’re all big idiots of a bigger idiotic circle ultimately.

After that coincidental discovery of this ‘little gem’ last year, it was without any doubt that I was looking forward to watch its sequel, Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai S2. You know, the Chinese manhua about a brother so idiotic that his sister always had to beat him up all the time? Yeah. That one. It is more or less the same thing this time but I guess it must be popular enough that they doubled the number of episodes for this second season. Maybe some of us just cannot get enough of idiots being beaten up to a pulp. But they still rebound and continue to be idiots.

Episode 1
Military training! Because Shi Fen starts off on the wrong foot, he earns the ire and the wrath of his instructor. He is closely being watched. The instructor is not impressed with his lack of stamina as compared to his sister. But one morning, he is impressed with the perfect way to futon is folded. Shockingly it is from Shi Fen. This makes him wonder if Shi Mao is all on a different level. But Shi Fen explains how much a gorilla his sister is and hence cannot do delicate work. Here comes Shi Mao disproving all that as she gives the usual pain to her brother and folds him into a perfect futon!

Episode 2
With their allowances dwindling, looks like they need to get a job. But Shi Mao is not impressed that her brother is looking for a job for her. They also try auctioning their stuffs but there are no takers. Later Shi Mao takes a look at the stuffs her brother puts up for sale. To her horror, they are all her stuffs! One of them includes her prized lion plushie from Kai Xin! Meanwhile Shi Fen convinces Kai Xin to bid on the plushie. Don’t worry, he doesn’t need to pay. So when Shi Mao sees this, she won’t let the bidder bid her and outbids him. This results in a bidding war that drives the bid up to 500 Yen! Desperate Shi Mao then makes the ultimate bid: 10,000 Yen! Better stop playing. Shi Fen thought their expenses woes are over but learns the other bidder is his sister. Uhm so is she going to pay? This knuckle sandwich to his face is worth 10,000 Yen!

Episode 3
Kai Xin is quite the idol in the eyes of some girls during basketball practice. So when they go to give him their snacks and drinks, Shi Fen confiscates them. An excuse they can’t give such poison to their star player and hence he will dispose of them. Yeah, he is eating them all instead. With the girls mad and Shi Mao embarrassed by her brother’s shamelessness, a telepathic warning to go out there and show them what he’s got or else. So Shi Fen goes on court thinking he can impress Shi Mao. But when he throws the ball at Kai Xin, he accidentally throws it at Shi Mao’s face! You know what’s coming. No, not a big hug. But a big suplex!

Episode 4
Kai Xin notices Shi Fen chewing on a large candy in class. When the teacher calls him to read, how will he get out? He swallows it! This makes Kai Xin take up the challenge as he eats some fries. Shi Fen notices this and is amazed how using saliva to change its shape also makes sense. Now Shi Fen eats some very oily and greasy stuff that will surely attract the teacher. How does he get out? He uses the grease for his hair! The teacher backs off not wanting to get grease all over him. Banzai wants in so he makes instant noodles and eats it in front of the teacher. Busted.

Episode 5
Banzai almost gives away to his friends that he is rich as he suggests a backyard pool. Poor people don’t have that, right? He manages to distract them with a food stall selling dumplings. Despite its less than hygienic preparations and seeing how disgusting his friends chow them down, Banzai would not want to eat it but since it will put his commoner status in danger, he reluctantly does so. After all, he has the best doctors on standby should anything happen to him. The moment he east it, he loves it! Hence he is now addicted to it and Shi Fen thinks he must be poor. So addicted that Banzai now wants to buy the whole stall!

Episode 6
Shi Fen invites Banzai to hang out at his room. However it is hell since the air-cond is spoiled and somehow Banzai becomes his servant? But seeing he keeps the onyx stone makes him believe he still values their friendship. I guess the real test comes when Shi Fen wants Banzai to steal the fan in Shi Mao’s room. An argument ensues and Banzai is forced to do it or else he will be blamed for whatever sweat Shi Fen has. WTF. Banzai thinks Shi Mao was out (she just got back) and when he opens the door, he sees her lifting her skirt to be cooled by the fan. Heaven this isn’t because she throws the fan at him. Shi Fen’s consolation is a hot cup of instant noodles? Oh, the onyx stone? That’s such a convenient lid weight. Hell indeed.

Episode 7
Shi Fen warns Banzai that Shi Mao has now set her sights on him. There is no escape. Hence Banzai fears of seeing Shi Mao. Too bad that jinxed it because now that Shi Mao spots him, she is chasing after him like a Terminator! You can’t run or hide! Just when Banzai is cornered and pleading for his life, Shi Mao suddenly apologizes for hitting him. Here are some cookies to make up for that. Wow. She looks so angelic. But Shi Fen is still suspicious if his sister has actually made up with him. Could it be that her grudge runs deep because when Banzai eats the cookies, he almost died!

Episode 8
Well, Banzai is still alive as Shi Fen teases how lethal Shi Mao’s cooking is. However, he is left to wonder if this is the effect of her cookies because Banzai has shrunk into a kid! Actually he is Wan Xing and is Banzai’s little brother who is a new transfer student in Shi Mao’s class. Wan Xing tells Shi Mao that his brother happily ate her cookies. Yup. He repeated does so and Wan Xing noticed the happiness in his face when he ‘dies’. Shi Fen is confused when Banzai is back to normal. Then he sees Wan Xing and comes to a conclusion that the cookies must have split Banzai into two! As the brothers continue to stare at each other in a showdown, Shi Fen is still outrageous with this but messes up when he thinks Shi Mao’s cookies made her own boobs shrunk. Here it comes…

Episode 9
Shi Mao sees Kai Xin eating at the cafeteria and decides to join him. Such bliss. Then Banzai sees Shi Mao there and he too decides to join in. Such bliss. Yeah, Kai Xin blissfully eating like there’s no tomorrow. But all that bliss is interrupted when Shi Fen bugs them for a meal card since his is out of money. Noticing his sister is not taking the violent approach, he thinks he knows what is going on. First he borrows her meal card (in which she easily gives it to him), then he takes Kai Xin to go buy more food (despite Kai Xin still has a lot on his plate). Shi Fen signals to Shi Mao but it looks like he got the wrong idea thinking Shi Mao wants to be with Banzai! The bliss only continues for Banzai.

Episode 10
When Shi Mao passes buying a lipstick, Miao Miao chastises her for having dry lips. Imagine if she tries to kiss a guy she likes and her lips are dry… Can’t argue with that. Meanwhile, Kai Xin has problems. He was taking a nap during basketball practice when he realizes a girls tried to steal a kiss! Yeah, Shi Fen punching him. Jealousy? Kai Xin continues how his fans are getting more dangerous by the day. From planting wiretaps and stealing belongings, there will be time when they will steal his first kiss! Oh, what shall he do?! Don’t worry. Shi Fen has a solution. HE KISSES KAI XIN!!! There. His first kiss is forever lost. And Banzai thinks this is such a beautiful friendship. Sure being gay didn’t cross his mind? Meanwhile Shi Mao experiences a bad omen as her lipstick breaks. But she continues to put them on and fantasizes…

Episode 11
Banzai has to adhere to his strict schedule. At night, his mom calls all the way from her vacation in Dubai. She thinks he is not enjoying himself because of the commoner school he is going. In that case, she’ll buy out the school and kick all the poor people out, turning it into a first class hotel! Banzai doesn’t like that one bit because has made friends. Those fools? Mama can get him better friends! If buying out won’t do, he’ll have to quit. Even if that was a joke, Banzai has stormed out. Wan Xing tells mom that Banzai is doing this to get invaluable experience to be a greater man. Hence he is watching him and his friends. Mom entrusts the role to him. In school, Shi Fen and Kai Xin hate it so much they wish somebody would blow it up. But here comes Banzai as chirpy as a bird, loving and praising school so much.

Episode 12
As part of the infiltration mission, Wan Xing accompanies Banzai to Shi Fen’s house. Mom approved it as long as he doesn’t eat any commoner food. Wan Xing observes Banzai in the same idiocy mode as Shi Fen, eating spicy ramen and then dying from all the heat. He is then tasked to get the fan from Shi Mao’s room. Déjà vu because he sees her lifting her skirt. Luckily he is able to dodge the fan throw and block demon Shi Mao’s hard hitting punches. However Wan Xing soon passes out. Did the heat get to him? When he wakes up, Shi Fen gives him spicy ramen! But with assurance from Banzai he’ll be okay, Wan Xing takes a bite and loves it! When he reports to mama, she is shocked to see him eating ramen. Addicted, eh? His excuse: This is part of his research.

Episode 13
Kai Xin dozes off in class that he didn’t pay attention. So he knows he is in trouble when the teacher calls him to answer a question. However luck is on his side as he picks the correct answer. So thank this Sam dude? However in the next class he is not so lucky. Why did he answer Sam?! Then in the next class, Shi Fen dreams of this weird space sci-fi action scene whereby Sam sacrifices himself to kill the alien monster and let Shi Fen escape alone. Oh, such drama! So much so Shi Fen screams Sam’s name in his sleep and teacher is not amused. Too bad Kai Xin and Banzai also scream Sam’s name.

Episode 14
Shi Fen sees food left on Kai Xin and Banzai’s table from girls. Jealous, he eats them all! So what’s this about the thought that counts? Then he starts ranting about their popularity. Why isn’t he as popular as them? Yeah, he thinks he is good looking too. Reality check: Because all the girls hate him! Shi Fen is left to ponder if it is really true. More bad news when the class rep tells him he failed a test and must retake it tomorrow. However Shi Fen gets incensed knowing she is avoiding looking at him. He tries to force her to do so but she continues averting her eyes. Is it time for Shi Mao to pound some sense into him? But then she notices something. Did the class rep just blushed? Oh dear… But Shi Fen is left worried. Is he really that hated?

Episode 15
Shi Mao tells Kai Xin that the class rep definitely likes Shi Fen. She can tell a girl’s face in love. Kai Xin wonders if she is talking from experience and this sends her blushing. She continues saying how men are dense and I believe she isn’t referring to just her brother. Kai Xin and Banzai bug Shi Fen about the class rep liking him but he doesn’t think that serious girl would even like him. Even though the duo admit they won’t make a good pair, they are interested to see what happens. They want him to ascertain her eyes behind those glasses. Doing the test, the class rep invigilates him. It is hard to see those eyes behind those thick glasses but an opportunity came up when the wind blew something in her eyes and she took them off. Next day when his friends bug him, he tells them it wasn’t anything worthwhile.

Episode 16
Kai Xin talks to the class rep to have her tutor Shi Fen! And there they are at the library. You bet the rest are spying from across. Isn’t this exciting? At first Shi Fen is suspicious of her being nice to him. Then she tries to tease her that she is bored tutoring him. Then the cliché moment of dropping an eraser and their hands touch while trying to pick it up at the same time. Shi Fen now goes into charming mode. He knows she likes him and was avoiding looking him in the eyes that day. Just be honest with your feelings. Class rep then makes her confession… She didn’t want to say it then… But he had a nose hair sticking out no matter where she looked. Sorry. As the class rep tries to hide her laughter, Shi Fen feels dead inside. He opens the window and jumps from the third floor! SHI FEN!!! NOOOOOO!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!!

Episode 17
Our ‘spies’ are now discussing the trauma Shi Fen is facing. Yeah, he is holing up in his room trying to forget that embarrassing incident. It is understandable that he doesn’t want to see her face again. But fate is cruel as soon Shi Fen meets up with the class rep. Yeah, she has his number. It seems she will not give up on him failing another exam and hence she is going to tutor him. Another mental trauma? Out of the frying pan and into the fire? With that, his pals are now starting to tease him again. However, Shi Fen doesn’t want to be disturbed and wants to study! Am I dreaming?! Bumping into the class rep again, this time he tries to avoid looking at her but she won’t allow it! After that, more teasing from his friends as they try to be good to him and give their snacks.

Episode 18
Kai Xin’s mom is not pleased her son is practising basketball at 3am in their house! Can’t sleep? Go and study! You know he can’t do that… Safe to say that he sleeps in class and only when it is over, he is fully awake because it is basketball time. To solve this problem Shi Fen has a solution. They should hear this maths lesson recording. Yeah, it is so boring that they fell asleep instantly! That night as Kai Xin’s mom wonder why her son isn’t up to his usual ruckus, she sees him asleep and listening to this maths lesson. She is so touched that her son is finally putting an effort to study. She decides it is enough for the night and stops the player. Instantly Kai Xin gets up for basketball time! Oh well, it’s still the same idiotic son.

Episode 19
Kai Xin accidentally hits Shi Fen. He offers to be hit back in which he did. However he felt that it was 10 times more than its worth. Hence they try to get back at each other with at even more ridiculous rates. Yeah, they’re really fighting now. So when Banzai tells this to Shi Mao, she believes that because they are such good friends, this is why they fight. Huh? I’m sure rich kid who has never fought before would understand. Next day, Banzai observes they have gotten back on track. So when Shi Fen accidentally spills his food on Banzai’s shirt, Banzai does the same back. The retaliation continues until Shi Fen blows his top that he really wants to fight. But Banzai is happy. He thinks this is what it means to be friends!

Episode 20
Oh sh*t! There are rumours that Shi Fen and Kai Xin are dating!!! Fujoshi mode unlocked! So Shi Fen seeks the class rep’s advice? She explains Kai Xin has lots of fan girls but he isn’t interested in them and only hangs out with him. Can you see where this is going? Plus, didn’t the other day Shi Fen kissed Kai Xin? Damn! Looks like class rep is also a fujoshi! Because of that, Shi Fen is now very conscious of Kai Xin’s proximity. Too close, buddy! And he’s saying very ambiguous stuffs like playing together (basketball of course!). One day, Kai Xin sees ketchup on Shi Fen’s face. Shi Fen pushes him away but at a certain angle it looked like they kiss! And with this picture circulating, why is Banzai so upset? But here comes Shi Mao’s beat down. Situation gets worse with Kai Xin getting all clingy and ambiguous with Shi Fen. Could this be true?! And then the class rep walks by. A satisfied smile…

Episode 21
As Banzai walks home alone, he sees Shi Mao and thinks it is a good chance to talk to her. However he can’t make it obvious like a stalker. Maybe try walking in front of her? Too preoccupied with her handphone. Shi Mao meets a few guys who claims Shi Fen borrowed money from them. They want it back or else. Too bad they make the mistake of touching her and she beats them up. Banzai tries to help but rushing in but Shi Mao mistakes him to be one of the gang and gets beaten up. So this is the only time he could somehow normally talk to her? Back home, Shi Mao is very sorry for the mix up. Even it’s no big deal, she still wants to help patch him up. Yeah, his whole face is bandaged. But underneath it is one happy guy.

Episode 22
Shi Mao feels happy. At least she got to eat with Kai Xin albeit they didn’t even talk. Miao Miao suggests writing a letter to convey her feelings. She did that but before she can give it to Kai Xin, Shi Fen is somehow always in the way! Oh, don’t jump to the solution of killing him! One day, Shi Mao decides to put it in Kai Xin’s desk. But wait. Did she put it in the wrong desk because it is Shi Fen’s! Apparently Kai Xin hung his bag on the wrong desk! So doomed! With Shi Fen picking up this love letter, he later reads it and is distraught to see it is addressed to Kai Xin. But before he could see who it is from, Shi Mao whacks him from the back and wants him to forget everything! Yeah, he didn’t even know what hit him nor what he did wrong…

Episode 23
Shi Fen notices his sister’s birthday coming up so he tells his friends they should throw a party for her because nobody ever did. Wow. Suddenly such a loving brother? So touched that his friends agree. But the real issue is, what do girls like as present? Shi Fen asks Miao Miao but all her ‘ordinary’ suggestions are rejected. Meanwhile Kai Xin observes what girls want and even has his own flashback of what his mom wants of him as a son. That’s it! Girls want other people’s stuff! WTF?! But Shi Fen likes this idea and goes along with it. So when they pull off the birthday surprise, Shi Fen hands her a box filled with presents. All second hand and used items! Not appreciated! When she scoffs off at this used lunchbox, Kai Xin says it is his. Now she loves it! My, so confusing. So girls like other people’s stuff or not?

Episode 24
No money. It sucks. Because Shi Fen spent it all on ice cream and comics. There’s your beat down. Since they only have flour, Shi Fen might have made good looking foods with it but it’s still not the party they want. There’s your beat down part 2. Luckily Kai Xin and Banzai save the day as they bring vegetables and protein respectively. By the time Miao Miao arrives, the siblings are already expecting. I guess a watermelon’s fine too. Then they throw everything inside to make one hell of a hot dish! In this hot room with the air-cond still broken! I’m surprised they are all still alive. Thank the watermelon for that. Probably Shi Mao having the best night since Kai Xin fed her. Then everyone takes a long walk. So long that they reached school. Shi Mao feeling nostalgic and grateful for this school. She wouldn’t have met everyone had she not come here.

Our Idiots In Love
And just like that, the fun is over. I guess that happens a lot when you binge watch very short anime series. Time literally flies. Until the next time when they get more silly ideas for Shi Mao to beat up Shi Fen. But I don’t think that will be hard because it isn’t very difficult for idiots to get back to their own silly ways. Anything they do is worthy of a beat down. After all, they never learn. Even when you have gorilla girl Shi Mao as the executioner. Oops. Did I say gorilla girl?!

With double the number of episodes this second, there are a lot more antics to be played out. They still retain the same trademark silliness that made the first season loveable and enjoyable. Having said that, I feel this season tries to play up the love triangle more often, especially in the later half of the season. Yeah, tis the season of love for our lovable idiots. It was shocking as it was trolling to see that Shi Fen had a girl taking an interest in him. Of course even if it was just trolling us, we are still left to wonder if the class rep really does have a crush on Shi Fen at all. Then again, she may be trolling us once more and she is only into him because of that gay thingy with Kai Xin. Man, that would have been the ultimate amusement had this fujoshi played out for another few episodes. Maybe not. It might get tiring since girls who like Kai Xin now will start to like Kai Xin-Shi Fen and where’s the fun in turning the entire fan girl base into sick twisted fujoshi? Yeah, and Kai Xin will always only be in love with basketball and hang around Shi Fen. Why aren’t there secret doujin of Kai Xin and Shi Fen already?

Like in many other anime series, such love triangles don’t get resolved and remain status quo because that would be the end of the story and the fun. Hence it is expected that Shi Mao is still trying to win the heart of Kai Xin and is still at the starting point. Ironically a powerful demon when it comes to beating up her brother, she is just so weak in the face of love. Ah, love. Her ultimate weakness. Shi Mao still beats up her brother from time to time but I feel it is less this season. Is it because of more episodes and hence the beatings are now spread out? After all, it will also get a bit tiring after a while if we have to see Shi Fen getting beaten up in every episode. Even if it is the punch line. This might be the staple of what the series is supposed to be but I guess they have to also show at times that the siblings care for each other. But this is not often and as rare as a four leaf clover. Like Shi Fen thinking about Shi Mao’s birthday. Like, really? This is Shi Fen? You’d expect some sort of ulterior motive but the punch line comes in another different form anyway.

Then there is also Banzai who continues to have a crush on Shi Mao and like Shi Mao’s case for Kai Xin, we don’t expect to see this guy get anywhere closer. At least in his mind he thinks he is so but you know it is all just a misunderstanding. After a while, you would think that this guy would have some sort of idea on what being a commoner is. But as you can see that he just can’t simply understand them. I’ll give him credit for trying, though. It is just too bad that he chose the wrong idiotic crowd to mix with and now he is part of the idiotic trio and if they go on a worldwide comedy tour, they can be the new Three Stooges of the new era. Yeah…

Wan Xing is a new character introduced this season but I feel he is so lacking and is more of a side character. I thought he would play some sort of a pivotal role but he just feels forgettable. It may be that he doesn’t have enough episodes to flash out his character enough. It’s like they needed to introduce a new character for the sake of introducing a new character for this season. So what about him trying to keep a tabs on his brother as he would be the one to inherit the family? I thought if Banzai failed to make the cut, Wan Xing would use his authority to drag him out of the commoner school and back to high society. But it looks like the idiocy force is strong in this series and from the looks of it, Wan Xing is now considered an idiot. No matter how much of a genius you are, it only takes a second of idiocy to drag you down to that level and you’re stuck there forever.

Art and animation maintain its quality like last season and you can tell it is still using the Flash animation style. But unlike many animations using this dreaded technique, this one seems smooth and in acceptable quality that you won’t even noticed or be irked it is using done Flash animation. At least personally I was quite entertained with all the tomfoolery and silliness that I don’t even make me notice that this is Flash based. For example, anime series like JK Meshi and Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls used Flash but their animation is so comical and one kind, you are inclined to say this is so Flash for most of the time. Even with this series having its exaggerated and comical moments (especially to show us Shi Mao beating up Shi Fen or Shi Fen extending his idiocy), it is done in a smooth and seamless manner that you won’t really bother about this.

I am not sure if there is going to be a third season but if there will be, you know very well my answer. For those who don’t, OF COURSE I’M GOING TO WATCH IT!!!! What else, baka!!! Overall, I enjoyed this season as much as I enjoyed the first one. Double the episodes, double the fun, double the idiocy. Yeah, maybe I am one of those idiots now. Uh huh. It takes an idiot to understand and appreciate all this kind of idiotic stuffs, huh? It feels like a line from Hotel California, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave! You think you’ve stepped away from it only to realize you’ve come back to its roots. So stop your futile attempts and come join the dark force of idiocy! Hey, even the title of this series says there is no cure for idiocy! At least idiocy for brothers.

Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai

28 September, 2018

Imagine if you have someone so irritating and always doing such idiotic stuffs that you want to beat him up to your heart’s content. You can never get rid of that person ever and even more so that person is your brother. Folks, welcome to the world of Ani Ni Tsukeru Kusuri Wa Nai. Her brother is so idiotic to a point that it makes her want to explode, she would use violence on him. Every time. And he never learns. See people, violence is proof that it is never a way to solve things. But it sure makes you feel good when taking out those exploding frustrations.

Episode 1
Shi Mao and Shi Fen are at the sausage stand. It looks delicious and she wants to buy it. However he refuses claiming there are leftovers in the fridge. It is that nikujaga dish she loves so much. Indeed. If it was 6 days ago. But he kept adding weird stuffs in it that it is no longer a nikujaga dish. It’s some mysterious dark thing now! She blames him for always eating snacks and hence they have no money for food. But thankfully today she can buy a sausage with her own pocket money. After doing so, she sees his cursing face. At this rate it won’t taste so good. So she offers him to take a bite. That guy swallowed the whole thing in a single bite! No prizes to guess she beats the crap out of him. Oh, did I mention that Shi Mao is good in martial arts while her brother is just a useless guy. No specialty, no girlfriend, no knowledge, no guts. No kidding, I’m sure.

Episode 2
Shi Mao sees a group of guys taking her brother away. It seems they want him to pay back the money they loaned or else you know what these baseball bats will do, right? He can’t pay back. Before they can start, Shi Mao gets in between and asks. She whacks Shi Fen when he tries to act cool like protecting her. The guys feel odd as the sister harasses the cowardly brother on what’s going on. Then they take Shi Mao as hostage. Bring the money or else. Shi Fen agrees to do so and has them wait while he goes get it. But Shi Mao knows better. He is not coming back and has run away. She is going to show them how to deal with this idiot. She chases after him and beats the hell out of him! Those guys must be so scared they call the police after witnessing this brutality!

Episode 3
Shi Fen sees a little brother protecting his little sister from crows. He believes this is how it should be as he reflects on his not so perfect circumstances. Yeah, who always gets beaten up? So when Shi Mao scraped her knee from a hurdle practice, he decides to show off how cool he is by carrying her to the infirmary. Only problem is, he has no strength to even lift her! She’s waiting… After a while, he decides to carry her on his back. No strength to even stand up. This is taking too long. She then threatens to kill him if he doesn’t get his ass moving… Somebody is going to get more than just injured.

Episode 4
Shi Fen forgot to bring his meal card so Shi Mao reluctantly lends hers. However he goes to show it off to his friend, Kai Xin who has forgotten his. He makes his friend go buy some food with the card. Meanwhile Shi Mao’s friend, Miao Miao lends her card to her. However it has no more credit! With no cash, the cafeteria lady is breathing down her neck! Thankfully here comes her prince charming. Kai Xin offers to pay for her portion. Grateful Shi Mao will pay him back but he thinks that since this is Shi Fen’s card, he says no need. Shi Mao is so in love with this guy now. Later Shi Fen realizes he forgot to give her back the card when he hears her chasing him. When she beats him up, he finds she has this weird expression on her face. Like as though a girl in love…

Episode 5
Shi Mao is still daydreaming of Kai Xin. She is sad he isn’t at the cafeteria and can’t repay him. But she can still fantasize about him… What’s a girl in love got to do? But later as she leaves, she bumps into him outside. Flustered, she tries to pay him back but he says that card was from his friend. He will bring him here for her to personally thank him. Kai Xin tells Shi Fen that a cute girl wants to see her. That guy immediately gets up and has the cheek to tell his friend not to come because the girl only wants to see her! Imagine the shock when both siblings see each other? It’s no surprise she beats him up. As they are still unaware of each other’s intention and they won’t say, they keep waiting there until night time… Nobody else is showing up…

Episode 6
There is a buffet at half price but only for couples. Shi Fen wants Shi Mao to masquerade as one but it seems she has her pride and won’t do it. Hence he calls Kai Xin to be his couple! OMG! Gay???!!! Yeah, food more important than pride! After taking an odd couple photo, they pig out at the buffet table. They realize there is a penalty to pay if they waste food. Realizing they have taken too much and cannot finish, Shi Fen hits a devilish idea. When the waiter cleans up, he notices the cups oddly stacked. They hide the excess food in there! And under the plates too! In the aftermath, a photo of them is placed outside and a notice that they are banned from the premise. Shi Mao sees this and sees her prince charming. She is confused why he is with her stupid brother. Even more disturbing, are they gay?

Episode 7
Shi Fen finds it odd that Shi Mao asked him to accompany her to the festival. He wonders if there is a guy she would have asked out. This makes her fluster as Kai Xin’s face pops up. She is very curious to ask him but her obviously flustered face will only make it obvious. Shi Fen offers to shoot some prizes for her. He missed all his shots. Blaming the gun, huh? Until the bullets somehow ricochet and hit Shi Mao, she beats him up and takes over. All her shots hit. Yeah, she might ruin the stall. For the last shot to get a perfect game, she has to shoot a lion plushie that has an uncanny resemblance to Kai Xin. She panics and misses. On the way back, she blames him for taking her to this shooting gallery and beats him up. Poor guy didn’t even know what he did.

Episode 8
Banzai is a rich kid and he insists he wants to go to a normal high school. Those group of punks are already surrounding him for money but luckily his butler beats them up and hopes he would rethink his decision. Banzai claims that being born into a wealthy family, tall and having good looks made him very popular with girls. That is not true love. He wants to lead a normal life and believes this high school is it. Because there is ‘ordinary’ in its name. After introducing himself in class, as usually the girls swoon over him. He sits next to Kai Xin and Shi Fen and thinks they are normal people. Until Kai Xin asks if he is rich. How does he know? The school badge on the uniform he is wearing. Yeah, Shi Fen is already asking for money! Banzai lies that he is poor and only got in because of his good grades. So when the exam results come out, Banzai actually fared worse than the duo! And they didn’t even pass! This makes them think they can actually enter that high class school after scoring higher than the ‘genius’!

Episode 9
Still thinking about Kai Xin, Shi Mao? Oh, somebody’s ringing at the door. It’s Banzai. And Kai Xin. The moment she sees him, she slams the door. Got the wrong house? They are here to celebrate Shi Fen’s birthday. Banzai gives him a rare onyx stone as present but looks like this idiot doesn’t know how to appreciate it. Kai Xin has a hideous drawing instead. The oddest part is how Shi Mao acts like an overly cute sister to celebrate with them. Like a totally different person. Creepy? From her acting, Shi Fen deduces she is in love. But which guy? He tries to think from her perspective and thinks it is Banzai. Yeah, he almost pass off that flirting face to that rich guy. Creepy? Shi Mao sees Kai Xin’s drawing and finally learns his name.

Episode 10
Shi Fen calls Banzai to meet. Then he punches him! He explains that Shi Mao is in love with him. But how can he tell if he never ascertained it with her? Easy. If he was a girl, he would fall in love with him! Creepy! After school, Shi Fen confronts Shi Mao. He hints he knows her feelings she is hiding and is giving her permission. At first she flusters thinking he has discovered the truth. Then he introduces her to Banzai and hopes they could be a good couple. To Shi Mao’s horror, she sees her dumb brother and Kai Xin applauding them. Kai Xin even congratulates her! She reaches boiling point and beats up Banzai. Shi Fen knows what is going to happen next and runs! Too bad she catches him and beats him up big time! Man, it’s a miracle if he survives all that. Kai Xin is so confused that he thinks a girl’s heart is complicated. Yes indeed…

Episode 11
Shi Mao is depressed ever since. So much so Shi Fen could coolly walk over and steal her food with no repercussions! Of course Shi Fen is upset because she has not used violence on him ever since! He tells his friends her dream was to take up arts but made a mistake and took up martial arts. Every day has been hell for him since. So he is lonely now without that? Is he a masochist? Hence Kai Xin goes to talk to Shi Mao directly about Shi Fen. It made her feel a little better and this gives her the courage to say that she is not in love with Banzai. Kai Xin will tell it to him. In the aftermath as Shi Fen waltzes in to steal her food, she defends it perfectly and beats him up! We can see her happy face while doing so and also his happy face while receiving it. Ah, all is well and fine.

Episode 12
I forgive you if you mistake those pretty sounds of the fireworks. It’s not. It’s Shi Mao incessantly slapping her brother for drinking her milk tea without permission!!! After forcing him to buy a new one for her, she wants him to buy fireworks. He is so broken today. Financially and perhaps physically. Morally too maybe. Since he has no money, they watch a father and son play fireworks. I guess the latter duo got a bit shy and let them have their leftovers. Shi Mao manages to find a lighter on the street as they try to light it up. Finally it does and they have their own mini spectacle. Until Shi Fen accidentally kicks and spills her milk tea. Oh boy. Here we go again. She has to tone down the violence since their friends are here but that doesn’t stop her of still wanting to get him.

Our Idiot Brother
Oh great. Good news. Apparently there was a second season of it. And double the number of episodes too! The irony is that while I was browsing on what animes to check out for the particular season, I stumbled upon this series. Hold on a second. A series with a second season in which a first season that I have not heard of? Maybe I did but it was so obscure that I completely forgot all about it as there were other ‘hot’ anime series to be put on my priority watch list then. Besides, the first season came out in mid-2017 and the sequel around a year later. So thank goodness for this coincidental stumbling? Definitely.

With only 3 minutes per episode, there isn’t much going on and hence everything has to be nonsensical and in fast paced. I’m not saying that everything zooms by in a flash that leaves you scratching your heads but the main purpose of this short comedy is to make you laugh and it sure did hit the mark. The plot might not be really exciting and original since it is generally as the daily lives of a pair of siblings who are often at odds with each other. Perhaps the formula works because cartoonish violence is used? Is this why watching old Warner Bros cartoons like Bugs Bunny and that Road Runner Show, we can never get tired of their silly antics? Yup, it feels the same here. Because the violence is in cartoonish style, we are more inclined to think that it is okay and that it is all for comical effect. Which is exactly what it is intended for. But in this sense some may argue the comedy is childish and definitely not for mature audiences as it could easily border annoying. But since it works for me, I give it a thumbs up!

The series is made funnier with the characters who are just oddballs themselves. Especially Shi Fen who acts like he is cool but his imagination is stronger than what he is in reality. Hence the comical effect that he shows off like an idiot, only to fail and fall flat in the end. For this kind of joke to be a running joke of the series, hence I figure that Shi Fen’s idiocy is the kind that makes him sort of like Superman. You know, it goes all the way back to Urusei Yatsura with the main character being an idiotic pervert. No matter how many times you pound or whack that Ataru jerk, he never gets injured and keeps coming back without learning anything. The same can be said for Shi Fen. He is able to withstand all the beating and bone breaking moves that his sister does on him that normally a normal person would have easily died or end up in coma. Because of that, Shi Fen doesn’t learn and continues to torment and be tormented. Yikes, like as though he is a masochist. Which one of the episode almost definitely confirms it. Yeah, he feels like home whenever Shi Mao beats him up. So used to it, eh? Ah, that is what you call family. I think.

In this age where such excessive violence (even if it is comical) is used on one particular character, I can’t help to think what happened if the genders were reversed. Uh huh. See where I am going with this? It’s sad that I have come up with this thought despite I don’t feel offended in anyway. Because this makes me wonder if all this is really acceptable had Shi Fen being the one who beats up Shi Mao who is then portrayed as a stupid character. No siree. We will not stand for any form of violence against women, you misogynist chauvinist pig. Sure, there are very idiotic female characters but I don’t remember they get the abuse to this extend. Even if they do, the bully would most likely be female.

Anyway, it is understandable why Shi Mao often takes it out on her brother since he is a total jerk and idiot. He is like her personal punching bag but only for almost all the time. Besides, I think she takes it out on him not only because he pisses her off but also out of pity. Remember what she said about Shi Fen having nothing? No this, no that. Nothing to his name. So I guess with him being a punching bag, it gives him some sort of assurance and existence. Yeah, twisted logic but hey, every family is dysfunctional if you find flaws in everything. Shi Mao tries to be nice to her brother but he usually blows it. Ah well, you can choose your friends but not your family. In her case, her brother.

The rest of the other characters are rather okay but they don’t distract us too much from the siblings. Like Kai Xin who is basically the same idiot as Shi Fen but just slightly to a lesser degree. Probably he lives up to the meaning of his name by being happy. Always having that happy look. He exists to give that little plot of misunderstanding for Shi Mao to fall in love. Funny how misunderstandings could make Shi Mao fall for this dude. Oh, if she only knew the truth. But I guess that is love and love really makes you blind. I wonder how devastating it would be for her had she known the entire truth. Even more devastating for Shi Fen because no prizes to guess what will happen to this poor chap. Banzai is introduced late but I feel that his character as introduced is only to serve as this mini love triangle complication. Other than that, rich kid wants to be a normie… Pfft. Why is the grass always greener on the other side? Miao Miao feels like an extra background character even though she is Shi Mao’s best friend. But she is so lacking in appearance or role that she might as well be a nameless character. Hopefully the next season would bring in more character development even if it’s just a little bit.

The art and animation style looks like it is done using Flash. Yup, it’s that one kind animation but it doesn’t feel so bad as the characters look a bit cartoonish as well. After all, this series was released on the web so I suppose it must be the way to animate things. Perhaps one reason why this series was obscure is because it was based on a Chinese manhua. Yup, you should have noticed the very Chinese-like name and some Chinese influenced elements. Hence the cartoonish looks of the series somewhat hides both the Chinese style and Japanese anime style of art. Plus, this series was jointly produced by Imagineer and Fanworks who did Flash based shorts such as Gakkatsu and Aggressive Retsuko.

Yuuichi Nakamura as recognizable as Shi Fen as his somewhat angsty voice here reminds me of some of his trademark similar sounding characters like Gray in Fairy Tail, Tomoya in Clannad and Kyousuke of OreImo. The other casts are Sora Amamiya as Shi Mao (Aqua in Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo), Kensho Ono as Kai Xin (titular character in Tanaka-kun Wa Itsumo Kedaruge), Natsuki Hanae as Banzai (Sieg in Fate/Apocrypha) and Chitose Morinaga as Miao Miao (Umiko in New Game). The opening theme, Sunny Side Up by Brian The Sun is quite a lively and catchy rock piece that certainly suits the theme of this series. Hmm… Maybe the reason why it sounds good is because it sounds strangely similar to the other anime song they sang: Heroes of Boku No Hero Academia (the first season’s ending theme).

Overall, this is quite a funny and entertaining short comical piece. I am hoping to catch the second season. If it gets subbed anyway. Heck, I think that is the reason why I missed this series entire in the first place too. It was not completely subbed when it came out and only by chance after I stumbled upon this series, I noticed that it only had complete subtitles for all its episodes in early 2018. But this show is definitely not a role model for those with intense sibling rivalry. Misunderstandings aplenty, sure. But turning into a fighting game character and pulling off vicious combos? Leave that to the animated realm. Like they say, violence never solves anything but it sure makes you feel good when you hit something. And hence the vicious cycle of violence continues…


20 May, 2016

Hmm… Another short anime series based on a yonkoma series. But I can tell what is going to happen in Danchigai when you have a household with only one brother and four sisters. Yes indeed. I think. When you are the only guy in the house, these girls make you look like you are running some sort of pimp house brothel, doesn’t it? Holy cow! Just kidding! Ahem… Let’s take that from the top again. When you are the only guy in the house, things won’t seem as monotonous as you think because when you have four lovely girls by your side lecturing you on just about everything and not give him a single opportunity to rest. That is what the synopsis says. Poor guy. I can imagine the pain he goes through in a house where women won’t just stop nagging…

Episode 1
Haruki Nakano is in a pinch. He can’t get up because his sister, Yayoi is sleeping on him. I’m sure he is being a gentleman trying not to push her away or wake her abruptly. Otherwise I would be thinking she must be that heavy for him! When twins, Uzuki and Satsuki come by, Haruki requests their help to wake her up but instead they take this chance to tickle Haruki. Yayoi wakes up and gets the wrong idea and chokes him thinking he did something pervy to her. Eldest sister, Mutsuki warns them not to be too noisy and disturb the neighbours or else no breakfast. The twins ambiguously describe their ‘hugging all morning’ and although Mutsuki understands what is going on, Haruki and Yayoi continue to make faces at each other. Mutsuki threatens to cut their allowance. That should put a stop. The twins cause more trouble by hugging and clinging on to Haruki before they head off to school. Yayoi helps clean up Haruki while making statements he would look cooler if he’d knew how to take care of himself. Is she being tsundere? Good thing or not, he didn’t hear her words clearly.

Episode 2
Yayoi felt piercing stares when she was changing. Turns out to be the twins. Apparently they are doing homework about their family. But does it have to be this intimate and details her favourite underwear colour? And so they read aloud what they have written about the rest. Like Haruki who is a lazy bum who is glued to his games. Haruki wants them to write something cooler that sounds like his chuunibyou but they simplify it as some saving the world crap with lots of screaming. They write about Yayoi’s good points as Haruki tries to influence them the violent tsundere she is. He got a wrestling submission move done on him. Conclusion: They get along well. Mutsuki? Everything about her is perfect. The twins get a score for their essay but it seems everybody is interested in Haruki’s chuunibyou.

Episode 3
Mutsuki loves sleeping on Haruki’s bed in a skimpy dress. It’s like she is inviting him to something horny but luckily this guy has very high tolerance level because every position she turns to is just freaking tempting. When Mutsuki is ready to leave for school, Haruki spots one of her socks dropping. Quickly he flips it up but also accidentally flips her skirt. Oh dear. Guess who is going to mete out the punishment? Despite getting beaten up, Haruki takes heart that he has protected his sister’s perfect image. When Mutsuki goes to bath, Haruki takes the liberty to hand her the towel before she goes in because when the last time this happened, she forgot to take her panties and requested him to bring it. Then Yayoi thought he was being a pervert rummaging through Mutsuki’s underwear drawer and got beaten up. Why doesn’t she just ask Yayoi to do it? Even after bath, Mutsuki frolics in the towel on his bed. Is she trying to let him see her natural self? Then she just falls asleep. Can’t blame this guy if he ever starts going into incest.

Episode 4
The siblings head to supermarket to buy food ingredients. Haruki teases Yayoi for being dumb because she suggested taking the rice first. If you do that, wouldn’t you have to carry the weight around? But you can always take the trolley, right? The problem is carrying it onto the trolley. Mutsuki and the twins taste the free samples. Thanks to their ‘enjoyable’ face, this is like a great advertising effect as other customers also feel like wanting to try it out. Haruki thinks of getting mild curry for the twins. However they don’t want to be looked down upon and stubbornly wants to try the medium curry. But why do they sound scared before eating it? Luckily it just tastes right. Unknown to everyone, it is actually the mild curry as Mutsuki bought it just in case.

Episode 5
Satsuki eagerly waits for Haruki to come home so she could read the manga magazine he bought first. And she won’t let others read with her. Uzuki used to tease Satsuki but the teacher said bullying was bad. However she has no qualms putting clothespin all over Haruki’s hair. Then she just leaves him to go play with Satsuki once she is done reading. Satsuki has an anime clock in her head and she knows when it is time to watch her favourite anime without looking at the clock. Once done, the twins go away to play. Yayoi tells Haruki that despite Satsuki’s love for anime and manga, she loves Uzuki more. Satsuki watches the same anime again and again. Haruki wonders if Uzuki is okay since she is not paying attention to her. It’s okay. She won’t do anything that Satsuki doesn’t like.

Episode 6
Is it sexy time when Mutsuki will teach Haruki anything he wants? Well, if he wasn’t her brother, I’m sure he’ll take the offer. But anyway to her dismay he turns her down since he can study for the test alone. Mutsuki feels even dejected since Yayoi did the same. After all, Mutsuki wasn’t a good teacher in the first place. Haruki and Yayoi study together and he discovers that her multiplication is not that good and the reason she fails her math test. She even makes mistakes in the simple multiplication table so he is going to have her multiply till she drops! I hope there is no sexual innuendo in there. Even more insulting is how the twins score perfect for their maths test. When Yayoi returns home after her test, Haruki bugs her to see her results. She won’t show it to him and during the struggle he falls on top of her. Mutsuki sees this and gets the wrong idea.

Episode 7
Yayoi wants to go to the beach so much but the cold season doesn’t permit it. With Mutsuki, they get an idea to wear their swimsuits in the house. Imagine Haruki’s surprise when he sees them… He thinks it is a bit immodest but Yayoi beats him up for his pervy thinking. She blames him that when they were supposed to go during the beach season, last minute they had to cancel it because he failed his test. Then they force him to join them. I hope they didn’t really strip him. The trio sit inside the small inflatable pool (seriously, I don’t think their butts even fit) and remember similar memories of their younger days. When the twins return, they see their older siblings having flu. Fun’s over.

Episode 8
After Satsuki finishes reading a manga, she is convinced she is adopted! Uzuki plays a prank and claims she is her daughter! But seriously, if they are twins why don’t they look alike? Gloom… Haruki shows proof, a picture when they are babies. What if they were switched at birth? Another picture of Mutsuki at their age, a splitting image of Satsuki. Uzuki is still not convinced so she goes to find proof by rummaging through the closet. She happened to stumble upon a bag of Haruki’s chuunibyou stuffs. With his embarrassed reaction, she is convinced she is not part of this family. But Mutsuki shows a picture of their grandma, a splitting image of Uzuki. Too bad girl, you’re not a lost princess after all. Now it’s Yayoi’s turn to be gloomy. Because everyone does well in tests except her (again, yet another dismal showing), she is crying she must be adopted!

Episode 9
Uzuki has a habit of playing pranks on Haruki so you bet he is cautious when she closes up to him. During dinner, she sits next to him instead of her usual place. He thinks he has spiked his food but it turns out okay. Uzuki points out there is a rice on his face but he quickly cleans it, leaving her frustrated. He thinks she has another prank when she wants to read to him but nothing untoward happens. Before he can be labelled as siscon or lolicon, Satsuki brings him to see an anime about a sister who loves her brother. Uzuki saw this and tried copying it. Next day, Uzuki tells him everything was a prank so he plays along that he got tricked. However he remembers that anime’s plot is about the sister having trouble confessing her love to big brother. Could it be? Nah.

Episode 10
Definitely it would be hard for Haruki to keep quiet when Mutsuki is on top of him on his bed. At night! She needs a favour. She wants him to kiss her! This is not a dream. Care to explain why? Because she likes him. Maybe she should be more specific. It seems she needs this kiss before she goes to school so she thought of practising with him. He argues a kiss is supposed to be with somebody she loves like her boyfriend. But she thinks it is okay with siblings. This kiss is necessary because her class will be doing a play for the festival. She took on the princess role and has to kiss the prince. If it is just a play, could she just pretend? Well, she hasn’t kissed anyone before. Haruki remembers her kissing various objects… That was practice? She is serious in kissing him but apparently his mind is going bonkers whether or not to oblige. He pushes her away. It seems to have upset her as she returns to her room. Feeling sorry, he goes to apologize. Actually she isn’t mad the least bit. She realized she mixed up Cinderella’s role with Snow White and thus there is no kissing scene. She hurried back to confirm this. Sorry to bother, you can go back to sleep now.

Episode 11
Haruki is sick and he collapsed while returning from the bathroom. Yayoi must be one ‘good’ sister because she just left the pillow to let him sleep on the floor! WTF?! Eventually she feels bad for her onii-chan so she puts him back to bed. Naturally he skips school the next day and when he wakes up, it is already past 3pm and Yayoi is by his side. She is even blaming him for waking up without giving warning. WTF?! What were you doing to him?! She tries to be good by wiping his sweat. When the other sisters enter, from their position they see as though Yayoi is kissing him! She beats him up and then dismisses what they think. I think Haruki is going to take a lot longer to recover.

Episode 12
There is a sign clearly outside Haruki’s room to not enter. No, he is not masturbating! But Yayoi enters anyway. She bugs him to play a game. Not a hentai game, mind you! While he is looking for the game, she falls asleep on his bed and doesn’t want to move! Thinking she is sick, he quickly brings her back. The twins play a prank on Haruki by making him watch them take a dump! WTF?! Because he isn’t ‘cooperative’, they start crying and ‘hating’ him. He thought he could sleep easier but Mutsuki is hogging his bed. It gets worse when she grabs him and suffocates him under her boobs! He has to continue hiding as the other sisters come in to sleep with him. What the heck is this sleepover party?! Haruki narrates his worries about his sister’s future but he feels spending the night like this once in a while isn’t bad. Next morning, he is ready for them to rely on him but they pack up and leave. So now they’re treating his room like a hotel?

The siblings go to the public bath. Because the girls are being noisy so much so the men’s side can hear all the ruckus, Mutsuki had to give a stern warning or else. Haruki is having a relaxing time in his bath but his thoughts seem to drift towards fanservice scenes of his sisters! After finishing, the twins are rewarded with milk coffee. I’m not sure why but they don’t like the carton version that the public bath only has as they wanted the bottle version. Is there a difference? Haruki wonders why Yayoi is drinking it too so he figures it must be to help her boobs grow. Instead of beating him up, she runs away in tears and calls him an idiot. So was Haruki expecting to be beaten up because he was shocked by this reaction? After all her punches, it is no surprise he might be a masochist.

Man Of The House
It wasn’t anything special to say the least. I won’t go so far to say that the sisters are total b*tches but it is just that they love their brother so much that the only way to get his attention by the way they know best is to bug him. He puts up with it all because they are family. I mean, if he shoos them away, what will there be left, right? Besides, this is a slice of life comedy so nothing really extraordinary happens. No shocking twists and revelations. Just plain boring daily life of a brother and his sisters. Sometimes you wished you were thankful you’re not in his shoes, right?

If you want some little short laughs, I guess the 3.5 minutes length of each episode would keep you occupied. To say that it is entertaining would be an overstatement. Because as you can see, the jokes mainly comes from Haruki putting up with the quirky bugging characters of his sisters and that is all. Maybe it looks funny in the anime but in real life if you have a sister this annoying, some may feel insulted or just dreaming to have this kind of relationship. So if you want heavy laughs, look somewhere else. This one is just light and bite size. Even whatever ‘problems’ faced in that episode is ‘solved’ in that episode. No need to bring over the issue.

Character wise, they aren’t anything special either. Haruki is a typical typically normal boy and brother (unless you count his chuunibyou past but that is pretty normal too). He puts up with their shenanigans because he is their brother. I think I am repeating what I said but seriously, there is all to it. It is good the anime focuses only on the family because usually in animes when you have the male protagonist living with an extremely cute babe or having sisters that are too adorable, usually his jealous classmate guy will get all envious and start ranting nonsense. Yeah. Thank goodness. And thank goodness he didn’t turn into a siscon character either.

His sisters on the other hand, we have the sexy and flirtatious elder sister Mutsuki who is the boldest when it comes to bugging Haruki. With such great body and sex pheromones, it is not hard to get a boner when she starts being flirty. I have to respect Haruki because he holds it in greatly and doesn’t succumb to his urges to rape her. I mean, come on. This is anime. There is no ‘immunity’ that brothers and sisters cannot like each other. Incest is okay! Then there is Yayoi playing the tsundere. Somebody for Haruki to ‘fight’ just because she is the most tomboyish among the sisters. Her running joke is her bad score in maths. Finally the twins. You have the cheeky Uzuki who is more hyperactive than her twin Satsuki who seems to have this deadpan expression stuck on her face.

In a nutshell, Haruki is surrounded by so many girls despite being his sister and their pranks, he doesn’t turn gay! Another point of respect! True! Because we don’t see his other life, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is still a straight guy. Despite all the shenanigans, he doesn’t come to hate women and turn to guys for solace. I know this is creepy and I myself am surprised to have come up with this what-if conclusion but thankfully, remember the genre of this anime, then you have your usual happy ending for everybody. Too bad no incest happened either ;p. In spite of all that sexy delicious teasing from Mutsuki. Damn you, cock teaser!

Voice casting seems pretty normal. They are Atsushi Abe as Haruki (Mashiro in Bakuman), Satomi Akesaka as Mutsuki (Esdeath in Akame Ga Kill), Mikako Komatsu as Yayoi (Neko in K), Sayaka Horino as Satsuki (Mayotama in Danna Ga Nani Wo Itteiru Ka Wakaranai Ken) and Sora Tokui as Uzuki (Nero in Tantei Opera Milky Holmes). Despite being a short series, it has 4 different ending themes, each based on a sister and tailored to their personalities. Nothing that attracted my attention, though.

Overall, this series has its good and bad points being short. Despite being straightforward and simple, it feels somewhat boring although you have some cute laughs here and there. Like many of such short series, it is something you want to watch when you want to relax, don’t have any high expectations for anything and have a little more time to spare. And then it makes sister-less guys want to crave for such sisterly harem or like me, I’m happy I still dream of my maid harem from time to time. I know, there is a danchigai (big difference, literally) with reality and fantasy.

Super Seisyun Brothers

12 December, 2014

Hey! Did Super Mario Brothers get some sort of cousin spin-off? Perhaps a distant relative from the land of the rising sun? Those were the first thoughts when I had when I first heard of Super Seisyun Brothers. Don’t worry. It has nothing to do with that Italian plumber in any way whatsoever. Instead, the story involves 2 pairs of teenage sisters and their younger brother. Both sets of siblings are as different as day and night from each other but yet are best friends. This is a story of their everyday life at home and school. I guess I can cross out that hope of mine of seeing them jumping on mushrooms, hitting coin boxes and ambushing castles to save a princess in distress.

Episode 1
At the Shinmoto siblings’ place, Chiko is complaining that there are no hot guys at college. Despite her and Chika being hot and good looking siblings, they wonder if there are perfect matches for them out there. See? Even handsome and pretty people have their troubles. Over at the Saitou siblings’ home, Mako and Mao worry about communicating with aliens! What better way to visit the Shinmoto siblings and talk it out. The blondes like to aim high too but Chiko would rather conquer the shopping malls and departmental stores. Chika would also love to use his charisma to change the world. Chiko is pissed when a guy comments that she is great when she doesn’t talk! She couldn’t understand how Chika and Mao attract others easily. Well, Mako is also easily attracting everyone. Chika thinks it is because Chiko is an otaku since she draws stuffs. She calls it artistic and fashionable but the way she rants about her life as a pretty girl makes it sound that she is very much an otaku. I think she likes it.

Episode 2
Mao is having trouble in putting down what he wants to be in the future. Chiko suggests going to university or prep school and it’s not a bad thing since a person like her could get enrolled too. As for Chika, he has already decided a long time ago. He wants to conquer the world! After a nice warm bath, Chika is going to have his nice ice cream but to his horror Chiko took one. He screams of her being immature so Chiko admits she is a child. Chika corrects her she is already an adult… Chika complains this to Mao and asserts that despite looking like a kid, he acts like an adult. But when he gives an example of how, he sounds like a typical kid citing those examples. Eating sushi with wasabi makes you an adult? On the other hands the girls are talking that despite looking like kids, they are already adults. Mako notes her honest opinion that if people really consider them as adults, this country is done for. And as noted, it’s because they can have such open discussion, it makes them adults.

Episode 3
Chiko cross-dresses as an anime character and earns Chika’s teasing. However when she is able to get into a decent conversation on this with Mao, Chika realized that he is also into this. Thanks to his pride of not wanting to lose out, he would love to watch the DVDs too. However Mako won’t allow him in fear he would turn out to be like his sister. As he asserts he is only interested in real girls, Mako shows him her favourite idol group of AKC47 (?!). She’s really obsessed about them… Talking about the opposite or same sex they are into, Chiko prefers hot men while Chika loves pretty babes (that means nice boobs and legs). It is very different for the Saitou siblings because Mako hates men (“they’re all perverts!”) and prefers girls. Seeing them b*tch around is not bad either. And Mao hates girls and loves macho men. That was just a joke! Almost sending shock to everyone except Chiko who is still fantasizing those lovely men of hers. She really doesn’t mind fantasizing him in her BL fantasies. After clearing it up, Chiko mentions she still doesn’t mind about it so Mao tells her he prefers girls. Twice. Trying to hint something?

Episode 4
The professor is relaying the passing grade and points so Chiko’s friend, Shiyo Kohara calculates and it seems they need to at least attend classes for 6 more times! Meanwhile at some gloomy alley and some gloomy cafe, Mako works there part time as a gloomy waitress with an equally shy cafe manager who is always wearing some sort of animal mask. Chiko calls Mako about her dilemma of attending classes. Yeah. It’s like the biggest thing she has ever done as she has always been skipping it. Trying to make others take responsibility for her life? Just go to classes, damn it! Mako is glad she doesn’t have to face that crap. Despite the gloomy working conditions, she gets paid well and eats good meals and this place is not far from her home. Chiko still has no luck finding a hot guy. She meets Shiyo who mentions she has been spending lots of time with her boyfriend lately. Since he is into online, she dates him online and dating in the real world only happened twice. And both occasions are dates to Comiket. Chika tells Mao about a shady restaurant and is suspicious about it. Mao is worried because that is where Mako works. When Chiko mentions things remind her of somebody, Shiyo can tell she is referring to Mako. Is she an esper or what? Well, they’ve been together for every day…

Episode 5
Chika and Mao often take the train to school together. There were times they were so hot that girls would just fluster to ask their name. But now it seems none are doing it. Wonder why? Well, actually the girls are keeping their distance. They misinterpret their very close interaction and think they are gay! Even when their female classmates note they are like peas in a pod, Chika gets the wrong idea and thinks he is like fish paste and Mao the wooden base. It gives the girls even more wrong ideas about them. Their friend, Iori Maruoka wants them to join in playing basketball but Mao is napping. Till he mentions if Mao comes along, more girls will come cheer for them. Time to wake him up. Chika starts wondering how he ended up being Mao’s best friend. He starts thinking of all the hobbies but they weren’t quite it. It makes him conclude that he has no hobbies and is a boring person! So he calls Mao to ask if he has any hobbies. He does. Hanging out with him. You don’t say. Because Chika also has that same hobby.

Episode 6
Chiko decides to show Mako her shoujo manga that she decides to debut with and has put in a lot of effort. It’s about BL… So when Chika heard about it, he really wants to read it. However since she only has BL stuffs, she can’t really show it to him and gives excuse she doesn’t have any copies. But Mako will gladly show all Chiko’s drawings since school days in her notebook! So come on over to her place! NOOOO!!! We can see how her manga transforms from something angelic into something demonic through the years… When Chika learns being a mangaka can be famous, make lots of money and having your manga adapted into TV, he starts jumping the gun that he might get discovered by Hollywood! Chiko submits her work and feels nervous about the results. Mako talks to her manager that her friend has taken a step forward in life and she wonders if she will be stuck in this part time job forever. He believes she will be doing fine but what she meant is that she doesn’t want to end up like him. Too bad, he already planned to hand over the shop to her when the time comes. She doesn’t want it. How sad…

Episode 7
The girls wonder if the guys are in another clubs. Because they were in the volleyball club back at school. The guys couldn’t believe it. Flashback reveals they didn’t like club times. They wanted to find an excuse to skip it and the best way was to feign injury. But they need to come up with a back story too on how they got it. And then it hit them. Literally. They fight and punch each other’s face! They manage to skip it and the best part was they get to mend their friendship. The girls start lecturing how they’d better join one to be popular once they become seniors and that it’s like honing your skills for society. But the way they’re lecturing feels so unconvincing because they’re like so unmotivated. While looking through photos of their younger days, Mao can’t help be infatuated with a photo of cute Chiko in an Alice In Wonderland stage play. She allows him to keep it. Wow. For real? He continues to stare at it and when Chika learns about it, he thinks Mao is obsessed with him and likes him a lot. Why? Because that is Chika cross-dressing as Alice! Holy sh*t!!!!!! Can’t blame him for being this cute, eh? Mao got so sick that he gives the photo to Maruoka. He doesn’t want it either.

Episode 8
I suppose Mako has ran out of excuses to skip this year’s Comiket so she decided to go with Chiko. That vast sea of people… It just disappoints Mako. Is this what youth these days spend their time on? How disappointing. There is no hope in the government anymore… Chika really wanted to go but Chika prevented him since ‘it is no place for a normal person’. Nobody comes to buy Chiko’s doujin as they man their booth. When Shiyo comes by, Chiko goes to hang out with her. Mako then contacts Chika that she can tell him how to get here without his sister knowing with a condition that he doesn’t tell Mao. So while her brother babysits the house, Chika brings Maruoka. A world of new opportunities will be opening up for them… A Power Ranger surprises Mako when she comes to buy a doujin. Even more surprising, Chiko knows her. She is Ui Umezono and her senior at college. She takes off her helmet piece and is quite a pretty person. Mako asks why she is wearing such an outfit. It’s her childhood dream to be like one. Mako didn’t think many girls are into this tokusatsu stuff when suddenly it is greatly hinted Ui may be a guy… Holy…

Episode 9
Chika and Maruoka are at Comiket. Chika is thrilled to see Ui cosplaying and wants a photo taken. He goes to ask for to get a picture and as they chat, he notices the very well made mask. Ui takes it off for him to inspect and Chika is impressed with this ‘beautiful woman’. So he requests taking a photo without the helmet on. Maruoka thinks he is a guy but Chika doesn’t believe. While Ui is talking with Chika and Shiyo, he notices Mako left out and wonders if she is alright. When Mako spots people cosplaying as AKC47, she becomes excited and squealing for pictures. Everyone leaves Comiket early. Chika further hangs out with Maruoka and the latter asks about the former’s plan. Chika doesn’t think he is going to university because he believes Mao can’t handle life without him! Or is it the opposite? Mako talks to Mao that she never realized Chiko had other friends than her. It makes her feel relieved and happy she has other broad minded people as friends. At the same time it makes her envy. When Chika goes back, Chiko is waiting and quite furious. It’s like she just came out from The Grudge or something. She knows he has gone to Comiket because of that selfie Ui took with him subsequently. It’s a small world after all…

Episode 10
Because the guys are getting along so well together, their sisters wonder if they have any girlfriend and so it is decided they should interrogate the other’s brother. The guys know something is fishy when the girls want to ask something. Definitely something is up. Mako asks about Chika’s girlfriend. He once was in a relationship but broke up. Because it is always the same reason. Who does Chika like more? The girl or Mao? No wonder… Although he is not in any relationship now, there is one girl that he is quite interested in. He shows the picture of him and Ui together. Oh dear. Doesn’t that make him gay? It’s so amusing that Mako doesn’t tell him the truth. On Chiko’s side, her body language is obviously easy to read like denying Mako put her up to this. She is surprised that he has never once been in a relationship and although many girls confessed, he turned them down. The disappointing part for her is that he didn’t play along with them (because he doesn’t want to break their hearts) and thus she finds him a bit boring. Mao adds there is a person he likes but the love is one-sided. Chika is excited to know more but obviously he can’t say it…

Episode 11
The love interrogation continues. Mao describes the bad points of this girl she loves. Chiko is blur not to realize this girl is herself and criticizes her! Then he relates her good points and since he sounds serious, she now feels envious. She wants to take a look at her picture and won’t forgive if she is not cute. Don’t worry. She is as beautiful she’s hoping for. Meanwhile, Chika asks about Mako having a boyfriend. She denies that she has one otherwise she wouldn’t have so much free time to hang out with Chiko. She also decides to play safe and deny that she had any past relationships in fear Chika might tell Mao. He finds it odd since she is pretty but comes to a conclusion that he himself wouldn’t date a girl like her! This pisses off Mako and Chika still doesn’t realize what he said. So she tells the truth that she once had a boyfriend who professed his love for her every single day! When he asks what type of guys she would like to date, she gets her sweet revenge by saying never a playboy like him! Back to Chiko, in exchange for telling her about his love life, she is going to take the liberty to tell hers. Oh God. Mao isn’t the kind of guy who loves to hear this kind of things but he just can’t tell her off. And so her first love begins since kindergarten. Oh dear. This is going to take a while. But how come all her loves are anime characters? Then she breaks down lamenting and wishing she was born in the 2D world. He calms her down that she is prettier compared to most otaku girls and that her ideal man in glasses hasn’t appeared yet. He was about to hint one who likes her very close by but she gets distracted since it is time for her anime rerun… He wanted to tell her off that her otaku ways could be the biggest problem why she couldn’t land a guy but he isn’t the kind of guy who speaks his mind so openly.

Episode 12
Interrogation ends and the girls exchange information. Mako will pretend she doesn’t know anything as she doesn’t want to interfere with her brother’s love life. Chiko thought she has brother complex so Mako adds the only time she will interfere is when they are to get married and she will become a tormenting sister-in-law! Scary! As for Chiko she doesn’t mind having a stupid and narcissist sister-in-law. This discussion of love also spreads to their friends. Guess who is Shiyo’s first love? A video game character! She’s hinting it has lots of tentacles… And the girls are surprised that Ui sounds a lot more like a playboy. Maruoka is still sulking over the recent breakup with a junior. It seems he wanted a pure relationship but that girl gives the green light to get down and dirty with him. He couldn’t take the heat and froze. Now he is traumatized by it… The guys talk how their sister’s interrogation wear them out and it is rare that siblings take an interest in their love life. Chika feels Mao may be hiding something so Mao mentions he plans to tell him one day as he doesn’t know how it will affect their relationship afterwards. Chika won’t have him say a word more and clearly understands the situation. He knows he is in a situation where he is involved in a love that can never be. He knows despite that person’s looks and characteristics are similar to him, he has a hard time saying it even to his best friend. Mao is surprised by his sharpness but it comes crashing down when Chika thinks the person he is in love with is… Johnny Derp!!! JOHNNY WHO???!!! Chika continues ranting that their relationship will still be the same although he’ll never know why he chose that Hollywood star. Feel like punching him?

Episode 13
Chiko’s submitted manga is finally out. Seems she got third place. While Mako is impressed on her first try, Chika isn’t because only first place gets serialized. Chiko is feeling a little mixed. It’s complicated. But she gets motivated to get started on her next manga right away. Once Mako and Mao leave, she shows her true colours. She is really depressed and wants Chika to comfort her. However Chika knows she hates being comforted. And so she picks herself up and isn’t going to stay depressed. She’s going to continue working till she becomes the world’s best mangaka and conquer the world! Meanwhile Mako feels irritated because she wanted them to be perfect examples of what useless young people should be and yet she is moving forward in life unlike her who hasn’t got any plans yet. It’s like she’s starting to drift away from her. She wonders if she would want to follow her pace and Mao believes if she does, she’ll find a breakthrough and Chiko will accept her feelings if she conveys them properly. Chika teases Chiko that she’d be a cool brother if she was a guy. She thinks she is pretty proud of herself and cute to go with it. However Chika disagrees and believes she is an older sister who can never get married! Mao mentions when Chiko helped him out with his future career problem, at that moment he wished the girls would swap places as his sister. Mako feels insulted and doesn’t like him saying that kind of stuff. As for Chiko, she will show her brother that she will be a bride someday. Someday…

Episode 14
What the heck?! Suddenly a fantasy turn of events? Mao is a half angel and half devil who formed a contract with this girl called Momoka. Even joined her in class as a transfer student. Till Chika the angel turned up and they both fought over her. Turns out Chika too is half angel and half devil and as they continue to battle, they realize they are 2 peas in a pod. They are the same. They merge and combine into one… WTF… It’s like that Momoka character didn’t even matter. Then it all turned out to be an old manga story written by Chiko that she is trying to rewrite again. Everyone is reading it and surprised or not too amused (especially Mako who is casted as a demon). Chiko is embarrassed and has a hard time trying to explain. Chiko’s friends wonder why she hasn’t come to classes and she doesn’t really want to be reminded about it.

In Between An Adult And A Child
Despite the short duration of the series, this show itself is still enjoyable thanks to the main quartet. They may be a little cliché with the Shinmoto siblings being complete narcissists while the Saitou siblings have this mysterious feel to them. Overall, I think that is why opposite attracts. In certain ways, the characters’ personalities do feel realistic and can relate to. I believe all of us can fit into one of the characters in the main quartet or at least the side characters. Personally, I think I am more like Mao… Yeah, really. However I thought they could flesh out more of the characters and the side supporting ones too but I suppose it is not fair to ask for it given the short duration of the anime.

The comedic parts are also not too bad with the quirky characters and their sometimes witty or even nonsensical dialogue that makes you smirk from time to time. Like Mako who may not portray much of emotions compared to the Shinmoto siblings but she can just turn ‘evil’ in the next second. Best joke of the series goes to Shiyo and her boyfriend because they really nail this online thingy with their online dating despite being so physically close. It basically sums up what today’s life is all about. Everything is so connected. So virtual. So unreal. Mao’s mistaking Chika as a cute little girl in that photo is also another hilarious moment. Now you know why the truth is scarier…

Story wise, for genres like these, there is nothing much to look forward to in terms of the plot. When you have been given the ‘everyday’ expression, that already seals it what kind of anime this is going to be. So whether it ends or not, it doesn’t matter because life goes on. They are still together and will be now and forever. At least that is how this type of shows goes. Those of you who love story driven animes would definitely stay away from this sort of slice of life anime.

Art and drawing feels like and simple but it also makes the characters look good and super cute. The colours are bright and vivid but not to the point of overdoing it so I would really say that there is a lot of plus points in the artwork despite its simplicity. Nothing too heavy but light enough to be pleasing for our viewing pleasure.

In a nutshell, this anime just like any short anime shows won’t become mainstream but it is good that anime viewers from all walks of life could check this cute and light hearted funny series. Because life is too short to be taken too seriously. Funny moments in life like these are a gem and can be found anywhere. So forget about conquering the world. Watch this anime first and then go conquer the (online) world. Hey. Suddenly I just realized this. Why do they call this Super Seisyun Brothers when there are girls too? Google doesn’t have the answer. Ah, one of life’s mysteries that will never be solved…

Onee-chan Ga Kita

18 July, 2014

Oh no. Here we go again. Another one of this sister animes. Yeah. Can’t get enough of sisters, can’t we? But at least we don’t have to worry about if this sister theme anime has a very long title. Thankfully it is just descent. Onee-chan Ga Kita is a short anime with a dozen episodes lasting no longer than 3 minutes each. It chronicles about Tomoya Mizuhara, a middle school student whose father just remarried. Now he has got a step sister, Ichika who fawns and dotes over him like the cutest thing ever in the world. I know having a loving sister is good but when your affection is so overwhelming and behaviour so weird that it is creepy and making you feel scary, sometimes you’d wish you are back being an only child.

Episode 1
Here is a peek of what Tomoya’s ‘hellish’ life is going to be. Ichika changing in his room! Can’t blame him if he is having a hard time trying to accept this new family. Ichika continues to creep him out by taking photos of him. Uh huh. She is so familiar with him because she has done research prior to this. What research?! She wants to live in his room but gets kicked out. Any kind of emotion he shows, she finds him cute. Definitely something wrong in the head. When she decides to migrate to his room, Tomoya puts a sign on his door that prohibits her from entering because he’ll stop talking to her. So? How does she go around it? She comes in by the window! Why is she so desperate? Because she loves him! Hmm… The only other girl who ever said that to him was his late mother. But anyway he still kicks her out. And no, she can’t migrate to his room.

Episode 2
Tomoya goes to school with his neighbour and fellow classmate, Mitsuru Hanazono. Tomoya notices Ichika taking down notes and observing him like a stalker! In his class, Mina Fujisaki is the pure angel whom every guy including Tomoya adores. However deep down, her heart is black like a devil. She revels in having the boys under her control when Ichika shows up to give Tomoya his lunch. Suddenly all the boys flock to this high school girl. High school girls are the best! Of course this causes Ichika to dislike Ichika while big sister is left wondering if Fujisaki is his girlfriend. Then his friends blurt out Tomoya has a crush on Fujisaki so Tomoya has to disagree he doesn’t like her and is not cute just to hide that fact. Back home, Tomoya thinks Fujisaki hates him now and blames Ichika for showing up at his school just like that. However he realizes she brought him his lunch and feels bad for blaming her. The step siblings apologize.

Episode 3
Ichika has her friends over, Ruri Hayasaka and Marina Mochizuki. Tomoya is relieved that they are normal. Really? Because Tomoya is staring at Marina’s big breasts, Ichika slaps the boobs! Her friends mention about Ichika’s weirdness and Tomoya is so glad that somebody understands his suffering and even cries about it! Tomoya heads over to Mitsuru’s house and the friends joke that he is heading to his girlfriend’s house instead. Don’t make jokes like this to Ichika or she’ll go insane! She’ll be too if she doesn’t hug him for a day. Tomoya wants to take refuge here but Mitsuru is jealous he has those beautiful ladies over. He wants to quit being his friend but makes a quick u-turn when Tomoya will introduce them to him. Best friends forever! So he is introduced but they think he is such a loser. Oh, Ichika continues to chase frightened Tomoya around town.

Episode 4
Tomoya bumps into Kouki Hayasaka, the school’s most intelligent student. Kouki doesn’t like people who dye their hair (what about his?) and before he could admonish him, Mitsuru comes to his defence. Mitsuru claims that although he is smart, he has no girlfriend. On the contrary, we see lots of girls admiring this bespectacled dude from afar. Even so, he doesn’t think highly of those girls. Still, he is going to punish them for their dyed hair. However Ruri is his big sister and she doesn’t like him bullying Tomoya and punches him in the face! Violent sister… In the end when they note Ruri’s future husband will have it tough and that Kouki won’t let any guy near his sister, it just sounded like he is some sort of siscon. Tomoya thinks he used to be lonely waiting for dad to come home but now with a step sister, he doesn’t have to feel that way. He is thankful that they are doing fine unlike Kouki-Ruri. Big sister is just beating up little brother… Thank goodness…

Episode 5
It is so hot that Ichika passes out. But when mommy suggests going to the pool, she revives! She even has matching sets of swimsuits for them! And so the usual gang are there. Including Fujisaki who is showing off her swimsuit to the guys. It doesn’t take long before the guys are attracted to Ichika. Short flashback reveals Fujisaki was bullied despite having a cute face. Though she fought back, the teacher told her to have a gentle heart too. When Tomoya invites Fujisaki to swim together, Ichika pushes them away. She won’t let that b*tch near her Tomoya on her watch! Fujisaki lashes out at Tomoya but he remains cool. Also, he apologizes on Ichika’s behalf (although that sister is still showing her fangs at her). Fujisaki reflects that Tomoya didn’t run when she snapped at him and she feels she should treat him nicer from now on.

Episode 6
While out shopping, they meet a blonde foreigner who is speaking in English. Ichika can speak well but it turns out Souichirou Fuji was just fooling around with them. He is Marina’s cousin who is half Russian (Marina is a quarter Russian). Souichirou takes a liking for Ichika because she looks exactly like his idol princess, Minori. Uh huh. He’s got everything there is about her. Super deluded fan. He wonders if Ichika would cosplay as Minori for him. Worse, he asks her to be his girlfriend! Absolutely not! Rejected! Ichika will always be Tomoya’s boyfriend and possibly future husband! Besides, he doesn’t look like Tomoya. WTF. This of course flusters Marina but Souichirou pats her head and hasn’t forgotten how cute she is too. The step siblings note Marina may have bad taste.

Episode 7
Christmas is around the corner and Ichika is so happy that she thinks of dressing up like Santa and deliver presents to her beloved. Please… Don’t… Kouki is fresh from getting beaten up by his sister. From his expression, he likes it… Masochist siscon… Ichika sees Tomoya buying his Christmas present. But thoughts that he may give it to Fujisaki freaks her out. On his way home, somebody accidentally bumps into him and he drops the present. A bicycle runs over it. Ichika immediately dives to save it. Despite knowing how much she hates it that this present is for Fujisaki, she tries to act calm and cool (but sucks badly). Tomoya says that the present is for her and wanted to wait for Christmas to give her. I guess it makes no difference now. Ichika gives him a big hug. She happily puts on the pink socks back home.

Episode 8
Ichika is in her kimono for New Year but she’s snapping pictures of plain Tomoya like mad. The usual gang are at the shrine. Kouki seems extremely nice to Tomoya. Because Ruri makes him be friendlier with Tomoya this year. Fujisaki is also here, probably to get her revenge on Ichika. Then Mitsuru had to claim all the high school girls are maturely sexy and there are none in his class. What does that make Fujisaki? A pretty mad girl, haha. Ichika says aloud her wish to devote her life chasing Tomoya!!! Ruri hopes Kouki can be like that but since he refuses, she swings him! Kouki and Tomoya see a boy’s wooden plaque stuck on a tree so Kouki goes to get it down. But now he’s stuck up there. Once he is down, Tomoya always thought he is the kind who laughs at the misfortune of others. Of course they get into an argument and the girls think they are getting along so well already.

Episode 9
Ichika is so relieved that Tomoya has never gotten Valentine chocolates before. She thinks of covering herself in chocolate for him but as her friends advise, it’ll just make it scarier. So she goes to Ruri’s house to make chocolates. But I guess being her first time, everything just got messy. Eventually she finishes her first handmade chocolate. Ruri also made some for Kouki. Will he accept it? Of course. The last time, she threw it at his face! Ruri wonders what if someone else confesses to Tomoya first. Ichika pulls some air punches and won’t allow that girl to be his girlfriend and must defeat her first! Ruri teaches her how to punch better! Ruri is nervous before Tomoya. But she can’t wait for Valentine’s Day and stuffs the chocolate box in his face! The chocolate is mixed with udon that he loves so much. Yeah, he’s going to get food poisoning if he eats that.

Episode 10
It’s Valentine’s Day. Our guys do not receive any chocolate in their shoe locker or desk. But some other girls do give them out of obligation. Fujisaki wonders about giving hers to Kouki so she takes the opportunity to walk home with the guys. Kouki’s shoe locker is stuffed with chocolates! To the max! But what does he think of it? Stuffing so much like that is unhygienic! Fujisaki can’t find the right time to give Kouki until Mitsuru asks her if she has any for them. The perfect chance to give it to Kouki. Noticing around a corner is a suspicious pervert no other than Ichika! She’s all dressed up to go peep on Marina? Anyway Fujisaki boasts that she gave Tomoya her chocolate. Uh huh. They end up fighting, pulling each other’s hair. They get along so well… Back home, Tomoya tastes the chocolates as stalker Ichika observes him from outside his window.

Episode 11
It’s White Day. Ichika is very anticipating… Tomoya has a chocolate for her. Yay! She pounces on him and also gives him a return gift. Fujisaki sees a random chocolate in her shoe locker and has devilish thoughts. When Kouki gives her chocolate, her hearts just melts away. She wants to confess she loves him but eventually couldn’t. Tomoya also gives Fujisaki his chocolates. Kouki mentions that Ruri gets large amounts of chocolates at this time and Tomoya realizes that there are many who take White Day as a chance to confess. Hoping it will be him? Don’t count on it. When Ichika shows Tomoya about the cookies she received from some classmates, Tomoya can’t help feel sorry for them.

Episode 12
Their parents are away on a trip. You know what this means. But Tomoya is down with a cold and Ichika tries to nurse him. Yeah, she tries to sleep with him to increase his body warmth. Get out! Ichika calls Ruri for help since she is the ‘best sister’ in the world. Maybe it’s not so much about Tomoya she needs to worry about. Uh huh. Probably Ichika is the one that needs help. Ruri admonishes Marina for bringing so many apples. Like it will help. Tomoya could hear voices downstairs but it is better than total silence. It makes him feel he is not alone when he is sick. At the corner of his bed, he sees Ichika praying like mad. Next day when Tomoya is better, Ichika has caught his cold and now it’s his turn to take care of her.

Episode 13 (OVA)
In this extra episode that lasts an extra minute, we see how Ichika came to know Tomoya. Ichika was always alone and wanted a sibling. So desperate she is that at the park when she sees a pair of sisters playing, she goes over and wants to be their big sister! Needless to say, they were scared off. Then she sees crying Tomoya who lost his mom. This is her chance to play the cool big sister. But mommy found him and they go away. Not before Ichika and Tomoya’s eyes meet. Thinking how cute he is, she hopes a boy like him would be her brother. Years passed and Ichika’s mom tells her she is getting remarried. She is shown a picture of Tomoya who will be her brother. With great enthusiasm, she starts researching on him and shows all the details to her friends. It’s scary that she knows so much about him even when they have not met! Meanwhile Tomoya narrates because his mom passed away early due to a disease, he has vague memories of how she looked like. When his father mentions he is getting remarried, he tells Tomoya that he hasn’t forgotten about his mom and he will always be their son. And so both sides look their best and eventually meet.

Onee-chan Ga Stalker!
Hmm… Okay. It was fun while it lasted. Ichika is the one that makes this short series funny and interesting because she herself is a weirdo. So weird the way she acts and talks that it might even scare away normal people. Really. Look at her agape triangle mouth which seems like a permanent feature on her face. Is she always that amazed? Then something about her eyes that make her look droopy although they seem wide open. Combined with her super loving nature for anything Tomoya, we have got ourselves a big stalker, no? As for Tomoya, he is having it hard to live with this kind of sister that leaves him with no privacy. But like everyone and everything else, give it a little time and he’ll get used to it. She might be weird but at least she loves him. Heck, it’s better than siblings who hate each other and don’t talk, right? Better than like strangers living in the same house, no? Just that Ichika may just be going overboard with her ways of showing Tomoya her affection but I guess this is her way of showing her love. Sometimes you just want to say it to her that she’s doing it wrong.

The other characters are also pretty amusing, each with their own weird behaviour. Ruri is the violent sister who doesn’t hesitate to unleash her brand of violence on Kouki whom speaking of which has this habit of calling almost everyone a hair-dyer. He sounds like an aloof guy till you learn that he might be some sort of siscon masochist. Probably the ‘sanest’ among the ‘sisters’ is Marina but her humungous boobs are the first thing that most people would take notice. Yeah, it makes her stand out. Mitsuru feels like the loudmouth of the bunch and it hints that he might like older girls especially those in high school because he doesn’t have eyes even on the prettiest girl in his class. Speaking of Fujisaki, it is fun to see her dual persona and amusing to see her get into a conflict with Ichika. It makes me sound like a sadist since I wished more episodes had this spat of theirs. I thought she had a crush on Tomoya but maybe she’s just being close to Tomoya just to spite Ichika. I was a little confused when later it is shown she likes Kouki but I guess it could have been worse if she had liked Tomoya. Then we can have a real catfight… But I have a feeling that Fujisaki can never beat Ichika as long as those guys prefer high school girls.

The art and drawing sometimes might not be sharp especially the backgrounds if you take a close look at them feels like water colour or crayons. Of course some of the characters like Ichika look strange but since this is a funny anime, you can’t complain about it and in a way, it complements and fits the anime like it should. This series is produced by C2C. Although they have worked with many other anime studio houses, the series that they are mainly in charge are all short series. Besides this series, so far they have got Yurumates3Dei and Go! Go! 575 under their belt.

The voice acting part is all okay. I am unfamiliar with all the seiyuus except for Yu Kobayashi as Mitsuru. It’s nice to hear that trademark crazy voice of her again but it feels odd that she is voicing a young boy because I’m quite used to hearing her in such crazy tone in female roles, though she did voice boys’ role like Clain in Fractale. I didn’t recognize Marina Inoue as Marina probably I was focusing too much on the comedy and the weirdness of Ichika. I wonder if they named the character after her. Nah. Other casts include Aimi Terakawa as Tomoya (Kazumi in Futari Wa Milky Holmes), Juri Nagatsuma as Ichika (Satone in Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai Ren), Misuzu Togashi as Kouki (Origami in Date A Live), Ibuki Kido as Fujisaki (Chinami in Golden Time), Omi Minami as Ruri (Hyatt in Excel Saga) and Kouji Takahashi as Souichirou (Ash Blake in Seikoku No Dragonar). The ending theme is Piece by Misuzu Togashi and sounds cute.

Thankfully this series didn’t turn into one whereby incest is hinted. So sorry for those expecting such things to happen. But really, can you call it an incest because Tomoya and Ichika are from different families who do not share the same DNA whatsoever. They are just legally married and staying together. Perhaps it might be in the legal sense. For now, Tomoya’s chastity is safe till she hits puberty… That’ll be a different story entirely. So if you’re looking for a big loving sister anime that is crazy and funny to watch in your short spare time, give this one a try and it could either make you feel thankful that you don’t have such a crazy obsessed sister who knows more about you than yourself or feel great envy that you didn’t get a ‘devoted’ sister like this. If it is the latter, then I am afraid you’re a big siscon…

Recorder To Randoseru Mi

8 February, 2014

Remember the big guy who is the little kid and the little girl who is actually a high school student? I’m sure you’d remember Atsushi and Atsumi Miyagawa if you have seen this short (no pun intended for Atsumi) anime lasting only 3 minutes each. Now they’re back again for a third season in Recorder To Randoseru Mi. Because their age does not match their body size in society’s norm, they are often mistaken for a flasher or a kindergarten kid. Are we going to see them in a dozen more episodes of mistaken identity? Well, let’s find out. If their different size and stature already wrecks havoc in public, imagine how their relationship with their friends would be. Life is just so weird…

Episode 1
Once again, Atsushi has been brought to the police station by mistake. The usual policewoman duo takes him to the back of the station (must be a scary walk for a kid) and introduces him to their new colleague, Aono. Yeah. She’ll be seeing more of Atsushi in the future. Aono didn’t waste her time shooting her mouth that her colleagues were desperate enough to get 10 years olds into the mixer. But that shows they aren’t prejudiced, right? Haha… Later Atsushi and friends sneak into the video arcade but Futami is waiting for them. They feel bad and apologize but Futami allows them an hour but they’ll have to go home after that. Atsushi is so happy that he touches her hand. She freaks out since she has fear of men.

Episode 2
Atsushi, Hina, Atsumi and Sayo are caught in the rain. While drying at home, Sayo mentions how big Atsushi’s clothes are. And it smells like snacks… Atsushi thinks Sayo likes snacks too and would gladly share some rare snack stick with her. But he won’t get the chance because Sayo and Hina are leaving. Sayo doesn’t know what to feel because she really likes Atsushi but he is really a kid and acts like one. Maybe she’ll wait 5 more years and his personality will catch up. But the thought that Hina will grow up into a sexy babe freaks her out. She realizes a snack in her pocket. It’s supposed to be from Atsushi. He is frantically searching for it and wanted to give it to Sayo. Oh well, she has already taken a bite.

Episode 3
Yoshioka could have been the handsome ace basketball player that everybody loves. Just one little problem: He’s a lolicon! And that means he loves Atsumi. She’s the best because not only she is a lolicon, her age means she is legal! Best of both worlds? Loli is justice! Meanwhile Atsumi is riled up to see another short character! Well, Makoto Kobayashi isn’t the shortest but second shortest in the grade! Character overlap? Yeah. You could mistake that guy to be Atsumi’s brother. Things get complicated when Yoshioka thinks Kobayashi is playing cupid for him. He misinterprets that he shouldn’t rush things. After all, Atsumi can’t go anywhere, right? Her body size, he means. Yeah. He can wait as long as it takes. Atsumi’s legal body is forever! Furious Atsumi blows her top that she hasn’t finished growing yet. Oh? Has it even started?

Episode 4
Atsushi’s class gets a new teacher trainee, Miss Kawauchi. When she sees Atsushi, it’s like she instantly wants to get this man. After introducing herself and learns his real identity, I don’t know how her face contorted but Atsushi reports back to his friends that her face was scary! And so Kawauchi has near misses of being misled that Atsushi is a handsome guy before realizing he is actually a kid. Face of ultimate frustration… At the end of the day, Futami sees how downtrodden she is and is going to cheer her up. She knows it because she was in her shoes before. But then she hears Kawauchi say she wants to eat Atsushi! OMG! Did she hear right?! Calm down sensei!

Episode 5
Sayo spots a gloomy look. She’s still in a dilemma over her love with Atsushi.  So much so she starts hearing the inanimate objects talk. Yeah. Some are telling her to go for it, some why it’s impossible. Face reality. And some even rap to it! Yo! Yo! She starts thinking if she truly loves him, a miracle will happen. Just then, a beetle lands on the back of her head. She fears she can’t take off this evil thing and hopes it will fly away but it crawls into her dress. Now she can’t make any sudden moves and fears she can never go home and see Atsushi or Atsumi ever again. She wishes for Atsushi to come save her and suddenly that guy pops up and grabs the beetle. He wants it for his catch. Sayo starts crying in her relief but Atsushi is confused and didn’t know what he did to her.

Episode 6
Take is dressed well in a suit. Does this mean he has a job? Nope. He is going to his 100th interview! He lands a part time job as a waiter as Atsumi and Atsumi patron the store. Take says each time he has a relationship with his colleague, they break up and he had to quit. That’s why he thought he would work in a place without women. Doesn’t this store fit the bill? The manager wonders why he gets dumped so often since he is quite good looking. He suggests Take date Atsumi but the latter couldn’t because she views him like her brother. Take also agrees but this riles her up and smacks him with a board. Maybe it’s the way he said it… Atsumi continues sulking, blowing bubbles in her drink as Take mentions he can’t date Atsumi because he doesn’t want her to go through the same thing like he did with his exes.

Episode 7
Looks like another argument is about to blow up between Atsumi and Kobayashi but it seems the latter suddenly asks her to go out with him!!! WHAAAT?! Actually it’s like this. It’s not he wants to date her but rather Yoshioka. He fears that if Atsumi rejects him, he’ll look for a new love and this one may be illegal! He hopes she would keep an eye on him till the next basketball tournament. Later Atsumi and Sayo discuss this request. Atsumi is not thrilled to be ‘sacrificed’ to oversee the pervert. She is not happy that her appearance is the deciding factor and not her age. Looks matter more than age, right? Right?! Atsumi calls Yoshioka a sexual deviant. Sayo mostly agrees with her and doesn’t count herself a deviant like him. Really? So what’s her love for Atsushi all about?

Episode 8
As we know, Hina is supposedly Atsushi’s ‘girlfriend’. Now she wants to break up because she can’t take it anymore. Every time they’re together, he gets whisked away! He takes her hands and doesn’t care. He wants to be with her! Think somebody is going to report him? Well, actually here comes Yoshioka as he commends his soul brother! However he thinks Atsushi has gone too far by wearing a backpack and such. Till he sees how friendly he is with the police. Yoshioka then claims himself to be a virtuous citizen to the policewomen (liar, liar!). Then Yoshioka’s older brother pops up. He sees the policewomen and suddenly proposes to marry one of them. Well, she might think her days of being single is over but then when we discover this guy has a fetish for old mature woman (40 years and above are his liking), I guess everything just feels so sick and disappointing.

Episode 9
The gang decides to check out a haunted house-cum-kimodameshi attraction. Atsumi is not pleased Yoshioka joined him. What is he? Stalking her like a real criminal? As they have to go in boy-girl pairs, Sayo thought this is her chance to be with Atsushi (legally) but it seems he went in with Hina. Bummer. Now she’s stuck with Kobayashi. Atsumi ends up with Yoshioka (dream come true!) since she wants to keep an eye on her brother. The ghosts aren’t enough to scare adults but the scary one has got to be Yoshioka because he is calmly taking videos of Atsumi!!! Sayo fears the worst that may happen between Atsushi and Hina and takes Kobayashi’s hand and make a run. Atsushi and Hina are frightened by Take. Part time ghost? If you noticed why he never had eyes, that’s because he never had them!!! BOOO!!! Haha… Just nice makeup. In the end, Atsumi-Yoshioka pair won and the lolicon gets some creepy doll prize. He thinks it is proof of their love will treasure it forever… Forever… Forever… CREEPY!!!

Episode 10
Yoshioka and Sayo lament their unrequited love. The world is so unfair! Yoshioka thought they’re on the same wavelength but Sayo doesn’t want to be categorized the same as him. As she leaves, she murmurs for her love to hurry and grow up. Kobayashi mistakes she is talking about him. She asks Yoshioka’s advice how to grow taller. Yeah. He should’ve known better. Yoshioka put a lot of effort. He wanted so much to see the other side of the elementary school wall (something to do with lolis of course) that he stretched and stretched and ‘evolved’. WTF. Sayo visits the siblings and sees Atsushi playing with his voice with the fan. He invites her to join in and to play the role of the villain. Sayo somewhat agrees because she considers herself a baddie for hiding such feelings and will let the evil flowers bloom. In an alien voice, it’s like she confesses her true feelings via a play like she wants her ideal man and loves him. But Atsushi zaps the alien back and ‘kills’ her. And peace settled upon our world. WTF.

Episode 11
Kawauchi is now a cram school teacher as she relaxes by the poolside. Meanwhile Yoshioka is in a slump. The coach wonders if anything can be done. Yoshioka suddenly sees a loli cheering for him and this gets his spirits up. He is all fired and gets back into the groove of the game! Actually that was Kobayashi cross-dressing as a kindergarten loli! Humiliating… At the end of the game, Kobayashi is surprised that Yoshioka mentions he knows of the disguise. However he mistakes the cross-dresser to be Atsumi and has fallen for her all over again! Looks like another round of trouble. While Atsumi, Atsushi, Sayo and Hina are at a karaoke, Atsushi’s friends get scolded by Futami because they are seen talking to a suspicious person. The policewomen go into action to nab the culprit and thank God that he isn’t Atsushi.

Episode 12
Atsumi fixes Atsushi’s backpack so it won’t be so tight. Yeah. It’s the new school term and he’s grown a little bigger. This reminds Atsumi of Atsushi’s growth chart on the wood. He just kept growing and growing… Sayo waits for her pals at the festival. She is glad to see Atsumi and Atsushi but when she sees Hina holding Atsushi’s hands, suddenly it doesn’t feel fun anymore. Jealousy kicks in… The look of disappointment… But she feels better when Hina holds her hand and they watch the fireflies. Why are the fireflies attracted to Atsumi? Lastly we see Atsushi rushing-cum-chasing his friends to school. This time the adults don’t call in the police and arrest him because they know who he is. We see the beetle Atsushi framed up on his wall and he credits it from Sayo. Likewise, Sayo frames up the snack wrapper and credits it from him. Oh, and Atsumi records a tiny growth… Sure, she’s not cheating?

Episode 13 (OVA)
Holy cow! A gender swapping episode?! Fancy seeing Atsushi a busty elementary kid?! Atsumi is still the high school student but still as short and petite as ever. What about Take as the 32 year old single woman who is still trying to find a job?! Hina is a boy but I thought he still looks pretty girly. Then there’s Atsushi’s friends turned into girls but something about them technically still remains the same: They are totally flat! Moriyama is now a guy who is afraid of girls while Sayo is a high school boy and Atsumi’s friend who isn’t afraid of bugs and is in love with Atsushi. Still the unrequited love… Yoshioka and Kobayashi are not left out too as they are now part of the women’s basketball team. Yeah, Yoshioka is ogling at boys leaving kindergarten… Aono is the new and innocent police officer in charge. When Atsushi and Hina pass by him, they didn’t get arrested! Nothing suspicious! Holy cow! If a grownup girl is seen with a little boy, it doesn’t amount to a case of paedophile? Oh, the discrimination! And so the town is as peaceful as always because as the narrator says, this universe might exist somewhere. Might…

It’s The Inside That Counts!
For one thing, it is somewhat good that we don’t see Atsushi being mistaken as a perverted flasher or a paedophile in the eyes of the public. At least for this anime. It would be really boring and done to death if we were to see this recycled joke of him being arrested as a loli flasher. You’d think that after being arrested so many times, the people and authorities would have wised up and at least recognize who Atsushi is. Unless you tell me there are always new strangers in town. That would be suspicious, right? I don’t think Atsushi as a kid would really stray so far from his home. It would be just dumb if he continues to get arrested and the joke would have been really stale past its expiry date. Since I saw the first and second season at one go (that is more than 2 dozens worth of episodes) over more than a year ago back in 2012, watching the third season somewhat feels short (sorry Atsumi, no pun intended. Really). Before I knew it, the series is over and there isn’t anything much difference except you see the size-mismatched siblings and their interactions with those around them.

Oh, there is one surprise which I find hilarious. Yoshioka and Kobayashi! These 2 new characters if I should say are the funniest. Yoshioka is just cool-cum-creepy because of his obsession for lolis and his favourite one being Atsumi AKA the legal loli. Yeah. It’s like having the best of both worlds. He can conduct his unholy activity and not get caught by the law. Imagine if all the girls in the world were like Atsumi, it would be ultimate paradise for this dude. The way he fawns on the lolis makes him look creepy but yet funny. That’s why I say he is the funniest character in this season, if not for the overall series. I’m wondering if Kobayashi likes Yoshioka because I observe that he is always trying to look out for him. No doubt he’s trying to stop his loli fetish but it feels like it is some excuse so that he could be next to him. They’re always together, notice? And if you put Yoshioka’s brother who has mature women fetish… Oh God… I saw him going after an elderly aunty in the last episode!!! Yeah, with people like these, you’d be going “What the hell is wrong with this people/society/world?!”.

The other characters still remain the same. Atsushi still your innocent kid acting like one. It would be okay if he wasn’t so big. Hina also another innocent girl with pure friendship with Atsushi but if you ask me, she’s more of a side character in this season and doesn’t play much of an impact just like Futami. Atsumi still the caring big but small sister and Take the ever jobless neighbour whose permanent job is his part time job. Well, he’s still at it as seen in the final episode. It goes to show that even if you’re handsome but can’t land a stable job, girls don’t really want you. Haha. That’s just highly speculative but seriously… I thought Kawauchi too had some sort of potential but she just appeared for 2 episodes (1 was just a short cameo which amounted to nothing) and that’s it. I thought she was into Atsushi just like Sayo since she wanted to ‘eat’ him. Unless that has a different meaning. Maybe seeing the contradiction in Atsushi made her go crazy. She won’t be charged for doing something illegal to a minor as long as nobody reports it, right?

I was expecting to see something of Sayo since in the last season, she realized Atsushi’s true identity and was in a dilemma. Her dilemma continues her but this time she has got a rival (Hina) to think about. Just like Yoshioka, if she could have her way, she would have dated him without any repercussions from the law. Ah, the law. It’s convenient to some but bothersome to others (like our main protagonists). So it is a little disappointing that Sayo continues to lament about her situation and Atsushi’s. Maybe there is nothing much she can do. She really likes him but you get that feeling when reality slaps you in the face after seeing Atsushi’s kiddie behaviour. You sink back into reality. It’s hard to give up on someone you really like, right? Yeah, I don’t blame her. At least she still gets to be close to him. Another thing I noticed about Sayo is that she likes to hold and hug Atsumi like a doll, putting her on her lap and such. I know Atsumi is small and cute like one but doesn’t it bother her? Guess not.

The ending theme for this season is One Two Hello by Ishifuro and in some episodes by Nanami Kashiyama (voice of Aono). I find this piece to be quite nice because it is a mix of rock ‘n’ roll with a little funk. The special ending theme for the final episode, Teenage Nekura Pop by Ishifuro is also catchy as it has that little rock ‘n’ roll feel in it. Too bad it’s just too short. Oops. No pun intended again. Just one complain about this season is that I seem to notice that the quality of the art and drawing somewhat decreases. Because I thought Atsushi, Atsumi and the other characters are looking a little different than before. I know the characters do look simple and cute but this one is obvious. Atsushi didn’t look as handsome as before. Don’t tell me he grew up. Also, the colour was also not as sharp as before and somewhat dull. It’s like they didn’t put enough effort like before and wanted to release it quick.

I guess in the end, nobody has changed much and everyone still pretty much the same. The old important lesson of never judging a book by its cover still stands. Everyone is unique in their own way because if God wanted to make us really equal, He would have made us all look the same, talk to same, act the same, etc. That would be so boring wouldn’t it? That’s why in life there are a few deviants from the norm. Okay, maybe not so few since everyone is a deviant in their own way. That’s why there are so many sick deviants with weird fetishes walking around. So you can’t blame the authorities for catching suspected paedophiles at first. Better be safe than sorry.

Recorder To Randoseru

21 September, 2012

I guess it is only in animes that characters aren’t what they seem. At least in size. Just like how Fuuka Esumi was in Yoiko and Honey senpai in Ouran High School Host Club or Mika Suzuki in Doki Doki School Hours, these people don’t seem to look their age. In Recorder To Randoseru, we have this elder sister who looks like an elementary kid while her younger brother who looks like a high school student. Misconceptions always arise because of their stark difference in size and stature.  Thus the very oxymoron term of the little big sister and her big little brother. And since each episode is only 3 minutes short (no pun intended), I suppose the fun is seeing how they go about acting their age, which really isn’t in the eyes of society. Oh, watch out for paedophiles too :p.

Episode 1
What’s this?! A cameo appearance at the beginning of the episode by Mayu and Hana of Morita-san Wa Mukuchi?! Anyway, they see this handsome guy, Atsushi Miyagawa playing his recorder at the slope. Till he starts blowing them. Oh, the cacophony! Run for your lives! Atsushi is worried if he’ll do well in tomorrow’s test. Back home, his little big sister (oh, the oxymoron), Atsumi gives him a coat and scarf since it’ll be cold today. Noticing he is worried about his recorder test today in music class, Atsumi cheers him up to do his best. Atsumi meets her friend, Sayo along the way. She instantly falls in love with Atsushi. But she’s snapped out of her daydream when Atsumi greets her. Atsushi meets his classmate Hina who notes that today is exceptionally cold. Atsushi proceeds to show her the scarf and coat combination but the way he ‘reveals it open’ to Hina made the next lady thought he’s a flasher! It doesn’t help when Hina ambiguously said “It’s too big. It won’t fit”. He is going to lend ‘it’ to her when he is arrested and taken in by the police! Suspected molester apprehended. Oh sh*t! So happened there is a sign to say beware of child molesters…

Episode 2
Sayo thought Atsumi is going to get another calcium drink for herself to grow. Atsumi doubts that milk will make her grow taller since all their meals at home are calcium rich and yet she doesn’t grow. She believes it doesn’t help one bit. But why is she drinking milk now? Sayo learns her little brother is in grade school and wants to know if he’s adorable. Well, she thinks he is too big to be considered cute. On the way to do some errands, Atsushi wanted to get free candies being handed out by a bunny mascot but only Atsumi was given. It’s only for kids. Bummer… At the supermarket, Atsushi laments his height and wishes he is a normal kid but Atsumi says many would kill to get this tall. She says she likes the way he is now and this calms his heart. Then she has him grab the flour on the top shelf and says she’ll always need him. Yeah, now we know why she ALWAYS brings him along during shopping, eh?

Episode 3
Sayo hugs Atsumi from behind and loves her for being tiny and cute like a little doll. Despite Atsumi’s birthday earlier than her, Sayo prefers her to be younger than her. Well, if looks… Then Sayo feeds her with lots of food to make her grow and this prompts Atsumi to say it’s not that she’s short because she is short (another oxymoron!) of food. She asks Atsumi’s type of guy (see all the guys all ears?). Atsumi wants Sayo to reveal hers first so she says anyone who is 180cm or taller. That’s freaking tall! Atsumi also prefers tall guys and wouldn’t want to date any guys shorter than herself, 137cm. I think every guy in her grade qualifies. Sayo continues to fantasize about her ideal tall guy. Read: Atsushi. He sweeps her off her feet on his white stallion, galloping along the beach. Ah, so wonderful. Just let her dream…

Episode 4
Atsushi’s friends, Takumi and Tetsuya race him to see who can change the fastest. But when homeroom teacher, Futami Moriyama sees Atsushi topless, she screams and runs out! Too mature, eh? Then for PE, she has the kids pair up to do warm up. Since Atsushi is without a partner, she’ll do it with him. Till she realizes he is too big and all over her. Another freaking out again. In the teacher’s lounge, she talks to colleague Nakimura that she went to an all-girls’ school and can’t handle men well. She thought she could handle elementary school kids till Atsushi came into the picture. Now she thinks she should’ve gone teaching at kindergarten. That’s an isolated case, lady. Tetsuya is Futami’s son and sometimes mistakes calling her ‘mom’ in school instead of ‘sensei’. Hina teases Atsushi and calls him ‘daddy’, bringing that guy to tears. Hina and Atsushi walk home and they talk about the class bulletin to be careful of suspicious people. Atsushi assures her to stick to him and holds her hand. Then the PTA members see this misleading scene and thought a suspicious man is leading a young girl away! Hold it there pal! Atsumi comes home to see Atsushi sitting dejectedly in a corner and lamenting he can’t even protect the girl he loves! Poor guy. Oops, I mean kid. But guy sounds fitting…

Episode 5
Atsushi needs a demon costume for the bean throwing festival so Atsumi suggests getting it from their neighbour Take. However his costume is too scary that it scared all his classmates! Since nobody threw beans at him, his friends suggest he’ll have better luck with third graders. Though they are really scared, they start throwing beans like as though he’s the real demon! Atsushi slips and falls all over Futami (his hands on her boobs). This causes her to freak out and run away. Tetsuya thought he really scared her. Hina and her friends, Midori and Jun thought his demon play was good and wants him to do it again. He pretends to be the demon and they pretend to be scared. Guess what? Some mother thought the pervert is scaring little girls! Call the police! Not again! So it’s no surprise that when he comes home, he is through playing the demon. Atsumi returns the costume to Take and he remembers how he was always the target. His mom would throw the beans at him, blaming the demon for him being jobless. Maybe he should actually try to look for one instead of bumming around.

Episode 6
Hina asks what kind of chocolates Atsushi likes. His friends tell him eating too much chocolate is bad for health and that he must share it with them. I know what they’re up to. Atsumi and Sayo are out shopping and they note Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Had she bring Atsushi out with her, he would’ve bugged her to buy him chocolates. However Sayo is bugging her to buy and make some. No difference. While making chocolates back home, Atsumi wonders if she has any guy she likes to give the chocolates. She says it’s to just friends and will give her too. Atsumi could guess the chocolate they’re making is for her. Duh… But she’ll nicely wrap it for her! Atsushi’s female classmates line up to give him their chocolates. How sweet. Imagine the scene if adults see this… Takumi and Tetsuya only gave chocolates from each other. They reason they wrapped it up so cute that it may seem a girl gave it to them. Atsushi is happy he can eat all the chocolates he got but Atsumi only says he can eat a box per day and have to share it with her. No fun. Then she opens the box from Hina and smoke came out! Uhm… Has the chocolate melted? Gooey… I think they’ll get sick if they eat that.

Episode 7
Atsumi won 3 tickets to the movies but isn’t sure what to do with them. Despite being a romance genre, Atsushi wants to go. So who gets the third ticket? Sayo waits for Atsumi outside the cinema and is on the lookout for ‘2 very short people’. But when Atsumi turns up, it’s that head over heels feeling for Sayo when she lays her eyes on Atsushi. Thinking it’s her boyfriend, Atsumi dismisses it. Sayo jumps to a conclusion that he is still single. They watch the movie and while the girls couldn’t stop crying, Atsushi fell asleep! They part and all Sayo could think of is Atsushi. Speaking of which, his eyes are also red not because of crying but because he’s sleepy.

Episode 8
Atsushi is supposed to celebrate Doll Festival at Hina’s house but is not sure what to wear. He thinks of going in this revealing punk outfit! Better let big sister handle it. Looking through all the hand-me-downs from Take, Atsushi tries out a seductive Casanova outfit. I think he should really let Atsumi take care of it. Atsushi arrives outside Hina’s house but her mom is suspicious who this bugger is. When he replies, “Hina’s friend”, she immediately shuts the door and locks up! “Hina is not home!”. Atsushi goes back depress but Atsumi cheers him up with a cake she made and that they could celebrate Doll Festival together. She advises him to tell his friends to prepare their parents ahead of time. Hina and her friends are about to begin their celebration and think Atsushi’s absence is due to something coming up last minute.

Episode 9
Atsushi goes to get some hand-me-down clothes from Take. Since it all reminds him of his ex-girlfriend, he gives Atsushi all the shirts! Take is at their place as he relates the recent thing that happened to him. He broke up with his latest girlfriend and it seems everything from photos to DVDs remind him of her. Including the place they work together so he quit! WTF?! Don’t want to run into your ex, eh? And mom just stopped feeding him after that. See the sign “Get a job!”? Get the hint? Take notes Atsumi a fine lady and remember he used to come look after her when he was in high school. Atsumi also remembers saying she would be his wife. Oh, is he going to pop that question now? He asks… Will she take care of him? Oh brother… Take gets fired up to find a job but decides to start part time. Why? You don’t start running when you begin a marathon, right? And here he is, doing laundry for 100 Yen. What a slow start…

Episode 10
Atsumi reminds Atsushi he needs to reciprocate the favour to girls on White Day. However, what can he buy with his limited allowance? Eggs, butter and chocolate? And he’s raking in Atsumi’s help. No choice, sis. You gotta help. Noticing he has lots of girls he has to give to, they need to make a bigger portion but reprimands Atsushi when he thinks the cookie she is making is for him. Atsushi is going to return Hina’s homemade cake with something equivalent. No, he’s not making another lethal cake! Thank goodness it’s just a horrible drawing for the wrapper. Atsushi’s friends come up with another ploy to eat his cookies. They tell him girls are conscious about their diet and will help him eat away all those fattening stuff. Unfortunately Futami confiscates it all since she clearly said not to bring sweets to school. After school, Atsushi manages to give his to Hina. The school gets a call from the public that a suspicious individual is at large luring children with presents! Hina opens her present back home but couldn’t understand why Atsushi gave her a trading card. Huh?

Episode 11
Atsushi is watching TV and not doing his homework. Till Atsumi reminds him he may end up like Take. Better start revising. Since he can’t focus at home, he is at the library. Sayo sees him and thinks he is studying. Erm… Elementary grade materials? Oh, he must be studying to be a teacher. The misunderstanding when Atsushi says it’s for his future job (with Take in mind) and agrees with her he’s having it tough on his day off. Since Sayo has to go, she gets a surprise when Atsushi pleads for her to stay and not go! She flusters and runs away. Could this be true? Actually Atsushi wanted to ask her with some tough questions. In the end, he couldn’t solve them and on his way back meets Hina. He wants her to show her work to him. However the part he is pleading ‘to show it to him’ caught the attention of the passers-by. Oh no. I can see it coming! “Come on. Just let me see yours! I’ll do nothing else!”. Just when Hina relents and takes out her homework, Atsushi is already gone. He’s been taken away by the adults!

Episode 12
Since there will be volunteers for the traffic safety programme, Futami wants her students to greet them. Especially Atsushi. Make sure he makes them remember his face. So when Atsushi goes up to one of them, he introduces himself. Of course the junior officer thought he is trying to hit on her. At least not when she’s on duty. He even gives her a card of his address and phone number. What will she think of this?! Worse, Atsushi is bugging her to remember his face and not forget him! She panics and runs to her senior’s side. The next day, Atsushi sees people staring and whispering things about him. He thinks they have remembered his face. I think not. Then when he holds Hina’s hand, those people shout for the police and the officer jumps and restrains him! Anything he says is used against him! They can’t believe he came back here again (repeat offender?). Because this is his way to school (he’s targeting school kids?). He is an elementary school kid with a bag to prove it (he’s got props for it? Could be stolen too). Futami prepares the class register, class photo and physical examination sheet. She’s all ready now. Guess where’s she going? To bail out Atsushi from the police station! Man, she must be a veteran in doing this all the time.

Episode 13
Atsumi and Atsushi are at the hanami when they see Take doing his part time job selling dango (dumplings). Take mentions about Hana Yori Dango which literally means dumplings over flowers but can also mean boys over flowers. Is he trying to advise Atsushi if he ends up like him, he’ll go back to dumplings? He dreams of marrying someone rich. Maybe he just needs to put in more effort. The duo come into Futami and her colleagues. Since they’re all drunk, they think Atsushi is drunk because he is saying Atsumi is his older sister! Futami crawls all over Atsushi, hoping he won’t get interrogate by the police again. While Futami rants about the numerous trips she had made to bail him out, the siblings make a run for it so she didn’t realize it is Take who is lying on her lap face underneath her boobs. Maybe this motivation will make him try harder to get a job.

Episode 14
With the new school term, the new first year students mistakes Atsushi as a teacher and crowd around him with their problems. Futami goes out to quell the misunderstanding he is not a teacher and they conclude he is her boyfriend! No! Atsumi too is having tough. The first years are thinking she may be a genius who skipped grades and are curiously peeking from outside her classroom. There’s a whole bunch of them! Sayo decides to explain to them but she’s ranting away all the good points of this little sister of hers! Her sister?! So boring, so long-winded, too wordy, too long (fast forward please) that everybody had left by the time she finished her ‘awesome praises’. But I guess it’s good too since she cleared the area for her.

Episode 15
Atsushi meets up with his friends but it seems his bicycle has training wheels. That’s because he has been falling off too many times so this prompted Atsumi to attach them. His friends think it’s uncool but if he takes them off, Atsumi and mommy are going to be mad. Hina comes by and thinks they are picking on him. But when she realizes she is really using them, Atsushi tries to show he is a man and takes them off. Then they practice with him at the grassy riverside. He can fall off as many times he wants without getting hurt too bad. Yeah, he did just that for almost the entire day! From the sound of it, did he end up crashing onto his friends? So when finally he is able to balance, I guess his friends would love to do the riding next time because they’re pretty messed up too.

Episode 16
Futami wants his students to write an essay about their dreams. Guess what is Atsushi’s dream? To be normal. I guess this doesn’t sit well with the rest of the class. Back home, he finds Atsumi having the same problem of turning in her future occupation. But first she needs to get into college. Atsushi thinks hard on the people who are picking their jobs right now and concludes the right person to talk to is Take! The jobless guy might be depressed upon being asked but realizes this means he still has a future. So Take is going to teach him what all guys dream for in their lives. He didn’t realize what Atsushi meant when he thanked him for helping out with his homework. So when Atsushi hands over his essay to Futami, he mentions he wants to be a porn star! WTFFFFFFFFFFF???!!! See how Futami turn into a demon!

Episode 17
Since Atsushi is inviting his friends over, Atsumi makes pastries for them. However she outdone herself and has made too much. So many surpluses that there’s more left even after handing some to Take. She invites Sayo over and she flusters upon seeing Atsushi whom she thinks is the neighbour. They both are talking differently because Sayo thought her ‘neighbour’ likes kids and Atsumi admits he always gave hand-me-downs. She couldn’t understand why Sayo finds the unemployed 32 year old so attractive. Sayo eavesdrop Atsushi and his friends about ‘changing jobs’ and ‘lacking the necessary skills’. I think they’re referring to a video game. However Sayo misinterprets he is having a hard time finding a job and feels for him. So sympathetic that she feels the need to cheer him on and tell him to not give up.

Episode 18
Atsushi and Atsumi’s family are at a hotspring inn. However their parents’ yukatas have a sizing error. Did the tailor made the wrong specifications? Looks baggy… Atsumi makes her way to the bath when she sees a little girl waiting outside for her parents who are already inside the bath. She invites her to come in with her. To her horror, she realizes she just entered the men’s section since the girl’s father is in here. Atsumi panics that she’ll be arrested and charged as a pervert and rumours will spread. However the father wonders where Atsumi’s parents are. Phew. Sometimes it’s just grateful to be small, eh? Then Atsushi comes in and before he could spill everything, Atsumi knocks him out with a tub and says this is her ‘father’ and takes their leave. Atsumi’s parents wonder if she is dizzy out from the bath and again before Atsushi could tell what happen, she stuffs his mouth with food! This time she enters the female’s section alone and the women praise her for being a mature girl to come here alone without her parents. Don’t mind her…

Episode 19
The sports festival is coming up and Futami advises Takumi and Tetsuya to train hard. However they feel lots of people are going to get hurt the way Atsushi is dragging his partner around in the three-legged-race. Atsushi asks mom to come to his sports day. She’ll gladly go. Till she learns she can participate with him. Oh! Suddenly her back hurts. What about daddy? Oh! Suddenly his knee hurts! Atsumi, you’re the only one left. Atsumi sees Take in his part time job vending ice cream outside the school. He gives her a free ice cream on the house. Atsushi’s size is clearly an advantage because in all events, he stands out. Literally. Too easy! The opponents are not happy because they’ve got a big guy on their side and want a handicap. However it is pointed out they already have one. Look at this heartbreaking scene: Atsushi dragging his partner around through the ground during the three-legged-race. Amen…

Episode 20
Continuing the sports festival, the next event is scavenger hunt and Atsushi’s parents could imagine the happy scene their son in. But when they see him carry Futami over the finish line (his target is to grab his favourite teacher), all their dreams come crashing down. Atsushi learns Take is outside and goes to see him. Take makes Atsushi take over his job so he could slack off a bit. At this point, Sayo arrives and is surprised to see him. She later tells Atsumi that her ‘neighbour’ is outside and Atsumi doesn’t deny it. Seeing Atsushi reunite with her, Sayo thinks their families must be very close to each other. The event resumes with the mixed relay race for kids and their guardians. Before the start, Atsushi is placed within the guardians and Atsumi escorted to the kids’ side. Naturally… The race starts and they have no time to argue and set things right. Just go with the flow. Oh, the elementary kids could even give Atsumi a run for her money!

Episode 21
Sayo visits Atsumi and sees Atsushi sleeping. Take happen to come by to pass them excess ice cream. Sayo and Take greet each other but Atsumi is baffled. Haven’t they met before? They both deny and this is their first time. Atsumi explains the sleeping one is her little brother who is an elementary school children and this ice cream guy is their neighbour. Can Sayo handle the shock? Sayo sits alone so Take talks to her. It’s natural that the person she imagined didn’t match up to reality but at the same time she can’t stop thinking about him. She doesn’t know what to do. Take says maybe she doesn’t have to do anything and if she lets time pass, the answer will come naturally. Sayo makes her decision.

Episode 22
Since Atsumi is rather tired, Atsushi has to take himself the clothes he’ll be wearing to school. He decides on a hand-me-down from Take he has never worn before. Erm… Isn’t that a little too revealing?! That see-through singlet does make him look like a rock star… Crazy… So of course when Futami sees it, she freaks out. She wants him to cover up but there are no extra clothes. He’s going to take them off! Okay, better to have it on then. His guy friends think the shirt weird though they like it but the girls are confused. Hina thinks if he’s wearing it, it must be okay. On the way out of school, Hina mentions she likes his usual looks the best. As Atsushi is going to hold Hina’s hand, a couple of guys rein in the ‘sick bastard’. Not again!

Episode 23
Atsushi and his friends visit Atsumi’s high school cultural festival. Atsushi really does fit in here because the students are bugging him to come patron their class. But he gets easily frightened by the ghost… The trio meet Sayo and her friends whom they think Atsushi is her boyfriend. She points out he’s Atsumi’s younger brother, they thought she’s referring to Takumi and Tetsuya. Atsumi is not around since she’s busy with a play. She is playing the most important roles that nobody else can play. Yeah, child roles. Sayo treats them to snack and Atsushi notes how it tastes just like the one Atsumi made yesterday. Well, that’s because this was made by Atsumi herself. Sayo’s friends encourage her to go with her ‘boyfriend’ but she’s hesitant since he’s just an elementary kid. If she doesn’t want to, her friends would want to! So eventually Sayo takes Atsushi and his friends around. A fortune teller invites them to take their reading as a couple. Sayo seems nervous but realizes Atsushi and his friends more interested at a robot model nearby. Yeah, so an elementary kid…

Episode 24
There is a large crowd buying bread at the school canteen. At this rate, Atsumi and Sayo won’t buy any. Sayo has an idea. She gives Atsumi a piggy back ride. Shouldn’t she be bringing something back on her behalf instead? This is embarrassing. In class, Sayo pets Atsumi and has always wished for a younger sister. Is this what she think it’ll be like? Sayo learns how Atsushi calls Atsumi. Nothing extraordinary. She thought calling ‘onee-sama’ would sound more fitting to ‘nee-chan’. Sayo and Atsumi are out shopping together and since there aren’t any clothes for Atsumi’s size, she thinks they should go for mother-daughter clothes. Sayo treats Atsumi well throughout the day and they had lots of fun. So when she invites her to buy bread at the school canteen again, you think she’d pass this chance up again? Even if she brought her own lunch.

Episode 25
There’s one more marble cake left and it is decided they’ll have a contest for it. Since Atsushi is big, if they hold a race, he’ll definitely win. Girls will be involved too so they need to use their brains. Turns out to be hide and seek. Yeah, Atsushi is at a total disadvantage. Too big to hide! The traffic officer ladies are here to give a talk on road safety when they see someone suspicious hiding behind the dustbin. Hey, it’s that guy they’ve caught before! Atsushi explains he is playing hide and seek and if he is caught, he won’t get the last marble cake. The ladies think it’s his term for bloomers, Mar-ble. Mar-buru. Mar-bloo. So bloomers, right? Making him even more suspicious is when he starts running thinking his friends have found him. The officers chase after him but the junior mentions that bloomers have been abolished some time. The senior got distraught and realizes how old she is! Enough time for Atsushi to run away but bumps into Futami. The officers think he’s into grown women too! The kids are waiting in the hall when they see Atsushi being chased by the officers. They tackle him right on stage! However they realize their blooper when Futami and his friends explain. To hide the embarrassment, they feign that this is a demonstration on how to apprehend a criminal! The duo realize their wrong and how much he has suffered because of the misunderstanding. The junior feels of wanting to help him so the senior is confident she’ll get her chance one day. But she didn’t count on getting that chance so soon and in the same day because an adult has apprehended Atsushi as a stalker targeting elementary children! This is going to be a long tiring affair.

Episode 26
Atsushi and his friends are playing rope skipping. Since he is too tall, they suggest he crouch and jump. Looks odd. Getting tired, isn’t he? Sayo and Atsumi are studying at home when Atsushi returns. Sayo feels happy that she greeted him but reality strikes hard when she sees his kiddie backpack. When it’s time for dinner, Atsushi happily pulls them along. At the diner, they see Take working here part time. He gives them free desserts. Is he sure? Well, it’s his last day here. Get a permanent job already! Atsushi and Atsumi walk home together and since it’s a little dark, Atsushi promises to protect her if someone bad comes. He carries her over his shoulder, much to her embarrassment. Then the all too familiar siren… Oh sh*t! He got arrested again.

Special 1
Atsushi hopes Futami can teach him swimming. She doesn’t mind till she thinks his big body might just overwhelm her. Better change your mind! Atsushi and Atsumi are at the public pool. Sayo is there too and she must be desperate to show her swimsuit to Atsushi. Yeah, the price tag is still on it. Too bad that kid doesn’t see anything special and drags the girls into the pool. Too bad Atsumi is too short that it seems like she’s standing underwater. Sayo has these romantic visions of Atsushi but I guess in reality it wasn’t meant to be. Even if she tries teaching him swimming, he’s just fooling around. Later Take notices the tan Atsushi has and have something he can wear to go along with it. Hawaiian getup? Atsumi thought it suited him too much and should just return the clothes.

Special 2
Take is now working at a bar. He spots Atsushi and invites him in for a juice. Master thought he is a new worker and makes him start as a bartender. The female bartender freaks out at Atsushi looking at him because well, he was told to keep watch on things. Take realizes Atsushi is now working and tries to tell Master that he is too young but he dismisses it as a joke when he asks Atsushi’s age. So Atsushi imitates the female bartender, making her nervous. Then the traffic officer ladies come in for a drink and are shocked to see Atsushi working. They confront Master about letting a minor work but he is still convinced he is of legal age. Then witnessing his acting like an elementary kid, he finally realizes he really is an elementary kid. Seeing is believing. Atsushi goes home and gets reprimanded by Atsumi. But seeing that he mentioned he has learnt a lot of stuff at Take’s new place, she lets it slide. If she’d only knew. Lastly the senior officer lady is drunk and is taking out her problems on Take. Yeah, she’s hitting 30 and still unmarried. OMG! She’s strangling him! I wonder if he can survive this job.

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover!
So in the end, things never really changed, huh? Atsushi is still acting like a happy innocent elementary kid while Atsumi as the responsible and caring sister. Too bad that just doesn’t translate well in the eyes of others. At the end of the anime, I thought at this point the police would have at least recognized who Atsushi is. I mean, he is already a frequent ‘visitor’ to the station, right? So unless they really have a bad memory or they change the personnel so often like they change underwear, they and the public should at least know who this Atsushi is, right? Seeing him getting arrested for being a suspect as a molester, stalker, paedophile, child kidnapper, flasher and the likes may be funny and hilarious but when you think about it, it feels pretty annoying. If this goes on anymore, will they be considered as the ones who destroyed his innocence? Who is to be blamed if Atsushi grows up to be a serial psycho? Better be safe than sorry? I know they’re trying to tell us to protect our kids and be responsible citizens but it’s getting pretty old reporting the same guy every day, don’t you think? Thus every time this arrest happens, it just brings back memories how Atsushi’s case is pretty similar to Mitsudomoe’s Soujirou (the Marui triplets’ big fat father who is often mistook as a suspicious bad guy).

I’m not sure if Sayo is still bent on pursuing her love for Atsushi. It’s good that she still keeps her cool after finding out the truth but I’m sure she did think a little ahead the implications if she went out dating with him. Sure, in the eyes of the rest, they seem like the perfect couple. But legally, Sayo can probably be charged for leading a minor! Plus, how would you like it if your boyfriend has a body and face of a hot and handsome guy but the mentality of an elementary kid? It’s a whole new level of maturity in this point of view. I guess there is a subtle hint that tells us how true this is. Grownup guys are like kids on the inside and young girls can be more mature than you think. Take’s job hopping is somewhat a running gag for this series. Either he bums around and gets nagged by his mother or he only does his part time job for a very short limited period of time. I think he qualifies to be a NEET. Just needs an otaku hobby… ;p. Plus, did you notice you can never see his face? At least not his eyes. Maybe they don’t want to hint that this is what unemployed 32 year olds look like. Atsushi’s friends show us the innocence they have for their age. Atsushi may be big but they don’t see him as the ‘big’ as other people would view. They happily mix around with him and don’t understand the implications about a grownup man holding a hand of a little girl. I suppose the age of innocence while melt away once they enter high school, huh? Futami is a good teacher. Just that she needs to get used that Atsushi is just a kid in a grown man’s body. Kids can strip freely without raising an eyebrow but adults… This really makes Atsushi in a bind and especially for Futami who isn’t good in dealing men.

Rie Kugimiya as the voice of Atsumi really fits her loli-like character. Though she still puts on her trademark high pitch voice, she fittingly sounds responsible and mature and not like the tsundere loli character roles that she usually does. Ryotaro Okiayu voices Atsushi and he did a pretty good job in making the character sound like a kid his age but stuck in a different body. I mean, this is the guy who voiced Byakuya in Bleach, Mitsui in Slam Dunk and Tezuka in Prince Of Tennis, so he sounds slightly different than those usual serious roles. Other casts include Aya Hirano as Sayo (Lucy in Fairy Tail), Takahiro Sakurai as Take (Jenos in Black Cat), Aya Uchida as Hina (Ascoeur in Kiddy Girl -and), Aya Gouda as Takumi (Taketo in R-15), Yoshino Nanjou as Tetsuya (Kokoro in Tantei Opera Milky Holmes) and newbie Tomoe Tamiyasu as Futami. The pop-like first ending theme is Glitter by Aoi Tada featuring Sister 773 while the rock-like second ending theme is Stare by Paprika.

Morita-san Wa Mukuchi anime make a small cameo appearance in this series. For instance, the girlfriend Take recently break up, his DVDs are of this series and in the penultimate episode, Megane was one of the people who brought Atsushi to the officer. These cameos are because both series are made by the same studio house, Seven. As much as this series wants to tell us not to judge a cover by its book, it doesn’t hurt to be a little careful. Maybe too careful in this case. Ultimately it’s what the inside that counts, right? It’s because of too many of such incidents that prompt society to be suspicious and judgmental. So the question is, will Atsushi grow older into an old man when he grows up? Will Atsumi grow taller than she is now? Will Sayo ever find true love or make Atsumi her sister? Will Take ever get a job? Can genuine adults ever get to even hold the hand of a child in public anymore? Well, just hope you don’t get arrested for a suspected molester.

First, it was a sister. Now, a brother. What do I mean? Look at the title. How ridiculously long can it be? If OreImo’s full name is mouthful, then Onii-chan No Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara Ne should also qualify as one. Literally translated as “I Don’t Like My Brother At All”, contrary to its title, it’s not about sibling rivalry or love-hate relationship. Does the word incest ring a bell? But it’s not going to be like Yosuga No Sora. This one is without all that drama and much more funnier. Unless you don’t sit well with this kind of genre, then even the jokes and the fanservice of this show may leave you in some bad taste.

So our protagonist is Nao Takanashi. Despite that incest taboo, she loves her brother, Shuusuke very much. Obsession is perhaps the right word here. So strong her brother complex for him so much so to the point that she is willing to go all the way and perform incest. The kind who would love to see his perverted brother who has evil intentions for his own little sister. Of course, this is just her deepest darkest intention as Shuusuke doesn’t know of this and he himself naturally as a growing boy, has his own collection of porn. Do you want a kind of sister who goes into your room, check your porn collection and throw away any porn related stuff that isn’t related to incest?!

Episode 1
Nao is giving Shuusuke some service. She purposely pretends to sleep with him in bed while panicky Shuusuke contemplates if he should do something really wicked to his sister. Yeah, she’s really inviting him. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Nao is annoyed by his indecisiveness. Shuusuke finally decides to steal his sister’s lips when mommy comes knocking on his door to remind them their breakfast is getting cold. Nao purposely shows Shuusuke her pantsu to awaken the evil intention in him before service time is over and puts back on her innocent sister act. On the way to school, Nao meets up with her friends Haruka Katou and Hirono Kusuhara and tells them about the stuff she did with her brother. Seems they’re rather disgusted with her onii-chan fetish. Back home, Nao continues to put up more service time for Shuusuke. How does the bath sound? You can tell she’s twisted to the point she wants to smell his briefs! Then she argues with him over a popsicle clad only in a towel. Want to bet it will drop off? It did. Now, what will happen if mommy happens to walk right in? Sister rape? Later Nao offers to clean up his room and boy, she knows where he keeps all his porn mags. How many magazines does he have anyway?! He can run a bookstore at this rate. While ‘cleaning out’, she finds a photo album stashed behind a drawer. She flips through the pages to see Shuusuke’s younger days but oddly there are no photos of her. There is a photo with a girl with twintails next to him. She is going to show mummy this but she whips out the wrong book. S&M Colosseum? Naturally, Shuusuke gets called by his parents and he gets a good pep talk over his extensive porn collection. Yeah, even daddy wants to ‘confiscate’ it. Oh no you won’t. Mummy already saw through his intentions. Oh Shuusuke, don’t you just feel like dying now? Later Nao confronts her parents about the photo album and wants to know the truth. Ten years ago, daddy’s best friend and his wife died in an accident. Only their daughter survived though she lost her memory from the trauma. That girl is Nao. She is devastated that she won’t be able to go into that forbidden incest thingy but rejoice that she is able to fall in love and marry Shuusuke legally. Yeah, that means legal sex too. Though Nao is shock with the news, she is grateful for having parents like them. She doesn’t want them to reveal that she has known the truth to Shuusuke because he treated her like his little sister. Partly, it was Shuusuke who asserted and wanted to be her brother then. She went further by explaining all his perverted habits and fetishes. Wow. She must really have a keen observation. Collecting porn mags since 12 years old? Using more tissues since 14? Attracted to black knee socks? HAS 20GB WORTH OF PORN HIDDEN IN HIS COMPUTER?! It’s not him who is scary, but rather how she knows all this fact! Nao wants to go thank Shuusuke when she sees him playing an eroge. Yeah, Shizuru-chan might be his only salvation after all that hell he has been through today. Nothing beats a girl in swimsuit with black stockings, doesn’t it? Because Shuusuke is so engrossed in the game (like a pervert), Nao unplugs the power point. Oh, oh…

Episode 2
Better do something before he gets sexually frustrated. So Nao comes into the bathroom to tease and scrub Shuusuke’s back in a swimsuit and black stockings. Just like Shizuru, eh? Of course all good things have to come to an end. Service time over. Next morning, Nao once again is over sleeping Shuusuke. He wakes up earlier than expected and this throws her off. As she leaves for school, she notices a twintail girl, just like the one in the photo, stalking from behind a post. That girl turns out to be Iroha Tsuchiura and is the new transfer student in Nao’s class. She quickly becomes Nao’s acquaintance and seems like a pretty nice girl. She also meets Shuusuke when he comes in to Nao’s class to give her the keys to the house she forgot. Then Shuusuke leaves for his AGE Explorers meeting. What’s that? In short, a group of virgin guys who seek out erotic and porn materials. That’s why they’re called All Genre Ero Explorers. They comprise of the captain Keiichirou Kishikawa, Takumi Yamashiro and Daigo Kurosaki. They give Shuusuke a porn mag to cheer him up after learning what happened. Shuusuke is on his way back when he comes into Iroha. At first he didn’t remember her but after tying up her hair twintail style, he recognizes her. Now, when a childhood friend makes a return like that, it has to mean that they made some promise, right? As usual, the girl always remembers but the guy doesn’t. How does she make him remember? She kisses him! She even wants to continue off from the last time the left! However Shuusuke can’t do it and iterates that Nao is his sister. Speaking of which, that sicko girl is in his room doing some erotic stuff with his recorder… Shuusuke comes back depressed and it is clearly written all over his face. He hides underneath his blanket in fear and in the dark room, those ‘horrifying’ memories with Iroha starts to slowly emerge. When he was young, he played doctor with her just because he was curious to see a naked girl’s body. It was a harmless play for him but for a girl like Iroha, it’s a promise, right? A promise to be her lover. Oh sh*t… This causes Shuusuke to become averse to porn! Oh no! He’s not a pervert anymore?! Can it be true?! He throws away all his porn collection. Even Nao’s seduction backfires because he is not interested in seeing his sister’s slip! He went a step further by quitting AGE! This is serious. He is serious. Nao tails him and is annoyed to observe he is trying to go on the right path of studying instead of awakening to his perverted side. She even brings him to the porn section but was told off that a girl shouldn’t do dirty things! Yeah, he’s completely normal now and you don’t like that? Iroha calls Shuusuke to talk at the school’s rooftop. Seems Iroha is also a keen observer on Shuusuke’s perverted habits. Why, she even told him how he didn’t even do it yesterday when his average was 5 times a day! WOAH! She even knows which hand he does it with!!! At this point, Shuusuke has already lost it. He tries to climb over the fence and probably jump himself to death. But Iroha restrains him as she says she is to blame despite being his lover for not being there for him when he needed the most to f*ck!!! F*CK!!! Or even there to have sexual fantasies about a non-blood related sister. After managing to pin him down, she puts his hands over her chest and forcefully exchanges his handphone number. She also gives him a gift so that he doesn’t need to hold back himself: A condom. This girl… Nao’s onii-chan sensor must have led her to the rooftop but it would’ve been chaotic if she actually had caught them in that act. Unfortunately, she didn’t. That night Shuusuke gets that dreaded call from Iroha and he is being blackmailed to listen to her if he doesn’t want Nao to find out that doctor play. This is why Iroha knows all of Shuusuke’s habits. She has a telescope observing him every night! No privacy!

Episode 3
Nao gets ready for her morning teasing upon Shuusuke in her maid outfit in. But it seems he has given her the slip. Oh, what has happened to her brother lately? Nao follows Shuusuke who is out on a reluctant date with Iroha. She’s more like a stalker. Haruka and Hirono also see this and tail Nao. The AGE guys are disheartened to see Shuusuke having a girlfriend and already crossed the line into adulthood. So the date literally has the pair go watch a movie, the video arcade, shopping for a swimsuit and buying matching rings. At the end of the day, Iroha can feel that he still isn’t accepting her. She shed crocodile tears about how he forgot about her and is all over her non-blood related sister. She wants him to kiss her but he couldn’t since there is no reason for him to do so. Iroha went on to reveal ambiguous details of how he has seen her naked body. Haruka and Hirono receive an SMS. Seems Nao has noticed they were tailing them and let them follow her! Now they’re in sh*t. Unless they want something really bad to happen, they better quickly snap a pic of Shuusuke and Iroha together. Iroha doesn’t listen to Shuusuke and continues to act like his lover. Haruka and Hirono meet with Nao and it seems Nao is enjoying everything that has happened. Nao calls Shuusuke to say that mommy has finished making dinner so Shuusuke uses this excuse to leave Iroha. Nao wants her pals to send her the picture later but upon looking at it, they notice Nao was in the picture and looking real happy facing their way. Nao manages to convince mummy to say that she was home all day as alibi. So of course confused Shuusuke is damn puzzled how the things he did during the date got found out. Yeah, Nao left little hints of things they did in his face. This doesn’t help when Iroha calls him and knows everything he has done. This guy really has no privacy. He starts going crazy and accidentally caught glimpse of Nao’s panties. She got embarrassed and beat him up in her panic. Deep that night, Nao notices her brother sneaking out of the house. She tails him to find him nervous in a convenience store. He manages to sum up his courage to buy a porn magazine and Nao is proud of him. Some sister… Shuusuke went home and had a ‘feast’ with the mag. He looks totally satisfied. In school, Haruka and Hirono panic upon meeting Nao. Even more panic when Iroha comes into the picture. They’re talking so friendly but you know in the background, a cat fight can spark any moment. Shuusuke begs his AGE guys to rejoin them again but they’re not going to exactly let the traitor back easily after all that he has said. But Shuusuke shows proof of the expensive porn mag he bought yesterday. Everyone welcomes him back and vow to embark on a journey to look for leaked idol porn with bad video quality so much so you can identify the porn actress. This is what AGE is all about, right?

Episode 4
The beach episode has Nao going to cukup-cukup rape her brother. Just kidding. But we all know what her intentions are. It all happened when she pesters lethargic Shuusuke to take her there. She threatens him he got money to spend on some girlfriend but non on his sister. I guess her dark aura must have made him scared and ran to mummy to beg for some spending money. Haruka and Hirono are also at the beach. But Iroha too? Yeah, look at their dumbfounded faces each time Nao and Iroha ‘clash’. Even with their friendly facade, the rivalry over Shuusuke is heating up. Poor guy ends up caught between the duo and it’s like some sort of punishment. Whether it’s eating shaved ice or splashing water. Iroha is getting too close to Shuusuke so Nao rams him with an inflatable boat. Unfortunately he got knocked out and starts dreaming about his Shizuru-chan from that lovely beach confession to a nurse play and that horrendous tentacle thingy. In reality, Nao and Iroha are facing off with each other to save and resuscitate Shuusuke. At this rate, he’s going to die. Well, at least he can die happily with Shizuru. Then the much awaited mouth to mouth CPR. Who is going to do it? Yeah, another face off. Hurry, or Shuusuke won’t live another day. Shuusuke dreams that he is to kiss Shizuru’s soft lips. But in reality, everyone is shocked at what has happened. Somebody performed mouth resuscitation on him. Who? It’s Kishikawa! OMG! His first lips stolen by a guy! And Shuusuke is crying not because he is happy that they offer him to go to the bathroom and enjoy some erotic mag. Poor guy. Unfortunately, this isn’t a dream no matter how much he hoped for. As they take the train home, Shuusuke notes how he couldn’t take his eyes off everyone’s cute swimsuits. But Nao’s one is the cutest even though she is his sister. She notes how it was all worthwhile coming here. But when he elaborates she was so cute in her school swimsuit and black stockings… Oh Shuusuke, I’m sure you’ve never tried dying once, right?

Episode 5
Shuusuke continues his midnight rendezvous of buying his usual porn. He bumps into another hooded fella and their packages got mixed up. He goes home and is dismayed that his erotic porn has been switched to BL! Total gay! Next day in school, he thinks he receives a love letter in his shoe locker but is a threatening letter from Mr X to return the goods or else he will tear his porn mag in front of his parents! But you know what? He already trashed it to pieces! Oh no. He confides with AGE but from the discussion, Shuusuke’s on his own. Yeah, their existence must never be known. But Kishikawa is kind enough to lend him some yaoi magazines (his treasured secret? Does he swing that way too?) for the exchange. That night he meets Mr X. Nao and Iroha (complete with night vision goggles!) spy on him since he is acting weird in school. Shuusuke makes the exchange but Mr X isn’t happy this isn’t the magazine he bought. He goes berserk and promises head will roll if he doesn’t get his hands on that rare and much awaited copy! During that, Mr X’s hood accidentally come off and he is not a guy, but a girl! She is Mayuka Kondou, Shuusuke’s class rep. Is this the kind and polite girl he knows? Well, everyone has a dark side. Kondou threatens Shuusuke into making a choice. Either he risks watching his precious porn mag get destroyed right before his eyes or reveal it to her sister back home (Shuusuke thinks Nao is innocent and has no resistance to this kind of porn). Since he can’t do either, she gives him another option: Be her pet. He must listen to every word she says or else say bye-bye to this magazine. I guess the only other reason Shuusuke accepts this is that Kondou is wearing black stockings. Must be deluding himself with some sick perverted fantasy to do that, eh? While Iroha is upset that Shuusuke is able to prostrate himself before some other woman, Nao seems happy over everything that has happened. Shuusuke’s first task is to get Kondou a drink. All in the name to protect Nao! Next morning, Kondou shows up at Shuusuke’s doorstep with the excuse to pick him up from school every day since he is always late. Every day? Well, mommy doesn’t mind seeing that his cherry boy may have gotten himself a girlfriend. In school, Kondou continues to call Shuusuke for things so he starts thinking how the event like giving him her lunch would trigger some erotic event. Spying Iroha is irritated that he got fed by some woman or even accidentally showing her slip and as usual Nao is totally digging into it. That night Shuusuke sneaks out to meet Kondou. This time she wants him to buy a hardcore BL magazine that she’s too embarrassed to buy. He has too. Or else his porn mag… Yeah, it’s still her hostage. Nao is shocked to find a BL mag underneath Shuusuke’s bed and dreads he might be swinging the other way. However that was just an act as she is interested to see his face when he goes buy one. Speaking of which, it’s one of those embarrassing moments Shuusuke would like to forget or kill himself. He returns to Kondou and she is happy that he is able purchase it. She thought when her secret was exposed, she had no choice but to kill him but now finds this rather fun. Oh no. Looks like he won’t be getting out of this mess soon.

Episode 6
Nao rummages Shuusuke’s room to find all his porn has one thing in common: Black stockings. She has Iroha do a special investigation. Shuusuke continues to buy BL mags for Kondou and each time she leaps with joy, Shuusuke takes this chance to peep at her black stockings. And Iroha has a counter to count how many times Shuusuke did that! For each success, Kondou pets Shuusuke’s head for a good job done. Isn’t she just treating him like a pet? Both Iroha and Nao note the other as a good stalker leaving Shuusuke no privacy. It’s the case of the pot calling the kettle black. Nao is going to interrupt this flow before he falls for Kondou’s libido. Putting on her black stockings, she teases sleeping Shuusuke, who is dreaming of Shizuru. Time is out when Iroha comes knocking. She introduces herself to Nao’s mom and says she recently moved back. Though mommy recognizes her, she is puzzled why Iroha knows about Nao (they’re classmates, remember?). Iroha is annoyed to see Nao sleeping with Shuusuke. Not to lose out, she also goes to sleep next to him. Shuusuke’s dream is filled with a harem of black stocking girls. He really looks so happy. Then Kondou comes by. Mommy is worried if Shuusuke is two-timing. Kondou sees the reason why Shuusuke can’t get up. Iroha and Nao pretend to wake up and even if Iroha introduces herself as Shuusuke’s childhood friend and lover who would do any kind of play with him, Kondou remains cool and polite. You can’t easily break her. Kondou went on with her smooth questioning of what is so likeable about that pervert who likes looking under a girl’s skirt and is part of a suspicious organization exchanging indecent materials in school. Can’t answer back, no? Well, if you take away all that, he have lots of good points too, right? Instead of denying, Kondou actually went and agree, even saying she likes him too! However she notes her affection for him is different from them. Just then Shuusuke wakes up and panics upon knowing the conference in his room. Can’t believe he slept through all that talk like a log! Then they all argue to undress him. Uh… Shuusuke continues buying BL books for Kondou at midnight. She asks his opinion about gay sex. Of course he’s not into it unlike her. She decides to lend him one book so that he could give it some thought. Serious? Serious. He actually started reading it but his happy face is not because he turned into a homo, but rather his mind wandered into fantasizing something indecent with Kondou. And the real BL stuff, he can’t really handle it. Next day he pours his troubles to Kishikawa but suddenly the latter unleashes his inner gay onto Shuusuke!!! No way! Indeed, it was just a bad nightmare. Oh, the trauma. But for Nao, she is relishing of seeing Shuusuke’s painful expression and the wild beast he has turned into. While Iroha thinks of a need to rescue him from that BL-loving pervert, Nao is looking forward to the kind of trials Kondou will be giving her onii-chan.

Episode 7
Shuusuke seems very happy. No, it’s not that he masturbated as Iroha noted. Something is odd since he is on his way somewhere. Well, he is meeting up with AGE and they are going shopping at Akihabara. Keep your eyes peeled for trivia of posters of other animes like Yosuga No Sora, KissxSis and Chu-Bra! As usual, Nao and Iroha follow them. The AGE guys can’t wait to fulfil their desires once they get there. Even if they are perverted, they have this clause that they must not act evil (engaging in criminal adult activities). The AGE guys browse the store individually based on their fetish. Iroha is overwhelmed by the culture shock but Nao is just cool. She’s seen a lot of this stuff with her brother around, right? The AGE members start arguing among themselves why their fetish is better. Kurosaki loves older married woman, Yamashiro has step-sister fetish and Kishikawa is into childhood friends. I guess reality sucks for them (because they don’t have it) to even fall in love into this kind of category. Shuusuke gets caught in between and labelled a sukatoro (a type of porn genre about eating or drinking faeces…). As punishment, they make him buy a sukatoro DVD. The AGE guys take a break at the maid cafe and their atmosphere is tense. They’re still arguing over their fetishes so in the end they all split up and go their own ways. Shuusuke remembers the first time he was embarrassed to buy porn but Kishikawa helped him through it and that’s when he joined AGE and underwent many erotic frontiers. Eventually everyone realize that they are much happier together and reunite. Yeah, everybody is a pervert in their own way. They bury the hatchet and patron the maid cafe. The cafe has a special event today and they are dressing up as little sisters. At the end of the day, everybody goes home feeling satisfied of getting what they wanted. As for Iroha, I’m sure she has learned lots of stuffs and needs to restudy and increase her scope to suit Shuusuke’s expanded tastes. As for Nao, she’ll still throw anything that is not little sister related. That itself sends a cold shiver down Shuusuke’s spine. Be careful, you’re being watched. Always.

Episode 8
Because Shuusuke continues to be Kondou’s midnight pet, he failed every subject! At this rate, he is going to have summer classes. Kondou helps out by giving him a personal tutoring in his home. But can he study with all the sexy distraction? Oh, did I mention Iroha and Nao are also there? This is going to be tough. Yeah, Iroha hinted that he wanted to be in the medical profession because of ahem, ahem. Shuusuke excuses himself for some private time but things are going to get even more heated up. Iroha and Nao are in some competition to give Shuusuke some panty shots. But Nao has better experience and we see Shuusuke’s record-breaking 16 panty shots per second!!! Nao gives him a nutrition drink but is intercepted by Iroha. The argument ends up with the drink being spilled over Kondou’s stockings. Need more private time, Shuusuke? Then Iroha invites Shuusuke to an indoor amusement pool. However a ticket is valid up to 3 people. Yeah, so everybody’s coming too. Including Haruka and Hirono. I guess Shuusuke must be hoping for some erotic event with Kondou so much so he’d rather teach her to swim than be with the rest. Kondou is rather uncomfortable since she hasn’t been up close with a naked guy in real life. Then Kondou gets a new sensation each time she touches Shuusuke’s nipples. Yes, she can’t even take her eyes off it! Nao suspects something amiss and questions Kondou which body part of her brother she likes best. She probably hit bulls-eye Kondou gets embarrassed in talking about it. At this point, Iroha has ‘stole’ Shuusuke for her own and they’re going to ride down the tube. Since Shuusuke isn’t ready, the slide ends up with him submerge underwater and unconscious. Now he dreams of Shizuru and Kishikawa tickling his nipples with a brush! In reality, Shuusuke comes back to life not because of CPR, but rather because Kondou is pushing his nipples. Stimulating, isn’t it? Who needs CPR when you can have that. As for Nao and Iroha, they’re still arguing who needs to do mouth to mouth resuscitation. It’s already over… Back home, Kondou says she’ll be leaving the country for a while and leaves him a note. Is this the moment he has been waiting for? Well, not exactly. It’s a list of BL magazines he has to get for her while she’s away. He can’t miss a single one. Boo hoo!

Episode 9
Though Shuusuke continues to buy those books in hope of getting some erotic reward from Kondou, Nao flashes a little naughty pose in her yukata so Shuusuke has to beg mommy for some money to spend at the festival. With Kondou temporarily out of the picture, I guess this is the perfect chance for Iroha and Nao to duke it out for Shuusuke’s attention. Yeah, each has their own fantasy that eventually has Shuusuke doing them in. Meanwhile the other AGE guys are at the festival trying to find a shrine with a legendary adultery treasure. Based on the different stalls they go, they undergo subtle tests to see if they’re worthy before moving on to the next trial. Shuusuke is experiencing heaven and hell with Iroha and Nao competing with some fanservice and skinship through goldfish scooping, shooting range and even how to eat a chocolate banana or frankfurter in such an ooh so stimulating way. Then at the water balloon section, Shuusuke got a pair of golden balloons. The AGE guys see this and think he has passed the test. They drag him away so naturally Shuusuke goes into trauma mode that something gay is going to happen to him. But as explained it is to some legendary porn material. With all the ‘keys’ in their hands, they unlock the shrine and a bright light emits from it. What’s this disco ball doing inside there? Some of the stall owners show up and tell them that’s just decoration. The real treasure lies behind it, which turns out to be a book called “Onii-chan becomes an eel”. I guess they can’t handle this type of porn so they scream and run away. And the owners were ready to hand it over to them. Nao is searching for Shuusuke and trips, lamenting the wasted chance she should have been with him. Suddenly he comes by and carries Nao on his back in his bid to escape the owners. They spend some quality time together as they watch the fireworks (oh Shuusuke, you can’t carry a girl on your back without caressing her bottom, can’t you?). When Shuusuke goes back, he realizes he forgot to bring his handphone (the reason why Nao and Iroha couldn’t contact him when they were searching for him). Then with all the miscalls from Iroha, the latest one shocks Shuusuke. It’s from Kondou. He rushes to meet her at the park and give her all the BL books she requested. He is taken by her stunning yukata and wonders what kind of reward she will give. A kiss? Nope. Just a pat on the head. Disappointed? Kondou notices his loose clothes and gives an excuse to fix it because all she wants is just to touch his nipples. Maybe they should get a room.

Episode 10
While Shuusuke is out for another midnight rendezvous, he sees a scantily clad lady on a vending machine. She disappears like the wind while confirming the scum he is. Next day he tells this to his AGE members when that mysterious lady shows up and throws them a message for them to meet. Kishikawa remembers seeing her from a cosplay magazine and specializes putting on very extreme costumes. She is known as Princess Leila in the underground world of cosplay. Say, isn’t that outfit too from Star Wars’ Princess Leila? They think this is an invitation to the underworld. Can’t let this rare chance pass up, can’t you? They meet her as she reveals that this world is being targeted by the ruler of destruction. Her mission is to find a saviour who lives like a scum on this planet and give him guidance. Yes, they are all possible scum candidates to be this planet’s saviour. But she needs to test if they have what it takes. That night, the AGE guys meet Leila at the park (Nao and Iroha spying of course). She has them strip their clothes! Then she starts some flashy belly dance but is interrupted when a person whom she calls Clone whacks her head. She is annoyed that she has to go though lots of hardships and put up with her weird acts. As they argue, Leila gives her the slip by blowing into her ear. But Clone knows Nao and Iroha spying so she confiscates Nao’s handphone filled with pictures of Shuusuke. She’s rather appalled that they’re chasing after such a scum like you-know-who. Clone wants them to help her out seeing at this rate, Shuusuke will be in danger as Leila is looking for a partner. In school, AGE guys dig more information about them. Leila’s real name is Ran Yatagai and her older twin sister is Rin (Clone) who despises her. Apparently Leila doesn’t have a boyfriend and they have no way to communicate with her. They are bothered how Clone knows of the place. Nao and Iroha meet up with Clone as she tells about the ceremony since her sister has completely vanished by concealing her presence. Shuusuke is spying (now it’s his turn) but he can’t make up a word they say. The AGE guys meet up with Leila in a secret base. But she notes that it’s only a matter of time before Clone finds out. Seems they have passed the approval test and must rush to the next step: The awakening ceremony. Here, when many eyes go through the darkness, the soul of the saviour shall awaken. But what if he doesn’t? That means she has drawn the wrong straw and will have to restart her search again. The guys think that they are this close into joining the underworld when Clone appears to tell them something like that doesn’t exist. She threatens if they go to the ceremony, all the girls will wear jerseys underneath their skirts. They think she’s bluffing but she has that confident look in her face. They realize she may be the student council president who has the powers to do such a thing. The AGE guys in fear of that decides to listen to her but Shuusuke says he’ll go to the ceremony alone on his own free will. That night as Shuusuke meets Leila at the park, she starts doing an erotic belly dance over him. Nao and Iroha are recording this as proof. Well, at least Iroha wants to master this and seduce Shuusuke. Leila tells him to embrace her and leave this place. However he is reluctant seeing that means into the crowd. Nao spots Kondou passing by. She panics if she sees Shuusuke like this, there is no way he can withstand it and that pain of hurting her feelings will cause him to revert back to a pervert. Shuusuke thinks he has heard Nao’s scream so his mind goes crazy that if she was to see this unexplainable situation, she will know of his pervertness. In his panic, he takes Leila and runs out of the park and into the crowded street, oblivious to all the stares the public is giving. Leila is happy that she has found her saviour, her partner. Clone then comes up to Nao and Iroha. She claims that her sister won’t be bothering them anymore. She caresses Nao’s lips and notes how wonderful it is. Oh sh*t! Don’t tell me she is…?! How does it feel for once the tables turned on her?

Episode 11
Nao gets a stinking rotten squid in her shoe locker. Someone is trying to harass her but it’s not Clone but a bunch of fans of Mirei (that’s Clone’s nickname given by them. It means beauty). They are upset that Nao is monopolizing their idol all to herself though she denies and is the one being stalked. But with Clone’s ‘warning’, those b*tches back down and obey her words never to pull of such a prank again. Shuusuke meets Leila on the school’s rooftop and she needs to teach him on how to be a proper saviour with manners and grace. First with vocal training. Eh? Well, his perverted delusion is his motivation to do such embarrassing things. Nao tries to get away from Clone but the latter points out that Nao is a typical M. If not, mentally one because of her fetish for her brother. Clone has lots of fans, right? She could easily amass her own harem but she states that she isn’t into ephemeral pleasures and prefers to obtain things which are hard to obtain. Like Nao’s lips. Looks like Nao can’t escape her. Yeah, even Iroha takes this chance to take care of Shuusuke during her absence. Nao is forced to have a sumptuous lunch alone with Clone. She gets more excited to see how wonderful Nao’s lips are and wants to preserve it in formalin and kiss it! Guard those lips tightly! Iroha spies on Shuusuke who is giving an excuse that he is sick, the reason why he can’t do her errands for the past few nights. Then Leila comes in and telepathically communicates to meet after school. Is that possible? She assures him that the saviour she seeks isn’t a boyfriend or a sex-mate. Shuusuke-Leila and Nao-Clone see each other across the road. They start misinterpreting the other’s situation. Back home when they cross paths, Nao thinks Shuusuke must be thinking she’s becoming a lesbian while Shuusuke thinks she has heard from Clone that he intends to join a secret underworld membership. The atmosphere is awkward and tense. They need to do something to resolve this fast. Shuusuke sneaks out to meet Leila. She notes he has improved in some sword skill and wants him to open a bag. He finds a sword in it and she is confident he can do it since he had no qualms running through the crowd that night. Nao can’t shake off Clone so she has Iroha see herself the intensity of her problem. Clone has a song filled with lyrics nothing on Nao’s lips. So the plan is that they need to break up Shuusuke and Leila. This will cause her to go on a journey to look for a new saviour and thus Clone will set off her journey to capture her. Shuusuke gives his AGE guys the location and time of the meet. They’re looking forward to it. Nao and Iroha try to bluff Leila by using some fake prophet voice via their handphone. So that night at the park as she tries to communicate with the prophets, she doesn’t easily believe the words of the ‘prophets’. Clone can’t let their plans go on any longer and swiftly takes Nao’s lips. But the thing is, she kissed the wrong person. It’s Iroha! But she finds her lips wonderful too! Leila knows Nao is spying and warns her that her friend is in danger of being sucked dry. When they confront her, Clone is happy to have Iroha and takes her away. Nao is happy she is free from her. Oh Iroha, don’t you just feel betrayed! Leila notes that she did this to escape from Clone and that she knew that the prophet thingy they made up is fake because the prophet only exists in her mind. Since Nao and Clone have accomplished their mission, Leila thinks it’s her turn to connect fiction with reality via Shuusuke. Next day, as it is revealed, this whole saviour thing is just a cosplay event in which Shuusuke was ‘trained’ to play out for. Leila didn’t tell him about the original story since to be true to the saviour’s role, he has to be bewildered like his destiny. Oh, everyone sure has been given the run-around. Speaking of which, Shuusuke isn’t here yet. Then she realizes she has given him the wrong meeting place. That’s where the AGE guys are now. A place without a single soul. Is this really the underworld? As for Shuusuke, he has been caught by the police for wearing something so dangerously revealing and was bailed by his mom. No wonder that was what that embarrassing trial was for.

Episode 12
Since Shuusuke and Nao’s parents will be gone for a day to attend a funeral, the siblings are left home alone. Oh, you know what this means for Nao. Even that Shuusuke pervert is dreaming of making some tough ecchi decision in his ero-simulation with Nao. To take his mind of this evil thought, he decides to go cook. But Nao starts her teasing by dressing up as a maid and giving him a little slip-showing service. That guy is sure fun to tease. Then Shuusuke blunders, spilling oil and the food all over themselves. Crawling to the bathroom to wash off the mess (I hope by standing in the shower, it won’t ruin the maid dress), Nao wants his help to unzip her clothes. Because he is taking too long, she kicks him out. Then it’s his turn to soak but Nao barges in as she is afraid after hearing sounds of heavy breathing. Shuusuke searches around the house drabbed in only a face towel. Meanwhile Iroha is spying on Shuusuke and realizes that his parents are out and thus alone with his sister. Say, what happened to her ‘rendezvous’ with Clone? How the heck did she escape? The way I see it, there’s no traumatic effect on her. Shuusuke doesn’t find anybody suspicious but Nao gets disheartened upon seeing him wearing her favourite face towel. With a certain part touching it, now she can’t use it anymore. In the struggle, the towel came off. Then the doorbell rings. Oh… Timing just couldn’t get worse. Fortunately, Shuusuke got enough time to put on some clothes and it seems Nao is hearing those same perverted heavy breathing. Shuusuke is going to face and teach them a lesson but it’s just those AGE guys. They’re here to pick him up from their monthly morning jog. Have they turned over a new leaf and living the healthy life? Well, it’s that time of the month whereby unused books are put out for recycling. This means, there will be lots of porn mags ‘waiting to be rescued’. As much as Shuusuke wants to go, he can’t since he has to take care of the house. But Nao allows him to go since the guys came all the way to pick him up. Well, there’s an ulterior motive to Nao’s actions. Unbeknown to the guys, the pick-up date has changed to next week so she relishes the chance to see his disappointed face when he gets back. Oh, Nao. You’re the devil in disguise. The AGE guys run around town but to their dismay couldn’t salvage or even find any ‘literature’. Iroha thinks of coming to Shuusuke’s house when she spots the guys running around and tails them. Then the guys see the notice board and realize their efforts have been in vain.

Partly because of that (and earlier on in only a face towel), Shuusuke is burning up. As he lies in bed, he feels guilty this is God’s divine punishment leaving Nao at home to go hunt for porn. Nao also feels the same as she nurses him. But that won’t last because she is thinking of stealing her weak brother’s lips when she is interrupted by the doorbell. Who could it be? Iroha. First thing she asks is if they have crossed the sibling relationship border (since she saw him running around naked earlier on). Since Nao denies it, Iroha invites herself into Shuusuke’s room and sees him sick. She even thought they were playing doctor! Then the doorbell rings. Now it’s Kondou’s turn to turn up. Upon realizing Shuusuke is sick, she feels guilty that it may have been her fault for calling him out every midnight. As Nao goes to get porridge, Iroha thinks of replenishing his fluids. She unbuttons his top and goes over him while holding water in her mouth. But Nao returns so Iroha spits out all the water on his poor face. Kondou has also returned as she has bought pudding for Shuusuke. Because Nao and Iroha are fighting over who should feed the sick kid porridge, Kondou manages to feed him her pudding. Yeah, she also goes crazy over his unbuttoned top. The ruckus continues till they spilled the hot porridge over him. Realizing he won’t heal at this rate, Kondou takes Iroha out so as not to bother them. So Nao finally has some personal time to spend with Shuusuke but she falls asleep by the side of his bed all night. Morning comes as Nao prepares to head to school while Shuusuke continues to stay in bed. He didn’t hear everything she had told him about resting so she leaves in a huff. Outside, Shuusuke thanks her for taking care of him. This catches her by surprise and the gust of wind blows up Nao’s skirt to provide Shuusuke some much needed fanservice. Her comment? “I don’t like onii-chan at all!”.

Episode 13
This is a series of chronicles of Nao’s observation diary on Shuusuke’s turn on habits. Yeah, that guy really has no privacy. First we have Nao purposely taking a bath so that Shuusuke can peek at her body but he feel for the bait of black stockings in the washing machine instead; After another porn swap with AGE, Shuusuke helps a lost girl find her mom. Mommy is grateful till his porn mags dropped out. Nao’s conclusion? He does good deeds but they always turn out badly; On a train Shuusuke have to wait till the end of the line so that everybody is off so he can get his hands on some abandoned porn the rack. However the train official took it before he had a chance; The next time he waits for such opportunity, he learns that the sex article turns out to be an economic review instead. Frustrated, isn’t he?; The AGE members walk onboard a train to snap pictures with their handphones. Turns out they snap porn articles and stories in preparation for a porn famine that might befall on Shuusuke; The AGE guys are going to attend the yukata festival after realizing girls don’t wear any pantsu underneath. However the festival is cancelled as it’s raining. Not wanting to give up, they waited the entire time for at least a single girl to show up. None did; Shuusuke is forced to forgo watching his porn DVD and go out with Iroha on a weekend to watch a 5- hour Director’s Cut of Zombie League The Final Act! In the end he couldn’t take it and ran out from the cinema; Nao purposely dresses as a maid so that Shuusuke could order her around with tasks and peep her pantsu. He wastes no time in doing so and it makes him look so pitiful; Shuusuke loves black stockings so much that he is using a black marker to colour out women’s legs and make it look like black stockings! Then he begs mommy for money to buy a new edition of Shizuru but she gets suspicious of the exact price he is asking for; On a night he sneaks out to buy porn at a vending machine, the machine spits out his money and then ate his 1,000 Yen bill and thus he can’t enjoy his moment with policewoman Sayaka. Shuusuke goes to beg mommy for money to ‘save’ Sayaka; In class, Shuusuke is suddenly turned on in Geography class when he hears the word “SEX” in the place of Essex. Because of that, he begs mommy to buy a very detailed atlas as he searches for places around the world with erotic sounding names. Hmm… Maybe that’s how we should get boys to be interested in this topic; The AGE guys are discussing the “Onii-chan becomes an eel” porn book as Kishikawa assigns Shuusuke to become the Key Master. Back home, Shuusuke hides the book but you know, you can’t hide it from Nao. She is shocked to see this kind of porn but since it involves little sisters, she allows it; Kondou calls Shuusuke out one night to wait in line to obtain limited special edition BL copybook volume that is for free distribution. Shuusuke is like the odd one out in the line of girls as they return him with odd stares. Shuusuke is so conscious with this that once he realized, the copy is already out of stock. He gets an earful from Kondou so he pleads he will make it up for her and do anything. Anything? Yeah, she gives him a list of free BL copybooks he needs to wait in line! ARGH!!! Because of that, Shuusuke has nightmares each time reading the BL as Nao observes him. She has a go at one of the BL copy and almost got absorbed into it! Finally Shuusuke hands Nao an unexpected birthday present which is supposed to be a book she likes. Later Shuusuke and Kishikawa swap porn books. But when Nao opens her present, she is aghast to see a porn book featuring a childhood friend complete with twin tails! Shuusuke steps in to ask how she finds the book so she throws it at his face! But she’ll let this one pass since he was thinking about him. And I guess Nao’s penguin book got swapped with Kishikawa as he is confused with the kind of turn on he’s supposed to receive from this.

Hentai No Onii-chan Totemo Daisuki Dakara Ne…
Well, I can’t believe the TV series ended with a whimper just like that. I have to admit that it was a fun and entertaining ride throughout the series seeing the ‘trials’ of Shuusuke even if this kind of genre employs over-used fanservice and sex jokes that offers nothing relatively new or refreshing. It got a little interesting when the odd bunch of twin sisters came into the picture. However they decided to end it with an episode that showcases some quality time of Nao and Shuusuke. I felt the link between the penultimate and final episode was missing. It is as though like everything that happened during that frantic ritual did not happen at all. Especially Clone and Iroha. She’s got her hands on Iroha’s lips so how in the end did she let her go? Unless she has got her filled and tossed her away as she has outlived her usefulness. Iroha didn’t seem bothered that her first kiss was stolen by a lesbian because she didn’t seem pretty effected or shaken up in the final episode. But I’m thinking why did Clone initially wanted to thwart her sister’s plans? I mean, she could have go straight to her goal and get Nao instead of just running around the bush. Unless that was a distraction to serve getting closer to Nao? So did Shuusuke ever made it to the convention? What about the AGE guys who happened to be at the wrong place? Did they get disappointed? Did they join the wrong group? Did anything happen to them?

The fact that Nao learns of her true relationship with Shuusuke didn’t change anything but instead ‘worsens’ her appetite for her onii-chan fetish. Shuusuke didn’t find this fact out but I’m sure that even if he does, he won’t treat her any differently than before as Nao noted. I thought there would be an episode to explore about their past and one about Shuusuke and Iroha’s childhood. I’m not sure why all of a sudden she returned. Did she feel ready to fulfil their promise? And as usual, it is always the guy that forgets about the promises he made when he was young. But the girl never forgets. Can you now see how this is very close in real life? So maybe no past exploring thingy because we’re pretty much preoccupied with the antics the gang are up to. That’s why we watch this show, right?

To sum up about everyone here: EVERYBODY IS A PERVERT! Each in their own peculiar ways. Shuusuke and the AGE guys are perverts because of their own fetishes. Nao is a pervert because she likes giving a little service and suggestive poses to her brother and thus see his reactions when he does perverted stuff. Iroha is a pervert because she is willing to get down and dirty with Shuusuke. Kondou is a pervert because of her love for BL and recently acquired fetish for nipples. Shizuru is a pervert even if she’s not real because she is part of Shuusuke’s fantasies. Leila is a pervert because of her skimpy dress and unusual way to recruit somebody just to play a role at a cosplay event. Clone is a pervert because she’s a lesbian. I wonder if Nao is some kind of sadist seeing she loves seeing her brother in distress. Each time he puts on that expression, she is all too loving it while Iroha can only frust in silence. Looks like Iroha has got lots to learn and catch up if she wants to make Shuusuke hers. That’s why all those observations should come in handy. Speaking of  which, Nao and Iroha are the master stalkers they are. It’s scary having these ladies tailing you and knowing what you do every second of the day (even right down to the very details of your fantasies!). They can easily work as government spy agencies, if you know what I mean. Poor Shuusuke will never have his own private time. Always under the watchful eyes of the duo. It’s ironic and odd to see Nao and Iroha calling the other the stalker that they themselves are. Just like the pot and kettle case, eh? But oddly I’m not too sure if I should consider Nao a tsundere. If her plan to give Shuusuke service backfires and they end up too close, she gets really embarrassed and beats him up unconsciously. I also wonder if Shuusuke is sexually frustrated (probably he is conscious about this fact himself) because of all the troubles he went through.

Initially when Iroha came into the picture, she seemed rather aggressive in making Shuusuke hers and even getting bold (the condom?). But when Kondou came into the picture, she somewhat is relegated into a stalker position. I’m not sure if Kondou’s feelings for Shuusuke can be constituted as the same level as lovers even though she is treating like her personal pet to buy those BL books she is so embarrassed to get herself. Well, nobody knows you’re reading these kind of books, right? So why doesn’t she just go in to the shop and buy the book with her face fully covered? I mean, nobody would recognize her, right? Till that unfortunate encounter with Shuusuke of course. Then when she starts to get her new kicks by pressing his nipples, isn’t that just her obsession over a tiny part of his (no pun intended) instead of any real love? But as compared to Nao and Iroha, she is the calmest and level-headed one when it involves matter with that guy. Unless if his nipples are showing… I was wondering what happened to Haruka and Hirono towards the end of the series. It felt as though they have been forgotten. Man, those two certainly start shivering when ultimate rivals Nao and Iroha start talking ‘friendly’. So far so good. No explosive fireworks let loose yet. Ironically, Hirono loves watching the love drama-cum-tension unfold between the protagonists so each time she starts drooling over that thought, Haruka has to remind her how she won’t die a peaceful death. See, didn’t I tell you that everybody here is some kind of a pervert? Even the people in the streets are perverts. How? I concluded this after that recycling thingy. Makes you think what kind of neighbourhood this is if people decided to throw away so much porn stuff, right? Case in point: Shuusuke’s huge porn collection. That says it all. How can he stuff so much of ero magazines in his small room?! No wonder the porn industry is thriving. And those are just books. I don’t know about the other porn items if there are any…

Now with everyone being labelled as a pervert, this means this series has its fair share of fanservice, right? That is only true and you will enjoy the most of it if you buy the DVDs. Boo hoo. So what else is new? Though not every panty shots are censored (enough to tease viewers and wanting more), but the majority of such scenes are censored out using penguins and cats. Yeah, animal mascots for the series? Sometimes those bird and feline can really get to you. It’s quite annoying. It’s not like I’m a pervert wanting to see the colour and shapes of their panties. Ooohh… I think I just contradict myself there. I guess the penguins must be Nao’s favourite animal that’s why it’s reserved for her and everyone else’s the cat (especially Iroha). So don’t be surprised if you see a deadly penguin and cat aura between these 2 ladies. At the end of each episode, there will be a short segment called Onii-chan’s Sexual Habit Observation Diary. As its name suggests, it is Nao’s personal diary about Shuusuke’s perverted habits for that episode. In short, a short recap and her thoughts about her onii-chan’s fetish. Something about the drawing and art of this series that bugs me. The way the characters are drawn, my first impression of them was that they are somewhat anorexic! Yes, the characters are thin and lanky but oddly that thinness made them look boney like as though they don’t have enough to eat.

Nao’s voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it where I heard her from. Then I found out she was voiced by Eri Kitamura, images of that horny loli, Rin from Kodomo No Jikan came flushing in. Ah, it definitely suits her. Surprisingly I could recognize Marina Inoue as Iroha. Well, she wasn’t trying to sound like tough girls role like Tsukiumi in Sekirei or Kyoko in Skip Beat. She sounded more girly here, like the female Natsuru in Kampfer and Kana in Minami-ke. Other casts include Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Shuusuke (Mikado in Durarara!!), newbie Kazusa Aranami as Kondou, Mako as Shizuru (Yurie in Kamichu), Minori Chihara as Leila/Ran (Nagato of Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu) and Rina Satou as Clone/Rin (Misaka in To Aru Kagaku No Railgun). The opening theme is Taste Of Paradise by Eri Kitamura while the ending theme is Ari Ari Mirai by the trio seiyuus of Nao, Iroha and Kondou.

It’s okay. It’s alright to have your own weird fantasies and fetishes so long as they don’t hurt anybody. That usually is a very hard line to draw in reality. But if you’re going to be as pure as snow, might as well be a rock at the bottom of the ocean. I wonder if Nao is the root of the problem that caused Shuusuke’s horniness to grow as it is now. Maybe. Maybe not. But looks like his siscon libido isn’t going to be awakened any time soon. Although his fetish is black stockings, notice all the kinds of ero genres in his porn mags collection? Yikes! He even had a short spell with BL! Like they say, variety is the spice of life. After all, there is nothing to be embarrassed about because everybody in this morally declining society is a pervert, one way or another.